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Bahrain - Iran

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    Bahrain - Iran

    1- 1st goal --- AGAIN, Kaabi's inability to stay with his man and letting him go to score the goal!
    Kaabi's poor defending slowly becoming a weakness in the TM!!

    2- 2ng goal --- nosrati looking like a retarded kid who just cant understand opponents can start the ball quickly and he shd stand in front of the ball till all his mates are in place.
    so basically, after YEARS of playing as a supposed "pro" it hasnt been etched in his brain to behave like a pro too (more on his behavior later).

    3- 3rd goal --- was just lovely and off a very nice coordinated move by bahrainis.

    4- Zandi's change in attitude and behavior which I think is a result of him becoming "Iranianized" by playing in Iran and absorbing all the wrong and bad influences of our football!
    he was unnecessarily rough and argued with the ref for nothing a few times!
    very sad to see the DECLINE & RUIN of a pro player to amateurish levels!

    5- Nosrati's horrible performance was completed with his foolish, obnoxious quarrel with the ref and actually resorting to pushing and even an attempt to touch the face of the ref!
    he's lucky he didnt get a red card and a subsequent reprimand from AFC.
    just too sick to watch his behavior!
    I am ashamed of his behavior, personally.

    6- which brings me to a complete surprise.
    unlike our other meetings, it was us, the Iranians, who behaved horribly, foolishly rough and displayed very poor sportsmanship!
    It was just too sad to see this!
    there was absolutely no excuse for this kind of display.

    7- We truly DESERVED to lose this game. we lost the football match , we lost it on technical terms as well as scoreline, as well as our face and rep in terms of sportsmanship

    How good that the players you dislike are mainly responsible for all shit again.

    I guess the ones you like, like Heydari, performed well and are not to be blamed.

    The whole team played shit and the only lesson we need to learn is that it's not simply the coach's fault. No matter which coach, we suck.


      ^ LOL.
      I wont even dignify the above accusation with an answer, coz I'm sure anyone with ONE eye ( you wouldnt need two to observe this) would have seen all this.


        ^ You only obvserve what you want to observe. Like everyone. Favourite scapegoats are Aghili and Kaebi now, if they are near, they are mainly responsible for everything.

        If Mirzapour was in goal, he'd be heavily blamed now as well.

        But TM has no future anyway, so why bother about fans talking trash?


          It was very apparant,that bahrain's goals were all pre-worked,planed,and designed for the situations....the ones,our recent coaches have been unable to design and carry out....

          More than anything, our defense is way too elementary....and needs complete change of personel.....Aghili and hossaini , are way too naive,and soft for the position,as we have said that far too many times,..and our corners while less at fault,are in constant disconnection with our central defense.........., if we had the right coach, we could have used these times off from the world cup, to foundementaly change our defense,and tailor a new set of central defensive players, whom have the right tools,and just lack experince.....and what we currantly have,is the best they can possibly be, and nothing to build around....and they will even be worse in next four years.


          Our offense and our legioners at midfield, are good enough ,provided there would be a design at work for them....,and provided there would be a reliable defense.....


          Our needs,to have good team in 3 years or so :


          1- New personel at central defense,with right physics,and more aggresive attitude.

          2-A forign coach,who specializes at long term building,and not result oriented.....Coaching based on, taller more physical and smarter personel,along with up-to date planned set up plays,and chamistry.

          3- New Government,and new enthusiasm ,with know-how IFF,run by respected football people.


            ^ I mostly agree. I think Hosseini is good though, generally, not today. Aghili needs to be replaced. But as always, you can't simply replace, you need good alternatives. And to be honest, I don't see any. Sadeghi, Montazeri, Omranzadeh, Ghorbani, all the same, even worse. We have to live with what we've got, and that's Aghili I'm afraid.

            I completely agree on 2), but forget it, not in AN's IRI.

            And hell yes, to 3), but even more unlikely than 2)


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              7- We truly DESERVED to lose this game. we lost the football match , we lost it on technical terms as well as scoreline, as well as our face and rep in terms of sportsmanship
              Truly well said , Doc.



                Khiabani was reporting Barca game what I was watching. I am becoming to like Ibrahimovic, he is not that A.hole. What a player is this Xavi man. Ball movement was amazing.

                It was quite funny both games are called "football".

                Do you guiys really have this much spare time to talk about this team?

                Next stop: lose to Maldive.


                  Accepting Bahrain's friendly game was a big mistake to begin with!

                  Who the heck decided to make an unprepared, unmotivated, under powered team, the punching bag for Bahrain ?

                  This was truly a shameful performance and a shameful result!!

                  More shameful than the 3-1 loss in my opinion. Because if you have learned your lessons, you would have never put yourself in a postion to accept 3 goals from Bahrain again!! second mistake, is stupidity!!

