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Ghotbi and Kafashian have to go !

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    Ghotbi and Kafashian have to go !

    Despite my reservation on some coaches but also protection of Team Melli coaches , I have to say that this particular man DOES NOT deserve support , protection or sympathy. I have always tried to be rational rather than emotional (not claiming total success , though) If the 1-0 loss to Jordan , one of the weakest Asian and Arab teams at the moment , does not convince you that the team is in a spiral dive and in serious risk of missing the Asian Cup 2011 , I don't know what will.

    Kafashian has been nothing but disaster and bad omen. His supporting cast in IFF are not much better. I seriously don't have an alternative name to suggest , which is a shame , but this man has to go in order to put the house in order.

    In fact , I have a name to replace him , but apparently he is incarcerated.

    Seriously now....even the most biased , pro Ghotbi MUST see the facts. The man has no right to be sitting on the bench of our beloved Team Melli....NO right at all.

    Give Afshin Ghotbi his dues, pat him on the back , thank him , wish him good luck.......but please....away from Team Melli.
    Last edited by maij; 11-22-2009, 05:04 PM.


    Gol gofti Majeed Jan.

    None of them meet the person spesification criteria of their posts. There's no even point to talk about someone like Kafashian who is the most chemically inactive person ever managing the IFF.

    Ghotbi's been in charge of TM for a good period of time. The guy has continously been talking about his so called international football which he sems to have no clue about it. He is yet to show any proof of change in this national team which in summary depends on 2-3 legionnaires and Rahmati.

    Our problems are much deeper to be solved by sacking the likes of Ghotbi, but i don't think we'll reach any destination with Ghotbi either.
    Last edited by Kaveh; 11-22-2009, 02:34 PM.




        When is a good time for firing a coach ?

        I don't know about Capello or Fergueson coming up here , I suspect that they are happy where they are but this man GHOTBI , is certainly proven to me beyond any shadow of doubt , that he has NO BUSINESS sitting on Team Melli bench. I strongly suspect some foul play on his initial appointment , I strongly believe that he reached that position after having a strong lobby , and the events on the field has proved to me that the man lacks simple , fundamental and basic tactics to lead ANY professional or national team.

        I say let him go now , before we lose the chance of making it to Asian Cup 2011.

        BTW: Do you know that Syria qualified with 2 matches in hand...YES ...Syria , the punching bag of Team Melli.
        Last edited by maij; 11-22-2009, 04:46 PM.



          In martikeye jolombore vatanforoosh harchi sari tar gooresho gom kone gomeshe bere behtare!!! I have just about had it with his incompetant a**. Seriuosly Mr. Sh*thead, leave our beloved TM alone and go search for $s somewhere else.


            Well, why am I not surprised by this result?

            I would say that keep the coach as he fits the whole system.

            A few weeks ago some one told me a team leads IPL by 24 points after 14 games!!!

            I think it says it all if there is any ear to listen.

            For god sake, there is no international reporter in Iran, and the last few of them are in prison. Do you think what is the chance to attract a decent coach for such a broken system? These people are more concern about the number of people who go the stadium and if they wear green or not.

            Last time when our superstar had overweight problem we should have known we are in a deep Sh**t.

            It's not that bad if you ask me, let's get to the point to "make it or break it". We need to look at our football fundamentaly, a coach or a player won't shed the light on the huge elephant in the room.


              I havent watched the game yet (very busy sunday!!! ) but "nadid", I second majid's suggestion of incarcerating kaf and ghotbi.

              I'm downloading the game now but not sure if I'd want to watch it, having inadvertently seen the scoreline!!!


                Aghayoon, it's not Ghotbi's fault, he has invited the best players we currently have. Other teams have improved so it's natural that TM will have a difficult time winning games in general, specially if they are away and the opponent is playing with tremendous motivation. Not to mention the "Henry handball effect" which seems to decide matches these days . Overall I'd keep Ghotbi because there is no great alternative, plus he has managed to create a good atmosphere around the national squad for the first time in a long while. I would restrict to giving constructive criticism and hope that with more stability TM is going to improve in time for the Asian Cup. Put Mayeli Kohan or Ghalenoi in charge and all the haashieh starts flying off again.

