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We all should take two to three years off !

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    We all should take two to three years off !

    1- Our fellow country men are fighting an Evil system, and we should pay more attention in that front, than football.

    2- our players are confused,for lack of fan support.

    3-Our league,is in shamble,and has stopped producing talents.

    4-Little talents produced, while unfinished products,leave the country due to a bad system.

    5-We ,as a footballing nation, have no players, for forward positions, or central defensive positions.

    6- Our players, lack basic abilities, we have no player who can shoot from long distance, we have no players who can head the ball, we have no player who has speed,we have no player who has killer instinct,we have no player understand basics of passing game,etc,etc..........this shortages, are not at a club level, the whole entire nation has shortages !

    7- Our coaches,have very little to teach.

    8-Our league,is behind in quality,as well as proffessionalism.

    9- Our IFF,is ill maneged, and our football system is propaganda based.

    10-Our fans,are no longer die hard,as they have other important issues ( Poletics ) to attend to.

    Conclusion :.....we should ,stand by our fellow Iranians,and put all our effort, to get rid of these Mullahs, ..everything els, will settle at its place,once we are emancipated !
    Last edited by zzgloo; 12-30-2009, 01:43 PM.

    I agree on all 10 points, but quitting football for 3 years will not help to solve any of those issues.


      Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
      I agree on all 10 points, but quitting football for 3 years will not help to solve any of those issues.
      God bless martin jaan........good to see you agree .......
      There must be a reasson , Islamic regim finances/advertizes/markets through, the football proppaganda ?
      Last edited by zzgloo; 12-30-2009, 05:24 PM.


        Bad Idea:

        IR Iran won’t go anywhere. Despite all recent events, IR Iran never been as strong and stable and opposition never as United but weak.
        Leaving the scene won't change anything. Iranian will resolve their difference ultimately. It will get much uglier until it gets better , unfortunately.
        Meanwhile games goes on and fans wll support their teams and TM.

        پیش عاقل در بلا بودن به از بیم بلاست
        مرغ زیرک می کند در حلقه های دام رقص


          Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
          Bad Idea:

          [COLOR=black]IR Iran won’t go anywhere. Despite all recent events, IR Iran never been as strong and stable and opposition never as United but weak.
          Dear St_Mark......
          I respect your opinion, I realy do,as you have been consistant in your opinion,and never misled any one, and never protented other wise...and that is to be respected............
          I do agree, it will get much uglier untill it gets better.......,but I did not think ,you would admit that ! ......nor do I think, you comprehend, how much ugly it will get for you ,and your family !
          Last edited by zzgloo; 12-30-2009, 06:46 PM.


            Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
            Dear St_Mark......
            I respect your opinion, I realy do,as you have been consistant in your opinion,and never misled any one, and never protented other wise...and that is to be respected............
            I do agree, it will get much uglier untill it gets better.......,but I did not think ,you would admit that ! ......nor do I think, you comprehend, how much ugly it will get for you ,and your family !

            سیصد گل یاس یک گل نصرانی
            ما را زسر بریده می ترسانی
            ما گر زسر بریده می ترسیدیم
            در محفل عاشقان نمی رقصیدیم


              Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
              سیصد گل یاس یک گل نصرانی
              ما را زسر بریده می ترسانی
              ما گر زسر بریده می ترسیدیم
              در محفل عاشقان نمی رقصیدیم
              Dance while you can !

