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Ghotbi and Kafashian have to go !

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    Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
    Who the **** should replace Ghotbi? Everyone available would be even worse. Yeah, now everyone might think how should it get worse? But didn't most people already think that after Branko or Daei?

    And also I don't get the coach-obsession. Especially by someone usually looking a bit beyond the surface when analyzing football.

    I saw 11 losers in red jerseys on the field, yet the guy sitting on the bench is the idiot. And noone can say the personell he chose to take the field was not at least close to the best material available. It's not like he put 11 nonames. He evn put everyone's darlings Heydari and Mobali.

    I didn't hear anyone talking about their replacement...

    Very mature post! well said!

    Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


      bahram basically said only the legionnaires are reliable and intelligent and that's why .... etc.
      this is a very wrong basis to work on. for example khalatbari is far more efficient, dynamic, useful to the team and detrimental to a game than shojaei.
      apart from the last game where EVERYONE (without an exception) played poorly, we have seen everytime he comes in, the game takes a more lively shape and momentum.
      not so in shojaei's case.

      if we're merely trying to justify ghotbi's strange decision to sideline khalatbari, then we are just closing our eyes to the truth.

      absolutely the wrong criteria for selection. instead of looking where the players plays, we must first see HOW he plays his football and how it FITS with the team.


      majid is correct to bring in the issue of "failure" when ghotbi's concerned.

      he FAILED to win the NKorean team (when we shd have gone for a win, he aimed for the maximum of 1 point!).
      he FAILED to win the south korean team that he consistently boasted "only he knows how to defeat them"!!
      he FAILED to get us to the WC AS HE HAD PROMISED.

      now, was our team in a shape to reach the WC? maybe yes, maybe no. but one of the main reasons ghotbi was entrusted w the job was these hollow claims of his.

      and from the looks of it and how he has led the team so far, I am pretty sure if he's retained, he WILL FAIL to win the AC also.
      (hell, considering all this I'd be ecstatic if we even reached the semis and consider it a massive triumph of gargantuan proportions)


      yashar brought up mobaali again (what a surprise) yet he doesn’t want to accept apart from the last game where everyone played poorly, the first two games he came in, he played quite decently and justified his call-up. And the rainy half he had was just like the rest of the team.
      He has certainly justified his call up since we are not having karimi in the team anymore.

      besides had mobaali's powerful shot gone in against macedonia (second half) or if we had a couple of forwards up there to pounce on the rebound (since the goali wasnt able to handle the shot) we would be seeing a flood of praise like his first 2 games' performances, here.

      haji brought up GN.
      well, up to the last couple of games in AC, he had a pretty strong offensive style that got results as good as any other coach and in some cases, even better.
      His only loss was AT mexico (a top-10 team at the time) after a long journey TO MEXICO. But at least he didn’t shirk away from strong oppositions like many other coaches we have seen and still see.


      martin brought up a good point by saying the selected players were the best ones available and very few ppl would find fault with that.
      But obviously something had happened to the team to drop its performance by so many notches. The same players, the same staff, even the same opposition who was like a trapped mouse in azadi and was lucky they didn’t go back with 3 goals instead of 1.

      But who is responsible for this?
      And who is responsible in making sure such drastic drops don’t happen?
      The players? hardly.
      The fed’n? not so, either.
      It is the job of the staff to make sure the same collection of players don’t suddenly become 10 times weaker with the span of 5-6 days. be it mental , physical or ... supervision.
      Not that their performances against Iceland, Jordan and Macedonia was anything praise-worthy. But they weren’t as horrible as this one either.


        Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
        ghorboon dahanet ba in goli ke gofti.

        We both know the problem. The difference between us is that I already gave up but you still try to save.

        Majid jan, the moment any one becomes a headcoach in Iran, his time starts to count to sack. No matter how he does, why? Because he can't single handedly solve all the problems and put Iran in top of Asia (maybe world as some people expect), so he will fail no matter who he will be.

