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NO MORE cheats ...

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    NO MORE cheats ...

    So they think

    فوتبال با سیاست نمیخوایم نمیخوایم

    Shame on Esteghlal and Perspolis players , they are nothing but stooges and dummies driven by the government , their paymaster. F***K sportsmanship , screw the ethics , why should I care as long as I am being paid handsomely !!!

    It was in 2000 or 2001 when I


    Majid jaan,,,,,
    on an may be unrelated issue....and since you have the photo of hameed Soryan...I must ask you, if you saw him going to Ahmadinejad's office and kissing his hand,and giving him his last gold medal, for so called, " Sacrifices for the country "....????????
    hameed Soryan is a disgrace to our country.
    And on your issue, I agree this game has been a major insult to people !


      Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
      Majid jaan,,,,,
      on an may be unrelated issue....and since you have the photo of hameed Soryan...I must ask you, if you saw him going to Ahmadinejad's office and kissing his hand,and giving him his last gold medal, for so called, " Sacrifices for the country "....????????
      hameed Soryan is a disgrace to our country.
      And on your issue, I agree this game has been a major insult to people !

      No , Bahram Agha , I did not see Soryan go and kiss Ahmadinejad's hand. How can you consider him a disgrace to his country when he has brought glory to his country ??? Anyway , this will lead us into politics and I am not really keen on discussing the Iranian Political stance at these forums.

      What is important and objective ,is to show those goons in IFF and the government is that they cannot fool the people any more.



        Kudos to IRNA , the iranian news agency run by the government and usually ( frequently) is the speaker of the partyline and the mullah's , for speaking or at least mentioning the sentiments of the crowd in Azadi after the match....Kudos to IRNA

        شهرآورد67/اعتراض شديد هواداران دو تيم به نتيجه تساوي

        اعتراض هواداران دو تيم استقلال و پرسپوليس به نتيجه تساوي اين دو تيم مهم ترين حاشيه شصت و هفتمين شهرآورد پايتخت بود.

        به گزارش ايرنا؛ عزيز الله محمدي رييس سازمان ليگ برتر فوتبال، مهدي تاج نايب رييس فدراسيون فوتبال،علي کفاشيان رييس فدراسيون فوتبال،مهدي محمد نبي دبيرکل فدراسيون فوتبال به همراه تعدادي از مقامات کشوري، لشگري و نمايندگان مجلس شوراي اسلامي از جايگاه ويژه اين ديدار را تماشا کردند.
        ** دردقايق پاياني اين ديدار خطاهاي بازيکنان 2 تيم برروي يکديگر بيشتر شد و اين موضوع خشم هواداران دو تيم را برانگيخت.
        **حميد سجادي معاون رييس سازمان تربيت بدني نيز درجايگاه ويژه حضور داشت.
        ** عباس انصاري فرد مدير عامل باشگاه پرسپوليس به ورزشگاه نيامده بود اين درحالي است که امير رضا واعظ آشتياني مديرعامل باشگاه فرهنگي ورزشي استقلال تهران و قائم مقام سازمان تربيت بدني به همراه اعضاي هيات مديره اين باشگاه در ورزشگاه حضورداشتند.
        ** کريم باقري سرگروه تيم پرسپوليس از جايگاه ويژه اين ديدار را تماشا کرد.
        ** هواداران تيم هاي استقلال و پرسپوليس به صورت هم صدا و يک نواخت در اواخر اين ديدار با سردادن شعار "تباني تباني" نسبت نتيجه تساوي دو تيم اعتراض کردند.
        ** همچنين هواداران 2 تيم بار ديگر با سردادن شعار "فوتبال با سياست نمي خواهيم نمي خواهيم" بار ديگر نسبت به نتيجه تساوي اعتراض کردند.
        **هواداران در پايان اين ديدار به نشانه اعتراض اشيايي را به درون زمين پرتاب کردند



          Originally posted by maij View Post
          No , Bahram Agha , I did not see Soryan go and kiss Ahmadinejad's hand. How can you consider him a disgrace to his country when he has brought glory to his country ??? Anyway , this will lead us into politics and I am not really keen on discussing the Iranian Political stance at these forums.

