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"breaking" news : Our star players are .....

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    "breaking" news : Our star players are .....

    "breaking" news: our star players are NOT made of steel !

    now , THAT is news to some ppl, like our "head" coach and some of his followers!

    anyone remembers the excat thing was discussed 8-9 months back, while we still had time to test players, rest players, try different things .... and the new-found excuse of "now it's too late" was non-existent ?

    many ppl did bring up this "possibility" of star players losing form or getting injured, and hence demanded a more wise approach to some test games where we could and SHOULD have tried and tested new alternatives?

    zandi - out of form.
    kia - injured
    karimi - injured
    mirza - out of form
    VH - injured
    Nekounam - out of form
    yahya - out of form
    kaabi - out of form

    and while we still have some time to the games for the injured and out of form players to claw back to their original form and fitness, we still cannot escape the worry and the stress.

    what if VH's 4-6 weeks ( 8 weeks to the WC games !!! ) takes its toll on him?
    what if kia or karimi dont fully recouperate?
    what if zandi and javad and .... dont fully re-capture their form?
    what if .... ?
    what if ....?

    "WHO" will and shd replace these guys?
    I'd love these branko followers to answer this Q.

    for example, this is our Mr. yashar has said:
    Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia
    there is a huge difference now, guys like nosrati, borhani and navidkia have subsitutes who have some international experiene but mirzapoor has no sub with any international exprience, this is screwed!
    rings any bells?

    when some of us were screaming why branko picks mirza when he is not needed, that too against weak teams like laos, panama, lybia, ... , some times, even when he was INJURED .... some ppl came and said : "baaaa .... I mean , branko is right , he is correct, he is this and he is that" !

    this is not about proving one's words right.
    this is about how awefully and horribly TM has been managed in its run up to the WC.

    this is an indication that branko is completely out of his league as a HEAD coach, who decides vital matters !

    I dont want to go to many other aspects of his failures. this thread is about how team selection, rosters for different games were terrifyingly mismanaged.
    how short sighted and immature his approach has been so far.

    lets all join hands and while we are praying for the team to do well, and god to bless the players with an immeasurable amount of gheyrat, lets add one more to the long list of our wishes:
    god almighty, plz bless us with miraculous & full recovery of our star players who have been the constants in the team, no matter who the opposition.

    god almighty, plz bring back the form of those main players, for whom we didnt have the brains to find replacements and alternatives.

    god almighty, plz make sure such woes are not added to our many other defects and problems.

    excellent way to go the biggest games of football, eh?

    Doctor Doom e aziz....................I had missed you.......
    While, many of your assesments have always been correct.........these are the things you have forgotten to take into the consideration.......

    1-We have the most represive regim in the whole world.
    2-We are about to have a international sanctions against us, for stupid regim.
    3-the traffic in tehran is loughable by international standards.
    4-In Tehran,and whole Iran, the public Restrooms,are major embarresment to our culture,for being so filthy dirty.
    5-the unemployement is at 50%.
    6-The regim,has killed more than 60,000
    7-The economy is non-existant.
    8-Lack of management in Iran,is everywhere...from, shahrdary, to all EDARAT,to businesses, to all.
    9-We have history of mismanagement, bad decisions,no decisions everywhere...
    10---In general, the country sucks !!!!!
    In my opinion, " NAFASET AZ JAYE GARM DAR MIAD "
    Our TM, has been the brightest star,comming out of Iran.....remmember that !!
    Last edited by zzgloo; 04-11-2006, 08:56 AM.


      zz jan, bi khial agha .....

      are we to understand branko's inability to form a formidable team and correct its many long standing deficiencies is due to the traffic in tehran or the sad state of WC's ?

      this brightest star is first of all, not so bright, with many stains and tarnishes upon it.

      yes, it would and could have been much more bright and shining, if there was someone more professional, intelligent, capable leading it.
      alas..... we have this fellow.

      and this state, my friend, is not becoz we have repression and bad WC's or horrible traffic.
      this is becoz of the incompetence of the single person in charge of the team, who has now ( after the past year and half to 2 ) shown to be totally bereft and devoid of any ideas on how to fix the team's problems.


        agha doctor....m'kia is not injured he played 90 mins last week. His injury lasted 1 week only!

        you can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth


          Originally posted by taha
          agha doctor


            Originally posted by taha
            agha doctor....m'kia is not injured he played 90 mins last week. His injury lasted 1 week only!

            agha taha, I think you missed the jist of the thread.

            it's about a coach .... ANY coach, having tried and tested reliability of not only his main players, but the replacements for these main players also.

            but with ours, it has not occurred !
            who is kia's sub?
            who is mirza's?
            who is daei's?

            and I dont think just mentioning "names" will help.
            these "names" ere never really trusted, even when we were playing loas and guam or panama ,..... !!

            something to ponder on.