        So, that person (the coach) either will not accept the job, or he just want to pocket some money. There is no stability to work. No one can make some names out of this system.

        So, by accepting the job, the dignity of the person will be under big question mark if you ask me. That's why they end up with charlatans like Ghotbi who is total lie and act.

        Agha Majid gol, life and particularly football is more beautiful to waste on these losers.

        Let them fix their "manshoor-akhlaghi". You and I have a lot more football to watch and enjoy elsewhere.
        Agha Farmarz jan , I do not dispute your fundamental thinking and time after time your way of thoughts comes to me specially the quote in Bold. Specially since I , personally , have so much to do and options to watch REAL FOOTBALL, played by REAL PROFESSIONALS and directed and managed by REAL PEOPLE.

        The only thing that is keeping my adrenaline moving and the attraction to the football in the motherland is pride nothing but ...

        It does hurt me to read statement by my good friend Martin that Ghotbi has 11 no good players...that is simply NOT TRUE at all and it even gets worse when people , perhaps under the influence of Jordan defeat , agree with such misconception.

        How come this 11 no good players managed to put half a dozen goals past Singapore , a team that has defeated both Jordan and Thailand ??

        Finally , I do think you are right and one must look at the bright side of Football World., there is a lot to enjoy , but what about these traces of pride and passion that are residual in me and simply refuse to leave ?




          Very well said....... This is exactly what I am after ?



            Originally posted by maij View Post

            The only thing that is keeping my adrenaline moving and the attraction to the football in the motherland is pride nothing but ...

            If you and I were from Manchester, probably our names were "Mike" and "Fred", we most probably never migrated and probably meet each other every weekend in Man U game. Never heard about Ghotbi and had a careless clue about Ahmadinejad... our concern was how many gum Alex Fergosen chow every day ...

            Well, life is not perfect, is it? but we are smart enough to get the best out of it.

            Enjoy soccer.


              Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
              If you and I were from Manchester, probably our names were "Mike" and "Fred", we most probably never migrated and probably meet each other every weekend in Man U game. Never heard about Ghotbi and had a careless clue about Ahmadinejad... our concern was how many gum Alex Fergosen chow every day ...

              Well, life is not perfect, is it? but we are smart enough to get the best out of it.

              Enjoy soccer.


              Indeed ...if we were from Manchester ..... I think our names would have been something like " Gupta " and " Sunil "

              Damet garm



                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

                But who is responsible for this?
                And who is responsible in making sure such drastic drops don’t happen?
                The players? hardly.
                The players? Hardly??? ajab..

                baba, bazi mogheha ye chizi migi ke too hich Atari peyda nemisheh..

                How is a coach supposed to make sure that Iniesta's performance doesn't drop (like his sh*t performance last week in La Liga)..

                When your favorite players SUCK, come out and say it..
                don't hide behind "it's the coach's responsibility to make sure the performance of the players don't drop".. where did you get that from?? What football book??

                didn't see you or Majid make comments like that when GN all by himself made Hashemian not score even one goal in AC games...
                (according to your logic there, It was GN's fault that Hashemian didn't score and missed empty netters, and it was GN's fault that Karimi sucked so much in AC games, as it wsa Daie's fault that Satar Zareh played so poorly)..

                Players, like coaches are responsible for BOTH wins and losses.. No one is saying that Ghotbi doesn't get blame, but to be so one sided on this issue and to completely release the players from any responsibility is , sorry to say, just nonsense.
                Last edited by BehzadB; 11-26-2009, 11:03 AM.


                  Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
                  The players? Hardly??? ajab..

                  baba, bazi mogheha ye chizi migi ke too hich Atari peyda nemisheh..

                  How is a coach supposed to make sure that Iniesta's performance doesn't drop (like his sh*t performance last week in La Liga)..

