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Qatar - Iran post match

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    Qatar - Iran post match

    I must say although I'm completely pissed after this late blunder, looking at the game it was a rather good performance from TM.

    After early blunders from Hajsafi, P. Nouri and Beikzadeh we were down 0-2 after 10 mins, but still the team kept composure and showed good combinations.

    By halftime we should have equalized already, when we lost the game in min 94, we should have led by 2 goals already actually.

    That brings us to the main weakpoints we currently have: we lack someone converting the many chances we create, which isn't Meydavoudi and also not Khalili in his current shape.

    And we need to cut down the concentration slips. An experienced player like Kaebi must do better in such a situation. Either he didn't know how close the opponent was or he had a complete inexcuseable blackout. Lucky him it was just a friendly.

    Fortunately for him the other fullbacks had similar mistakes early in the game.

    I thought the start was disastrous in every sense of the word and the Qatari's hit them big time. The boyz took a long time to recover and the last 10 minutes of the 1st half plus the 10 to 20 minutes of the 2nd was in fact quite good.

    I think it was unfair for Team Melli to lose , but that is football. The result did not reflect the actual match.

    The same old mistakes and faults still exist, the slow thinking and action of Iranian players , the bad coordination of the defense line , misunderstanding in the midfield ..and .. and... It seems very little has changed.....

    I don't know about the millions out there ...but I seriously think that Teymourian has a major fault in him.....Not that he is a disaster heaven forbids , but for the life of me I can't understand why he is in Team Melli...there are at least 100 players in the league who are as good as him , what is so special about Ando ???

    Finally....what is this Khalili-Ghotbi bond ???



      ^ I agree on the first part.

      I disagree on Ando though. I think he was good and he generally adds an extra bit of motivation and aggressiveness to the game, that we lack. The only one else having that fighting spirit is Kaebi. We need such players.

      About Khalili, since we have noone upfront, apart from Ansarifard maybe, who is more inspiring our fantasy than really delivering sth outstanding on the field, it is ok to bring the only player who somewhat at his best times had the aura of a goalgetter. That he is far away from his best currently is no secret, but then again I barely see other players deserving a chance more than him.

      To me, Meydavoudi today wasted his. I wrote him off.

      Zanidpour on the other hand might be interesting. I'd rather see him in a wing-forward position though, not as playmaker where is isn't really that good. Or slightly more offensively as second striker.

      And thank God for Khalatbari. He is the only one brining some magic into the game.


        qotbi out, kronja in?!?!?!?
        IRI = FAILED


          About Ando

          That is what I am saying ...I simply do not understand the fasination about Andranik, to me he is an also ran player that you find dime a dozen in the league. There is nothing special about him ....Yeah of course he is aggressive , but how many others we have in his class ??? I don't think for a minute that he is unique. This is not an over-night observation about Ando and not a dram I had last night. I simply cannot see his value being included in every squad....

          I guess , it is no wonder that Ando cannot even make the bench in Fulham team nor did he do well with Bolton.

          As for Khalili , obviously we are at the opposite ends of the argument. I am always in favor of current form and standard rather than how many goals Khalili scored a few moons back.



            Originally posted by persian-eagle-13 View Post
            qotbi out, kronja in?!?!?!?
            Welcome aboard

            ...and that is not a bad suggestion at all.



              I watched the second half and actually, despite kaabi screw up, I must say I was pleased with the pace of the team and at some points, the passing was quite acceptable.
              good opportunities created and taken by the forwards.

              very poor defense and individual mistakes by defenders, who consistently gave away dangerous balls ( read trapped and assisted )to the opponents. ando, aghili, nouri, kaabi, hosseini, ... all gave the balls away in very dangerous areas, when they shd have dealt with the balls more confidently!

              I have to see the 1st half to pass full judgment on it though.


              on the defensive lapses:
              I am hapy it happened in a friendly test. coz ppl like kaabi and aghili or hosseini OUGHT TO learn to be more decisive in dealing with such balls. whether it is over-confidence or just plain stupidity, it shd be cleared and explained by the staff.
              they arent exactly terry or puyol or nesta to try such things. coz they clearly dont have the optimum skills to deal with any mistakes or accidents.


                ^ good post, you are quite on the spot when you forget to blame the poor guy on the bench .

                However, there is sth else I am concerned about in the scene of the last goal, apart from Kaebi's blunder. Why on earth did all the other defenders stop when the long ball came to the right defensive side? I mean at least one of them should have sprinted back as well to double up in case of a mistake or to help out as passing target. It can't be that the whole defense leave Kaebi one on one with a striker with a ball not that easy to cope with.


                  I just watched the first half and I must say what a shambles of a half!

