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Iranian coaches

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    Iranian coaches

    Without any further diplomacy: I think they simply suck.

    Asian coaches in general are not good and Iranians are no exception, rather the opposite I'd say.

    We have no coach who won IPL twice. We have no coach who won any international title in the last decade (apart from the U16 coach).

    Our coaches are not even demanded in shitty neighbouring countries.

    I think with very few exceptions we always have the same people around in Iran in the past decade, and none of them is standing out of the crowd.

    The few mentionable international successes in the last decade were achieved by foreign coaches.

    We weren't even able to play anything but a threeback with sweepers before Ivankovic introduced this in 2002/2003!

    I must say I was alsways looking forward to the new generation of Iranian coaches like Daei, Kia or Hash, who would come with another understanding of football and professionalism thanks to their European experience.

    Our other coaches in my opinion lack understanding for modern European and South American football. They are stuck with old ideas.

    Daei's coaching career started really promising and so I think it was a legitimate idea to try him as TM coach (if no good foreign option could be realized).

    It didn't work out as planned, but I think Daei and the others will still achieve much more success than the old generation in coming years.

    Iranian coaches simply are not tacticians.

    I cannot remember the last time an Iranian coach made a true tactical change in a game that truly made a difference.

    We regularly lose second halves because our game plans remain static, while our opponent coaches regularly shift theirs to easily counteract ours - and we just lay there, no response.

    We are too static.

    Daei's appointment was still too early and he was not a big enough man for the job MR jan - I know you like the guy, but one title win with Saipa and playing experience overseas should not automatically entitle you to the national team's coaching job.

    Daei needed at least 5 years of coaching experience and many many European classes - in addition, he would have done great in hiring a publicist who could clean up his messes whenever he'd speak to the media. I can't remember one interview I read from the guy where I wasn't left thinking 'why the heck is he so unprofessional?'. The Karimi fiasco in particular was amazing to me - how he openly commented on player selections and this and that.

    For someone who played in Germany for so long, I expected a much more professional personality.
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


      Thanks Martin jaan, for a ligitimate issue;

      I have always wondered, why some of us here in PFDC wish for a Domestic coach ?........I understand the new generation of ( Daei ,Hash,Kia ,etc ) may have something to say in future,......but :
      How could any one expect any quality coaching from a country where standard of football has always been based on " individual skills ", rather than collective tactics, or sytems ?....from coaches whom have only high school ,or " tarbiat badani "degrees ? if any ! ...........
      A player may be able to play in a national team based on his Athetic talents, but ... such talents are almost irrelevent in coaching !.......
      The reason , Klinsman,can coach for Germany has very little to do with his past athletic abilities...but only his currant " tacticianal abilities ", and His understandings of " X "s, and " O " s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      how could , a secound hand computer analyst,like Ghotbi, come to Iran, and on the first year,win the league championship ?......
      We, culturaly, are very strong in " talking ", or as the case with MK, " BS ing ", and our Coaches can never be cornered in discussions !!, ..yet,it is only on the field that they come up short !
      Haveing hashemian and Kia in our future ,although a step forward, yet, they are too few, to choose from !!!!

      If we are going to have at least same expectation as top Asian teams do from thier national coaches.....We need to wait, untill our whole domestic league is all coached by ( Kias, hashemians,Daeis,etc ), and only then, when they have legitimate competition amongst themseleves, we can choose thier best for our one or two choices, although may be successful , as Ghotbi was, yet not internationaly tested, nor comeing from tough competitions......

      We are about 20 years behind to produce any quality coaches.....and Untill then, we can not sacrifize our talents and go with domestics for TM coaching....specialy with a currant system of " Who you know,and Not what you Know " !!


        Thank you guys, good points.

        I really think without more international experience, Iranian coaches are useless. Maybe ACL will help to improve, but they simply need to be involved in European football some time or work with top coaches for a while to.


          there is no money in coaching..
          and those jobs that pay, are filled through connection..
          That's why we don't see many young or old Iranian coaches go after the education.

          If you have the connection, you don't need to worry about your lack of education/qualification.. ultimately, we are result oriented footballing nation.. win today or get lost.

          It is very difficult to build a coaching foundation with that mentality..
          Last edited by BehzadB; 04-07-2009, 03:14 PM.


