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Iran - Thailand

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    Iran - Thailand

    before I start with the 1st half, let me make my stance on recalling the 32 year old karimi clear. it is absolutely useless and unproductive.
    the asia cup is 2 years down the line and he'll be 34 and most probably a dead weight for the team. so why did ghotbi call him?
    becoz he's more bothered about his reputation and popularity than what's REALLY good for TM's future prospect.
    bringing karimi in means he'll have added a huge number of naive fans appreciative of him. no matter how useless the decision.


    the team that has the formation 4-6-0 obviously will find it hard to score goals. even if it is against a 3rd or 4th tier asian team.
    and this ghoromsagh, ghotbi, to make matters worse, has brought in only ONE striker to the 18 and placed him on the bench.

    akhe avazi khan, is this how you're planning to help Iran's most stark and prominent problem; the issue of strikers?

    akhe, aghaye darb-o daghoon, how is not using strikers in a team going to solve the problem?

    that too in a game that doesnt hold any consequences as we've already qualified! against a piss poor team.
    is it too hard for your feeble pea brain to grasp these are the occasions the coaches use to experiment and try out key posts and hopeful players and potentials for future?

    then when are we going to try some striking combination and allow young strikers to gain experience? against brazil?

    akhe shoot-ali, who do you think you're fooling?
    charlatan bazi ham haddi dareh.
    nemitooni, ashghalat ro jam kon boro. bezar yeki digeh biyad.

    bringign ALL the legionairs, plus recalling a 32 year old karimi is RIDICULOUS ENOUGH.
    then playing a spineless moronic 4-6-0 formation is PATHETIC.
    but what makes this hard to explain is the game is in AZADI, against a piss poor team in an inconsequential game.

    what are you trying to achieve, except hoping for a large score line to lift the pressure off of you?
    THAT IS THE ONLY PURPOSE any coach would try some sh*t like this.
    that is enough for any half sane IFF head to kick the f**k out of TM.

    charlatan, boro gom sho

    Dr Doom I think Ghotbi's focus is to reach a practical lineup that can win the AC 2011. Sort of a short term but very concentrated target. I have to admit, 32 is still not done, a little loss in motivation and physical stamina but the IQ and playmaking abilities stay. For instance look at Bagheri who is carrying PP on his sholders. Letting Karimi go is like saying Germany should leave Ballack off their WC 2010 roster. Let's give Ghotbi the AC 2011 and see how things proceed, if not good I will be the first to consent to his removal. After all both Daie and GN, the top two replacements, are currently on other jobs.


      what a joke qotbi is............that is all i can say about this computer freak
      IRI = FAILED


        Ahmadzadeh 4 TM!!!!


          SECOND HALF :

          the same crap followed, till we begged and suffered, huffed n puffed just to score one goal at minute 90 !!!
          the game, in one word; PATHETIC!

          the team failed to show ANY teamwork, any tactic ... nothing!

          shojaei was a complete zero. so was Ando.
          nekounam also wasnt much to write about.
          lets make it easy, the team looked like a bunch of high-school kids who are larger and more mature than the opposing elementary school team, but cant even score or get ahead!

          ghotbi, once more, proved he is just useless as a coach.
          maybe as the spokesman for the team. but not someone who makes any decisions.


          paradigm jan, are you SERIOUS?
          picking the 32 year old karimi for 2011 is "PRACTICAL"???
          using a 4-6-0 with no forward in the line up is "PRACTICAL"???
          using shojaei as a striker is "PRACTICAL"???

          I just cant get over the attitude of allowing a regress to continue just becoz we havent reached a major milestone!
          prevention is over-rated?
          prevention is useless?
          and only after we contract a disease and are on the verge of dying shd we suddenly try to find a cure for the incurable disease?

          why cant we LEARN from past mistakes?


            I am speechless!


              You have totally valid points, but if not Ghotbi, who is gonna take the helm? Nobody seems to have anyone better in mind.... like a decent foreign coach.

              I would give him AC 2011, meanwhile restrict to constructive criticism and try to keep it positive somehow. Maybe directly email Ghotbi with your feedback!

