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Qatar - Iran post match

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    Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
    There are some great analyses done by our friends, however we are missing the big point:

    For god sake, we played against Qatar. Good old expression "morche chie keh lkaleh pachash pashe".

    lol, the commentator saying "if karimi accepted the invitation, now he was playing agianst some of his team-mates", I was like "really?"

    Do you guys see yourself how little your expectations became?

    I wonder how will you analyse TM blunders in a game against maldive when they beat us 4-3 in 2013.

    baba joon, keep Khalatbari and Rahmati out and burn the whole TM camp down to the ground. I promise that you won't miss any thing, I know a better Iranian team in Montreal.



      Post match reaction from players & Team.

      After disappointing performance and a defeat, team just had light an hour recovery exercise. Today they will rest and will review tactical advices in a meeting.
      TM should not lose against Mali otherwise tired and depressing players will have difficult time against DPRK hence Singapore.

      Despite denial, should TM end up 4th in this tournament Ghotbi will be replaced sooner than he expect.
      Kafashian keep repeating support, but Taj is talking about evaluation of TM result by TC and Saiedlu who is actually paying salaries, is waiting for outcomes of this games.
      Ghotbi in recent months has secured and reinvented himself in Bizarre socio-politics of IR Iran, even if he is dismissed, he may find more prestigious teaching job. He has more chance of landing that sort of job than coaching a European club with equal pay.
      He wish to have 10 more month as head coach and that should be sufficient for his resume , coach of championship club and h coach of 6th Asian team.

      Winning or losing in important friendly games matter, those in denial should ask GN, his nemeses still criticizing him for losing against Mexico.
      I hope TM will win tomorrow and peace and tranquility return to TM so players face Singapore in spirited happy mood.

      تیم ملی بدون تمرین به مصاف مالی می رود/ ناراحتی از شکست برابر قطر
      ملی پوشان فوتبال کشورمان پس از شکست ناامید کننده مقابل قطر ، صبح امروز را به ریکاوری پرداختند و به صلاحدید مربیان تمرین بعد از ظهر تعطیل شد.
      به گزارش خبرنگار مهر، بازیکنان تیم ملی که شب گذشته بازی نسبتا سنگینی را مقابل تیم ملی قطر پشت سرگذاشتند، صبح امروز(سه شنبه) در ورزشگاه اسپورت سینی شهر دوحه به مدت یک ساعت به تمرینات سبک و ریکاوری پرداختند.
      در این تمرین بازیکنان به دویدن های آرام و حرکات نرم کششی اکتفا کردند. ملی پوشان که هنوز اندوه شکست تلخ شب گذشته مقابل میزبان در چهره هایشان و سنگینی ساق هایشان احساس می شد، در این تمرین نشاط و شادابی لازم را نداشتند.


        It is no good focusing on individual player's mistake ( which can even happen to the greatest footballers in the world) while forgetting the bigger picture.

        I said it before and will say it again. Nothing has changed in the fortunes of football in Iran for the last decade or so. The best performance was getting to World Cup 2006 and after a disappointing showing in Germany it was all downhill ....... The problems is NOT Kaebi's fault or Aghili's heading nor Ghotbi's style ( LOL!) , look elsewhere and you will find a plenty of real reasons.

        Anyway , if anyone thinks that Ghotbi will add even a 1% value on this current team , then I petty that person...... Unless he has some magical tricks up his sleeve to stun us all , waiting for the right time and place ...


