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Esteghlal; Vaez Ashtiani; Samad Marfavi; What a bad combo!

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    Esteghlal; Vaez Ashtiani; Samad Marfavi; What a bad combo!

    As we all know, last year Esteghlal became the champions, but out of nowhere Ghalenoi's contract didn't get extended, got into a fight with Vaez Ashtiani and left.

    Vaez Ashtiani came up with the great idea () of having Ghalenoi's assistent (who had already failed 3 years ago with Esteghlal) as our headcoach, they even gave him a very experienced assistant who has had more than 30 years experience. It worked quite well the first few weeks and Esteghlal was topping the table. Out of nowhere hashieh started and we saw how weak Samad was. No charisma, no bandings with his players and not popular amongst the fans. First he was the one that got yelled at by the fans, but then we all saw how soft and small Samad Marfavi is as a coach, so it was not his fault. Rutemoller left and Marfavi was left all alone. Even his boss, the chairman, Vaez didn't back him up. Vaez didn't have the guts to come to the stadium, because he was scared his name would've been chanted.

    After seeing all of this, everyone knew that Marfavi wasn't the one who could do anything more (he just couldn't). It was Vaez Ashtiani who dragged us down to this place. It was the managment that had kicked Esteghlal in the back and punched us on the back of our head.

    How is it possible that a team that became champions last year (with the same players), is playing so bad?

    Public media and fans were screaming that Esteghlal needed a shock and out of woodknock Majeed Namjoo Motlagh was added to the coaching staff. There were some rumours that he was going to replace Marfavi, but (un)fortunately it didn't happen. As a great man once said: "A big team need a big coach". Was Namjoo Motlagh really who could bring Esteghlal back to the top again?

    Again a questionable decision made by Vaez Ashtiani. It's like there is no ending to this story. We've passed a few weeks and things were going better, until today.

    How was it possible that Habib Kashani came with Persepolis' "pishkesvat" on the field, but Vaez Ashtiani was nowhere to be seen?! Was he afraid that the fans would confront him with his mistakes again, like they did a few weeks ago? We will never know.

    Again I'm going back to the point where I said Samad Marfavi is not a big coach. You have a team that has been winning two weeks in a row (the max. for this year), and yet for this match you decide to change it. For the ones who didn't notice the big changes:

    1) Akbarpour and SeyedSalehi on the wings and Majidi somewhat as a CF.
    2) Khosro Heydari as a CMF.

    The pressure might have been too much for him, but he has some explaining to do. Because of the changes (Akbarpour and Salehi on the wings and Majidi as CF) there was a lack of creativity. We know Jabbari is out, so no blame on Marfavi, but why didn't he bring a creative player? There is Rinaldo on the bench and Yousefi on the bench yet he decides to not bring any of them in. After the horrible mistake Amirabadi made, there was no good in playing him anymore. Siavash Akbarpour was creating a lot of space and chances, and that little piece of creativity is taken out for a speedy player (Borhani), why not play them together?

    Again Marfavi showed he has no winning mentality and he has passed that mentality on to the players as well, our players didn't go for the second goal, they defended. After the goal we conceeded we created one or two chances. They let the Persepolis players come and attack.

    To sum it up for you:
    No winning mentality, horrible formation, playing players out of their position.

    It is time for Esteghlal to live by their name again, a champion's team. You don't become a champion's team with Samad Marfavi and Vaez Ashtiani. It's time for them to go.

    let them go but replace them with whom ?

    ghalenoi is doing super fine is esfahan and isnt looking like letting go of the
    club very soon.
    Humanity. Love. Earth.


      The loss against perspolise ,is meaningless,and should not be the reason for any changes....the game had a very low quality,and standards....both Esteghlal,and perspolise.......
      The problem is not with marfavi........,for some reason, the expectations are little higher when it comes to perspolise......and when they are out of coaches or players,the whole country is after the best possible candidates, but for esteghlal, it is matter pf settling it,and contention.......
      I balme,ashtiani, more than any one, for his lesser standards, and expectations......
      the whole,football community in IRAN,knows,that Esteghlal,has better personel than perspolise,........
      It may very well be by design, from the government,to keep esteghlal,behind perspolise.