                  1- the arrangement of the players was quite wonky and I really dont know in what state of inebriation ghotbi was when he placed the players in these positions!!

                  with one stroke, he diminishes the efficiency of 3 players: zeneiedpour, khalatbari and Md nouri.
                  instead of putting zeneiedpour down the left side, as he had shown great promise in saipa in that post (dont watch rahahan, so I dont know) , he's shoved in khalatbari's post, which is behind the striker (again, a single striker????? who obviously hardly sees the ball! but naturally ) and pushes Md. nouri into some obscure post that makes him irrelevant and a non-entity for huge stretches of the game!!
                  he was too deep to be able to do any playmaking. the extremely rare occasion he came up, he assisted the goal.

                  but mis-positioning of players doesnt stop here.
                  why shd hajsafi play as LB when his game is not that of one?
                  why was kaabi pushed to the left wing suddenly?
                  and what was the deal with switching aghili and hosseini ?
                  to throw them off ? LOL

                  2- I dont know why ppl are blaming aghili or hajsafi for the goals when the clear culprit was beikzadeh on both goals. in 1st, he was missing in his post as he rushed to cover aghili's mark, leaving his own mark free. and the second, is quite obvious too, allowing a much shorter player to head the ball!

                  3- everytime I saw meydavoodi, I saw at least 2 defenders shadowing him! no wonder our strikers dont fare well. coz they're always outnumbered!

                  4- aghili was a disaster. a bundle of nerves in this half!

                  5- ad finally, I cant not mention the idiotic insistence of ghotbi on having a single striker by taking meydavoodi out for khalili, instead of zeneiedpoor. and keeping khalatbari AWAY from the center which given his capabilities, being so far away from the center reduces his impact.
                  same with rezaei.
                  this is quite insane and stupid to insist on a single forward no matter what occasion and circumstances. we're ahead, it's a single forward. we're behind, still we have 1. we're dominating, we have 1. we're lagging behind, and we still have 1 !!!!! insane!


                    There are some great analyses done by our friends, however we are missing the big point:

                    For god sake, we played against Qatar. Good old expression "morche chie keh lkaleh pachash pashe".

                    lol, the commentator saying "if karimi accepted the invitation, now he was playing agianst some of his team-mates", I was like "really?"

                    Do you guys see yourself how little your expectations became?

                    I wonder how will you analyse TM blunders in a game against maldive when they beat us 4-3 in 2013.

                    baba joon, keep Khalatbari and Rahmati out and burn the whole TM camp down to the ground. I promise that you won't miss any thing, I know a better Iranian team in Montreal.


                      Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                      However, there is sth else I am concerned about in the scene of the last goal, apart from Kaebi's blunder. Why on earth did all the other defenders stop when the long ball came to the right defensive side? I mean at least one of them should have sprinted back as well to double up in case of a mistake or to help out as passing target. It can't be that the whole defense leave Kaebi one on one with a striker with a ball not that easy to cope with.
                      that goes back to the low standard of our leagues.. There are very few players in Iran that are willing to work on improving their skills (physical and mental).. that's why we see lapses of concentration even from our "best" players.. Once a player gets a fat contract in Iran, that's the end of his improvement curve..

                      Hajagha jan,
                      Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, KSA, have all improved their football in the last 30 years, while we have gone backwards.. It was only matter of time before we fell behind them..
                      Last edited by BehzadB; 12-28-2009, 10:23 PM.


                        Worthy to note, back in the Branko times TM had problems finding even one left-footed player, right now the lefties seem to outnumber the righties. Try listing them by foot then count. By the way did Zandi get a chance to play?

                        I say just add in Alenemeh and Madanchi to the roster and have them play in the right field. They might just fair very well over there.



                          i cant believe the mistakes im seeing in the team!! seriouslyyyy... continuously week in, week out, in the league and in TM!!!
                          not even teams like jordan and thailand make such mistakes today!!!

                          kaebi and his stopping.
                          pejman nouri and his header when the qataris hit our post twice?? THAT WAS THE HEIGHT OF IT!!!

                          i liked andranik's presence in the team! he fought well and had good distribution and passing.
                          its a pity mohammad nouri was not played one line infront and create more danger with his brilliant passings and vision even worse he had to be removed for ando instead of ghotbi's favorite pejamn nouri.

                          i was so pissed off at kaebi for that last goal, but then i remembered beygzadeh's daste gols in first half and calmed down wat a joke this guy is!
                          its hard to believe that these 4 defenders are the best iran can offer and a defense of a supposedly asian power house can be so disorganized and in such a mess! for how long have these guys been playing together??

                          i hope zeneydpour can actually become the player madanchi failed to become. he definitely has the talent and the energy, i just hope he continues to develop. under ernie bernts in rah ahan, he was doing well and improving. i hope he continues. i think he needs to work on his coordination, team work and focus like most other iranian talents. the gift is there, its the intangible factors he appears to be weak in.
                          Originally posted by siavasharian

                          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                            What I also saw is that when we have the ball, almost everyone is just standing still, not running into free spaces or making free spaces for others...
                            That really should have something to do with the ball hugging of our players, they just don't know what to do with it. You should have real good vision to see good attacking patterns the way our players act without the ball.


                              Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
                              Hajagha jan,
                              Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, KSA, have all improved their football in the last 30 years, while we have gone backwards.. It was only matter of time before we fell behind them..
                              I know, my question is why should waste our time to analyse such a low class football? You can watch a better football in any college level.

                              It's shame to know how much money is spent for such a joke. A league was closed down to prepare this team.

                              I guess we need a new hobby, Persian football is sinking.

