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Ghotbi - Able coach or Smart Individual

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    Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
    I had higher expectation and definitly a different language from someone with the abilities of Mr. Afazeli. He is justified to express his opinion, but befarma, beshin va betemarg all mean the same. I am dissapointed the way he expressed himself. But nevertheles he is entitled to his opinion.

    Well, when someone like Hooman Afazeli doesn't watch his "Adabiat", what can we expect from fans.

    I still have serious doubt about whether Hooman has said those things. Fart News Agency is known to be Garbage... but then again, Daie didn't have good Adabiat either..


      Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
      I had higher expectation and definitly a different language from someone with the abilities of Mr. Afazeli. He is justified to express his opinion, but befarma, beshin va betemarg all mean the same. I am dissapointed the way he expressed himself. But nevertheles he is entitled to his opinion.
      Ali Agha , it is obvious that my Farsi will never be as good as yours , and I might have missed something significant in this article ..
      So , what part of Human's comments you found disappointing ( I assume he was insulting someone !) ?



        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
        I had higher expectation and definitly a different language from someone with the abilities of Mr. Afazeli. He is justified to express his opinion, but befarma, beshin va betemarg all mean the same. I am dissapointed the way he expressed himself. But nevertheles he is entitled to his opinion.
        Ali jaan, what do you mean by " The abilities of mr.Afazeli " ?.....
        What abilities ?
        Mr.Afazeli,is comapairing,Ghotbi's work,in a very short time, with a mess daei had put TM in, with a year and a half daei was given, with all the support,and all the time he needed.....
        Where was Mr.afazeli, when we tied in UAE, and TM had only one win,during his year and a half ?
        Mr.Afazeli,misses,how better TM's chamistry was in the last three games...with a little time Mr.Ghotbi had....
        Just because he reads English, does not mean he has abilities !
        just because he is friends with Webmaster,and is a connection for PFDC,does not mean he has abilities.
        just because,Ali daei,and Branko used him, for his English-farsi language translations,does not mean he has abilities.
        The Guy is just ,a Bad Loser........
        calling Daei the greatest football personality...and equaiting On the field abilities with Coaching abilities.......
        he is just pissed off getting fired, thats all.....and he knows, he is not going to get any coaching job in his English language knowledge would not help in domestic league......
        Our Mods,whom have always had the possition, " Supporting the head coach of TM ", should not stop ,...and critisize Human Afazeli just as hard.....
        If Ghotbi is a " Jiaan ", Mr.Afazeli and his " Know it all,arrogant,people insulting,players insulting,etc,etc Ali daei ", are : " Doroshkeh ", .
        How could they blaim others for the mess they put us all in ?
        "" Roo ke Roo nist,sange paye Ghazvine """ !!
        Last edited by zzgloo; 06-30-2009, 10:00 AM.


          Bahram , you have obviously lost your temper while writing the above answer, and with it you lost your compsoure and balancer. Once again you burst with anger and come up with a lot of false arguments and emotional outcry.

          I know Human very well, he is a good friend and I also know that he is much more qualified than Ghotbi will ever be , if qualification means classes, FIFA & AFC licenses.

          Human's English is as good as Ghotbi and so is his skills in computers. Human has his own website and has some useful tools for his profession. The difference is that Human acquired all this skill in his home land called "Iran" and never had the luxury of growing up or being send to the west to learn his skills.

          The only thing that Human lacks is "Party Bazi" . He does not earn enough money to pay under the table , nor does he have enough clout around the corridors of power.

          So , before you insult someone like this because he does not fit your profile , or said something that you did not like , I think it is prudent to know about the person and do not create false stories like Branko used him because of his English....... I guess Daei used him because of his Persian !
          Last edited by maij; 06-30-2009, 12:45 PM.



            Originally posted by maij View Post
            Bahram , you have obviously lost your temper while writing the above answer, and with it you lost your compsoure and balancer. Once again you burst with anger and come up with a lot of false arguments and emotional outcry.