                My first two suggestions to improve TM regardless of the coaching staff:

                1) Get Alenemeh in as LB. This guy is really a great asset for that position

                2) Try to find a centeral forward in the caliber of young Daie or Hashemian



                  Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                  Well, why am I not surprised by this result?
                  I would say that keep the coach as he fits the whole system.
                  A few weeks ago some one told me a team leads IPL by 24 points after 14 games!!!
                  I think it says it all if there is any ear to listen.
                  For god sake, there is no international reporter in Iran, and the last few of them are in prison. Do you think what is the chance to attract a decent coach for such a broken system? These people are more concern about the number of people who go the stadium and if they wear green or not.
                  Last time when our superstar had overweight problem we should have known we are in a deep Sh**t.
                  It's not that bad if you ask me, let's get to the point to "make it or break it". We need to look at our football fundamentaly, a coach or a player won't shed the light on the huge elephant in the room.
                  that pretty much sums it up.


                    Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                    Aghayoon, it's not Ghotbi's fault, he has invited the best players we currently have. Other teams have improved so it's natural that TM will have a difficult time winning games in general, specially if they are away and the opponent is playing with tremendous motivation. Not to mention the "Henry handball effect" which seems to decide matches these days . Overall I'd keep Ghotbi because there is no great alternative, plus he has managed to create a good atmosphere around the national squad for the first time in a long while. I would restrict to giving constructive criticism and hope that with more stability TM is going to improve in time for the Asian Cup. Put Mayeli Kohan or Ghalenoi in charge and all the haashieh starts flying off again.

                    My first two suggestions to improve TM regardless of the coaching staff:

                    1) Get Alenemeh in as LB. This guy is really a great asset for that position

                    2) Try to find a centeral forward in the caliber of young Daie or Hashemian
                    OK......SO .....NOW....
                    In order for Ghotbi and Team Melli to win , we must only play against unmotivated teams and/or teams that have NOT improved.....Is that the level we have reached to ? Is this our aspirations ? is it your satisfaction?

                    It is not Ghotbi's fault ?????? Hmmmm....OK...according to you and in the same post , you said that he picked or invited the best players that we have , then right after that you contradicted the same statement and mentioned Ahmed Ale Nemeh who was not picked up by Ghotbi and in fact he is NOT even a fixed player for his club !!!! So , what is missing here ?

                    Even if Ghotbi has picked up the best available players, his failure to beat the likes of Jordan means EXACTLY what we are after...the man cannot coach a team at international level...that is my point. That is why he needs to go right now.

                    One last point : Since when was " creating a good atmosphere around the national squad" has been a priority or a goal rather than winning matches ??? Where and how do you get such misconceptions ? Which player claimed that Ghotbi has created a better atmosphere than the rest of the coaches ???

                    Anyway , I though that creating a better atmosphere should help the team win matches , else do I care if the players love each other and 3 of them affectionately share the same bed !!!!



                      Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                      Well, why am I not surprised by this result?

                      I would say that keep the coach as he fits the whole system.

                      A few weeks ago some one told me a team leads IPL by 24 points after 14 games!!!

                      I think it says it all if there is any ear to listen.

                      For god sake, there is no international reporter in Iran, and the last few of them are in prison. Do you think what is the chance to attract a decent coach for such a broken system? These people are more concern about the number of people who go the stadium and if they wear green or not.

                      Last time when our superstar had overweight problem we should have known we are in a deep Sh**t.

                      It's not that bad if you ask me, let's get to the point to "make it or break it". We need to look at our football fundamentaly, a coach or a player won't shed the light on the huge elephant in the room.

                      The way I have been operating , there is no place fore lost hope.

                      I definitely do not agree that there is no better coach than Ghotbi in Iran , that is an illusion , a myth , an excellent work of deception and brain washing.