            چه كسي مي*تواند مربي شود؟/
            محمد خبيري:
            نظام مربيگري در ايران دقيق نيست
            دنيا براي انتخاب مربي به راس هرم نگاه مي*كند

            محمد خبيري گفت: در دنيا افرادي مربي تيم*هاي ملي مي*شوند كه مدارج و سوابق بالايي دارند اما، در ايران افرادي كه مراحل اصلي را طي نكرده*اند در راس هرم مربيگري قرار مي*گيرند.

            عضو هيات علمي دانشگاه تهران در گفت*وگو با خبرنگار خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، تصريح كرد: انتخاب مربي وابستگي نزديكي با نظام آموزشي و سيستم اعتباريابي مربيگري دارد. نظام آموزش مربيگري در بسياري از كشورها پنج ارزشي است. نظام مربيگري در ايران نيز A, B, C, D و پرفشنال است.

            وي همچنين گفت: در انگلستان، UKCC (نظام آموزشي مربيگري انگلستان بزرگ) يك نظام دقيق است كه سيستم مربيگري را تعيين مي*كند. در آنجا فرد براي ارتقا از سطح يك به دو بايد خيلي كار كند و 60-70 مورد سابقه مربيگري داشته باشد. در كانادا نيز دانشگاه "كلگري" تربيت مربي را براي ورزش كانادا به صورت دقيق پيگيري مي*كند.

            اين استاد دانشگاه تاكيد كرد: در دنيا براي انتخاب مربي در درجه اول به راس هرم مربيان موجود نگاه كرده و فقط روي افرادي تاكيد مي*كنند كه بهترين مدارج و سوابق را در مربيگري دارند. اما، متاسفانه در ايران انتخاب سرمربي تيم ملي زياد دقيق نيست و بعضي از افراد كه خيلي از اين مراحل را طي نكرده*اند در جايگاه بالا قرار مي*گيرند.

            وي تاكيد كرد: ضمن احترامي كه براي بازيكنان تيم ملي قائل هستم، مي*گويم در حال حاضر بازيكنان تيم ملي را با درجه C مي*شناسيم و به اين ترتيب آن*ها به راحتي وارد كلاس*هاي B مي*شوند و در كلاس B هم سعي مي*كنند با حداقل حضور در كلاس به زور مدرك بگيرند. آنها مي*خواهند هرچه سريع*تر اين مراحل را طي كنند.

            خبيري با تاكيد به اينكه در انگليس كسي به راحتي روي نيمكت تيم ملي نمي*نشيند، خاطرنشان كرد: در انگليس اگر كسي مي*خواهد مربي شود و روي نيمكت بنشيند بايد از UKCC مجوز و بالاترين درجه مربيگري را داشته باشد. خوشبختانه AFC در ليگ قهرمانان آسيا تعيين كرده كه افراد بايد حداقل مدرك درجه A يا پرفشنال داشته باشند. اما، حالا دوستان ما چون اين مدارك را ندارند نام خود را به عنوان كمك مربي فرستاده*اند.

            خبيري تاكيد كرد: براي اصلاح نظام انتخاب مربي تيم*هاي ملي بايد ابتدا نظام آموزشي را اصلاح كنيم و سپس به اين نظام آموزشي پايبند باشيم. وقتي فدراسيون مي*خواهد مربي انتخاب كند يك مرتبه از پايين يا وسط هرم مربيان را انتخاب نكند. نگاه فدراسيون بايد به راس هرم باشد. كسي كه در راس قرار مي*گيرد بايد حداقل 15 سال كار مربيگري دقيق انجام داده باشد. نبايد كسي را انتخاب كنيم كه بخواهد در كنار تيم ملي كار ياد بگيرد.

            وي همچنين به ايسنا گفت: وقتي مي*بينيم فردي مثل علي دوستي روي نيمكت تيم نوجوانان است، دلمان محكم است كه 20 سال تجربه در كنار تيم است.