        Originally posted by toofan View Post
        let them go but replace them with whom ?

        ghalenoi is doing super fine is esfahan and isnt looking like letting go of the
        club very soon.

        He said Sepahan has offered him an extention and he is considering it seriously. Saket is smart not to wait to end of season to extend his contract.


          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
          The loss against perspolise ,is meaningless,and should not be the reason for any changes....the game had a very low quality,and standards....both Esteghlal,and perspolise.......
          The problem is not with marfavi........,for some reason, the expectations are little higher when it comes to perspolise......and when they are out of coaches or players,the whole country is after the best possible candidates, but for esteghlal, it is matter pf settling it,and contention.......
          I balme,ashtiani, more than any one, for his lesser standards, and expectations......
          the whole,football community in IRAN,knows,that Esteghlal,has better personel than perspolise,........
          It may very well be by design, from the government,to keep esteghlal,behind perspolise.
          I agree for a part. Of course marfavi is not too blame, it's all about Vaez Ashtiani, martike gohe sag, sharesho ham az Esteghlal nemikane.

          From the end of last season untill now he hasn't done anything right.

          This is the problem we have in our football. Either the chairmans should be "footballi" or there should be a technical director, something we see in today's football everywhere. Right now there is a moftkhor sitting on the highest seat in the club, while this guy doesn't know jack about football..
          Last edited by Kasra.; 02-03-2010, 04:30 PM.


            After each boring Derby , where emotions are high ( and in all honesty , I cannot understand , why?) , expect cries for changes.
            The facts are clear cut. This Ashtiani goes and another Basigi comes along ...What is the point ? They are all the same...

            For the decades I have followed Iran's football and many years of support for Esteghlal , I hardly have seen a lackluster group of individual players like this one I am seeing this season. Evey game is a struggle , every win is with difficulty or chance! . It is really the players themselves to be blamed and combine that with a modest coach with low experience like Samad Agha , and you have yourself a team of "Hail Mary" , more praying than playing.

            Marfavi needs time and time is quite precious when you are in Esteghlal and Perspolis. Their fans have no mercy.

            No doubt that Esteghlal will bounce back , I have no doubt about that , but reaching their full potential requires much more solid ground work and change of some personnel.

            BTW: I raise my hat for one Samad Marfavi's decision and that is to bench AMir Hossein Sadeghi......



              Originally posted by maij View Post
              1)After each boring Derby , where emotions are high ( and in all honesty , I cannot understand , why?) , expect cries for changes.
              The facts are clear cut. This Ashtiani goes and another Basigi comes along ...What is the point ? They are all the same...

              2)For the decades I have followed Iran's football and many years of support for Esteghlal , I hardly have seen a lackluster group of individual players like this one I am seeing this season. Evey game is a struggle , every win is with difficulty or chance! . It is really the players themselves to be blamed and combine that with a modest coach with low experience like Samad Agha , and you have yourself a team of "Hail Mary" , more praying than playing.

              Marfavi needs time and time is quite precious when you are in Esteghlal and Perspolis. Their fans have no mercy.

              No doubt that Esteghlal will bounce back , I have no doubt about that , but reaching their full potential requires much more solid ground work and change of some personnel.

              BTW: I raise my hat for one Samad Marfavi's decision and that is to bench AMir Hossein Sadeghi......
              1) Majeed jaan, this has been going on for the past few weeks/months. As I stated earlier already, the chairman should be "footballi" especially cuz he has the role of technical director as well. Especially with the two tehran clubs, the chairman has an obligation towards the fans. Whenever you f*ck up, you have to explain yourself (that happens almost everywhere), but untill the day of today I haven't seen a logic explanation of the removal of Ghalenoi and putting Marfavi in his place.
              The Derby was the drop the made the whole place flood.

              2) How is that the same team had the lust to win, the eagerness to destroy the opponent, last year, but for the second time in the last 3 years Samad Marfavi can't get it out of the players?
              That says more about Marfavi than about our players. You saw the calmth and passion Amir Ghalenoi had when he was our coach last year? You compare him with Marfavi, from the first moment this guy was filled with stress, his eyes were screaming like WTF am I doing here, and instead of being positive he is negative.


                Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Post
                1) Majeed jaan, this has been going on for the past few weeks/months. As I stated earlier already, the chairman should be "footballi" especially cuz he has the role of technical director as well. Especially with the two tehran clubs, the chairman has an obligation towards the fans. Whenever you f*ck up, you have to explain yourself (that happens almost everywhere), but untill the day of today I haven't seen a logic explanation of the removal of Ghalenoi and putting Marfavi in his place.
                The Derby was the drop the made the whole place flood.

                There is absolutely no requirement AT ALL to have a chairman who is footbali ( and I assume you mean ex-footballer). The Chairman's duty has got nothing to do with Technical Director nor has he any roles in team affairs. The Chairman is the man with money and preferably the influence. His role is to make sure that the club is run efficiently and the best resources that he can buy are available (including coaches and players are available).
                The Chairman must be financially shrewd , which puts a lot of ex-footballer out of the competition as very few of them have high IQ anyway

                I believe that there was no love lost between Ghalenoei and Ashtiani. There is nothing odd about that , people everywhere in the world have their differences. As much as I like and support Ghalenoei , he is no Angel himself .. he has his own shortcomings and likes and dislikes of other people.....

                Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Post
                2) How is that the same team had the lust to win, the eagerness to destroy the opponent, last year, but for the second time in the last 3 years Samad Marfavi can't get it out of the players?
                That says more about Marfavi than about our players. You saw the calmth and passion Amir Ghalenoi had when he was our coach last year? You compare him with Marfavi, from the first moment this guy was filled with stress, his eyes were screaming like WTF am I doing here, and instead of being positive he is negative.

                Actually , it is not the same team. Even if by names it is a very close team like last year , in football that guarantees nothing. However and despite of that , I certainly think that Ghalenoei's influence , motivational power , toughness and disciplinarian attitude are vital ingredients which are missing this season.

                However , I have never believed in " The Great Influences of the Coaches" phenomena the way the majority of members here in this forums believe in. I know that I am in the minority but I cannot give any coach more than a quarter of an influence. Football , after all , is a team sport and with just one outstanding individual (a coach or a player) there is no assurance of success or accolade



                  Originally posted by maij View Post

                  1) There is absolutely no requirement AT ALL to have a chairman who is footbali ( and I assume you mean ex-footballer). The Chairman's duty has got nothing to do with Technical Director nor has he any roles in team affairs. The Chairman is the man with money and preferably the influence. His role is to make sure that the club is run efficiently and the best resources that he can buy are available (including coaches and players are available).
                  The Chairman must be financially shrewd , which puts a lot of ex-footballer out of the competition as very few of them have high IQ anyway

                  2)I believe that there was no love lost between Ghalenoei and Ashtiani. There is nothing odd about that , people everywhere in the world have their differences. As much as I like and support Ghalenoei , he is no Angel himself .. he has his own shortcomings and likes and dislikes of other people.....

                  3)Actually , it is not the same team. Even if by names it is a very close team like last year , in football that guarantees nothing. However and despite of that , I certainly think that Ghalenoei's influence , motivational power , toughness and disciplinarian attitude are vital ingredients which are missing this season.

                  However , I have never believed in " The Great Influences of the Coaches" phenomena the way the majority of members here in this forums believe in. I know that I am in the minority but I cannot give any coach more than a quarter of an influence. Football , after all , is a team sport and with just one outstanding individual (a coach or a player) there is no assurance of success or accolade
                  1) My point exactly. But the problem is, we dont have a Technical Director. It's all about Vaez and Samad. Samad is the headcoach, Vaez is the chairman and 100 other things as well. All the otherones are nokhodi... Since our club doesn't really require Marketing and promotion (cuz we're sponsored by the gov't, I rather have a chairman who is more Technical Director than this Ashtiani.

                  2) Off course, I'm not saying Ghalenoi is an angel or whatever, but everywhere in the world when a coach gets kicked out or whatever the CEO/Chairman/Raeese Heyat Modire gives an press statement why the coach was changed, it's his obligation to the fans and the media. I haven't seen the reason YET, after more than six months, Why ghalenoi was kicked out or however you want to call it.