                      I don't know , and frankly careless , about international coaches for taem melli at this stage. In fact seeking a first class foreign coach is like chasing a wild goose , USE THE BEST of your current resources,,,and Ghotbi is NOT part of the best.

                      YES...The coach is not the sole person responsible for the standard of Team Melli, I think I am the flag bearer of this ideology and we have beaten the subject to death on this one. is not say that the coach has ZERO effect. Even if we assume he has 0 effect , why is he being paid so handsomely???

                      PS: From my sources , I believe that Ghotbi is the highest paid TM coach ever, I dearly like to know what his contract is compared to Branko , Daei , GN and MK..fat chance IFF will publicly announce that.

                      To sum it up...this proud nation , despite the setbacks, surely...surely ...has better talents than Kafashian and Ghotbi.



                        Originally posted by maij View Post
                        When is a good time for firing a coach ?

                        I don't know about Capello or Fergueson coming up here , I suspect that they are happy where they are but this man GHOTBI , is certainly proven to me beyond any shadow of doubt , that he has NO BUSINESS sitting on Team Melli bench. I strongly suspect some foul play on his initial appointment , I strongly believe that he reached that position after having a strong lobby , and the events on the field has proved to me that the man lacks simple , fundamental and basic tactics to lead ANY professional or national team.

                        I say let him go now , before we lose the chance of making it to Asian Cup 2011.

                        BTW: Do you know that Syria qualified with 2 matches in hand...YES ...Syria , the punching bag of Team Melli.
                        Ok majidjan let's say we fire Ghotbi right now. Do you really think that Kafashian would leave? We would have the same shit problem as before, Mayeli Kohan comes, zer mizane, he leaves! Ghalenoie comes, fosh mide, he leaves! Daei comes, claims to be king of all iranian coaches, he leaves! A joke follows after the other....

                        Baba if IFF is not willing to invest in iranian football (new facilities, new stadiums, complete privatization of all iranian clubs, new training pitches, compulsive training courses for coaches...., better development of U16, U18, U21 players......), there is no need to change the coach anyway. A foreign coach would leave after one month.. You have to blame IFF for this chaos. They have done nothing, they are sitting in their conference rooms, eating kabab and drinking tea with nabat....

                        Let's say: you are the coach.. you always tell them to play the system A, az zoob ta shaab, only A... They seem to understand it, and during the game on the pitch, they are starting to play B,C,D.... but not A.... If you keep telling them to play A and they still don't get it, it's oviously the fault of the players, the lack of quality to play out these tactics on the pitch... If they fail, then something went wrong in their development..... Guess who is responsible for that???
                        TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                          Originally posted by persianallstars View Post
                          Ok majidjan let's say we fire Ghotbi right now. Do you really think that Kafashian would leave? We would have the same shit problem as before, Mayeli Kohan comes, zer mizane, he leaves! Ghalenoie comes, fosh mide, he leaves! Daei comes, claims to be king of all iranian coaches, he leaves! A joke follows after the other....

                          I said Kafashian AND Ghotbi should leave. Whether it actually happens or not is a different argument.

                          The problems with the coaches leaving and the other coming , is due to the poor administration & policies of IFF. Up to Dadkan days , it was all stable. Branko had the support of IFF and despite the claims of all those fans who still think they know better than coaches , he prevailed and we had one of the best post revolution periods of Team Melli with him.

                          Amongst the ailments of Iranian football is the fans themselves. All those who called for the head of Ghalenoei and Daei and the federation , not knowing any better and in the false impression that they need to be popular , obliged.

                          Team Melli under Ghalenoi , did not even lose a single game in Asian Cup (penalties are not considered a loss) Yet the whole of Iran wanted his head

                          Daei lost one match only , and the same happened to him.

                          ...NOW , Ghotbi has lost against one of the weakest Asian teams and there are still people trying to defend him with feeble arguments.

