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Ghotbi and Kafashian have to go !

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    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
    since majid brought up daei and GN, I must say daei would have been a very good coach with whom we could have built a successful TM for at least 4-5 years. his only failing was his personal stuff that he brought in to TM affairs.
    aside from that, I'm pretty sure he's a far more capable coach than ghotbi.

    as for GN, as majid said, they wanted to castrate the poor chap for merely drawing with SOUTH Korea!!! when his record was far more briliant than ghotbi's.

    but somehow, we are supposed to accept all sorts of empty promises like "I know how to win SKorea. I will get us to the WC. NKorea shd fear us. I will win asia cup." and a lot of baseless, empty drivel like this!!!!!

    the thing is some of us believe since "ghotbi is one of us" (expats) then we shd support him, turning a blind eye to many technical issues that point to his inability.
    Gol gofti DD jan. Fortunately this time, the list of excuses Mr. Ghotbi gave us for his failure was very short:

    "We didnt have Masoud and Neku" (Refer to ISNA for source)

    I mean really??? We lost to Jordan because we did not have 2 players??? You got to be sh*tting me! Now that is one lame a$$ excuse. And when was the last time this "bozdel" accepted responsibility for his team playing like crap?

    Remember my post about deeg and abkesh??? I was merely being sarcastic, but now I am speachless...


      one thing I forgot to add was:
      let us be fair and monsef and acknowledge the positive change that's happened in TM also:
      TM's shooting rates and even precision has greatly improved.
      in the past few games I have seen more shots taken at the goal than a whole year worth of games under previous coaches.
      and I am happy to say most of these shots are within the frame at least ... if a bit weaker than they shd be.


      funny how the jordanian TV was able to show every little contact from far and close angle but somehow "forgot" to show how their winger "controlled" the ball before crossing it to score!!!

      looked to me it was his arm that controlled it.
      not that I'd think they didnt deserve to win coz they certainly DID. and by a 2-3 goal margin also.
      but that doesnt take away from the one-sided coverage either


      ^ as for ghotbi's moronic excuse, I must say: I may accept nekunam's role in recent TM performances as a positive one. but shojaei?
      what has he been doing that is now greatly missed and due to its missing, we'd lose to a piss-pot like jordan? other than slowing the game down, losing the ball, unnecessary dribbling, ... that is.

      that excuse must go down in history on par with those other briliant ones like "zameen kaj bood" and "the bademjoon story (of 98WCQ's)", ...


      may I remind of a very disturbing and RECURRING matter at TM once again: kaabi's inability to defend due to either missing in the spot, or his lack of height:
      this is in the 2nd half when aghili or nosrati cleared the ball right ON THE LINE off a header that ballooned over rahmati's hands. there were 2 FREE jordanians on kaabi's side with no sign of kaabi! and it was one of these guys who headed the ball and lucky for us, someone cleared it.

      exactly how many times shd this happen for us to do something about it? we see this in EACH AND EVERY GAME. some of them become goals and a few we get away with sheer luck like this.
      a good coach would know what to do and wouldnt just leave it be.


      and finally, I must say we are lucky we didnt lose 3-0 or 4-0 .
      and pure luck saved our and ghotbi's hide. but as was said during the WCQ's, till when are we going to rely on LADY LUCK to save us?
      one day she'll sit on somebody else's shoulders and we'll be left with nothing ( as happened eventually during the qualifiers)

      let this be a lesson to those who merely watch "numbers": if a piss-pot like jordan gets this many chances and hits the post and ball gets cleared on the line and ..... , then a REAL TEAM would have slaughtered TM !
      so stop looking at crappy opponents we bring and look at HOW WE PLAY our football.


        i think we took more shots on goal these past 2 3 games, but their accuracy was wayyyyyyyyyyy offff...
        either too weak (like against jordan return game) or too high/wide (like against macedonia.......
        and just ot point out the shots on goal were taken only by the same 2 or 3 players anyways - andranik, meydavoudi and hajisafi. so i dont really think ghotbi has been stressing to take shots on goal either.


        bademjoon story??? lol..wats that? never heard of it..
        Last edited by yashar_fasihnia; 11-23-2009, 09:28 PM.
        Originally posted by siavasharian

        بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
        بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


          We pretty much know the common feelings about Ghotbi..