                  When your favorite players SUCK, come out and say it..
                  don't hide behind "it's the coach's responsibility to make sure the performance of the players don't drop".. where did you get that from?? What football book??

                  didn't see you or Majid make comments like that when GN all by himself made Hashemian not score even one goal in AC games...
                  (according to your logic there, It was GN's fault that Hashemian didn't score and missed empty netters, and it was GN's fault that Karimi sucked so much in AC games, as it wsa Daie's fault that Satar Zareh played so poorly)..

                  Players, like coaches are responsible for BOTH wins and losses.. No one is saying that Ghotbi doesn't get blame, but to be so one sided on this issue and to completely release the players from any responsibility is , sorry to say, just nonsense.

                  my friend, I think you have more pressing & bigger matters to attend to if your reference for rules and issues related to football is the "atari games"!

                  secondly, if we acknowledge the lack of professionalism in our football and players then we'd find it easier to understand that this amateurish set up needs a bit more supervision compared to the ultra-professionals of europe.

                  even if we take a more basic look at the issue (I doubt it'd be mentioned in ur atari games as well) , we shd recognize the coaching staff does include professionals geared towards various aspects of football and it's not restricted to "technical on field or formation" issues. if we say "hell, the player shd look after himself, his mentality, his physical status, ... etc etc etc" then why on earth do we have nutrition specialists, doctors, physical trainers, psychologists, ... and many more auxillaries who take care of ALL aspects of a team's preparations .... such as physical preparedness or mental state of the players. such staff is requiered even for the most pro teams , let alone amateurish ones like ours.
                  (a friendly warning: for answers look beyond video games)
                  this is not saying players arent responsible. but in our situation and set up, the responsibility of the supposed "international" staff is even more.


                    Peyman Jan , reference to the "Blame it all on the players" mentality, it is interesting to read about Liverpool FC decline in performance and results. The same team or nucleus of which , won the European Champions League , under the same coach in 2005 !

                    Apparently there has been some internal turmoil , bad blood , dissatisfaction and a few things that in general was not right. Also
                    , quite a bit of blame is directed at the coach for his role.

                    I would not be too surprised if some sort of that is happening in Team Melli camp as well.

                    This is a pure speculation from me as I have no source (or reliable source , to be precise) from the current Team Melli camp.

                    NOW...Something I could not figure out from "Defend Ghotbi campaign" and few others , is their insistence that Irooni coach is no good , Farnghi is very good.

                    ...OK , let us assume that is one hell of an accurate statement....If our dear coach Ghotbi , should not be blamed for the ill performance and sick results of Team Melli (since he has 11 no good players) , then why in name of God we want to spend millions bringing in Faranghi coach , since he will not be held accountable for bad results ??

                    Or maybe we should bring the Faranghi , with a disclaimer like:



                      At least there is some sanity in the media.....



                        Kafashian: Iran is a second class Asian team !!!!

                        Like I said , Kafashisn MUST GO

                        براى اينكه اعتبار فوتبال ايران بيش از اين زير سؤال نرود ...

                        استعفا بهترين خدمت كفاشيان به فوتبال است



                          Originally posted by maij View Post
                          How come this 11 no good players managed to put half a dozen goals past Singapore , a team that has defeated both Jordan and Thailand ??
                          I would rather wait after the clash in Singapore.... Majid Jan this game was played under other circumstances. We had the opportunity to qualify for WC, the atmosphere among the players and the IFF was not as strange as now...

                          To be honest, I highly doubt that we'll win in Singapore... So basically Martin's critizism will be justified in January.
                          TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                            Originally posted by persianallstars View Post
                            I would rather wait after the clash in Singapore.... Majid Jan this game was played under other circumstances. We had the opportunity to qualify for WC, the atmosphere among the players and the IFF was not as strange as now...