                          Originally posted by persianallstars View Post
                          Baba if IFF is not willing to invest in iranian football (new facilities, new stadiums, complete privatization of all iranian clubs, new training pitches, compulsive training courses for coaches...., better development of U16, U18, U21 players......), there is no need to change the coach anyway. A foreign coach would leave after one month.. You have to blame IFF for this chaos. They have done nothing, they are sitting in their conference rooms, eating kabab and drinking tea with nabat....

                          Baba...we have been through this argument a million times , I don't see the point of repeating and beating a dead horse...we all know that.

                          Originally posted by persianallstars View Post
                          Let's say: you are the coach.. you always tell them to play the system A, az zoob ta shaab, only A... They seem to understand it, and during the game on the pitch, they are starting to play B,C,D.... but not A.... If you keep telling them to play A and they still don't get it, it's oviously the fault of the players, the lack of quality to play out these tactics on the pitch... If they fail, then something went wrong in their development..... Guess who is responsible for that???
                          What is your point ?

                          Are you telling me that Ghotbi is asking them to do something , and the likes of Teymourian and Nekounam are not listening to him ????

                          If they are not listening to him , then it is indicative of one or combination of the following factors

                          1) Weak leadership.
                          2) Futile Game Plan
                          3) Poor communication
                          4) Inability to play players in the right position.

                          If this is an attempt to defend Ghotbi , then it is a none starter. Ghotbi never came publicly to complain that his players did not listen to him or did not exucute his plans (If there was ever a plan) , in fact he was quite happy about their performance at least in the games before the defeat.



                            I must respectfully disagree with paradigm jan, on the matter of "good atmosphere", since it was under the very coach when we saw sudden mass exodus and departure of players from the camp due to all sorts of c0ckamamie reasons.

                            secondly, he is just as stuck-up as the rest of coaches like daei, who get fixated on a player positively and negatively. positively like poor hajsafi who's getting the flack for being posted in the wrong position (feel very sorry for him coz he has abundant of talent if used in the correct positions) and negatively like ashjari, or mazyar zareh or ... who were doing fine, especially ashjari (one of daei's great deeds to bring him in).
                            yes, he's brought mobaali back. but that shd not mean I shd close my eyes to other issues.

                            on tactical front also he's proven to be quite unimaginative. daei, at least did try 4-4-2 to find a good structure for the game. but ghotbi's sticking to the stupid 4-2-3-1 no matter what.
                            poor ansarifard played the whole game having touched the ball perhaps 3-4 times (same with mobaali, who did play poorly in those 3-4 occasions his feet touched the ball (!!) I must say). why? becoz he was crowded up front and each time his markers got the better of him! even when meydavoodi came in, he took mobaali's post behind and wasnt sent up front as the pair!
                            so ghotbi also falls into the blind category who see what is "prescribed" by some manual, rather than seeing what really "is"!

                            his khayehmal attitude is also a grate on some ppl's nerves.

                            the only good thing he's brought is a decent demeanor and speech, which is refreshing compared to some of our past coaches.
                            but sadly they dont award trophies and goals to decent and graceful speeches in football.


                            to answer persianallstars on players not being able to do A or B .... , I must say to some extent it is correct as our players arent as developed and professional as the models modern football is based on. therefore there are only a few options:
                            1- give up football
                            2- go on playing this deficient, headless "bi sar o tah" football
                            3- try to find a more simple structure for the players to fit in easier


                              since majid brought up daei and GN, I must say daei would have been a very good coach with whom we could have built a successful TM for at least 4-5 years. his only failing was his personal stuff that he brought in to TM affairs.
                              aside from that, I'm pretty sure he's a far more capable coach than ghotbi.

                              as for GN, as majid said, they wanted to castrate the poor chap for merely drawing with SOUTH Korea!!! when his record was far more briliant than ghotbi's.

                              but somehow, we are supposed to accept all sorts of empty promises like "I know how to win SKorea. I will get us to the WC. NKorea shd fear us. I will win asia cup." and a lot of baseless, empty drivel like this!!!!!

                              the thing is some of us believe since "ghotbi is one of us" (expats) then we shd support him, turning a blind eye to many technical issues that point to his inability.

