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LOL. just a question on choosing the CAPTAIN of a team

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    LOL. just a question on choosing the CAPTAIN of a team

    Just a simple question on the criteria for choosing the CAPTAIN of a team.

    is it only based on the number of caps?
    does that make sense?
    or shd it be based on intelligence, experience and form of the player?

    coz sure as hell, kaabi doesnt deserve to be called "experienced", nor "intelligent".

    just before the 3rd goal I was wondering: why are our defenders stopping/trapping the balls and preparing them for the qataris. there were quite a few "assists" to qataris by aghili, nouri, hosseini ... and they all culminated with kaabi's daste-gol

    Dr Doom I think Kaebi is our captain for a while now, like a couple of months..
    I must admit that I also was thinking why Kaebi got to be captain, but who else should be captain?
    Anyways, this was really unnecessary. Even if Kaebi would just let the ball go out (or shoot it out) I think the ref would whistle for the end.


      In a tournament like this, choosing a captain is basically meaningless...maybe the role of captaincy should be circulated among the most-capped members of the team (because most-capped does mean most experienced...) to see if there are any commanding, stand outs (though, sometimes tells me there aren't...).
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


        You asking questions? I thought you know everything about football.

        Ah, it was just criticism, and no question actually.

        Who wears the captain's armband is probably the most unimportant issue in Iranian football. What comes next, who is wearing what shoe colour?


          captain chiye, why do you need a captain if there is no proper existing "team" to lead....


            Although the Captaincy is based on seniority and it is globally accepted , there is no written hard and fast rule about it. Fabergas is a case.

            In any case, I very much agree with Doc. Kaebi does not cut it as a Captain, very simple.



              well I had two points to make which I see many share with me.

              1- kaabi as captain; absolutely horrendous decision, even if we dont count today's daste gol.
              - he does not command the players' respect.
              - he doesnt even have a commanding presence.
              - his mentality is unstable and volatile which is exactly the wrong atributes for a cap that shd be cool, calm & collected.
              - and his age clearly over-rides his number of caps, which reflects his novice and immature mistakes in games.


              2- we must learn a large or small number in front of the category "caps" does not reflect the level of experience or maturity of the player.

              I'd be as happy if someone like rahmati or aghili or even ando were the captains rather than kaabi


                I think Ghotbi overheard Kaebi in locker room saying to Hosseni that he could never be a captain cause he is nor experienced nor intelligent, GHotbi desided that should prove him wrong...

                ..LOL.....Sorry! for the lame joke.

                I also agree that it makes no sense to make Kaebi captain when someone like Rahmati is on the pitch.
                He proved he deserves to be the capatain in 94th minute.
                Last edited by leviathan; 12-29-2009, 05:13 AM.



                  He is a cheater. Does not have courage after years to admit he has forged "Hasson"'s Birth certificate.

                  He has a weak deceptive character and does not deserve to lead any team. I did not mention !! his makeup and shaved eyebrows......


                    ^ so eyebrows determine a good captain now? Come on people...


                      i would rather see kaabi aghilli and others make mistakes in these friendly games and learn from their mistakes then in games where it matters, after all that is why we have friendly games
                      IRI = FAILED


                        he is supposed to be our experienced player, but time and again, he has shown his emotions take over him and he loses focus. someone would be required to calm down our captain!
                        and he cant lead his team mates...

                        but then the question is in the absence of nekounam, who should it be?
                        rahmati? aghili? hosseini? ando? pejman nouri?
                        none of them have all the qualities for leadership either...

                        aghili would probably be my choice, i just hope he manages to maintain a level of respect with all his sootis....
                        Originally posted by siavasharian

                        بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                        بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                          I kind of believe, had this game was WC game,and playing against Portugal,this would not have heppened to may very well be because of lack of respect for the QATAR,and in general,lack of proffesionalism .