          But what about that "Smiling Assassin" Kafashian.....???

          God , I am no hater but I consider this stooge to be the worst that IFF has seen in decades / He is just a heavy burden on Iran's football. I think we need to expose him much more than putting all the blame on Ghotbi.



            Who the **** should replace Ghotbi? Everyone available would be even worse. Yeah, now everyone might think how should it get worse? But didn't most people already think that after Branko or Daei?

            And also I don't get the coach-obsession. Especially by someone usually looking a bit beyond the surface when analyzing football.

            I saw 11 losers in red jerseys on the field, yet the guy sitting on the bench is the idiot. And noone can say the personell he chose to take the field was not at least close to the best material available. It's not like he put 11 nonames. He evn put everyone's darlings Heydari and Mobali.

            I didn't hear anyone talking about their replacement...


              Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
              Who the **** should replace Ghotbi? Everyone available would be even worse. Yeah, now everyone might think how should it get worse? But didn't most people already think that after Branko or Daei?

              And also I don't get the coach-obsession. Especially by someone usually looking a bit beyond the surface when analyzing football.

              I saw 11 losers in red jerseys on the field, yet the guy sitting on the bench is the idiot. And noone can say the personell he chose to take the field was not at least close to the best material available. It's not like he put 11 nonames. He evn put everyone's darlings Heydari and Mobali.

              I didn't hear anyone talking about their replacement...

              Q: Who should replace Ghotbi ??
              A: Amir Ghalenoei.

              My God , have we reached such an ebb that the best that this nation can offer to its football is one Afshin Ghotbi . who is irreplaceable ?

              And what is with this generalizing statement. I , for one , never even thought for a minute that Branko should go , or asked for Haidary and Mobali to be included or else.

              The fact the majorty demand something , doe not mean that it is right.

              REMEMBER, The Islamic revolution ?

              It is the same people here , same demands , same disillusionment.

              And I seriously do not think that Ghotbi had 11 losers on the pitch. If he had , he would have complained about them or replaced them before. Hell , he had enough friendly matches before hand. He parised his team on every occasion.

              Just a thought . Did it occur to you , that the coach was useless in his tactics and line up arrangement amongst other things , rather than all 14 players being wrong and useless ???



                Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post

                I saw 11 losers in red jerseys on the field, yet the guy sitting on the bench is the idiot.
                Right on money, damet garm.

                These are the one with the right "hair-cut".


                  Originally posted by maij View Post
                  Q: Who should replace Ghotbi ??
                  A: Amir Ghalenoei.

                  Majid jan,

                  Ghotbi is no better than our famous Ebrahimi (monkey). You are right about Ghotbi there, but pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee don't try to fix the broken football right on national level. It is not gonna work.

                  Back to Ghalenoei, what he is gonna do? Equal number of red and blue, put a few idots for assistant coaches positions to not stealing his position, and formation of 8-1-1 to save his a$$ to not burn, we have seen him too.

                  Majid jan, Let's burn this broken football, maybe there will be some thing rise up from the ash.

                  Maybe not, then get your Spain jersey and celebrate the real football.


                    ^ I totally agree. Maybe apart from one part. I do think Ghotbi is still better than any Iranian coach. He's not good enough to make up for all the other bullshit. Probably a Guus Hiddink could make up more.

                    But since he is not available, and all the Iranian coaches are a joke - the only ones who could even be considered, Daei and Ghalenoei, already had their shots and failed - it is hypocricy to act as if it was his fault, that he can't make up for all the other shit.

