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    An Opportunity " IFF " should not miss !
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    Have you all had an experince,in a disco or a bar, where a girl looks at you with a smile !, and you did not go after her,....and you later regreted ?!
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    It is very obviouse, after German National team,with all its Hopla comeing to Azadi.....after Bayern Munich comeing to Tehran ....and after this " flirtation ", Schalke officials offering us, sending thier top excutives to Iran..........., one can easyly see,what they are planning !!!
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    For some reason,which we may not care about, such as , cultural exchanges with Iran, to avoid tentions and avoid possible terrorism,Economic ties,etc,etc.........Germany wants to be friends with IRAN !!!
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    With all discussions , we Iranian football fans have had about, what type of " Philisophy,or style of football " Our football " should have !
    With all talks about, if we should take japan,or saudi football,as a role model to build our football after !
    With all our hope to send our legioners to Europe and have more football exchanges with inhance our football!
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    Should n't IFF,Grab this opportunity,and stablish much wider and substantial steps to broaden our football relations with Germany ?.......More friendlies ?...Club camps ?...player exchanges ?.....Coaching camps ?....etc,etc.?
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    Should N't /Could N't /must N't , our Football, be Modeled after German Football ?

    Good points, but some issues are not in IFF's responsibility, like player exchanges.


      Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
      .................................................. ...................
      Have you all had an experince,in a disco or a bar, where a girl looks at you with a smile !, and you did not go after her,....and you later regreted ?!
      no but I remember the times that I did go after her and I regretted it later..


        Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
        no but I remember the times that I did go after her and I regretted it later..
        She must have been very Ugly !


          Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
          Good points, but some issues are not in IFF's responsibility, like player exchanges.
          German Governement's willingness,could also be helpful in that departement as well......
          Iranian Football agents,could get work permits in Germany ,perhaps better than other European countries....they would know the club's needs, and could get to know club managers on personal bases......... " They say, it is not what you know, but, who you know "...
          We could have, youth team joint camp, and freidly games with German youth national team, and hence exposure to german clubs.....
          A single game between German national team and TM,was very helpful to Karimi, getting hired By Bayern.....
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          participation in coaching camps,....friendlies,......etc,etc...could very much help for our Football people to have friends among football people of Germany.......
          Why, for example, Angola,who used to be the portugal's colony,has many legioners in Purtogal ?....or cameroon in France ?...etc......


            ^ language would be one reason . Apart from that, I generally agree. But we must not think everything is a centrally controlled issue. Also initiative from the clubs is needed.


              also in Iran football is used as a political tool and that often is the reason why so many decisions are or are not made.
              Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.

