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Iran vs Singapore

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    Iran vs Singapore

    More likely Ghotbi will start with same formation as last game and that is very different with Ali Daei's formation last time they played.

    Very unlikely Ghotbi can match 6-0 result but his team expected to win comfortably.

    if he plays zeneiedpour in the middle instead someone with a fraction of imagination, then he must be a complete and utter BLIND moron.


      ^ he may start with Zandi .
      Last time Daei played Seyedsalehi and M.Nouri as subs, Nouri is also available instead of Milad Z. It all depend on his plan and conditions of players.
      During IPL, Milad Z has been more effective than other two. and among few played in last three games. I prefer M.Nouri over Zandi.


        with zeneitpout i do admit that he should be more present in the game, i hardly
        notice him, maybe it is his possitioning, but when he does get the ball, i like
        his style of play.but i dont get ghotbis tactis in terms of the choice in midfield.

        i mean 2 DM's a pain for me to watch, i sure hope at least he dont play
        like this with a weak team like singapore.

        i dont know why he dont play rezayi as right mid and not let khalatbari as the

        like this:

        that way khalatbari could be more closer to the box, where he could
        penetrate best.and actually for once this poor ansarifard gets fed properly.

        and another point is the lone striker issue

        two upfront wont hurt anyone in this game.if ghotbi goes for the formation
        he went for in the last game againts n.korea, i will really start having
        my doubts over some issues.

        but who with ansarifard?maybe meydavoudi.

        a final formation from me for tmorw:

        x = most prefarably hajsafi
        Humanity. Love. Earth.


          with our legionares i would only make 1 change, that is to replace meydavudi
          position for game for neko.
          Humanity. Love. Earth.


            Originally posted by toofan View Post
            a final formation from me for tmorw:

            x = most prefarably hajsafi
            ^^ I like this. Can Zandi play LB?



              ^well, he has the experience playing there and he played rather good aswell
              in the last asian cup.i still remmember his goal againts china.

              so yes.
              Humanity. Love. Earth.


                FIRST HALF:
                Just a few notes I made ;

                Ghotbi must really be blind not to see how ineffectual he’s been.

                2- When we scored the 1st goal, our lads celebrated as if they scored against brazil, with all their prostrations and prayers and whatnots!!!

                How the mighty have fallen to behave like this when scoring a penalty against asia’s 4th rated teams!!

                3- When we ot 2-0 up, we played so loosely and over-confidently that it was obvious we’d make some serious mistakes and have plenty of lapses. And we did by not marking ANYONE (!!!) in the corner

                4- We are so bloody susceptible on pressing that our players just forget how to play and resort to deimi, bezan ziresh football!
                And shd pressing by a small team like Singapore even work against us? It shdnt but it does!

                5- We scored 2 goals becoz we slightly played up and forced them opponents to make mistakes. This shd be a clear case of “if you press, the unskilled opponents and defenders WILL DEFINITELY make more mistakes and we can benefit”.

                But being ghotbi, who’s so small minded, he was clearly happy with his team scoring 2 goals that it never occurred to him!

                Small minded coaches WILL make ur team a small team!

                6- Absolutely no plans for set pieces as we wasted one after another !!!!!!

                7- And lets not forget the bloody dead weight on the team; its stupid, foolish formation that has way too many ppl in the back, so when our players lob the ball up front, our few forward playing players are severely out-numbered and we hardly make anything out of these balls.
                And since back passing and then a lob seems to be ghotbi’s ONLY tactic, then no wonder we don’t score many, no wonder our strikers come off empty handed, no wonder ghotbi is freaking ECSTATIC with TWO goals scored!!


                  SECOND HALF:

                  1- Pathetic defending on the corner ... AGAIN!
                  I dont understand why we are not marking anyone in the box? is it becoz it is singapore and we dont count them?
                  normally, we shdnt even allow them to get NEAR the ball, let alone HEAD it and even worse, hit the post!

                  pathetic defense on set pieces! needs to be worked on.

                  2- heydari saved our goal twice (one in each half) by simply BEING IN POSITION and not missing in action. which puts him a head & shoulder above kaabi in this matter.