                    There is one issue I really wonder about. The three performances before that were somewhat acceptable (at least for the non-constant bashers). But the fourth game suddenly results in a quality drop by 2-3 classes. A team showing good stuff against a European team and actually deservingly beating Joran, suddenly is rather lucky not to be thrashed by the very same Jordan team. There must be more factors than coaching alone causing this sudden drop in performance.

                    Analyzing those would be more interesting, although most sound like excuses probably. Fatigue, missing players, away weakness - they all surely played a role, but for me that can't explain such a drop in performance within a few days.
                    Last edited by Martin-Reza; 11-23-2009, 04:59 PM.


                      Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                      ^ I totally agree. ...

                      There is one issue I really wonder about. The three performances before that were somewhat acceptable (at least for the non-constant bashers). But the fourth game suddenly results in a quality drop by 2-3 classes. A team showing good stuff against a European team and actually deservingly beating Joran, suddenly is rather lucky not to be thrashed by the very same Jordan team. There must be more factors than coaching alone causing this sudden drop in performance.

                      Analyzing those would be more interesting, although most sound like excuses probably. Fatigue, missing players, away weakness - they all surely played a role, but for me that can't explain such a drop in performance within a few days.
                      There is no conspiracy or mystery there, it happens often. It is for same reasons Team like Mes loses by 6 goals at home while weeks earlier have superb game in Tabriz.
                      It is mostly because coach loses grip and focus. It has allot do with lack of experience and wisdom of the coach unable to keep his players in harmony, motivated, focus and prepared for critical game. It has allot do with coaches game strategy and game plan and understanding of his player.
                      Ghotbi does not fully understand Iranian culture and players psyche. Every game he has comes up with very different team and players which have not help either.
                      He is wrong person for the job.

                      I have spoken against his ability as an experienced able coach from day one, even when he won championship with Perspolis . I like his personality and he mostly seem to be gentle, courteous and skilful media savvy, but occasionally deceitful (contract) but he is not a good coach that can help TM.

                      It is waste of time to keep him a day longer.

                      If IFF want Iranian coach, best choice is Amir, if they can afford best is to hire experienced establish good foreign coach and give him two year contract and freedom.


                        Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                        Majid jan,

                        Ghotbi is no better than our famous Ebrahimi (monkey). You are right about Ghotbi there, but pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee don't try to fix the broken football right on national level. It is not gonna work.

                        Back to Ghalenoei, what he is gonna do? Equal number of red and blue, put a few idots for assistant coaches positions to not stealing his position, and formation of 8-1-1 to save his a$$ to not burn, we have seen him too.

                        Majid jan, Let's burn this broken football, maybe there will be some thing rise up from the ash.

                        Maybe not, then get your Spain jersey and celebrate the real football.
                        Agha Framarz Gol..... I don't want to repeat the same old monotonous statement about the tribulations of Iranian football and why Team Melli coach is NOT the solitary reason for such degradation.

                        The two options are:

                        A: Sit and watch an incompetent character humiliate us and accept the fact “ After all , this is Iran and Irooni bazi…..” , why should I care ?

                        B: Do something about it and the least one in my position can do is , spread awareness.

                        I am simply not buying this cliche about “the poor , deprived , unfortunate very lovely “ coach anymore.

                        When Mansoor Ansari came to this forum , many ill informed people , most if not all of whom had no clue about what was going on behind the scene , and when Mansoor exposed this Ghotbi , Shit hit the fan. You probably saw how they clawed over each other to defend this national nugget called Ghotbi.

                        You are right ………of course. The problems of Iran’s football does not end with Ghotbi or Daei or Ghalenoei ……just look at the fans , look at their attitudes and their ideology , and I am sure you will make your own conclusion.

                        Faramarz jan......Let me come up and say with full force that I dispute and defy anyone who says that Amir Ghalenoei and Ali Daei have failed. I am talking here about professional and quality standards recognized at corporate levels , I am not interested in "Qahve khane" talk when some people come with arguments like why he did not use Kazemian or Mobali or why he did not play Zandi on the center rather than left. .
                        Last edited by maij; 11-24-2009, 08:30 AM.