                  There is really no tactical thinking in our federation. If I was Mr. Ghotbi -- which come to think of it, I hate to be him because of how he showed his fingers to our nation, by attending Ahmaghinejad's so called inaguration -- I would have sent a bunch of newbies to this game to at least be able to see a new perspective on our other players who sit behind the doors and never get a chance to show themselves.

                  Did he not know the many weakness of this group of players that he put together for this game already? He has been coaching them for some time now?

                  What the f**k was going on in his mind? How many times, do we need to see how aweful these bunch of players are. Anyone here can write a book on how bad Aghili, Kaebi, Nosrati, Borhani, and the rest of our players are.

                  Coaching is far more than putting 11 names on the sheet of paper. Coaching is psychology, risk management, mentoring, strategy, planning, execution, and many other diciplines that I doubt Mr. Ghotbi knows much about.

                  Did you see how his players behaved today? It is as much his fault as it is the players.

                  A good coach would have regular sessions on these kind of issues with his players. Our so called captian, Mr. joker Nosrati with his experince, pushed and shoved the referee on number of occasions and almost slapped him!! What a jerk! Seriously!!! Where do you see something like that??

                  People used to say South Americans play dirty. Well, I have been watching alot of club games from that region of the world -- not my choice of course, my cable provider just fills the time with cheap programming -- Trust me, when I say, you don't see behaviour like what you saw today even from
                  second division Gualtemala league. What a shame that our national players still don't get it!

                  So, I don't know. I am puzzled.... I am just wondering, why have we become what we are today? And frankly the more I think about it, the more I realize that the root cause of all of these is so fundamental --i hate that word btw - fundamentalist!!! -- it sucks!!!.

                  We need a grass-root change in our football culture, organization, clubs, players, fitness, training, coaching, and others before we can see our national team producing performances that pleases our football crazy nation.

                  It took Turkey over 40 years to become a powerhouse. 40 years of investing, losing games, not making it to the world cup, but finally they accomplished what they worked so hard for. We started some 10 years later than Turkey to build our football, but the revolution (arab invasion II) of 1979 destroed everything. If we start today again -- well, I may not be arround anymore -- but 40 years later, we may win the world cup!!. Oh, I almost forgot, we got to get rid of this regime first.

                  So, don't get your hopes too high!!! It is going to take sometime!! make that long time!!!

                  - Kavian


                    Originally posted by Martin-Reza
                    After today's game and also our performances in recent years, we really have to ask ourselves, is what we see now really a matter of coaching?
                    Part of it but very small part of course. If you guys listened to Haj Rezaei, he had a excellent analyze of the whole situation. Our football is in deep trouble. After the game, I switched to PP-Al-Nasr game and I saw same shit. No progress but our football is going backward and a single coach cant change it. It's the system, mentality, material and everything.


                      Haj Rezaei doesn't convince me at all. Someone for example saying that Khalatbari should only have played one half in order not to get injured, when he was injured during first half, can't be taken seriously at all.

                      The whole Khiabani - Rezaei discussion sounded more like what we discussed in school about football when we were 10, not even compareable to a serious analysis. Iranian football is ****ed up in every single aspect.

                      And I agree with Kavian that we shouldn't have accepted this friendly under the current circumstances.

                      But no need to make a tempest out of a teapot, it was a friendly without any preperations.


                        Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                        Haj Rezaei doesn't convince me at all. Someone for example saying that Khalatbari should only have played one half in order not to get injured, when he was injured during first half, can't be taken seriously at all.

                        The whole Khiabani - Rezaei discussion sounded more like what we discussed in school about football when we were 10, not even compareable to a serious analysis. Iranian football is ****ed up in every single aspect.

                        And I agree with Kavian that we shouldn't have accepted this friendly under the current circumstances.

                        But no need to make a tempest out of a teapot, it was a friendly without any preperations.



                          hmmm... when was it when I said this bozo of a coach is total rubbish???
                          Although the players were at fault, I mostly blame Professor Ghotbi for this loss. Once again he showed us that he does not have a tactic, utilizes players in wrong positions, hasnt realised that 4-2-3-1 is not suited for TM, his subs are stupendous, etc etc....

                          Mark my words, with this clown as our head coach, we are not even going to qualify from our group for Asian Cup.


                            Originally posted by TrueBlue View Post
                            Although the players were at fault, I mostly blame Professor Ghotbi for this loss. Once again he showed us that he does not have a tactic, utilizes players in wrong positions, hasnt realised that 4-2-3-1 is not suited for TM....
                            Mark my words, with this clown as our head coach, we are not even going to qualify from our group for Asian Cup.
                            Replace "Ghotbi" by Ivankovic, Ghalenoei or Daei and this comment could have been posted at any point of time during the last years.


                              Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                              Replace "Ghotbi" by Ivankovic, Ghalenoei or Daei and this comment could have been posted at any point of time during the last years.
                              100% true MR jan... I was not defending any one by bashing Ghotbi. Just the mere fact that he is not qualified to coach a national team.

