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Team Melli future coach

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    Team Melli future coach

    Current candidates are Mayeli Kohan, Ghalenoei, Ghotbi and Yavari as it seems.

    Ghotbi is the only somewhat acceptable solution.

    But that these people are considered shows IFF didn't make a calm decision. Kafashian is scared like hell and only wants to save his own ass by doing "something".

    If you have no good alternative (or don't want or cannot spend money to get one), then don't fire the coach.

    Where shall our football go when we try to get back former failed coaches.

    Plainly idiotic, sorry.

    you're spot on that kaf has really "kaf"-ed ( kaf kardeh ) now and he's scrambling to save his worthless arse.

    but in choosing the coach, I dont know whether they're looking for immediate-short term , or they want to keep the fellow till the WC ( shd we qualify ).

    coz if it is an immediate-short term, then the requisites and criteria for selection is VERY DIFFERENT from the other choice.

    right now, discipline, psychological mastery, ability to boost morale, .... is far more important than any technical know-how.

    as for the second option, well, I dont think any of the mentioned names are fit to lead us to & in the WC .
    so that's one road to hell !


      I don't see any sense in an interim solution. Then we need a new TM coach for WC (in case we make it, since this would be the only sense for hiring a caretaker) who's first competitive game would be a WC game.

      Also I see no sense in firing someone getting us to WC.

      MK is a dinosaur even for Iranian standards. He also is a Hezbollahi for Iranian standards. He never won a title. He dismissed players from the U23 squad ahead of a crucial Olympic qualifer (one of the was Amir-Hossein Sadeghi if I recall correctly) for playing cards on a holiday.

      MK was fired himself for an unsuccessful WC campaign 12 years ago and hasn't done anything magnificent since then.

      This man will be eaten alive by any non-Iranian coach. What the hell is wrong with IFF?

      I also don't know what you believe to see in MK.


        I think we let Rutemoller remain as TM coach. I realize that this isnt an option presented by kaf or IFF. But perhaps they will wake up and realize that a vatani coach is not the answer right now. If anything you have a vatani coach work under rutemoller and let him learn.

        Ghotbi would be the next best choice... but i dont think that he wants to return to Iran, and i honestly dont know if IFF would hire him after everythings thats happened in the past year.

        I really hope IFF wakes up and lets rutemoller run this team (not interim). There is no one remotely qualified as him in Iran.


          i dont agree on any of the above options.
          and if GN is chosen, his absence in such a crucial time will lead esteghlal to
          a disaster as well.
          but under GN, i can atleast hope that TM will be fit and can fight for 90 minutes and be sure we have a group of specialists included in the team.

          i did rather see parvin or hejazi instead of mayelli kohan.
          they are both disciplined like mayelli kohan but they are also very popular and can be used to bring the fans back to the stadium and keep the atmosphere calm, atleast for a short period of time....

          i dont even know why yavari is chosen...
          why not nader dastafshan who took pegah gilan to finals of hazfi last year for example?
          records show he has been doing quite well with mediocre teams.
          mazloumi too has been doing quite alright with average teams both last season and this season!

          as for ghotbi, frankly, i dont expect us to improve our football. i just see lots of fans restoring their support to the team, a somewat more peaceful atmosphere (temporarily until they start getting on his ass as well) and some psychological uplifting in the team.

          if we wanna go for iranian, i think jalali or mazloumi are better options.
          Originally posted by siavasharian

          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


            Kafashian just confirmed on IRIB news that IFF are pursuing a domestic option only.

            He confirmed Ghotbi and Ghalenoei are 2 of several candidates.

            Apart from this update, I have to agree with Dubxl. I really don't see any Iranian coach having the quality to improve something.


              if rutemoller is ready to be ghotbi's assistant, i think its a decent combination as well provided ghotbi uses rutemoller's technical expertise extensively..
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                definitely ghotbi! never ever again Ghalenoie
                TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                  نسخه چاپي ارسال به دوستان
                  كفاشيان به فارس خبر داد:
                  قطبي گزينه سرمربيگري تيم ملي فوتبال ايران

                  خبرگزاري فارس: رئيس فدراسيون فوتبال گفت: سرمربي فصل گذشته تيم پرسپوليس يكي از گزينه هاي ما براي هدايت تيم ملي است.