            خبيري با اشاره به اينكه مربي تيم ملي علاوه بر مدارك بايد يك سري ويژگي*هاي شخصيتي ديگر هم داشته باشد، گفت: روابط اجتماعي و درك مسايل رواني نيز از ديگر ويژگي*هاي يك مربي خوب است، همچنين مربي بايد تعامل خوبي با زير دستان برقرار كند. مربيگري يكي از سخت*ترين شغل*هاي جهان است و ما مي*بينيم كساني كه در سطوح بالا مربيگري مي*كنند پول زيادي هم دريافت مي*كنند. وقتي مورينيو سالي 12 تا 15 ميليون يورو پول مي*گيرد اين مبلغ را به خاطر ارزش شغلش دريافت مي*كند.

            وي در پايان تاكيد كرد: هم اكنون دانشگاه*ها روي معيارهاي انتخاب مربي كار مي*كنند. به عنوان مثال در دانشگاه تهران دو رساله دكترا در زمينه مربيان تيم*هاي ملي هندبال و شنا دفاع شده است. بايد در زمينه فوتبال نيز كار شود تا مربيان با معيار و خط كشي صحيح و معتبر انتخاب شوند.


              ^absolutely right


                keeping things in perspective....
                Saudis, Bahrain, japan,The Koreas,etc, not have any top coaches either......
                The reason for recent semi-success for the south koreans or the north koreans have not been becsue of thier coaches.....

                The point is, when Africa nations or asian football nations use better forign coaches, they over-achive...., as the most domestic coaches can do, is to have " PAR " results !

                A good coach, must have;

                1- Back ground in Football.
                2-Educations in coaching.
                3-Educations in Collages, ( To be intelegent )
                4-Extensive experince in today's football.
                5-Managerial skills.
                6-psycological skills.
                7-Positive coaching records

                Our coaches, like our players, have very little education of any kind.


                  Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                  keeping things in perspective....
                  Saudis, Bahrain, japan,The Koreas,etc, not have any top coaches either......
                  The reason for recent semi-success for the south koreans or the north koreans have not been becsue of thier coaches.....
                  The point is, when Africa nations or asian football nations use better forign coaches, they over-achive...., as the most domestic coaches can do, is to have " PAR " results !
                  A good coach, must have;
                  1- Back ground in Football.
                  2-Educations in coaching.
                  3-Educations in Collages, ( To be intelegent )
                  4-Extensive experince in today's football.
                  5-Managerial skills.
                  6-psycological skills.
                  7-Positive coaching records
                  Our coaches, like our players, have very little education of any kind.
                  From what I've seen from the Saudi's (and i've seen all of their games since he took over), Peseiro has been absolutely fantastic.

                  He makes the right subs at the right times, and has shown he is a man of discipline, by benching Al Qahtani, who is undoubtedly their best player for missing practice or coming late (I don't remember which one). Even after Al Qahtani apologized, he still did not invite him.

                  And low and pays off, the Saudi's get an extremely important 6 points and are in a far more attractive position than we are.

                  Granted, they have South Korea away, but the Saudi team that I've seen under the guidance of this coach will get a draw and qualify.
                  We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                    ^ Well, that's what's said when he wins.

                    In case of a loss, this would all be mistakes: leaving out a star player and making this or that sub.

                    Still, no doubt Peseiro's left ear is a better coach than any Iranian coach.


                      ^certainly true.

                      I mean let's face it - had we somehow held on for another 15 min when up 1-0, Daei would still be coach and Peseiro probably back at some club team getting paid up the ying yang.

                      Irrespective of the score however, the Saudi's have been playing nice, flowing football. Their previous grass-rolling tactics are scarce (at 1-1, they were trying to pry the ball away from Ashjari! When have we ever seen that before?) and they score at will.
                      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                        While we love our Human Afazeli,as one of our own ( PFDC ), yet in his recent interview,although consice, he did not mention anything about , predictability of thier coaching staff,or lack of any complex planning, or shalow extend of thier system.....
                        saying : " We told them what to do, but they did not ", ( Both Afazeli and daei said that ), is very irresponsible !....
                        Football is not theory, practice again and again and again untill you make sure you got it right !........
                        Nor,mr afazeli, metioned wrong choices,such as rezai on offense !
                        Nor did he explain lack of stamina in TM.........,or secound half melt downs due to poor analysis..
                        When a total experince of a national team's coaching staff's experince in coaching , ( Daei and Afazeli combined ), is less than two years , how could they have done any better !?