          What is important and objective ,is to show those goons in IFF and the government is that they cannot fool the people any more.
          سوريان مدال طلاي جهاني خود را به رئيس جمهور اهدا كرد

          کشتی- همشهري آنلاين:
          حميد سوريان قهرمان كشتي فرنگي جهان مدال طلاي مسابقات جهاني اخير را به رئيس*جمهور اهدا كرد
          و گفت: دكتر احمدي*نژاد با حضور مقتدرانه در مقر سازمان ملل متحد و كسب افتخار و عزت براي ملت ايران و همه مسلمانان، قهرمان اصلي است.

          به گزارش (ايسنا) رئيس*جمهور نيز پس از دريافت مدال طلاي حميد سوريان قهرمان و افتخار*آفرين جوان ايران اسلامي، با تاكيد بر اين*كه هركس با همه توان و اعتقاد به ارزش*هاي الهي و براي رضاي خدا فعاليت كند؛ در زمين و آسمان قهرمان است تصريح كرد: جوانان پاك و مومن ايران اسلامي از جمله حميد سوريان كه با اخلاق والاي جوانمردي و نگاه آرماني و اعتقاد به ولايت وارد عرصه مي*شوند و به سرنوشت ملت و كشور توجه دارند؛ حتي اگر مدال نيز كسب نكنند، مايه افتخار ملت و قهرمان واقعي هستند.

          دكتر محمود احمدي*نژاد با بيان اين*كه جوانان نقطه اتكا و پشتيبان مسوولان و كشور هستند تاكيد كرد: خدمت به مردم و فرياد خواسته*هاي ملت بالاترين افتخار است و مسوولان نيز بايد نماد جوانان پاك و مصمم ايران اسلامي باشند.

          وي مستكبران عالم را همچون كف روي آب، بدون بنيان و در حال افول برشمرد و اظهار كرد: فرهنگ اسلام ناب و انقلاب اسلامي و فرهنگ جوانمردي در سراسر جهان حاكم خواهد شد.

          وي با تاكيد بر اين*كه ملت ايران با تلاش جوانان خود روز به روز عزتمندتر خواهد شد تصريح كرد: حوادث و سختي*ها مايه رشد و كمال و دشمني مستكبران موجب افزايش قدرت ملت ايران خواهد شد.

          رئيس*جمهور در بخش ديگري از سخنان خود، ورزش كشتي را مظهر جوانمردي، مردمي بودن و صداقت دانست و گفت: ورزش كشتي عامل ترويج اخلاق و فرهنگ و مجموعه*اي از ارزش*هاست كه بشر امروز به آن*ها نياز دارد.

          وي با بيان اين*كه روحيات جوانمردي ورزشكاران ماندگار است تاكيد كرد: امروز ورزشكاران جمهوري اسلامي اخلاق و جوانمردي ايراني و اسلامي را در جهان منتشر مي*كنند.

          وي در پايان با اشاره به حركت رو به جلوي ورزش كشور به خصوص در رشته كشتي، گفت: سازمان تربيت بدني بايد توجه به ورزش كشتي داشته باشد؛ زيرا كشتي عامل ارتباط عواطف و دل*هاي ملت ايران است.

          گفتني است؛ مدال طلاي مسابقات كشتي فرنگي قهرماني جهان در دانمارك، قرار است با نام حميد سوريان در موزه رياست جمهوري در معرض ديد علاقه*مندان قرار گيرد.
          ..Hadi Saee,whose photo I have at the left of my post,sold his Gold medal,for the victoms of BAM earth quick.
          Last edited by zzgloo; 10-03-2009, 09:59 AM.


            I totally agree with majid jan over the abysmal state of this moronic derby.

            I think if the fans stop creating idols out of these two, they'd have little importance and validity on politics. If the fans become active and start to either boycott or similar drastic measures that directly affect the clubs, then perhaps things would be different.


            and on the matter of that idiot, soorian, I am totally and unequivocally with bahram here.
            it must be simply dreadful for a qahreman to come and endorse this mother-whore AN with such flowery language and terms.

            I'd like to think he was forced and pushed beyond measure to make this gesture. and if it is true, then I feel sorry for him. but it doesnt reduce my anger at the act nevertheless.

            I only hope he had the faces of countless mothers whose eyes have run dry of tears for their murdered children when he was spewing that garbage in praise of AN.





                Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                Majid jaan,,,,,

                hameed Soryan is a disgrace to our country.
                That was uncalled and injustice if you ask me.

                He, as a person, has a vote, and a medal. He can do whatever he wants with it.

                We live in a much open society and we should learn the tolerance from the people we live among them.

                Sourian, at his best, is a young fellow with no political and social experience and like many millions of our countrymen thinks A.N. is a hero. Nothing wrong with them and they are not disgrace to the country, they are just uniformed in my book. We should try to learn to tolerate the exterimists and the ones who are just opposite of our thought. This is exactly what happening in Iran now: Trying to shut-down and lable any one with different views.

                I think Sourian and Rezazadeh's act is way different than some one like Ghotbi. The first two believe what they did, the last one did just because of money, pure money.

                The post referred to Majid khan though.

                Majid jan, I am still not very sure about match fixing over the period. They only play very conservative and both team are happy with a tie, so they don't risk. Example, did you see how EsEs played after they received the goal? They really didn't want to lose, but I didn't sense that PP let them score "too easy", did you?

                remember last year game and Alizadeh's hand? Do you think that was fixed? I don't think so.

                I think, the people are too angry and they are ready to blame/accuse some one. I still do remember how fast they changed their chant from pro Daei to anti Daei in a matter of 5 minutes in KSA match. No, I don't buy the majority of fans' belief in stadium reflects the true story.

                Saying that , it's really strange to have so many tie.



                  Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                  That was uncalled and injustice if you ask me.

                  He, as a person, has a vote, and a medal. He can do whatever he wants with it.

                  We live in a much open society and we should learn the tolerance from the people we live among them.

                  Sourian, at his best, is a young fellow with no political and social experience and like many millions of our countrymen thinks A.N. is a hero. Nothing wrong with them and they are not disgrace to the country, they are just uniformed in my book. We should try to learn to tolerate the exterimists and the ones who are just opposite of our thought. This is exactly what happening in Iran now: Trying to shut-down and lable any one with different views.

                  I think Sourian and Rezazadeh's act is way different than some one like Ghotbi. The first two believe what they did, the last one did just because of money, pure money.
                  Thank you .... great post.

                  Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                  The post referred to Majid khan though.

                  Majid jan, I am still not very sure about match fixing over the period. They only play very conservative and both team are happy with a tie, so they don't risk. Example, did you see how EsEs played after they received the goal? They really didn't want to lose, but I didn't sense that PP let them score "too easy", did you?

                  remember last year game and Alizadeh's hand? Do you think that was fixed? I don't think so.

                  I think, the people are too angry and they are ready to blame/accuse some one. I still do remember how fast they changed their chant from pro Daei to anti Daei in a matter of 5 minutes in KSA match. No, I don't buy the majority of fans' belief in stadium reflects the true story.
                  It is very difficult and perhaps impossible to prove it either way. This sort of thing will never reach a court where evidence is displayed to incriminate someone or the government.....we are talking about circumstantial evidence and how convenient a draw between the two most supported team serves the interest of the ruling clan and security.

                  I have not seen alizadeh's incident because I was out of the country and did not watch that match , but talking to all my friends who watched that match ,ALL and I repeat ALL of them though it was suspicious/strange/fishy/abnormal act.

                  I believe that there is some kind of accord between the two teams which are owned by the government and run by the same organization and financially backed by Tarbiyart Badani......

                  Originally posted by Hajagha View Post

                  Saying that , it's really strange to have so many tie.


                  Hmmmmmm....didi ?

                  There is something called the law of averages that works everywhere.....but not in Iran
                  Last edited by maij; 10-05-2009, 04:29 AM.



                    I am Appalled...........!!!!!
                    Did " Sooyian " not know anything about, mass demonstrations ?
                    Did " Soorian " not know about,prison tortures ? rapes ?.....did Sooyian not know about likes of " Neda Agha Soltan " ?
                    He did, and he made a choice !
                    We,in Iran, are going through a different period of History, ( Unlike a pedesterian walking on streets of Stockholm ),we are in period which will set standards for our future " Values ".....and likes of " Reza Zadeh,who plays not for Iran,but for the country of " YA ABAL FAZL ", and " Sooyian "....they had made thier choices.......
                    We also need to make our choices....... !
                    The countries,who currantly stand for tolerance, did make thier own chioces in thier own history..., we are not thier yet !,and we need to go through same proccess...............We need to pay the price first for thier type of civilizations !....anythingels, will be,Alienated ,unearned,baseless " False pretend " !
                    Last edited by zzgloo; 10-05-2009, 08:32 AM.