                  3) How is it possible that a team, that played the most beautiful football in the league last year can't even give three straight passes in a row? It's not like Kazemi and Januario forgot how to play football. It's about the coaches influence, there is no magical band between Samad and the players, they haven't learned a thing from him, we are going backwards everyday.
                  "Lebase morabigariye Esteghlal baraye aghaye Marfavi bozorg ast".


                    What difference would GN make?

                    No offense to his achievements this season, but he has the top 2 Iranian defenders, the far best goalie, one of the best playmakers Iran saw in the last decade back in shape and the far best strikers of the league.

                    Sepahan simply has the strongest players thanks to heavy investment and coach who does little wrong.


                      Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                      What difference would GN make?

                      No offense to his achievements this season, but he has the top 2 Iranian defenders, the far best goalie, one of the best playmakers Iran saw in the last decade back in shape and the far best strikers of the league.

                      Sepahan simply has the strongest players thanks to heavy investment and coach who does little wrong.
                      The same difference that Samad Marfavi CAN'T make.

                      Last year the same players had a fighting spirit, they didn't quit after a goal and also they gave 100% for the team, the coach, the fans, the club.

                      Right now we see a bunch of unmotivated, out of position played, stressed players.

                      In my book that is a difference.

                      My biggest point is, what was the reason behind the removal of Amir Ghalenoi? What was the logic behind this decision?


                        Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Post
                        The same difference that Samad Marfavi CAN'T make.

                        Last year the same players had a fighting spirit, they didn't quit after a goal and also they gave 100% for the team, the coach, the fans, the club.

                        Right now we see a bunch of unmotivated, out of position played, stressed players.

                        In my book that is a difference.

                        My biggest point is, what was the reason behind the removal of Amir Ghalenoi? What was the logic behind this decision?

                        Reason was different policy, expectation and methods between the two ( دو پادشاه در یک اقلیم نگنجند )but there are other obstacles facing any coach of Esteghlal.

                        Amir made it clearer today that even if Ashtiani leave, he will not return to Esteghlal. Sorkhabis in particular Blues are brutal with their coaches and enjoy torturing their coache if is a former player.

                        He has offer from Sepahan and according to him from Persian Gulf clubs. Last time around he had some sort of Uzbek/Tajik offers... whether its marketing ploy or genuine offers , He has achieved a lot with Esteghlal and currently with Sepahan , and he should move ahead and try untested territories

                        اگر آشتیانی هم برود به استقلال برنمی گردم / یک بازیکن باعث شکست ما شد
                        قلعه نویی در پایان گفت: فصل آینده اگر در ایران باشم دوست دارم در سپاهان بمانم و به استقلال نمی روم حتی اگر واعظ آشتیانی از این تیم برود. در حال حاضر مدیر برنامه هایم با چند باشگاه عربی مذاکراتی انجام داده است که فعلا نام آنها را نمی گویم و در پایان فصل در خصوص تیم آینده ام تصمیم گیری می کنم.


                          a few months later we see both of them leave Esteghlal. Goodbye to the both of you! BYEBYE


                            whether someone better will come or not is yet to be seen...
                            kazem oliyayi is another disaster and his name is thrown around a lot these days
                            Originally posted by siavasharian

                            بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                            بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                              Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
                              whether someone better will come or not is yet to be seen...
                              kazem oliyayi is another disaster and his name is thrown around a lot these days

                              1- Fattollah Zadeh ,has better chance to be the " Moder Aamel ".
                              2- Parviz Mazloomi has better chance to be the head coach.
                              3-The timing of ashtiani's Resignation, is of most concern....all better players in transfer maket have been taken, and Esteghlal, has lost so many players.
                              4-Naser Hejazi is helping Esteghlal find the right manager.

                              در شرایطی که امیرقلعه نویی جدی*ترین گزینه برای حضور در راس کادر فنی تیم فوتبال استقلال و محمدحسین قریب به همراه علی فتح الله زاده جدی ترین گزینه ها برای مدیرعاملی این باشگاه بودند، قلعه*نویی تاکید کرد قصد ندارد به قراردادش با سپاهان پشت کند و به تهران بیاید.
                              به گزارش خبرنگار مهر، استعفای دسته جمعی اعضای هیئت مدیره باشگاه استقلال پس از دیدار هفته گذشته با علی سعیدلو، این باشگاه را وارد بحران تازه ای کرد تا گمانه زنی ها در مورد اعضای هیئت مدیره و مدیرعامل جدید آبی پوشان آغاز شود.

