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What to expect from the Qatar tourney?

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    Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
    ^ I have my doubts about this lineup, I don't think he will risk to 100% rotate against the possibly strongest team in the tournament, now that he lost the first game.

    At least the tactical formation is plain wrong.

    If those players would start, it would rather be sth like

    On tactical formation of said set of players i won't disagree with you , few of players will end up playing out of position. Your suggestion reasonable.

    About your doubt:
    Do you have doubt of news or of Ghotbi's choice ?
    If you disagree with Ghotbi then what set of players you have in mind for this game( considering 4 games in 10 days)?


      Originally posted by TrueBlue View Post
      well well well, 1st loss, 2 more to go! just beautiful. And mind you, Qatar is the weakest of the three. My predictions are all coming true! woohoo
      As expected, our second loss. Garbage display by TM, no plan at all, whatsoever. Mali's beautiful defensive game plan, and their constant pressing in our defensive one third simply killed our game.

      I am not even going to mention anything about Ghotbi, since my time is much more valuable than to waste it on his useless being.

      awaiting our 4th loss in a row against NK.


        Other than against Qatar this was a deserved loss. And to be honest an expected one.

        Mali simply is a stronger team.

        Now the unnecessary loss against Qatar is hitting back at Ghotbi.

        I hope once more that he drew the right conclusions from the defeat.


          ^^if i am not mistaking qotbi said before the tournament that losing is not important, but i beg to differ, i think he is setting the bar too low for TM and is convoying the message that losing is not the end!!! i use to think before that cheap tournaments like the west asian football tournament, LG tournament etc, were meaningless, but now i think they are good confident boosters if used correctly, this tournament could have been a good confident booster too, but qotbi has taken it the wrong way
          IRI = FAILED


            Of course he says that. Just like coaches always say the opponent is/was very strong. Their life is much easier when people expect little from their own team and consider their opposition mighty.


              Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
              Of course he says that. Just like coaches always say the opponent is/was very strong. Their life is much easier when people expect little from their own team and consider their opposition mighty.
              Of course it would have been easy for this professor if he had not done some major "gonde goozi" by saying "I am the only who can take Iran to WC" or "We are going to win AC". Sometimes it is better if one just STFUed instead of zer zer kardan. That is the problem with Ghotbi, he tries, very hard, to conceal his inabilities as a football coach but sweet talking, sugar coating and gonde goozi... now he is learning it the hard way, that his words are coming back to bite him in the behind.


                I guess the North Korea game will be better again, at least performance wise.

                Ghotbi changed the team on 11 positions today, now with 3 days rest and 4 days to the next game, he will probably line up his strongest 11 in the final game. So Ansarifard, Khalatbari, Hosseini, Rahmati, Ando and Madanchi will play together, probably with Kaebi, Hajsafi, Zanidpour, Aghili and Zandi if I had to bet.

                I guess we will see our strongest performance in the tournament so far, although the result again might be bad, since we surely being eager to win will play into North Korea's plans, who are strong in counter attacks.


                  Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post


                  spot on.

                  you're soooo like ghotbi


                    ^ lol, but I just took the names from St. Mark's post and arranged them logically. And I am indeed a bit surprised Ghotbi rotated completely. Seems he has balls after all and gives a damn about the results in this tournament...


                      "balls" ... or yet another "excuse/tactic" to deflect criticism of using a losing team!

                      frankly, to tell you the truth, I have NOT seen anything remotely balsy or gutsy from this chap


                        Well, amazingly TM exceeded my expectations.

                        I expected draws against Qatar and DPR and a loss to Mali, now we even got a point more, wow .