            I know Human very well, he is a good friend and I also know that he is much more qualified than Ghotbi will ever be , if qualification means classes, FIFA & AFC licenses.

            Human's English is as good as Ghotbi and so is his skills in computers. Human has his own website and has some useful tools for his profession. The difference is that Human acquired all this skill in his home land called "Iran" and never had the luxury of growing up or being send to the west to learn his skills.

            The only thing that Human lacks is "Party Bazi" . He does not earn enough money to pay under the table , nor does he have enough clout around the corridors of power.

            So , before you insult someone like this because he does not fit your profile , or said something that you did not like , I think it is prudent to know about the person and do not create false stories like Branko used him because of his English....... I guess Daei used him because of his Persian !
            Majid Jaan.....
            You are right...I may have lost a little composure..........
            Mr.Ghotbi,is the head coach of the Iranian National team,we call TM...........
            Is that true ?.....
            if so, Mr.Afazelis statements regarding him not being qualified ,should be taken just as criticisms toward Mr.Daei were taken after equal among of time and chance,Mr.Daei& Mr.Afazeli were given !!!
            Why Mr.Afazeli, does not say, we should give Mr.Ghotbi a fair chance ?
            Why does he not appologize for his own failier ?
            Why does n,t he say, The fault was not all Ali daei,s ,and he also made many mistakes ?
            ....his case, is just another ,pointing fingures at every one but ourseleves !....which is very much Domestic system,Ghotbi is trying to avoid !,and teach a new culture in Iranian Football......
            I will assure you, Ghotbi will not confront Mr his ststements are nothing new !........
            Ghotbi,Aready thanked Daei for his work.....and Afazeli should find another way,to find himself a job !
            With a good number of domestic coaches available...., I see absolutly no chance,any domestic team would give to Mr.Afazeli............He may very well stay unemployed indefenetly !........
            Mjid Jaan, I , you,..admire hard work, and self made men........., but to put down others to serve self, is a cheap way to advance.
            Last edited by zzgloo; 06-30-2009, 01:59 PM.


              Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
              Majid Jaan.....
              You are right...I may have lost a little composure..........
              Mr.Ghotbi,is the head coach of the Iranian National team,we call TM...........
              Is that true ?.....
              if so, Mr.Afazelis statements regarding him not being qualified ,should be taken just as criticisms toward Mr.Daei were taken after equal among of time and chance,Mr.Daei& Mr.Afazeli were given !!!
              Why Mr.Afazeli, does not say, we should give Mr.Ghotbi a fair chance ?
              Why does he not appologize for his own failier ?
              Why does n,t he say, The fault was not all Ali daei,s ,and he also made many mistakes ?
              No matter how we cut it Majid Jaan.....his case, is just another ,pointing fingures at every one but ourseleves !....which is very much Domestic system,Ghotbi is trying to avoid !,and teach a new culture in Iranian Football......
              I will assure you, Ghotbi will not confront Mr his ststements are nothing new !........
              Ghotbi,Aready thanked Daei for his work.....and Afazeli should find another way,to find himself a job !

              Azizam , Baradar , Bahram Jan...the man is ENTITLED TO HIS OPINION , as much as you are ...there is NO REASON for you to insult him like that ...

              Provide facts , proof , argument NOT humilitaion and insult !

              Beside , in what Bible it says that "Iran needs a new culture in football " ? and that Ghotbi is the only one who is capable of accomplishing this cultural revolution ( the way he claimed that he is the only one that can beat South Korea and take Team Melli to South Africa)

              Agha jan , when you lose focus on the issue and focus on defaming the people who differ with your opinion, you have lost the plot.

              I am sorry Bahram Jan , but this is not right.



                Originally posted by maij View Post
                Ali Agha , it is obvious that my Farsi will never be as good as yours , and I might have missed something significant in this article ..
                So , what part of Human's comments you found disappointing ( I assume he was insulting someone !) ?

                Majid khan;

                Majid jaan, please tone down the sarcasm aziz. You farsi is as good if not better than mine. It might be ( I said might ) your perceived notion and admiration toward certain people who gets in the way.