                  علي كفاشيان در گفت و گو با خبرنگار خبرگزاري فارس با تائيد خبر بركناري علي دايي از سمت مربيگري تيم ملي تاكيد كرد: با توجه به اينكه در زمان محدود بايد 3 مسابقه رسمي و 3 ديدار دوستانه برگزار كنيم ترجيح مي دهيم در اين وضعيت حساس از ميان مربيان ايراني كه شناخت خوبي از فوتبال كشور دارند يكي را به عنوان سرمربي تيم ملي انتخاب كنيم.
                  رئيس فدراسيون فوتبال ادامه داد: چند گزينه مد نظر ما است كه در جلسه امروز بررسي مي*كنيم. افشين قطبي يكي از گزينه هاي هدايت تيم ملي ايران است اما تاكنون تماسي با وي نداشتيم.
                  كفاشيان درباره نحوه عملي كردن تعهدات فدراسيون فوتبال در خصوص دايي گفت: قبل از ديدار با عربستان به همه تعهداتي كه به علي دايي داشتيم عمل كرده و به طور رسمي از امروز قرارداد دايي با فدراسيون به پايان رسيده است. من امروز صبح با دايي تماس گرفتم و از زحماتي كه وي براي تيم ملي كشيده تشكر كردم.
                  كفاشيان در پاسخ به اين سئوال كه آيا احتمال حضور يك مربي خارجي روي نيمكت تيم ملي ايران وجود دارد يا خير، چنين عنوان كرد: به دليل محدوديت زماني نمي توانيم مربي خارجي به تيم بياوريم. هدف ما حضور يك مربي داخلي كه شناخت كامل و تجربه بالايي دارد؛ است.
                  وي افزود: در ديدار دوستانه برابر سنگال روته مولر به همراه ساير اعضاي فني غير از علي دايي هدايت تيم ملي را بر عهده خواهد داشت اما اگر تا فردا گزينه اي نهايي شود مسئوليت سرمربيگري را به مربي جديد واگذار خواهيم كرد.
                  رئيس فدراسيون درباره نحوه بر كناري دايي گفت: اين تصميم همه اعضاي هيات رئيسه بود كه امروز به اين نتيجه رسيدند. ما مقابل عربستان شكست بدي را تجربه كرديم. با وجود همه مشكلات به آينده اميدوار هستيم. بازيكنان ايراني نشان دادند كه در مواقع دشوار كارهاي بزرگي انجام مي دهند. اميدوارم با كسب 3 پيروزي مقابل كره شمالي، كره جنوبي و امارات راهي جام جهاني 2010 شويم.


                    According to extensive experince RuteMoller has had......
                    And his experince already with currant TM......
                    And, History of IFF hireing Assistants.......
                    And, the fact that he is " Now " head coach of TM, ( Interim Coach )

                    RuteMoller may be a possibility as well................. !!


                      I dont know why we look at HALF the object and not the whole of it.

                      in case of a temporary solution, the situation is VERY different.

                      for example, MK's 97 campaign and TM's present situation is absolutely CONTRARY.

                      in 97 he was given time and perhaps that proved his undoing due to his limited technical know-how, which during the latter games / return legs were exposed to the opponent coaches. and they devised counters to his tactics.

                      but right NOW, there IS NO TIME.
                      it's just 3 games in 11 days.

                      even if his limited ability is exposed, by the time it's done, we're finished with the 3 games.


                      secondly, I dont think anyone would mind if we got a TOP NOTCH coach for TM, instaed of these darb-o-daghoon vatani ones.
                      least of all me.

                      but you forget this important fact that we just are NOT that attractive a proposition to a good coach at the moment.
                      that's why ppl are talking about getting just about anyone, even vatanis like MK, and get somewhere so we BECOME a serious prospect for a good fish to bite.

                      right now, we're as good as dead or half dead. why shd any fish worth his salt bite?
                      to ruin his reputaion by failing to take a team to WC? coz that's why it will show on fifa's site and other places!
                      common sense says that.

                      now, as with anything else, we say ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
                      and we MAY get someone with balls big enough, guts huge enough, kalleh khar enough to say I will stake my rep on line and take the job.
                      that would be excellent ... but also AN EXCEPTION TO THE RULE.

                      it is definitely NOT the rule.


                      then you guys are talking about "improving" our football !!!!

                      ey babaa!

                      the guy is dying of hunger & thirst , and you're talking about where to find the best steak-house?
                      ( and while u'r debating the virtues of taste in place X vs the atmosphere in place Y ) the guy falls dead !!!

                      agha jan , at this moment, give him a stale piece of bread .
                      that'd be enough to sustain him a little longer and THEN , maybe you can drive him to ur steakhouse once he can move a bit.

                      when u'r about to die of thirst, you will be ready to drink ur own piss. you wont hold off till you get your champagne !!!

                      really, ppl !!!!!!


                        I don't get the "no foreign coach" excuse btw.

                        Didn't Saudi Arabia just prove it can work even in a short period?

                        Their coach has worked there as league coach 2006-2007, I doubt he had much knowledge about KSA's current football state when taking over in early 2009.


                          i think a good foreign coach can turn things around for us in the remaining period of time.. but anyways, wat worries me most about mayelli kohan is even ASSUMING, he does manage to turn things around and takes us to the worldcup, wat makes us think that this stupid IFF are gonna replace him for the worldcup itself?

                          they will come up with excuses like, we went to the worldcup with iranian coach and we did well in 98, we went to worldcup with foreign coach in 2006 and we didnt do well, mayelli kohan is experienced and managed the tough task of taking us to the worldcup after all hopes were shattered, so he has earned it and blah blah blah...

                          oh lord knows how much i pray that day wont come when haji mayelli has to coach us at the worldcup
                          Originally posted by siavasharian

                          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                            We already have good foreign coach in IPL:Begovic.
                            My favorite Duo:Karimi & Kavianpour


                              MK would be the worst option for Iranian football. If some guys are ready to go along with this, they should also consider that they will ruin every little improvement, Ivankovic has given us so hardly....
                              TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END