              Daie would probably beat you up for asking a critical question, with Ghotbi you can be a lot more comfortable for sure.



                ^ so you're ok with missing with yet another major tournament (as important or close to WC qualification for the likes of us) just becoz we shd not show a little fore-sight and need to be "proved" ?

                come. give me your hand while I put it in the fire.
                who knows ... maybe you wont get burned. you certainly shd not pull back until you actually get burned.
                ok with you?


                btw, just to put everything in perspective here and know where we stand with such a set up and such a brilliant coach:

                south korea defeated african powerhouse, ivory coast 2-0.

                now, who's gonna say ghotbi's the man for us to beat teams like skorea in ac 2011?


                  before I start with the 1st half, let me make my stance on recalling the 32 year old karimi clear. it is absolutely useless and unproductive.
                  the asia cup is 2 years down the line and he'll be 34 and most probably a dead weight for the team.
                  Ali Karimi is 31 and he will be 32 when the Asian Cup takes place, exactly 10 months from now.

                  He undoubtedly was inspiring our offense today.

                  Overall we didn't play bad. This reminds me of van Gaal, who told reporters the 1-1 draw against Nuremberg had been the best game he had seen by his team this season. He explained the surprised reporters how hard it is to permanently dominate a destructive team and to create numerous chances against them, while only allowing one chance for that team.

                  Overall our passing was much better than usually and the number of unforced errors was much lower than our normal average. We barely allowed chances despite normally attacking with 6-7 players and created many chances against a defensive lock by a team which surely is no pushover.

                  Whoever expected more from TM either has missed all TM games of the last 3 years or is so desperate for attention that he opens a post match thread at halftime of the game.

                  And apart from Dr. Doom and the somewhat senile commentator everyone knows Shojaei can play striker and that we actually played with 4 strikers, rather than none.


                    I remember how everyone was criticizing Qn to death when he played our A team in one half against South Korea's mix of A-B team when we were already qualified. We beat them 2-0 back then with players like Enayati (he even scored) and Khatibi (according to most one of the worst players in TM), but everyone was jumping up and down about why Qn had to use his A team instead of trying new players/formations when we were already qualified.

                    Now we're playing our A team and our main substitutions the whole match against Thailand in Azadi, again when we're already qualified. I wanna see where the people are who back then burned Qn into the ground...
                    Persian Pride running through my veins!

                    Esteghlal for life!!


                      Let us not beat round the bush..... The solution is absolutely simple and available , it really does not require a rocket scientist. We need a leader at the helm of Team melli and a man who has been there and experienced the lows and highs , a man that has already delivered and his name is"

                      A M I R G H A L E N O E I

                      ..Not saying that he will win the Asian Cup 2011 , but in his worst day , Amir is ten times better than Ghotbi. Regardless to how much cosmetics you want to put on it , this Ghotbi is simply clueless.
                      ..yeah yeah yeah....our players suck , clubs no good m the government is S**t , we all know... Enough said makes no difference to the fact that Amir Khan is one of best hopes Iran has to be presentable and honorable in Doha 2011.



                        to martin:

                        (ps; I see you havent lost your "reactionary" views.
                        you wait to see who says what about an issue and then you take the opposite.)

                        LOL ... a bit too late for suddenly supporting karimi, arent you?
                        the time for proposing or defending a quick-fix has already passed you ( and us) by, my friend.

                        when we SHOULD have used quick fixes like using an over-age player because time and circumstances were against us during the WCQ's, you used to vote against it and somehow see using karimi as a crime or a massive mistake!!!

                        but, now, that we HAVE TIME and circumtances are favorable for testing new blood and intrioduction of solutions and alternatives, you make a sudden 180 ( beppa saret geej nareh, btw. sudden turns tend to cause dizziness) and start defending using overage players!!!!

                        and forgive me if I throw out your tragically funny remark on using 4 strikers, coz it's just too hilarious to take seriously.


                        and amin brought up a very valid point on GN and some ppl's stances on matters.

                        it's like TM is way below our priorities, and opposing certain ppl, no matter what the issue or what the past holds is the over-riding factor here!

