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A few points on TM-Senegal game

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    A few points on TM-Senegal game

    I thought apart from the usual discussions on vital games, this game had a few points that could serve us well:

    1- Shojaei
    the guy is NOT in form. Now, I dont care if he tricks a guy here and dribbles another there. but the guy is going nowhere fast!
    I had much hope for him when he got transfered. but now, I think he needs at least a year under a good coach who can TEACH him stuff.

    his most prominent move in the game was that dangerous & risky lunging tackle he did IN OUR BOX!
    something that even the most experienced defenders & master tacklers think twice before committing to.
    and this guy who's not known for his tackling just threw himself and was lucky to get the ball. it could have easily been a penalty if he had missed the ball .... which IS the norm with him!!!

    his corners and crosses still suck and I wonder why does the team allow him to take the corners. just becoz he's the closest to the ball ? that it?

    his shooting today proved his goal against ksa was a fluke. ( as if we needed proof, since anyone who's followed him knows he isnt even half decent in scoring goals ! ) so keeping him as ur second striker is as good as keeping ostad asadi as second striker!

    anyway, shojaei has had yet another very poor game and I hope ppl who SHD see it, take notice.


    2- Khalatbari (and to some extent Rezaei )

    the guys is talented and he, again showed when placed in the middle, he can create havoc for the opponents. top marks for him here.
    but I have a complaint also:

    he, like rezaei and a few others falls victim to his adrenaline on countless occasions!

    after alovely move or dribble that he does (they do), his eyes get closed, his brain shuts off and he doesnt see anyone else and thinks only HE has to finish that move!!!!
    this is when we see guys totally free on either side and the player decides to go it alone and more often than not, lose the ball!!

    our players ought to learn you can still have glory and credit after alovely move by passing to the mate if he's in a better position than you. it is NOT necessary to finish it yourself.
    it comes from lack of experience usually.


    3- Sheyss
    I doubt the guy's level of intelligence.
    apart from being at fault for failing to mark his man on the senegal goal, I think in most passes he doesnt bother to see the danger around before passing.
    on many occasions he put his mate ( and the ball ) in danger by passing to someone who was well covered by the opponent, and put his mate under pressure to retain the ball or do something unnecessary like kicking it away or kicking it out!

    his covering wasnt good either! he was very poor .


    4- Many things happened today that contrasted Daei's team/set-up/formation/approach .

    A- we scored a goal DURING THE RUN OF PLAY. which was not a common occurrence under daei.
    now this is pure coincidence, but the team shd star believing they CAN score in the run of play also and not always hope for set pieces, corners, ... .

    B- we had 2 players guarding the posts on corners.
    lesson learned, I guess, albeit a little late.

    C- Madanchi, a player that was overlooked by daei, was highly motivated and was a driving force for the team ( altho' it was HIM who was playing in uae, and the poorest performer was playing in europe!!! ). he showed great OPPORTUNISTIC thinking and we need such things as well to get ahead.

    D- Khalatbari was always a threat and danger in the MIDDLE of the pitch

    E- Haydari ( altho' this wasnt exactly his best game ) was MUCH MORE successful in dealing with crosses coming off our left side. something that kaabi always fell short ( pun definitely intended ).
    He also intercepted & saved a 100% goal chance on one of these occasions.

    F- Our left flank was extremely lively with Madanchi there ( before he switched to the right later on ) and he was always a threat and a source of distress for the opponents.


    5- and finally , we shd learn or devise tactics on how to sustain our pressure on the opponents if we get ahead.
    By now we ought to be 100% sure we cannot afford to pull back after a lead.
    certainly not after a slender, single goal lead.

    whoever becomes the coach ought to know we MUST keep the pressure up even if we score.
    in our present circumstances the age old saying take even a more emphatic meaning:


    Wow, you worked on that for exactly 35 mins. Can't you make more compact posts please? It is really hard to reply to an essay like that.

    Anyway, a few points:

    I must disagree on 4 A: From 6 goals scored in final WCQ phase under Daei, 3 came out of play, 3 after setpieces. I think that is not an unusual stat.

    And 4 B is one of the things driving me mad. Putting a subjective opinion not corresponding with the truth as fact.

    It is not something to learn to put someone on the far post, it is one option of two legitimate.

    Apart from 1000 more examples I could give you, Bahrain also didn't put a player on the far post against Qatar today, even when leading 1-0. They rather had a second striker waiting at the middle line. Maybe you can write Milan Macala an Email so he can "learn" something from you.

    4 C: Madanchi wasn't overlooked. He repeatedly got callups and playing time, depending on his FORM

    4 D: You yourself claimed Shojaei should play in the middle of the pitch. If both Shojaei and Khalatbari are fielded, at least 1 must play on the wing. So it's not a mistake to play any of the two there. Depending on the wingers form, I think there are numerous occassions in which any of the two is a better option than Mahdavikia, Madanchi or Hajsafi. I wouldn't always keep one of the two on the bench, just because they are better in center (not to mention Khalatbari created the goal over the wing).

