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Breaking news !!!!!

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    Breaking news !!!!!

    I suppose the combination of Team Melli failing in the World Cup , the summer holidays , terrible economics , political turmoils in Tehran and last but not least the gloomy picture of Iranian football has taken a real toll on the pages of once very hot and lively , PFDC Football Plus Forum . Maybe most of us are saturated with Iran and Iranian news , how about the other good things in life , though ?

    Unlike most people, summer is professionally the busy time for me as I hardly have spare time to go for long holidays. I did book a ticket to go to a week shopping trip to Shanghai , China but a friend who recently came back from there on a business trip told me that some of acquaintances were taken right from the hotel on their arrival and put in quarantine due to suspicion of Swine Flu. That was enough to put me off China.

    Anyway , I thought of doing this little blog type to keep the forum alive.....

    You might wish to say something about your activities , wishes , your loved ones...whatever...just pour it here...what about those of you who study? What is the education system up to these days ? As a lecturer , I always like to hear other industries and education system experiences.

    Wanna talk about latest Gadgets ?? I am a sucker for electronics and gadgets.....In my book a gadget is something that you can't wait to buy and when you eventually do and arrive home after spending your earnings on it , play with it a bit , marvel it , show it off and then you shelve it and it remains there until the next hot gadgets hits the scene !!!

    Hey.... Everyone ...what Mobile Phone(s) do you have ?

    Anyone crazy enough to buy a new car nowadays, or thinking of it ?

    Enough me talking..... You talk too.

    It is very Un-Iranian to be quiet like this case you are wondering about the title...Yeah I broke a toe when I bumped into a tree in my garden

    Bless your cottons socks , boyz !


    Well, majid jan, after seeing how china continues to support & back this criminal gov't, I must question why shd ANYONE actually HELP chinese economy (through tourism or whatever else).

    Sorry bro, but I just cant accept or agree with anyone who takes even the slightest or smallest step in helping certain countries.

    I'd sooner donate it to some charitable organization or even burn it than put it into the pockets of chinese motherfukers.

    very much in line with boycotting nokia and siemens and ...


      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
      Well, majid jan, after seeing how china continues to support & back this criminal gov't, I must question why shd ANYONE actually HELP chinese economy (through tourism or whatever else).

      Sorry bro, but I just cant accept or agree with anyone who takes even the slightest or smallest step in helping certain countries.

      I'd sooner donate it to some charitable organization or even burn it than put it into the pockets of chinese motherfukers.

      very much in line with boycotting nokia and siemens and ...

      Good points... But , Peyman jan ...In the industry I work with (Computer hardware) absolutely everything is from China....

      As you might well know , Iran is the biggest market for China in the Middle East as well.

      As for Nokia and Siemens , at least I am on safe ground....My New(ish) Mobile is the Samsung Omnia



        Message to China

        Peyman Jan...

        Here is Iranian people message to China
        Attached Files



          Hi maij where in the USA do you live, just curious because for a while I was thinking you were located in Iran.... your English is too perfect for someone living inside Iran on a long-term basis.



            gadgets? gadgets are my middle name, i work for RIM - maker of BlackBerry Smartphones, not so big in the middle east, although they are popping up in the UAE slowly.

            so naturally, atm, my mobile phone is a storm/bold/curve 8900...change between the three often.


            i just bought a car 2 months ago...2009 Audi A4 first ever car, paying for it myself, not depending on daddy i sound proud?...well i am.

            i'm just working basically and playing soccer 4 times a week, which brings me to my next point...

            Those who are knowledgable in the realm of Iranian football from the 70's/80' you know a guy named Mehrdad Amin-Shirazi?

            he's my coach anyhow, fking amazing coach at that...knows the ins and outs of the game and is the most passionate guy out there i've ever seen when it comes to this sport...
            Last edited by faraz; 08-02-2009, 12:19 AM.
            We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


              Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
              Hi maij where in the USA do you live, just curious because for a while I was thinking you were located in Iran.... your English is too perfect for someone living inside Iran on a long-term basis.

              I live in Bahrain....Never lived in Iran before.

              BTW: There is a simple way to find the members location , or at least where they are connecting from. I guess you are in
              San Diego, CA United States

              You can get this information from the IP address of the member on the left hand side (that little PC icon) of the post. When you get the IP there are many sites that converts this IP to a location. like
              Last edited by maij; 08-02-2009, 06:38 AM.



                Originally posted by faraz View Post

                gadgets? gadgets are my middle name, i work for RIM - maker of BlackBerry Smartphones, not so big in the middle east, although they are popping up in the UAE slowly.

                so naturally, atm, my mobile phone is a storm/bold/curve 8900...change between the three often.


                i just bought a car 2 months ago...2009 Audi A4 first ever car, paying for it myself, not depending on daddy i sound proud?...well i am.

                i'm just working basically and playing soccer 4 times a week, which brings me to my next point...

                Those who are knowledgable in the realm of Iranian football from the 70's/80' you know a guy named Mehrdad Amin-Shirazi?

                he's my coach anyhow, fking amazing coach at that...knows the ins and outs of the game and is the most passionate guy out there i've ever seen when it comes to this sport...

                Good on you , Faraz. Congrat on the Audi, obviously a man with class and ...and of course , money .

                Very interesting to know that you work with RIM. I had one of the early models of Blackberry when it was first introduced here in Bahrain. It was given to me free by the Telco in the hope that my company (airline) takes up the blackberry for its executives. I must say that those early ones were bulky and not so hip, the new ones are much better looking.

                I have given that Blackberry to someone as I didn't fancy the idea of push mail. Imagine me going through my 6 email accounts yes 6 ! two are private the other 4 are for business ( I am not even counting email addresses). I have a SAmsung Omnia nd a Nokia N95 8G. I want to get a Nokia N97. It looks like the ideal mobile for me (that is what I always say ) ..but then again...I might be at the wrong end of the stick with the Doc

                Never had an Audi , but my wife was driving obne when I met her and got engaged. At the time I had a Chevy Nova.
                All the German cars are classy without a shadow of doubt. My last 3 previous cars were all Mercedes Benz , last one was the S class. I got my daughter a BMW last year and she is thrilled with it. Unfortunately , the spare part of the German cars is way way expensive and unjustifiable here in the Middle East. There seems to be a mass exodus towards Lexus in the luxury market. In fact , when I get rid pf my Range Rover is is nearly 5 tears old now , I might go for a Luxus.

                I never heard of Mehrdad Amin-Shirazi. Which club(s) did he play for ?



                  Originally posted by maij View Post
                  Good points... But , Peyman jan ...In the industry I work with (Computer hardware) absolutely everything is from China....

                  As you might well know , Iran is the biggest market for China in the Middle East as well.

                  As for Nokia and Siemens , at least I am on safe ground....My New(ish) Mobile is the Samsung Omnia
                  majid jan, my point was about one having an option of taking a vacation. Your business deals are inevitable, I understand.
                  but your vacation destinations are totally within your hands.
                  For example, I'm sure you'll agree malaysia's K.L., penang, sarawak, ... are just as beautiful (I'd say even more beautiful) as any destination you had in mind in china.


                  at faraz:
                  I'm glad to see I have a fellow Audi owner here.
                  as you know, it is the little known secret among driver community that "AN AUDI IS THE TRUE DRIVING ENTHUSIAST'S CAR". not about just getting from point A to B like many other cars.
                  let the beemer and merc owners croon all they want ... IN THE OPEN. deep down they know an Audi will kick their arses


                    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                    majid jan, my point was about one having an option of taking a vacation. Your business deals are inevitable, I understand.
                    but your vacation destinations are totally within your hands.
                    For example, I'm sure you'll agree malaysia's K.L., penang, sarawak, ... are just as beautiful (I'd say even more beautiful) as any destination you had in mind in china.
                    Very true indeed..In fact , Malaysia and Thailand is THE ULTIMATE tourist destination as far as I am concerned. Amyway , you reminded me to get a refund on the ticket


                    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                    at faraz:
                    I'm glad to see I have a fellow Audi owner here.
                    as you know, it is the little known secret among driver community that "AN AUDI IS THE TRUE DRIVING ENTHUSIAST'S CAR". not about just getting from point A to B like many other cars.
                    let the beemer and merc owners croon all they want ... IN THE OPEN. deep down they know an Audi will kick their arses

                    NOW...hang on , hang on a minute here Doc .....what is this Audi kicking arse ! Are you talking speed or what ?

                    How about this for an ass kicker...
                    Attached Files




                      well, I'm not much of an SUV person.
                      was talking about cars.
                      and this (below) kicks serious arse. its roar on the highway is pretty much orgasmic, I'll have you know

                      ( of course, mine is a bit dusty and isnt as sparkling as this one here. too bloody lazy to get it washed!! )

                      but what I looooove to have is an Aston Martin.
                      now, that is ....


                        God bless majid,for trying to keep us all connected........,
                        I am so much into I am an old school...althougth,I try to keep up some how.......
                        My latest,thing ,was my confrontation with My cellular company,T-Mobil,which,no matter what they keep milking me, in last 10 years, I have kept changeing companies, but ,they all kept charging me far too much....till, finaly, last week, I cancelled my contract with T-Mobil, ( Which I need to pay $200.00 for cancellation ), and signed up, with " Metro PC " I believe would be better for me....Metro PC,has no limitaions, and has a flat charge of $50 for aal calls,and free long distance....., I also bought a Black berry,for $415.00, and am yet to learn all things it can do......
                        my recomandation,to my freinds here, as when dealing with cellular comapanies,try to stay away from " PLAN "., as all plans, mean, ways to get you !!!................


                          Originally posted by maij View Post
                          I live in Bahrain....Never lived in Iran before.

                          BTW: There is a simple way to find the members location , or at least where they are connecting from. I guess you are in
                          San Diego, CA United States

                          You can get this information from the IP address of the member on the left hand side (that little PC icon) of the post. When you get the IP there are many sites that converts this IP to a location. like
                          Which PC icon on the left side are you talking about, I don't see one ........



                            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

                            well, I'm not much of an SUV person.
                            was talking about cars.
                            and this (below) kicks serious arse. its roar on the highway is pretty much orgasmic, I'll have you know

                            ( of course, mine is a bit dusty and isnt as sparkling as this one here. too bloody lazy to get it washed!! )

                            but what I looooove to have is an Aston Martin.
                            now, that is ....

                            This is some seriously angry looking machine you have out there , Doc ! It is a beauty , I must admit. I can't say that I can beat you on the road with my range, but I can seriously bump you off the road ...hehheee...

                            BTW: I have not seen this model here in the Middle East...



                              Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                              Which PC icon on the left side are you talking about, I don't see one ........

                              Now that you have mentioned it , I am beginning to doubt that you have this icon.

                              Anyway , have a look here and let me know ...
                              Attached Files