                        the day we put aside our "personal" stuff and approach a subject impartially, with no preconceived notions and opinions, we'd go a long way in improving ourselves


                        and majid is quite correct.
                        replacing this charlatan with GN does not guarantee winning the AC.
                        but by God, it improves our chances exponentially


                          Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                          Ali Karimi is 31 and he will be 32 when the Asian Cup takes place, exactly 10 months from now.

                          He undoubtedly was inspiring our offense today.

                          Overall we didn't play bad. This reminds me of van Gaal, who told reporters the 1-1 draw against Nuremberg had been the best game he had seen by his team this season. He explained the surprised reporters how hard it is to permanently dominate a destructive team and to create numerous chances against them, while only allowing one chance for that team.

                          Overall our passing was much better than usually and the number of unforced errors was much lower than our normal average. We barely allowed chances despite normally attacking with 6-7 players and created many chances against a defensive lock by a team which surely is no pushover.

                          Whoever expected more from TM either has missed all TM games of the last 3 years or is so desperate for attention that he opens a post match thread at halftime of the game.

                          And apart from Dr. Doom and the somewhat senile commentator everyone knows Shojaei can play striker and that we actually played with 4 strikers, rather than none.
                          A Wise analysis.....
                          In relation to where TM has been, and how things are developing...
                          TM,while Ghotbi may not ultimatly remain as the head coach...seems to be going into a correct direction......and in order to bring in new talents, a head coach needs to stablish the Skeleton ,and structure of the TM first....

                          1- Rahmati...owns the position.
                          2-Haydar.....has made every one forget kabie....FIXED for our right corner.
                          3-Haj-Safi...much better a choice than Zandi at left corner, with better future for the position......FIXED at the position...any use of any other currant left backs,in the league, would have slowed down the team ,with less promising a future.
                          4- Aghili & Hossaini,are best the country can offer at the position ..FIXED.
                          5-Khalatbari.....starting,and becoming FIXED for TM.
                          6-Neko is the foundation to TM...FIXED
                          7-Madanchi his prime...FIXED.
                          8-Ansari Fard...up coming talent,and FIXED at least for a secound half.,and may be more in future.
                          Above structure, is what Ghotbi has stablished, as bases for future..,and other positions can be revolving door,and testing ground in future....
                          .................................................. ...............................................
                          Regarding the game against Tailand
                          1- Total control of the game.
                          2-Total control of the time of posession.
                          3-10 to 1...corners.
                          4-15 to 1 ... chances of scoring Goals.
                          Considering, not having a seriouse stricker talent in the league...the line up, was safe,although,they may get better with more time spent together...and future prospects,can be tried and pluged in,around the already stablished structure by Ghotbi.
                          Last edited by zzgloo; 03-03-2010, 03:50 PM.


                            bahram jan,
                            I have a car that has only 3 wheels and the fourth one is stolen. if I refuse to use the car and say "my car has no problems" , just becoz I am not going to use it, .... wouldnt you laugh at me and call me ridiculous?

                            just becoz we have problems in our strikers, not using any in a game will solve it?
                            we're just foolishly postponing the moment of realization.
                            and with some of us, that moment is when we face a major tournament and we suddenly have no time to try some experiments.

                            ok .... we got lucky and somehow we scrape through against a 4th tier team, while using a brainless line up of no forwards. how do you think we'd fare against B grade teams like bahrain and uae, iraq, and china ... let alone and forget about the top guns like korea, japan and aussies?

                            you think we'd continue to get lucky?

                            the age old phrase of "agar gol nazani, gol mokhori" has been proven again and again. where do you think we'd be then?


                              Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post

                              And apart from Dr. Doom and the somewhat senile commentator everyone knows Shojaei can play striker and that we actually played with 4 strikers, rather than none.
                              As a side note now that you mentioned, how embarrassing was the commentator.. He was so out of touch with reality.. he picked on Nekounam for his number not knowing that under AFC rules if a number is used by some other player (in this case Bagheri) it can't be re-used by some other players for those games (this case being Asian Cup Qualifiers)...
                              Team faghat PERSPOLIS