    4 E: Heydari didn't use his chance. To be honest he was better than I had expected and I wouldn't mind having him in the squad more often in future, but apart from almost zero contribution to offense, he was partially on fault on the goal (cross from his side, although left alone in that scene as well) and almost caused a second goal with one of a couple of turnovers. This is not enough to push one year younger Kaebi out of the starting lineup.
    Last edited by Martin-Reza; 04-01-2009, 04:13 PM.



      1- we've had more games under daei than those 3-4 u mentioned.
      And I thought it IS understood we are talking about a team getting goals on the run. anyway, I'd still say it is important for a team to beleive it CAN score in various routes.

      2- comparing teams is like comparing apples and oranges.
      each team has its own dynamics, weaknesses, strengths, ... and therefore, its corresponding counters and solutions.
      elementary my dear Watson.

      3- madanchi was given chance?
      hokay. if u say so

      4- how difficult it must be to admit to something that has been proven?

      discussing the "style and nature" of a player is NOT THE SAME as "the player's form".
      another elementary matter , my dear Watson

      ( Not to mention hosseini also scored a goal. does that make him a striker? we're talking about a GAME's performance, not one incident )

      5- and the biggest laughter shd go to this one.
      simply for the feeble attempt to elevate X over Y by quoting their "AGE"!!!
      this really takes the cake.
      so if we have X (a 23 yr old ) and Y (a 24 yr old), we shd go with X coz he is one year younger!!!!!????

      magnificent reply.
      I'm stumped !!

      oh, btw , I apologize for "driving you mad"


        Nice try.

        We have a 23-year-old with 70 caps. He proved his worth in many battles, including AC and WC. Now there comes a 24-year-old challenger with little experience. He shows an average game, if one is kind.

        I wouldn't go with the 24-year-old then. Age plays a role, but isn't the main issue. If Heydari was much younger than Kaebi, he might be a more interesing option, because if his current quality is not enough, his future potential might give him the edge. But neither of the two speaks for Heydari.

        The rest is usual bla bla. No need to make the discussion much longer than necessary.

        Maybe one more thing: I took the competitive games from final stage for 1) because they are most important against the strongest opposition. I don't think there is much sense in discussing every crappy friendly. But if you finally figured out any selction of games which fits your view, namely that we have problems scoring out of play, let me know. Maybe you can only take matche against teams starting with "K" into account. Give it a try...Sherlock I assume?


          oh, why stop there.
          lets just say we dont care if X constantly shows weaknesses that are being exploited by opponents. and forget that his form is declining.

          what we shd base it on is how many caps he has !!!

          a warning: when in quick sand, we have better chance of survival if we dont thrash about.



            Heydari was not better in any department than Kaebi. So even Kaebi's recently not convincing form won't cost him his place normally. I don't agree it's "declining" and see no reason why it shouldn't improve from now on. He is 23 and hasn't reached his peak yet.


              let's see what our next coach will do with the RB position..

              IMO, Kaabi isn't going to improve beyond what he is now.. his learning curve has already reached it's peek. 6/7 years of playing top level football in Iran, and his best learning years behind him, he is finished with learning.. or should I say , what ever he was going to learn, he already has..

              Forget the LB, we need a right back.. (a new subject for DD to beat to death )


                TM needs a couple of taller defenders for giving air coverage in the middle and during the corner kicks. Like Germany who has Metzelder and the other one (the name skips me). By the way is Nosrati still around these days?



                  Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                  TM needs a couple of taller defenders for giving air coverage in the middle and during the corner kicks. Like Germany who has Metzelder and the other one (the name skips me). By the way is Nosrati still around these days?
                  Aghili and Hosseini are pretty tall and they excel in aerial battles.

                  Its the other areas of the game where they lack.


                    I also agree 100% on Shojaei. If he is supposed to be our future of playmakers, then we are in big, big trouble. Maybe thats why we're already struggling today.

                    It looks like he doesnt care on the field. He has no passion. He doesnt put his soul, mind and body out on the pitch. He is just walking around the entire time and not trying. I dont know about him at all


                      Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
                      let's see what our next coach will do with the RB position..
                      IMO, Kaabi isn't going to improve beyond what he is now.. his learning curve has already reached it's peek. 6/7 years of playing top level football in Iran, and his best learning years behind him, he is finished with learning.. or should I say , what ever he was going to learn, he already has..
                      Forget the LB, we need a right back.. (a new subject for DD to beat to death )
                      We should try Zob's Hossaini.
                      My favorite Duo:Karimi & Kavianpour


                        Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
                        (a new subject for DD to beat to death )
                        Aay bi sharaf!

                        but seriously, this post is NOT the same as LB. this is about embarrassment of riches .... totally opposite of the LB case.

                        I still believe kaabi is a very good player. it's just that he hasnt been at his best lately, and with haydari, we get a bit more coverage in defensive postures and crosses. otherwise in offensive game I cant pick between them. they're both pretty good.

                        if you watched last night's 90, you'd see kaabi's absence and defensive lapses were shown in those few highlghts.
                        on more than one occasion he was totally missing when the saudis had started a counter and by the time hazrat-e agha tashrif-farma shodand, they'd already made their attempt at our goal , exposing and stretching hosseini ( to cover for the missing kaabi )!!