                              این اتفاق را باید به کناره*گیری صمد مرفاوی پس از پایان لیگ نهم نیز اضافه کرد چرا که استعفای مرفاوی زمینه ساز برخی تغییرات در این باشگاه شد و شرایط را به گونه ای پیش برد که حالا استقلال از فردای خودش خبر ندارد و منتظر تصمیم رئیس سازمان تربیت بدنی برای مشخص شدن اعضای هیئت مدیره، مدیرعامل و در نهایت سرمربی تیم فوتبال این باشگاه است.

                              با کناره گیری امیررضا واعظی آشتیانی از مدیرعاملی استقلال، علی فتح الله زاده و محمدحسین قریب به عنوان دو گزینه اصلی برای کرسی ریاست باشگاه مطرح شدند. هر چند که عنوان شد علی سعیدلو گزینه دیگری را برای مدیریت این باشگاه پرطرفدار مد نظر دارد اما در روزهای اخیر از این دو به عنوان جدی ترین گزینه ها نام برده شده است.

                              در این بین علی فتح الله*زاده در گفتگو با خبرنگار مهر با تایید مذاکره و پیشنهاد مسئولان سازمان تربیت بدنی، عنوان کرد احتمال پذیرش این سمت از سوی او بعید است چرا که شرایط استقلال مطلوب نیست. محمدحسین قریب نیز در گفتگوهای غیررسمی اش اعلام کرد حاضر به پذیرش این سمت نیست.

                              با این حال نزدیکان به استقلال شانس علی فتح الله زاده برای حضور در این باشگاه را بیشتر از گزینه های دیگر می دانند. اتفاقی که ممکن است طی روزهای آینده رخ دهد.

                              اما پس از نشست روز پنجشنبه امیرقلعه نویی با علی سعیدلو گمانه زنی ها در مورد بازگشت وی به استقلال قوت گرفت. اما یکی از نزدیکان قلعه نویی روز شنبه در گفتگو با خبرنگار مهر تاکید کرد او به هیچ وجه قصد بازگشت به استقلال را ندارد و نشست با سعیدلو هم جنبه مشورتی داشته است.

                              به گفته این فرد نزدیک به قلعه نویی، وی از روز سه شنبه تمرینات سپاهان را زیر نظر خواهد گرفت. با این شرایط هنوز گزینه جدی برای سرمربیگری استقلال مطرح نشده است. شاید پرویز مظلومی مثل سالهای اخیر یکی از این گزینه ها باشد.

                              قرار است در نشستی که روز یکشنبه با حضور علی سعیدلو، برخی مسئولان فوتبالی و مسئولان استقلال برگزار می شود، وضعیت این باشگاه برای حضور در دهمین دوره رقابتهای لیگ برتر مشخص شود.
                              .................................................. .................................................. ..
                              Also naser Hejazi, may be helping Esteghlal choosing:
                              ناصر حجازي نخستين عضو هيات مديره جديد استقلال سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال
                              8903-08735: كد خبر

                              خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - تهران
                              سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال

                              انتخاب ناصر حجازي به عنوان عضو هيات مديره باشگاه استقلال قطعي شده است.

                              به گزارش خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، به دنبال استعفاي دسته* جمعي اعضاي هيات مديره باشگاه استقلال و بي*ثمر ماندن تلاش علي سعيدلو رييس سازمان تربيت بدني براي بازگرداندن آنها، تكليف انتخاب اعضاي جديد هيات مديره باشگاه استقلال به زودي مشخص خواهد شد.

                              ناصر حجازي يكي از پيشكسوتان اين باشگاه به عنوان اولين عضو هيات مديره جديد استقلال انتخاب شده كه بزودي معرفي خواهد شد.

                              يك*شنبه (فردا) نشستي در اين رابطه در دفتر علي سعيدلو برگزار خواهد شد تا پس از انتخاب اعضاي جديد هيات مديره، مديرعامل باشگاه استقلال معرفي شود.

                              انتهاي پيام
                              Last edited by zzgloo; 06-05-2010, 07:30 AM.