                      بازتاب منفي حاشيه*هاي داربي در رسانه*هاي عربي منطقه
                      اتهام تباني؛ تنها موضوع مورد توجه عرب*ها
                      آنها جرات بردن يكديگر را ندارند!
                      سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال
                      8807-00011: كد خبر
                      خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - تهران
                      سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال

                      رسانه*هاي عربي منطقه از تمام موضوعات داربي تهران تباني آن را مورد توجه قرار دادند.
                      به گزارش خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، داربي 67 پايتخت ايران امسال كمتر از داربي*هاي گذشته مورد توجه رسانه*هاي عربي منطقه قرار گرفت. اگرچه پخش مستقيم اين ديدار از تلويزيون*هاي عربي مردم اين كشورها را مستقيما در جريان بازي و حواشي آن قرار داد اما، ديدار استقلال و پرسپوليس و موضوع تباني در تساوي تنها موضوعي بود كه رسانه*هاي عربي منطقه به آن اشاره داشتند.
                      شبكه*ي نيل اسپورت با اشاره به تساوي*هاي مكرر سال*هاي اخير پرسپوليس و استقلال گفت: اين بازي بزرگ و پرهياهو كه از داربي*هاي مهم دنيا به لحاظ استقبال به شمار مي*رود، بازي چندان دلچسبي نبود و بالاخره با نتيجه*ي مساوي به پايان رسيد و اين تساوي باعث شد هواداران هر دو تيم بازيكنان، مديران و مربيان تيم*هاي استقلال و پرسپوليس را به تباني براي تعيين نتيجه*ي تساوي متهم كنند.
                      نيل اسپورت به نقل از رسانه*هاي ايران گفت: رسانه*هاي ايران نيز پس از پايان اين ديدار اخباري درخصوص دستگيري برخي افراد و شعارهاي تند عليه تباني مطرح شده بين دو تيم منعكس كردند. در همين حال نيل اسپورت با اشاره به بركناري مديران تيم پرسپوليس گفت: اين تساوي بيش از همه تيم پرسپوليس را به لرزه درآورد و مديران آ*ن با دستور مستقيم معاون رييس جمهور بركنار و مدير جديد بر امور اين تيم گماشته شد.
                      هم*چنين تلويزيون آي*آرتي با برشمردن اين مطلب كه سطح فني ديدار دو تيم پرسپوليس و استقلال در اين بازي پايين بود، گفت: اين بازي بيشتر هياهو داشت تا يك ديدار دلچسب و درگيرانه و بازي خوبي كه مردم منطقه چشم انداز آن بودند.
                      همچنين شبكه*ي تلويزيوني سوريه در اخبار ورزشي خود با پخش برخي از صحنه*هاي ديدار گفت: تيم*هاي پرسپوليس و استقلال سال*هاست كه جرات بردن يكديگر را ندارند.
                      ايرانيان مقيم امارات و كويت نيز با انتقاد از افت بازي تيم*هاي استقلال و پرسپوليس كه بيشترين ملي*پوشان را همواره به فوتبال ملي ايران ارايه و تيم*هايي هستند كه سطح فوتبال كشورمان را در جهان به نمايش مي*گذارند، خواستار ارتقاي سطح فوتبال ايران شدند.
                      احمد حسين از اتباع كويت كه يك نوجوان ايراني الاصل است در گفت*وگو با خبرنگار ايسنا گفت: سطح پايين ديدار تيم*هاي استقلال و پرسپوليس نشان مي*دهد كه تيم ملي ايران بايد از مسابقات مقدماتي جام جهاني حذف مي*شد. اين ديدار حتي از سطح ديدارهاي باشگاه*هاي عربستان نيز پايين*تر و تيم*ها بيشتر به دنبال هياهو و حاشيه بودند.
                      انتهاي پيام



                        Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                        we are in period which will set standards for our future " Values ".....!
                        Put mulas' value in your sentence and see it still stands and makes sense. As a matter of fact, they are trying to shut-down every thing that does not believe in their "value".

                        Tolerance is not a heaven garden that we need to reach. Tolerance is a personal choice and every one should develop it on his own a nd has nothing to do with the government and society "giving".