                I read his article in Persian papers (Iran Varzeshi), I think the title was "Be Ghaymat Zheeyan Benz Kharidan" in which he blatantly attacked Ghotbi. I haven't memorized the article, but there was direct attacks against Ghotbi by Mr. Afzali and in that article, he compared Ghotbi with Ali Daie. Now Ghotbi can be criticized but the style and tone Mr. Afzali used in my humble opinion wasn't appropriate. Specially considering that Mr. Daie and Afazali had a direct hand in the mess before Ghotbi coming to the helm.

                As an example from whatever interview I read from Ghotbi (I didn't read many but from what I read) I didn't see a single example that he blames Daie or Afazali for the predicament he was in. He was man enough to accept the post and not *****ing about his predecessors. Mr. Afazali could have followed the same model in my opinion. But that is my opinion and nothing more.

                Again, I am not here to defend Ghotbi, I haven't been following things much closely, I am merely talking about style here. As I said, befarama, Benshin va Betamarg has the same meaning.
                Last edited by Ali Chicago; 06-30-2009, 04:44 PM.
                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  Afazeli is right about one thing, Benz money for Jyaan..

                  Daie got 6 points in 5 WCQ games for 600 million
                  Ghotbi got 5 points in 3 WCQ games for 0 millions

                  If Afazeli really wants to know why we didn't make it to the WC, he should remember the last game he sat on TM bench..

                  the game with a 6 point swing.. we had 3 points in hand, lost all 3 points and gave all 3 points to the rival.. The first time ever Iran lost a game to Saudi Arabia in Azadi..

                  only if Afazeli's team could do in Tehran, what Ghotbi's team did in South Korea..

                  Benz Money for Jyaan , indeed..


                    Originally posted by maij View Post
                    فوتبال ايران ژيان را با قيمت بنز برگزيد

                    افاضلى: برنامه ۴ ساله قطبى، ايران را به بنگلادش مى رساند

                    هومن افاضلى دستيار سابق على دايى در تيم ملى گفت: قطبى با هنرنمايى خود، مى تواند بعد از ۴ سال، سطح فوتبال ايران را با بنگلادش يكى كند. وى اظهار داشت: ناكامى تيم ملى مى تواند دلايل متعددى داشته باشد. يكى از دلايل، ساختارى است كه در كوتاه مدت قابل حل كردن نيست. فردى هم وجود ندارد كه بخواهد با برنامه اى كه ارائه مى كند، آنها را حل كند.او ادامه داد: در تاريخ ۸۰ ساله جام جهانى، ايران فقط در ۳ دوره حضور داشته است. اين معنايش اين است كه اشكالات فراوانى داريم. هميشه خود به خود برخى بازيكن نخبه گرد هم جمع شده اند يا يك مربى برنامه ريز آمده و برخى مسائل فراهم بود، تيم به جام جهانى رفت؛ در غير اينصورت، در اين زمينه هيچ موقع موفق عمل نكرديم. آناليزور سابق تيم ملى با اشاره به اينكه با تعويض دايى مخالف بودم، گفت: از فرصت هاى مقطعى هم خوب استفاده نمى كنيم. دايى در اولين باختش در يك بازى رسمى بركنار شد و فدراسيون به دنبال قطبى رفت.

