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Politics and Iranian Players

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    Politics and Iranian Players

    following recent medonstrations, and 30 years of Islamic may wonder,where our players stand ?...and on which side they belong ?
    and following the recent green bands some of our players wore in the game against south korea, and most did may want to know, how our players think, and to what extend they are willing to stand for thier people .....

    Lets start with what mehdi Mahdavikia said on his last letter :
    .................................................. ....................................

    كلام آخرم خطاب به افرادي است كه بازيكنان ملي را وطن*فروش! خوانده*اند:

    شما با ارائه كدام مدرك و با چه جراتي به خود اجازه مي*دهيد در مورد بازيكنان ملي اين گونه قضاوت كنيد.

    بازيكناني كه در طول اين سال*ها با كوچك*ترين چشم داشتي با تحمل اردوهاي سخت و طاقت فرسا و فشارهاي روحي و رواني ناشي از بازي*هاي مهم و سرنوشت ساز ملي و تحمل دوري از خانواده*هايشان، تنها به دنبال كسب افتخار براي وطن و مردم*شان بوده*اند و تلاش نموده*اند در تمامي مسابقات آسيايي و جهاني و ليگ*هاي معتبر اروپايي از اعتبار ايران و فوتبال ايران دفاع كنند.

    بازيكنان ملي همه اين تلاش*ها را نكرده*اند كه حالا شما افراد اندك آنها را با اين القاب ناشايست بخوانيد.

    توصيه مي*كنم، شب هنگام كه سر بر بالين مي*گذاريد، كمي به شرف و وجدان فكر كنيد تا فردا روز قبل از بيان هر مطلبي اين دو ارزش انساني كه در وجود هر انساني بايد پيدا شود، را مد نظر قرار داده و از اين به بعد بازيكنان ملي را با القابي كه شايسته آنهاست بخوانيد.

    كارنامه ما در راه به دست آوردن عزت و افتخار براي وطن و مردم داراي نمرات خوب و بد بسياري است، اما هرچه هست روشن است، از شما تقاضا دارم با ارائه نام و كارنامه خود، به ما اين افتخار را بدهيد تا با ورق زدن كارنامه درخشان و زرين وطن پرستي*تان، ما نيز مقداري بر وطن پرستي خود بيفزاييم، گر چه معتقدم مردم به خوبي بين ما وطن*فروشان و شما وطن*پرستان قضاوت خواهند كرد.

    بازيكنان تيم ملي هميشه سعي كرده*اند، نماينده شايسته*اي براي مردم كشورشان باشند. از اين رو در ميادين جوانمردانه حضور پيدا كرده*اند و تخلفات كمي را مرتكب شده*اند، گر چه بسياري از بازي*ها را باخته*ايم، ولي اخلاق را فراموش نكرده ايم.

    در اين دوره نيز تيم ما كمترين تخلفات را داشت و به عنوان كاپيتان تيم از تك تك بازيكنان متشكرم و از آنها دفاع مي*كنم.

    لازم به ذكر است كه بررسي تخلفات در بازي*هاي بين*المللي فوتبال فقط بر عهده فدراسيون فوتبال جهاني فيفاست و نه هيچ فرد و سازمان ديگري.

    با آرزوي سلامتي و موفقيت براي همه ايرانيان.

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    It is said by many out side of the country media,that this letter, show courage and audacity of mahdavikia,..and some even went as far as calling him, the secound " takhti "......
    But, is this the case of : " hamrahi ba mardom , and takhti mentality ", Or the case of : " Too little too late " ?
    Last edited by zzgloo; 07-14-2009, 09:10 AM.

    First of all, I think we should accept the players as is , without looking at their radical , Marxist , fundamentalists or liberals views and beliefs. When we support and hail these players, we do that based on their abilities to play and excel in football rather than their political or religious leanings. The world is full of hatred and anarchy due to politics and religion as it is, so I strongly support FIFA for the measures that they have taken to keep politics out of this beautiful game.

    None withstanding the above, I truly believe that Mehdi Mahdavikia , from my own personal acquaintance of him , to be a Gentleman. I fully support what he said in that statement. Labeling people because of their political views is something that the weak hearted and the ignorant amongst us will do. These people who do not understand what democracy is about and as such they call people that do not necessarily agree with them or with the regime as traitors.

    To me , people who voted for Ahmedi Nejad are as patriots as the ones who voted for Mousavi and none of them are evils or Satan. There is no Right or Wrong in such an election.



      We all know, where FIFA stands.....
      and we all know, the realities of football, and the realities of money, and realities players' lives.....
      .................................................. ..........
      But, we are from a very proud culture.....
      We are from a land of " Pouriaye vali ", the land of " Rostam ", the land of " takhti ",
      We are from a land,where thier national sport,and the oldest " Varzesh-haye Zoorkhaneye "........and the concept of " Zoorkhaneh ",in our about two, INSEPEREBLE, foundementals : 1- streangth. 2- Honor.
      And one is not accepted without the other,in our traditional sport.
      We culturaly, believe,with sport comes sportmanship, comeradery,humanism,and honor.......,
      And, our players wearing green bands,and mahdavikia,saying what he said, is expected in our culture.
      Last edited by zzgloo; 07-16-2009, 08:13 AM.


        what an eye openning interview with Parviz ghelich-khani !!!

