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Iran vs North Korea

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    Madanchi to be the best player in our team, is the clear indication how much back ward TM has gone........
    He used to not get enough playing time,as we had so many talents !
    Madanchi-Hajsafi,Nouri set,on the left were acceptable.....
    The Aghili-Hossaini, is the best we have at the centeral defense.
    There is clear void,in our central midfield, as TM had no down the middle thrust......which Neko should remedy that.
    Madandchi's Goal, again was clear indication, what difference " Killer instinct " can do, which we mostly lack, specialy among our forwards.
    The additional Time of possession should not be taken as over it never was used for positive advancement.


      I'm enjoying barca play right now (halftime) and one thing occurred to me that reminded me of iran's game.

      as much as ando and noori were shying away from receving balls from the defense, so much that they hid away behind the opponents, barca players give and receive balls even among 2-3 markers and dont shy away from it.
      the least is they pass it back. but they certainly dont hide away.
      and I think this has much to do with the issue of confidence of a player. the confidence to know once he receives the ball, he IS able to handle matters and knows what to do with it.

      our lads, however, probably lack this confidence to the extent that they just dont want the ball!!!
      I'm not comparing our lads with those in barca. this happens in almost every A and B and some C grade teams of the world. I just dont understand why our CM's dont want to participate in BUILDING a move!!

      another reason why we shd use players who ARE confident with handling and taking possession of the ball in the middle. not just ANY midfielder. Md. nouri would have been a far wiser option


        seriously doc, Ando or Nouri are far behind Barca level.... it's no surprise that they are below international standard (Ando simply lacks playing time, but still his performance was quit satisfying if you consinder his playing time in Premier League.)


          ^ :
          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
          I'm not comparing our lads with those in barca. this happens in almost every A and B and some C grade teams of the world. I just dont understand why our CM's dont want to participate in BUILDING a move!!


            Either report is not accurate or he has not watched enough football games.

            قطبي: تيمي دونده تر از كره شمالي در عمرم نديده بودم

            به بازيكنانم افتخار مي كنم. آنها تيمي را شكست دادند كه تا به حال دونده تر از آنها در طول مربيگري ام نديدم

            جلالي طالبي:
            قطبي طبق تجربه اش نتيجه مي گيرد

            سرمربي اسبق تيم ملي در پاسخ به اين سوال كه آيا مقصر اصلي عملكرد ضعيف تيم ملي قطبي است، خاطرنشان كرد: معتقدم افشين قطبي براساس سابقه و تجربياتي كه در كار سرمربيگري دارد، تلاش خود را براي موفقيت تيم ملي انجام مي دهد. او كمتر موقعيت هاي اين چنيني را تجربه كرده و پيش از اين هم بيشتر به صورت ويديويي و اينترنتي با برخي مربيان هلندي در كره جنوبي كار كرده است. نتيجه به دست آمده براي تيم ملي را بايد بر عهده و مسووليت فدراسيون بدانيم چرا كه آنها خود سرمربي را انتخاب كردند و اكنون هم براساس ميزان و كيفيت كار انجام شده بايد، پاسخگو باشند.

            مسعود معيني: به جاي بازيکنان قطبي درحال تجربه اندوزي است

            مدرس و کارشناس فدراسيون فوتبال کشورمان گفت: معتقدم افشين قطبي سرمربي تيم ملي فوتبال ايران به جاي بازيکنان درحال تجربه اندوزي و ساخت خود است


            =======ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND=========
            Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly,
            ... but it was too dark to see anything;
            then she looked at the sides of the well...


              I have said it many times before and will say it again, TM's coaching position is not a place for gaining experience, its a place to put your past experiences to good use (which obviously Ghotbi has none, unfortunately not even at club level).

              I know maij jan said that control your emotions, but, aghaye Ghotbi harchi sari tar lotf befarmayand va goore sharifeshoon ro az Iran gom konand kheyli behtare.


                The win was very satisfying...a deafeat against North Korea would have spoilt the whole of

                BUT....Although the performance of Team Melli was not ideal and not what we expect , it was quite better than both matches in my opinion.
                YES....YES...and YES...Same old tactical weakness , same old mistakes , same old easily losing the ball and the list goes on.....

