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Bosnia - Iran

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    Bosnia - Iran

    I wont get into the issue of mobaali here as whatever needs to be said has been said in the thread in general forum
    link :

    but I'd like to remind our ppl of a RECURRING THEME in our concession of goals: KAABI not doing enough or not BEING enough

    both bosnian goals were a direct result of :
    1- kaabi not covering his man, falling behind and giving up on it eventually ... which left his mark free to score the first.

    2- kaabi's short stature making the difference between a proper defensive deflection or head-out into an assist to the bosnian striker, who received the ball on his feet and scored the goal.

    the first has happened MORE THAN ENOUGH NUMBER OF TIMES for any retarded idiot of a coach to figure out kaabi as a side defender, against tall strikers is just an open invitation to disaster!
    the very same thing has happened in COUNTLESS games and each game we've come and spoken about it.

    yes, the guy does help with our offense.
    but he is a DEFENDER and his priority is not assisting goal. it is DEFENDING first , and then and ONLY THEN, assisting with offense.

    Time to rethink the right back position, especially if we're playing tall teams.


    Nosrati proved he belongs to the MIDDLE of defense and not on the side.


    gherti's moronic team arrangement was just too laughable and ridiculous to be true.
    a team with NO recognized striker?

    shojaei as a striker?
    I still stand by my words that he is NOT a forward and we shd not play him as one ... especially as our sole and lone forward!
    that's just ridiculous.

    and before anyone comes up with "oh he scred 2-3 goals..." and makes a lagughing stock of himself, I shd spare them with this:
    of his recent 3 goals, only the one vs. KSA was a proper goal.

    the one vs SKorea wasnt even a goal as the ball hit the keeper's hands, ricocheted off shojaei's TORSO and rolled into the goal!

    and this one also is all due to Nowroozi's well taken shot which is what a forward ought to do.
    all shojaei did was get the rebound. which is fine by itself.
    but he can and shd do that as a midfielder too. not as a striker.

    the first half we looked like kindergarten kids running after the ball , never making any threats!!
    becoz we didnt have a single striker in the team.
    the moment nowroozi came in, he made an impact.
    I assume I dont have to say anything about borhani's entrance and impact at least.


    are we making the same mistake as branko, insisting on mirza in each & every game?
    let 2-3 other keepers try their luck.
    otherwise .....!


    gherti escaped with a win off the back of mobaali, borhani, shojaei's backs.
    but the team didnt impress at all.
    or as we say, it didnt CLAW AT THE HEART.

    once again he showed he doesnt have the guts to lead a nat'l team and is TOO cautious. even in meaningless friendlies!

    Just read the beginning and you can't be serious. You think Kaebi should or in any universe could stop Dzeko in the air? Come on, and you blame others of having a personal grudge against certain players.


      the defender shd not give up on marking his mark. and leave running alongside him halfway, thus providing the mark with a free chance to score.
      no matter who the striker is. the defender shd do the most BASIC & FUNDAMENTAL thing: stick to his mark.
      now, if he fails to prevent a goal, BUT HAS DONE HIS BEST ... well that's football.
      but without doing the duty, the player shd not get credit or stay immune.

      if you watch the goal you'd see kaabi giving up and standing in no mans land near the edge of 18 ... while his mark had continued his run and moved into the free space ... WITH NOBODY MARKING OR ACCOMPANYING HIM.
      in ANY rule book ( and ur favorite 4-4-2 mag's too) this is called SHODDY DEFENDING.

      now, if that is somehow beyond expectations of a defender, according to you, then we really dont have much to discuss. do we?


      what's worse is according to you, becoz the opponent's name is big or famous, we shd automatically give up and not bother marking them.
      coz "who's gonna defend against the mighty dzeko or the-zekki or zippo"!?!?!?!

      where ( as in which magazine or rule book) is this rule written?


        Ridiculous. Only shows you don't know Dzeko. Aghili and Nosrati are marking each other in that scene and you blame Kaebi. Clear and obvious bias.

        Btw, on a different not, Dzeko's second goal was clearly offside.


          I agree with you Dr Doom on Kaabi. Hopefully there will be a decent right back discovered in the IPL this year.

          Also as you noted too Rahmati should have some competition in the goal, Talebloo being a natural choice.

          Great to see Mobali back and that he played a crucial part in the victory. He opened the TM game up after he came in.

          By the way the squad's oldest player was Zandi at 31, am I correct?


            We won, but let it not blind us... Although I know some here might say that we hadnt been practicing together as a team for a while and Bosnia is still in the chase for WCQ... but yet again, professor Ghotbi showed me one thing, his inability and lack of technical prowess to be TM's head coach.

            On Kaebi, DD jan I agree with you as he left Dzeko unmarked (I dont know why he just suddenly stopped running!!!), which is puzzling to me because usually what he lacks in height he makes up for in speed and determination... I guess yesterday was just one of his "off" days.

            Overall, poor display by TM


              If you rewatch the whole scene of the first goal, you see it is a chain of mistake.