                    وى ادامه داد: قطبى در رديف بزرگترين هنرمندان مانند عزت الله انتظامى، جمشيد مشايخى و محمدعلى كشاورز و چه بسا بالاتر قرار دارد. قطبى مى تواند نامزد جايزه اسكار هم شود. اگر دايى بزرگترين شخصيت فوتبالى را از سمت سرمربيگرى بركنار مى كنيم، كسى كه همه دنيا فوتبال ايران را به اسم او مى شناسند، بايد دنبال كسى برويم كه يا در سطح دايى باشد يا بالاتر از او. افاضلى خاطر نشان ساخت: مقايسه بين تروسيه و قطبى مثل بنز و ژيان است كه ژيان را انتخاب كرديم. قطبى را با سلام و صلوات آورديم و پس از آن قول هايى داد كه هيچكدام عملى نشد. نه تيم به جام جهانى رفت و نه ۲ كره اى را كه مى گفت هيچ كس اندازه من نمى شناسد، شكست داديم. زمان قطبى ۳ مسابقه انجام داديم كه ۲ ديدار با تيم هايى بود كه تكليفشان از قبل مشخص شده و انگيزه اى براى ديدار با ما نداشتند. وى با بيان اينكه امارات در مسابقه با ايران از ۷ بازيكن جوانانش استفاده مى كرد، گفت: در تهران اين تيم را به زور با يك گل شكست داديم و مقابل كره شمالى مساوى كرديم و برابر كره جنوبى در حالى كه قطبى ادعا مى كرد، اين تيم را مانند كف دستش مى شناسد، شانس آورديم كه بازى را واگذار نكرديم. افاضلى در مورد ادعاى قطبى مبنى بر اينكه مربيان ايرانى همين ۵ امتياز را هم نمى گرفتند، تصريح كرد: او راست مى گويد زيرا مربيان ايرانى ۶ امتياز مى گرفتند. اگر با دايى بوديم، كره شمالى را شكست مى داديم و اگر با كره جنوبى مساوى مى كرديم، به راحتى به جام جهانى مى رفتيم. وى افزود: از لحاظ آمارى ثابت مى كنم كه كار قطبى با اشكال مواجه بود. تيم قطبى نسبت به دايى از لحاظ آمارى ضعيف تر بود. اگر آمار فنى را بررسى كنيم، مجموع توليدات فنى تيم ملى در اين ۳ بازى از ۳ مسابقه اى كه دايى مربى تيم ملى بود، در مجموع پايين تر بود. كمك دايى در تيم ملى ادامه داد: قطبى به خوبى نظم و انضباط را در تيم ملى رعايت كرد. اين نظم و انضباطى كه قطبى از آن حرف مى زند، شايد در هاليوود باشد چرا كه در تيم ملى اين را مشاهده نكرديم. چه زمانى سابقه داشته كه ۱۰ بازيكن همزمان از تيم ملى جدا شوند؟ هر كس يك جايش را بهانه كرد و رفت. وى در مورد موافقت فدراسيون با برنامه هاى ۴ ساله قطبى، اظهار داشت: بسيار خوشحالم كه اين اتفاق مى افتد چرا كه تا ۴ سال مى توان راجع به برنامه او حرف زد و لذت برد. ممكن است قول قهرمانى جهان را هم بدهد. قطبى حقش ضايع شده كه ۳ بار اسكار سينماى جهان را نگرفته است. افاضلى با اشاره به اينكه ضمانت مى دهم در پايان برنامه ۴ ساله قطبى فوتبال ايران در حد بنگلادش باشد، گفت: تنها جايى كه بين ژيان و بنز با قيمت بنز، ژيان را انتخاب مى كنند، ايران است.
                    Any chance I can get a short translation of this article so I can join in with all this hoopla
                    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                      this is NOT any defense of ghotbi by any means.

                      My advice to ppl who HAD the facility & position to make sure TM advances and FAILED AT IT MISERABLY, should keep their peace and not pick on others.

                      agha jan, ageh in kareh boodi, vaghti sar-e kar boodi in kar ro mikardi.

                      when you ppl FAILED ( in a much LARGER portion ) you automatically forfeit ANY RIGHT to criticize others.

                      that trait is highly unbecoming of ppl who're supposedly educated


                        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                        Majid khan;

                        Majid jaan, please tone down the sarcasm aziz. You farsi is as good if not better than mine. It might be ( I said might ) your perceived notion and admiration toward certain people who gets in the way.
                        I don't know what has gotten in your minds lately , but it seems that things are not too well with this kind of tone.

                        I Have never sat for one hour on my life in any class , or in a private tuition to learn Farsi language....Do you understand that ? What sarcasm you are referring to ???



                          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                          this is NOT any defense of ghotbi by any means.

                          My advice to ppl who HAD the facility & position to make sure TM advances and FAILED AT IT MISERABLY, should keep their peace and not pick on others.

                          agha jan, ageh in kareh boodi, vaghti sar-e kar boodi in kar ro mikardi.

                          when you ppl FAILED ( in a much LARGER portion ) you automatically forfeit ANY RIGHT to criticize others.

                          that trait is highly unbecoming of ppl who're supposedly educated

                          FAIL ???????????????????????????????

                          HUH...... Define FAIL .

                          Fail in what ???

                          How can you accuse him of FAILING while he never got the chance to finish the job ? He had 3 matches to go , that is 9 possible points !!! If he did not achieve the target , which was reaching the WC , then you can safely say that he failed.

                          Failure in essence means NOT achieving the target. How can you fail a person , if you kick him out of the exam prematurely ?

                          OK...I know that some people over have a conviction that they posses some divine power of prediction , I like to count these out and stick to the average Joe. You can not label him a failure, no Sir.

                          BTW: How come you pick on every man that plays or manages in football , but get so upset when someone else does a Dr. Doom?



                            Originally posted by maij View Post
                            Azizam , Baradar , Bahram Jan...the man is ENTITLED TO HIS OPINION , as much as you are ...there is NO REASON for you to insult him like that ...

                            Provide facts , proof , argument NOT humilitaion and insult !

                            Beside , in what Bible it says that "Iran needs a new culture in football " ? and that Ghotbi is the only one who is capable of accomplishing this cultural revolution ( the way he claimed that he is the only one that can beat South Korea and take Team Melli to South Africa)

                            Agha jan , when you lose focus on the issue and focus on defaming the people who differ with your opinion, you have lost the plot.

                            I am sorry Bahram Jan , but this is not right.
                            majid jaan.....
                            I love you, ( In a platonique way ),and I like you......
                            You may be the single most important,hard working ,for this site !....and you do it with dignity.....
                            But, you, like us, have your " Blind spots " !!!
                            Some times I am not sure, if you realy believe in what you are saying here to some of us on threads !, or , you just want to , make the discussions more exciting !, for advancement of Forum health,and survival !
                            For example, your above post : ...are you addressing me ?, or Mr.afazeli ?
                            because, it could go either way !.....and you are saying the same old thing,over and over : " Show me facts " !....while at the same time, you say, " Every body is intitled to thier opinion "..........
                            please, stay away ( just for a minute ),from " Mod " resposibilties, and stay away ,( just for a minute), from " Say nothing unless you have proof " Idea,you subscribe to, all the time.................And tell me :
                            What is your opinion ?.....No proof is neccessary for me !....what is your personal opinion ?
                            I do not want your possition,nor do I want your PFDC stand, nor Cultural convictions, nor any poletics......
                            Just tell me, in your persoanl opinion ;

                            Is Afazeli, right or wrong, in his accusations of Mr.Ghotbi ?
                            You are my firend ,regardless of your answer !
                            Last edited by zzgloo; 07-02-2009, 11:26 AM.


                              Originally posted by maij View Post
                              FAIL ???????????????????????????????

                              HUH...... Define FAIL .

                              Fail in what ???

                              How can you accuse him of FAILING while he never got the chance to finish the job ? He had 3 matches to go , that is 9 possible points !!! If he did not achieve the target , which was reaching the WC , then you can safely say that he failed.

                              Failure in essence means NOT achieving the target. How can you fail a person , if you kick him out of the exam prematurely ?

                              OK...I know that some people over have a conviction that they posses some divine power of prediction , I like to count these out and stick to the average Joe. You can not label him a failure, no Sir.

                              BTW: How come you pick on every man that plays or manages in football , but get so upset when someone else does a Dr. Doom?

                              majid jan, if I were actually given the responsibility of TM and then I had failed, then I'd as soon shut my trap and wouldnt dare open my mouth criticizing others.
                              THAT is the difference here.