                Right now , it is not the time to indulge in these tactical and technical discussions. I am still adamant that Afshin Ghotbi is simply not comptenet to coach Team Melli. Even if he has something up his sleeve, he seems to be unable to change this team. Ghotbi admitted ( and that is NOT very smart ) that his players are ignoring his instructions. Why?

                1- it so poor that it is not repected.
                2- it is not practical.
                3- It is not compatible with playreys ability.
                4- are not clearly or easily understood.

                Anyway.....Singapore match is the crunch. In all years of my support and following Team Melli , I never ecver though that I would stand and utter these words "Singapoere match is cruicial"!!!!

                All due respect to Singapore of course which is smaller than Qeshm Island.

                (island of Qeshm is 2.5 times larger than Singapore and Bahrain.)




                  دوشنبه، ۱۴ دی ۱۳۸۸ - ۱۴:۳۳:۰۲

                  به گزارش روابط عمومی فدراسیون فوتبال در پی اعلام یکی از رسانه ها در خصوص وجود تنش در اردوی تیم ملی در قطر و سنگاپور اطلاعیه زیر صادر شد.

                  پس از عزیمت مهدی تاج-نایب رئیس اول و رئیس کمیته تیم های ملی به قطر قبل از انجام دیدار با تیم کره شمالی ،مهدی تاج جلسه ای را با کادر فنی و بازیکنان تیم ملی برگزار کرد که این جلسه به مدت 2 ساعت به طول انجامید و این نشست پیامدهای بسیار خوبی داشت که نتیجه آن در دیدار ایران و کره شمالی مشهود بود.

                  همچنین بازیکنان در حال حاضر در شرایط روحی و جسمانی بسیار مناسبی قرار دارند و همچنین امروز صبح تمرین بسیار خوب و با نشاطی را انجام دادند و به دنبال دست یابی به یک برد شیرین در دیدار مقابل سنگاپور هستند.

                  IFF issued weird statement today:

                  IFF claims in response to a report in media about some trouble in TM camp , Taj had travelled to Qatar to talk to players.
                  According to IFF Taj had 2 hours session prior to North Korea game with players which have contributed to success of TM in last game.

                  As I said in my first post in this thread, there was a report of unfriendly argument between Rahmati and KA’bi before and after Qater game. According to that source ( Rumor), Sepahan defense line (Aghili, Hosseini, and Hajsafi) had issue with Ka’bi and after the game Rahmati and Ka’bi had unpleasant exchanges.

                  Although there were report of slight injuries to both Rahmati and Ka’bi, and presumably that was reason for Rahmati’s absent from list of 18 players for Mali, there were report of different reasons for his absence ( Rahmati refused to practice and play).

                  Rumors or not, news has been serious enough to forced IFF to dispatch Taj to have two hours long session with players.

                  IFF statement give credit to Taj for victory without directly deny rumors. Why would they release such statement ?!


                    Originally posted by St_Mark View Post

                    IFF issued weird statement today:

                    IFF claims in response to a report in media about some trouble in TM camp , Taj had travelled to Qatar to talk to players.
                    According to IFF Taj had 2 hours session prior to North Korea game with players which have contributed to success of TM in last game.

                    As I said in my first post in this thread,

                    Rumors or not, news has been serious enough to forced IFF to dispatch Taj to have two hours long session with players.

                    IFF statement give credit to Taj for victory without directly deny rumors. Why would they release such statement ?!

                    Ah.......that is the last thing we need.

                    This is NOT the first time nor will it be the last time that such differences has split the TM camp atmosphere. I must say that some of the TM players have not matured and lack professional attitude and discipline. I do hope that they do not gang up against Kaebi.

                    This reminds me of the WC qualifying game against UAE in Dubai. Two hours before the match I saw four Team Melli players coming back from shopping !!! What kind of discipline is this ??



                      ^ Who did you see exactly ?


                        Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                        ^ Who did you see exactly ?

                        The one and only Nekounam , Madanchi , Seyed Salehi & Nouri (Mohd) and they were all in a rush to go up in the hotel because I knew that Daei has arranged a meeting 2 hours before the match and this lot was late !

                        And up to that time for an hour or so , Shojaei , Gholamnaejad and a few others players who came and went ( Can't remember all of them) were sitting with us in the hotel lobby waiting for the pre-match meeting.
                        Last edited by maij; 01-05-2010, 01:59 AM.