              It starts with Mobali challenging the guy who then assists at the middle line but coming to late and then stumbling, the guy passes the ball to our left side and starts a run, and Mobali fails to follow him. Nouri comes forward to attack the other guy on the left, but he quickly gives the ball back to Mobali's man on the now deserted right wing. With both Mobali and mainly Nouri having left out left side blank, Nekounam comes to prevent the guy from crossing, but comes to late.

              For whatever strange reasons Aghili and Nosrati switched positions in center, and both are marking the second striker, while Kaebi marks Dzeko. The moment Dzeko enters the box, Kaebi stops and let's Dzeko unmarked. None of the two tall centrebacks even think about Dzeko and he can head in easily.

              This is a number of mistakes, mainly on our left defensive side, then the position and marking in the box is all wrong from the beginning and then of course Kaebi gives up too early. But mainly blaming Kaebi for this is plain wrong.


                ^ hahahahaha

                "it starts with mobali ...."

                never fails to entertain with utterly incredulous remarks on mobaali!

                hahaha ... why stop there? lets blame the guy who started the second half kick-off too. if he had passed to the left, and not the right, martin's "chain of events" wouldnt have ended in the goal

                thank god others have seen the scene too and have conferred that the most faulty player is kaabi for giving up and not marking his man.
                otherwise I though I have to slowly mistrust my own eyes!!!

                but then I thought the man who picks mobaali & haydari as the WEAKEST players on the pitch, (but no mention of nekounam madanchi, zandi, even ando) .... well, lets face it; other stuff is going on here.
                maybe martin was hanging from his ceiling, seeing the game upside down!
                that could be one explanation


                  It really starts with Mobali and on our left defensive side. Rewind the tape to minute 51:40, oh, I forgot, you only watch streams on tiny windows in bad quality. No wonder you don't notice anything.


                    1- Both goals against us, were,nothing fancy,and simple crosses that were not particularly high........
                    how ever,they were a little too high for short kabei.....,as even him could have heaeded them had he had better positions on them....
                    Who is at fault ?...............Not kabei,in my opinion.....
                    Such simple crosses, in the middle of the BOX,must be first touched by our center simple as that.

                    2- TM did better on rebounds of our offensive plays.

                    3- Please, do not call our head coach of TM names.......what are you going to accumplish with that ?
                    Last edited by zzgloo; 08-13-2009, 07:56 AM.


                      Doctor Doom, the one thing I really have to disagree with you on is calling only one of Shojaei's goals in the past 3 games "a proper goal". I don't care how a player scores as long as he scores. Some of the best attacking players are the ones who score from anything. I mean look at the shitty goals that always get scored on TM.
                      A good forward will find any way to score whether its with his feet, chest, head, stomach, ass, hands ....

                      Every team needs a Gerd Muller of sorts.


                        ^ true.
                        perhaps I shd have put it in a different manner.

                        basically I'm saying he is NOT a striker.
                        his style is not like a striker. his game is different from one too.
                        he cant be used as a striker in TM and it is a mistake to go into a game with shoajei up front as out forward.


                          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                          3- Please, do not call our head coach of TM names.......what are you going to accumplish with that ?
                          bahram jan, I do it becoz I want to (willingly) berate him.

                          I lost what little respect I had for him when he sat for AN's ceremony.
                          that confirmed my niggling doubts about how money-minded he was and what he was ready to forgo to get what he wants.


                          as for the cross.
                          it is the very same cross that we've seen in countless games. and in most situations kaabi is either absent, behind or just comes up short .... pun absolutely intended.
                          just go through the threads on our previous games and you'd see the same thing happening again & again


                            LOL. watch today's saba-estillazin game and have YET ANOTHER proof of his short stature not helping him at all as a defender.

                            not being able to rise enough to head the ball to the keeper, he managed to simply "shaakh" it to the saba player to score!

                            I think it wouldnt be a bad idea to switch haydari's and kaabi's posts.
                            try haydari as RB and have kaabi up front at RM.
                            both have the capability to deliver in these posts.


                              payman jaan.....
                              regarding Shojaee,you are absolutly correct...the guy just not made to be a stricker........have you seen a little video,one of our members here,is useing under his posts ?...the one that shows a goal by Shojaee in Ossasuna ?....the 10 secound video shows, Shojaee in the front of the opponant's goal dribles two guys, and even when he has a shot at the goal,waits for the defender to come back and defend ,so he could drible him one more time,......and the last moment when he is alone 3 meter away from the goal, he just " Mizane Ziresh " !!!,and contrary to what our member had in mind, it shows how elementary shojaee's understanding of the position is.......he has absolutly no touch on the ball.....and does not have the smarts or killer instincts.......just dribling abilities......
                              he may be best used as a " set up " player,and provide oppotunities for others.
                              regarding,Ghotbi, I understand you point,and admire your heart,which is in a right place with our people !.......but,may be we should find some one els,whom has had more bloody hands ( which are so many ),to redicule ...not this guy,whose only guilt is not to be couragouse .