                              and yes, "fail".
                              simple math:
                              6 points off 5 games ... out of a total of 15 = 1.2 points per game!!!!
                              THAT is absolutely and irrefutably indefensible and is abject FAILURE.

                              we can go back & forth over where, how, which game, who .... but we BOTH know it was a miserable failure.
                              the difference is one of us doesnt want to admit to it for whatever reason we may have, be it friendship or whatnot.


                                Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                                majid jaan.....
                                I love you, ( In a platonique way ),and I like you......
                                You may be the single most important,hard working ,for this site !....and you do it with dignity.....
                                But, you, like us, have your " Blind spots " !!!
                                Some times I am not sure, if you realy believe in what you are saying here to some of us on threads !, or , you just want to , make the discussions more exciting !, for advancement of Forum health,and survival !
                                Ma Mokhlis Agha Bahram Hastim....

                                I like the "Make the discussion more exciting" part and frankly , there is some of this element. This forum needs more activity and a bit more partcipation , so prolonging the arguments is not a bad thing

                                Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                                For example, your above post : ...are you addressing me ?, or Mr.afazeli ?
                                because, it could go either way !.....and you are saying the same old thing,over and over : " Show me facts " !....while at the same time, you say, " Every body is intitled to thier opinion "..........
                                Facts and views points can be both used in an argument. They are entirely different elements though and I have noticed that quite a few mix these two and portary their own views as facts.

                                No one prevented you from stating your viewpoints, everyone does it , me included , but you cannot change facts by your viewpoints. Hooman Afazeli was NOT selected to assist Branko because of his language , neither was Daei's selection based on Human's linguistic abilities......If this is what YOU think, it is not a fact is & it is NOT true.

                                Fact: Afazeli has attended numerous FIFA and AFC classes , I am not sure about the exact numbers but the last one was only a few months ago in Tehran. THAT IS A FACT. If you think that these classes or courses by FIFA are a waste of time , and Afazeli is not a qualified coach , then it is your personal view points NOT facts.

                                If you don't like Afazeli , (there is no reason why you should or have to) you are entitled to that feeling BUT such feelings does not permit you to defame him.

                                Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                                please, stay away ( just for a minute ),from " Mod " resposibilties, and stay away ,( just for a minute), from " Say nothing unless you have proof " Idea,you subscribe to, all the time.................And tell me :
                                What is your opinion ?.....No proof is neccessary for me !....what is your personal opinion ?
                                I do not want your possition,nor do I want your PFDC stand, nor Cultural convictions, nor any poletics......
                                Just tell me, in your persoanl opinion ;
                                My responses have NOTHING to do with Mods or staff. You have brought this up in your post and for your info , Human was an active and founding members of this website for many years. I also want to tell you that Hooman is a personal friend of mine. In this neck of the woods , we defend our friends. I would defend you if you were unjsutifably been attacked.

                                Originally posted by zzgloo View Post

                                Is Afazeli, right or wrong, in his accusations of Mr.Ghotbi ?
                                You are my firend ,regardless of your answer !
                                Afazeli did not ACCUSE anyone ( as far as my Farsi understanding goes). He stated his viewpoints and he is entitled to it. He did not say that Ghotbi robbed a bank. He predicted that Ghotbi will not be improving the standard of Team Melli , he said many other valuable things and his comparison between Trousseir and Ghotbi was spot on as far as I am concerned. Where are the accusations ??

                                I know you are a good man Bahram. We are not perfect, we have different viewpoints perhaps and in discussions , I find quite good value that I sometime use in my career and social life. It is NOT a shame for one to learn... I don't have to agree with you (and vice versa) and discussions can enrich a person...If you keep a secret . I will tell you this ...You know how much I argue , debate and disagree with Peyman , Right. ..But even considering all these disagreements , I usually find some very good values in his statements....I don't have to agree with him , but that does not mean a thing in my book. In fact I would pick him to coach Team Melli ahead of Ghotbi right now , and that is not a joke.