                        For a change, try to understand why he still believe in this regime and doesn't believe what we are seeing. For example, based on his view, Neda was killed based on proxy. A.N. defended the "innocent" Pelastinin. Khamenei is "Imam"...., .......... do you see many millions Iranians in this category? Seen Moharam? Seen "sofreh abolfazl"? These things won't go away easily by your or my demand. It needs tolerance and gradual education with "smile".

                        I see so much flavour and passion in your post, like many young people.



                          Originally posted by maij View Post

                          Hmmmmmm....didi ?

                          There is something called the law of averages that works everywhere.....but not in Iran
                          Majid jan, I am yet to call Governmental-Team, Team Melli. I have no hope for this governmental, overpaid and noncompetitive football. Imagine Liverpool and Chesea were making their fans that much mad, how much money they were losing? How much would their stock drop?

                          So, the whole football is fake. Put your beer into freezer for 17 minutes, then bring it our, open it, sip the extra cold beer and laugh at their entire stupid government from top to the bottom.


                            Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                            Put mulas' value in your sentence and see it still stands and makes sense. As a matter of fact, they are trying to shut-down every thing that does not believe in their "value".
                            Tolerance is not a heaven garden that we need to reach. Tolerance is a personal choice and every one should develop it on his own a nd has nothing to do with the government and society "giving".
                            For a change, try to understand why he still believe in this regime and doesn't believe what we are seeing. For example, based on his view, Neda was killed based on proxy. A.N. defended the "innocent" Pelastinin. Khamenei is "Imam"...., .......... do you see many millions Iranians in this category? Seen Moharam? Seen "sofreh abolfazl"? These things won't go away easily by your or my demand. It needs tolerance and gradual education with "smile".
                            I see so much flavour and passion in your post, like many young people.
                            Haji Jaan.....

                            Did you even read my post ?.......Did you read the part,about what stage in our history we are ?......
                            The dicisions we iranians make,are particularly important for standards we will have in future.....please read the previouse post,once more.......
                            ........In Turkey, last year,when millions came out in support of Islamic values,and in support of women wearing head covers..the following week, millions more came out ,in opposition,and in support of freedom of women !!!!....................
                            If we leave the stage ,and " Tolerate ", at this stage,and not stand for our values , at this particular juction in our history,we have done a disservice to our people........
                            We are in a little different stage in our civilization than Europeans are...
                            And finaly, I must advice you, you should let your statements show maturity by themseleves, not your age, or your self-perception !
                            Ps, case you were wondering, I am Older than you are, and while you may have had PHD ( I read in your file ) ....I have a master degree in mathematics,and 35 years of experince, in Business !
                            ......Your statements,have a flavour of ,self absorbtion,out of touch,outsider mentality.
                            I like to be your friend....but I can not do that, when I am looked down upon,and patronized.
                            Last edited by zzgloo; 10-06-2009, 12:05 PM.


                              Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                              Haji Jaan.....
                              Did you even read my post ?.......Did you read the part,about what stage in our history we are ?......
                              The dicisions we iranians make,are particularly important for standards we will have in future.....please read the previouse post,once more.......
                              ........In Turkey, last year,when millions came out in support of Islamic values,and in support of women wearing head covers..the following week, millions more came out ,in opposition,and in support of freedom of women !!!!....................
                              If we leave the stage ,and " Tolerate ", at this stage,and not stand for our values , at this particular juction in our history,we have done a disservice to our people........
                              We are in a little different stage in our civilization than Europeans are...
                              And finaly, I must advice you, you should let your statements show maturity by themseleves, not your age, or your self-perception !
                              Ps, case you were wondering, I am Older than you are, and while you may have had PHD ( I read in your file ) ....I have a master degree in mathematics,and 35 years of experince, in Business !
                              ......Your statements,have a flavour of ,self absorbtion,out of touch,outsider mentality.
                              I like to be your friend....but I can not do that, when I am looked down upon,and patronized.
                              - I read your previous post once more.

                              - Turkey example: You talk about tolerance by a big number of people, I talk about individuals. you and me. You tolarate and let the society follow you.

                              - Value: Have you heard about "valued brothers" or "baradaran arzeshi" slogan in Iran? It doesn't sound so favourite inside Iran. I found your post push the same senario with different value, I may be wrong.

                              - Your post was so passionate, I thought you are young. I didn't mean any offense and I didn't mean immaturity.

                              - I have to work on my psots to not have the impression of self absorbtion,out of touch,outsider mentality.

                              - As self medication, I should tolerate any kind of views. Yours included.