                  3- Rahmati's captaincy has borne 100% results for us. 2 wins out of 2 game

                  4- as soon as zeneiedpour is taken out and rezaei comes in, we see khalatbari take a more central position (which I had said on many occasions), and the team starts working 10 times better on the offense
                  a normal coach wouldnt have even started with zeneiedpour in the middle. but with ghotbi, even after this substitution, I'm not sure if he's learned anything! and we may yet see Z-pour starting in the middle .... AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  5- the 3rd goal was an absolute world class goal. perfectly worked by meydavoodi, khalatbari and rezaei.
                  the kind of goals we see in european top flight football
                  keif kardam.

                  6- as I said, normally, we shd eat such teams alive and then spit them up.
                  but having a small minded coach means no hunger or drive to really kill off a game, and being satisfied with the least of differences in goals!!!


                    Obviously Ghotbi see it differently, but results and performances of TM during last 4 games did not warrant postponement of IPL and sending senior team for Qatar Tournament.
                    Worse Omid team could have done to become 4th , same as TM did and there were no sign of intelligent game plan against Singapore for most part as if there has not been any strategy and previous teamwork (leaving aside individual plays).
                    This win won't be enough to silence critics.


                      I have to say let's not underestimate the other Asian teams, all of them have been improving in recent years. Singapore was 2nd in the group and playing at home, very determined to walk away with at least a point. I recall the last two times that TM played in Singapore... it was a 1-1 tie in 1984 and a 3-2 away win in 2004. Ghotbi is building a new team and he has other players to add to the line up (such as Mobali, Kazemian, M. Zare', etc.) to add variety and functionality to the squad's midfield. Dr Doom, celebrating after even a small achievement (like scoring a first goal PK) does have a a very important psychological effect: It creates a positive energy which will generate more positive. This is a new team and evolving, and will be no doubt progressing!



                        people need to realise that singapore and other asian teams are not too weak
                        today and are getting more familiar with football.but i still dont undrestand
                        the 2 Diffensive midfielders.maybe ghotbi doesnt trust the defense, i dont
                        blame him.

                        i didnt see the game, but im guessing from what i hear that meydavudi didnt deliver,but then
                        again, what to expect from a lone striker with little support?
                        Humanity. Love. Earth.


                          i didnt watch the game, just the goals.

                          i liked madanchi's goal, simply cos of his persistence to win the ball which he is a master at, and also, he showed signs of intelligence and awareness by placing the ball in the corner rather than blasting it with no real aim like most iranians do! good job mehrzad!

                          3rd goal was very well played. khak bar saret gholam reza ke hamchin kari jelo emarat nakardi vagarna alan jame jahani budim

                          and by god...wat a goal we conceded.... its not only our defenders, its our entire teams defensive duties and actions that sux! how can we have so many iranian players in the penalty area but still see 2 3 signaporeans totally unmarked!!!!
                          while there is no denial our current defense line isnt the best one we got, but seriously, our team defense is also pathetic! which could be one main reason why using 2 DMs is not a bad idea although in principle, we should try to work our team as a permanent solution to solve such issues. we still have more than 50 or 60 meters gap between our defense line and our forwards and hence resort to long balls cos we cant move the ball from one line to the next!

                          btw, wow, wat a penalty we got! hahaha,, for once, we werent on the bad side of such calls
                          Originally posted by siavasharian

                          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                            Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
                            .......... while there is no denial our current defense line isnt the best one we got, but seriously, our team defense is also pathetic! which could be one main reason why using 2 DMs is not a bad idea although in principle, we should try to work our team as a permanent solut...........

                            ^ really ?

                            coz we DID have two def-mids and we still conceded this one (nouri & ando) and many others like noghl-o-nabat.

                            so having 2 or 4 or even 5 def-mids dont mean better defense. a team can have 1 but if the players learn to mark their targets, would make defense solid enough


                              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                              ^ really ?

                              coz we DID have two def-mids and we still conceded this one (nouri & ando) and many others like noghl-o-nabat.

                              so having 2 or 4 or even 5 def-mids dont mean better defense. a team can have 1 but if the players learn to mark their targets, would make defense solid enough
                              loll...."learn to mark their players"
                              yea, we are all waiting for u to go and teach them since obviously no past 4 or 5 coaches could do that!!
                              wat do u think this is? teaching multiplication table in 2 hours or how to learn windows in 24 hours??

                              P.S. 2 DMs definitely make us less vulnerable in defense!
                              Last edited by yashar_fasihnia; 01-08-2010, 05:38 AM.
                              Originally posted by siavasharian

                              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده