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
              zz jan, bi khial agha .....

              are we to understand branko's inability to form a formidable team and correct its many long standing deficiencies is due to the traffic in tehran or the sad state of WC's ?

              this brightest star is first of all, not so bright, with many stains and tarnishes upon it.

              yes, it would and could have been much more bright and shining, if there was someone more professional, intelligent, capable leading it.
              alas..... we have this fellow.

              and this state, my friend, is not becoz we have repression and bad WC's or horrible traffic.
              this is becoz of the incompetence of the single person in charge of the team, who has now ( after the past year and half to 2 ) shown to be totally bereft and devoid of any ideas on how to fix the team's problems.
              Doctor jan.....
              5 mounths ago,with the help of my girlfriend,and through a sport writter, and after mounths of following up,we got hold of Mr.Rodrigez,and a some one els, of forgot the name of, whom both were,dirctor of mexican national team ( tri-colores)forgin opponants, and Kamran dilan helped a lot,with his staff and thier connection with team meli ( human )....and They finaly agreed to play with Iran, and pay to Iranian federation to come to mexico and play.....
              Guess what ?......Mexican Departement kept calling me, and e,mailing tell us, no one answers their call, no in emmbassy, nor iranian federation.......Nobody even told them we do not want your money nor want to play with you......
              If you go to Iran,,,all around you will see , " MOST_MALI" nothing is done, no agenda, no programming, no manegement in any thing...everything runs on AIR............this is the system.....
              what you are saying,is just unreal....whom do you think ,we are dealing with ?............
              Agenda,on hiring a coach ?.....there was non....
              plans for the WC ?...............who ? when ?may be later.
              prepareing players ?..............god will take care of it.
              please, do not repeat what is are not the only one who noticed it..........but what you do,and how you asses the reality,is what can help............
              The public restrooms in Iran,IS,related to the state of TM.
              traffic in tehran,is related...
              nagging critisizing culture is related....
              ...............The question is .......Will you carry the flag of green-white-red (of Iran ),during the game with mexico or not ??


                zz jan, I think differently.

                just becoz x and y and z dont work , it doesnt mean we shd let go of everything and let a , b and c also go to the dogs !!

                yes, I know some ppl do think that way.
                when WC's dont work, why bother with traffic?
                when traffic is bad, why bother with newspapers?
                when newspapers are crappy, why bother with culture?
                when..... etc.

                and the chain goes on and on.

                but dont you think if someone said : "ok, WC's dont work, lets at least, try to get traffic right" , things wouldnt have gotten into this vicious cycle, spiraling to nowhere?

                just becoz a guy is blind, that doesnt mean life shd stop.
                just becoz a girl cant walk, that doesnt mean she cant try to have a full life.

                why do we give up so easily?

                why are we looking for excuses to cover up our shortcomings ? just like branko followers who apply the same attitude.

                who cares if our WC's dont work, or traffic is bad or ... .
                the thing is we have paid DEAR money to this fellow to make TM a formidable team at the World Cup .... not just against laos or n korea.
                and he is NOT doing it.
                simple as that.
                and it has nothing to do with state of traffic, WC's, mullahs and ... !

                lets not always look for the easy way out for an excuse.
                Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 04-12-2006, 06:31 AM.


                  DD jan, I am explaining why did we hire branko in the first place.....
                  If you understand that, you would not ask for his ineffeiciencies.


                    Originally posted by zzgloo
                    DD jan, I am explaining why did we hire branko in the first place.....
                    If you understand that, you would not ask for his ineffeiciencies.

                    at the time we hired ( RE-hired actually ) him, it was the right decision.

                    but as with life and reality, everything has its own limits of usefulness. nothing is useful forever. nothing runs perfectly forever.

                    he had his uses, in dealing with the asian challenge.

                    but the WC is a totally different ball game ( pun intended ).
                    he is absolutely out of his league at the WC.
                    he has not shown even acceptable leadership in handling and correcting ... and generally forming a team suitable for a WC appearance.

                    yes, he may be good enough when it comes to asian teams ( not the top ones like korea and japan, at times ) like n korea, bahrain, laos, guam , .... , but WC is not asia's standards.

                    and anyway, as it happens in reality, ppl make choices. but when their choices dont work out, or turn sour, they rethink and choose another .

                    what some of us are doing is sacrificing TM's fate, just becoz we feel "compelled" to stick by this wrong choice !
                    why the compulsion?
                    he is a pro.
                    we are supposedly trying to be pro's.
                    in the world of pro's such things happen frequently.
                    once x's usefulness runs dry, he is discarded in favor of another.
                    as simple as that.

                    what's so wrong in behaving like pro's?

                    in the past 2 years he has done NOTHING for the team. added NOTHING to the team's overall dynamics.
                    corrected NONE of its deficiencies.
                    .... and to make matters worse, the team's performance has dipped to a new low, there is strife and controversy all over the team, the past 2 years has been a collection of one bad judgment after another.

                    inability to take care of business at hand is cause enough for dismissal.

                    lets not get all too "taarofi" and have unjustified, exaggerated sense of hospitality .... when it is going to cost us our dear TM's fate !

                    this mentality is excatly what we are trying to get rid of, by setting our goals to obtain a pro football.
                    why shd we revert to such inane and defunct methods ?
                    all for what?
                    would it benefit TM ?
                    HELL NO !

                    I dont know what you do in life, but if you are in charge of a set of employees and one of them doesnt fit into ur organization anymore, or is not working well anymore, or .... what do you do?
                    keep him and pay him salary every month ... just becoz he worked well 2-3 years back ?

                    in my line of work, no matter how much I enjoyed using a set of tools till now. once they get blunted or dont work properly, or ... I keep them aside and buy a new set.

                    how difficult is this to apply to other things?

                    and most importantly, WHAT IS OUR PRIORITY , ... TM or branko ?
                    Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 04-15-2006, 04:13 AM.


                      Originally posted by zzgloo
                      Doctor Doom e aziz....................I had missed you.......
                      While, many of your assesments have always been correct.........these are the things you have forgotten to take into the consideration.......

                      1-We have the most represive regim in the whole world.
                      2-We are about to have a international sanctions against us, for stupid regim.
                      3-the traffic in tehran is loughable by international standards.
                      4-In Tehran,and whole Iran, the public Restrooms,are major embarresment to our culture,for being so filthy dirty.
                      5-the unemployement is at 50%.
                      6-The regim,has killed more than 60,000
                      7-The economy is non-existant.
                      8-Lack of management in Iran,is everywhere...from, shahrdary, to all EDARAT,to businesses, to all.
                      9-We have history of mismanagement, bad decisions,no decisions everywhere...
                      10---In general, the country sucks !!!!!
                      In my opinion, " NAFASET AZ JAYE GARM DAR MIAD "
                      Our TM, has been the brightest star,comming out of Iran.....remmember that !!
                      as I see it ahmadenijaad has put his support behind TM and before him so did khatame even if they did not want to support TM just how did they stop us from picking subs for TM???
                      yet you are trying to tell me that our government killing 60,000 people has stoped our team from picking subs for TM ? what the 2 have to do with each other I do not know
                      and our government is not the rperesive regim in the whole world that belong to north korea by far. even if we were worse then korea how did it stop us from picking subs for TM????
                      and how did the sanctions stop us from picking subs for TM ??
                      unemploment is at 50% yes this must be why branko could not pick subs for TM 50% of IPL did not show up for work so branko did not pick any one as a sub to take to his game against panama........
                      The economy thats right that must be it branko saw the economy and said since it is so bad why should I pick subs to play against south korea?????? the economy has stoped barnko from picking subs now
                      lack of management in iran like as if Iran is the only country in the world that those at the top take money for them selfs or have poor people in it or their are people suffering at the hands of the government? I see that happening in all the other governments it the world to but you know what they still picked subs for their TM so it can't because of the government.
                      we have a history of bad dicisions now you say some thing that makes some what of since but you see we got barnko because he is not one of us he is not an Irane like us and when we see he is not making good dicisions and is making worse dicisions then us Irane people then that is the time we fire his a$$ and bring in any one we can get our hands on that can help us out of our problems. not support him and say barnko did not pick any sub or did not play any subs because our economy is bad.
                      our economy is good enough to pay barnko all that he asked for and that $ is in bran*** bank acount right now.
                      the country sucks????
                      the country does not suck Iran is by far one of the best countrys in the world today. we are amoung the top 8 with nucler, one of the big names with oil, natural gas,rocks, farming, land mass, our people have more rights then a lot of other countrys and we have a lot of other things that most countrys around the world do not have and can only wish to have. open your eyes and see things the way they are long live Iran.
                      Iran does not suck
             ( saving people money on essential services. )


                        As always I agree with most of what you are saying Dr. Doom.

                        Just wanted to add, if there is one single player who must 100% be on our bench for the World Cup, that player is Iman Mobali.

                        Look what he did for Foolad last year. Since he has transferred their team has been struggling.

                        He had the same important role for the U-23 during 2002-2004.

                        I hope Branko puts aside the surrounding issues and decides to re-invite Iman.