                          Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post

                          But since he is not available, and all the Iranian coaches are a joke - the only ones who could even be considered, Daei and Ghalenoei, already had their shots and failed - it is hypocricy to act as if it was his fault, that he can't make up for all the other shit.

                          Define "FAILURE" in both Daei and Ghlaenoei .

                          OK Martin Jan , I will do you a favor and got these definitions from the web

                          Definitions of failure:
                          • an act that fails; "his failure to pass the test"
                          • an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose; "the surprise party was a complete failure"
                          • lack of success; "he felt that his entire life had been a failure"; "that year there was a crop failure"
                          • a person with a record of failing; someone who loses consistently
                          • an unexpected omission; "he resented my failure to return his call"; "the mechanic's failure to check the brakes"
                          • bankruptcy: inability to discharge all your debts as they come due; "the company had to declare bankruptcy"; "fraudulent loans led to the failure of many banks"

                          NOW....tell me what applies to the "No good Daei or Ghalenoi " ?



                            The only problem with our team, is lack of intelegence.....

                            The TM head coach's job, is not to teach, is to design

                            The class of our players is so low,our Forwards,do not know where to go, how to finish,how to pass .

                            Our defensive players,do not know how to adjust with the speed of the ball, and when to jump, and what angle to take..

                            That has been the reason, why Branko ,and others ,insisted so much to use the legioners..because, legioners had become, reletively, smarter,in forign lands.


                            The Key point is : ..for TM to play any better, it must defenetly use more than 6 to 7 legioner starter......not when we have a better coach !!.......becuase, our domestic class of football is way too low.
                            Last edited by zzgloo; 11-24-2009, 05:46 PM.


                              Originally posted by maij View Post
                              I am talking here about professional and quality standards recognized at corporate levels , I am not interested in "Qahve khane" talk ... .
                              ghorboon dahanet ba in goli ke gofti.

                              We both know the problem. The difference between us is that I already gave up but you still try to save.

                              Majid jan, the moment any one becomes a headcoach in Iran, his time starts to count to sack. No matter how he does, why? Because he can't single handedly solve all the problems and put Iran in top of Asia (maybe world as some people expect), so he will fail no matter who he will be.

                              So, that person (the coach) either will not accept the job, or he just want to pocket some money. There is no stability to work. No one can make some names out of this system.

                              So, by accepting the job, the dignity of the person will be under big question mark if you ask me. That's why they end up with charlatans like Ghotbi who is total lie and act.

                              Agha Majid gol, life and particularly football is more beautiful to waste on these losers.

                              Let them fix their "manshoor-akhlaghi". You and I have a lot more football to watch and enjoy elsewhere.


                                Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post

                                Analyzing those would be more interesting, although most sound like excuses probably. Fatigue, missing players, away weakness - they all surely played a role, but for me that can't explain such a drop in performance within a few days.
                                I don't think fatigue was an issue.
                                when I look at the list of the players, it looks like a new team to me. that may have had something to do with the drop in performance as well.

                                how many games have Ansarifard, Hajsafi, Khalatbari, Heidary, Mobali, Nouri, Ando, Meydavoodi ..etc have played together?? I know some of them have played together (Nosrati/Mobali/Ando) for a long time, but this list has several players that are unfamiliar with each other.

                                having said all that, I still believe that these guys should be able to show a much better performance against a team such as Jordan, even with me as the head coach... but to say let's fire the coach because these players (most of which are pretty much the best we have) performed so horribly , well, that's just being emotional..

                                in my opinion, firing a coach after 10 or 20 games is as bad a mistake as thinking that Ghotbi, or Daie , or any other coach is the real problem, or the solution.

                                Given the options available right now, Ghotbi still is the best option. he is over priced, but hey, So was Daie, so is GN and every other Iranian coach. good for all of them.
                                Last edited by BehzadB; 11-25-2009, 05:19 AM.