                            To be honest, I highly doubt that we'll win in Singapore... So basically Martin's critizism will be justified in January.
                            I rarely predict future , and have very little sixth sense. So , excuse me for not predicting. I was talking about a match and event that has already occurred NOT what is going to happen. Although I know for a fact that we Team melli will either Win , draw or lose

                            Whichever the result of the up coming Singapore match goes , crucifying 11 players (14 to be precise) is the wrong thing to do. It is something that I have never come across in all my life of following football. Never heard of 11 / 14 bad and guilty players and one wonderful coach who is blameless.

                            BTW: Ghotbi himself has accepted the responsibility for defeat against , I rest my case . Or to be more accurate , I WON my case



                              Originally posted by maij View Post
                              BTW: Ghotbi himself has accepted the responsibility for defeat against , I rest my case . Or to be more accurate , I WON my case
                              Ok, who gave him money?
                              TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                                my friend, I think you have more pressing & bigger matters to attend to if your reference for rules and issues related to football is the "atari games"!
                                what on earth are you talking about?

                                khoobeh ke oon tikasho farsi goftam.. Atari games chieh digeh?? lol.. Atari as in the old pharmacy stores.. as in AATTAREE.. what part of the sentence made you think of Atari I guess you play too much video games.
                                Now go read my post again and answer the simple question I asked you and don't twist things up.. it was a simple question..

                                Was it GN's fault that Hashemian couldn't score a single goal in AC games??

                                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                                secondly, if we acknowledge the lack of professionalism in our football and players then we'd find it easier to understand that this amateurish set up needs a bit more supervision compared to the ultra-professionals of europe.
                                So then if you acknowledge lack of professionalism in our players, then why do you say it can not be the players fault when they play like crap??? so our players are unprofessional and it is the fault of Ghotbi that they don't perform.. great logic peyman..

                                By Amaturish set up, I guess you mean the player line up.. Ok, why don't you go ahead and give us YOUR professional set up.. by the way, weren't you the one that said Shojaie shouldn't be playing? Well he wasn't playing against Jordan and guess what, Mobali was..

                                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                                even if we take a more basic look at the issue (I doubt it'd be mentioned in ur atari games as well) , we shd recognize the coaching staff does include professionals geared towards various aspects of football and it's not restricted to "technical on field or formation" issues. if we say "hell, the player shd look after himself, his mentality, his physical status, ... etc etc etc" then why on earth do we have nutrition specialists, doctors, physical trainers, psychologists, ... and many more auxillaries who take care of ALL aspects of a team's preparations .... such as physical preparedness or mental state of the players. such staff is requiered even for the most pro teams , let alone amateurish ones like ours.
                                did you say Basic look?? lol
                                Ok, just don't go too basic.. it becomes too complicated for me.. aslan hoselh nadarm..

                                but seriously, you say teams have many specialists for many different aspect of the players life on and off the field, ok, thanks for the info, but g00z be shaghigheh che rabti dareh??

                                do you know what they call those specialists who's job is to make sure that players' performance never drops?? Barca, Man U, Chelsea and every other team in the world really need some of them..

                                beating Jordan with the so called best Iranian players minus Nekounam is achievable with any coach, even you, IF the players give it the minimum effort..

                                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                                (a friendly warning: for answers look beyond video games)
                                this is not saying players arent responsible. but in our situation and set up, the responsibility of the supposed "international" staff is even more.
                                LOL, you have to make up your mind man

                                first you say It's HARDLY players fault when they play like crap, then you write whole page about how the coaches are responsible to make sure the players don't underperform, then at end you say they are actually responsible too?? do you enjoy typing??

                                as far as that friendly warning, I guess now you know what you can do with it..


                                and the last thing, when you read this in my first post:

                                Originally posted by BehzadB
                                Players, like coaches are responsible for BOTH wins and losses.. No one is saying that Ghotbi doesn't get blame, but to be so one sided on this issue and to completely release the players from any responsibility is , sorry to say, just nonsense.
                                What part of that statement made you think that I think players should take care of everything themselves or that the coach doesn't get any of the blame or that Ghotbi is Blameless??
                                Last edited by BehzadB; 11-27-2009, 03:03 AM.

