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شاخص*های صعود تیم*ها به لیگ برتر

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    شاخص*های صعود تیم*ها به لیگ برتر

    As it stands 3 teams from IPL will relegate to be replacing with 3 advancing Lig1 teams.
    Every year because of ambiguity and lack of clarity of regulations IFF face some sort of crisis.
    Unlike to the past, this year IFF had to follow AFC regulations about pro/ semi pro clubs and that will create additional confusion and troubles.
    With few exceptions ( Naft ,Damash. Petro...) most Lig 1 club are just teams without required organization standards and financial resources. Some of teams are simply not independent ( Sepahan Novin, Foulad Novin, Mes Sarcheshmeh…) , some others ( Bargh , Payam…) are already financially bankrupt.

    Unless miraculously Lig 1 teams are able to drastically improve and upgrade their standards , none of them will qualify to enter IPL according to AFC .

    IFF already has been warned this week about Abomoslem. AFC has told IFF that they might penalize Iran by deducting points that will affect 4 team quotas for Iran because Abomoslem is not a private club with sound financial resources( recently IFF provided AFC clubs documentations).
    Next season all IPL teams will be more scrutinized by AFC and participating teams will be held to new standards.

    Although late , IFF committees have started to address this serious potential problem .
    According to recent reports simply winning and championship of Lig 1 is not sufficient criteria to advance. Given IFF past practice , it is unlikely their solution will satisfy worried Lig 1 hopeful teams .
    It will not be impossible if IFF decide to relegate only one or two IPL teams rather than 3.
    IPL teams in danger zone (w28)
    Abomosle,m(24 ). Esteghlal Ahwaz, Mes ( 29), Shahin ,Foulad, Rahahan, Pas,Moghavemat , Malavan, Saba, Peykan (38)
    Lig1 top teams ( w 15/26) shahrdari Tabriz, Tarbiat yazd , Naft T , Al Hormozgan, Bargh ,SNA ,Damash, ...

    ازسوی هیئت رئیسه لیگ آزادگان؛
    شاخص های صعود تیم ها به لیگ برتر تعیین می شود
    شاخص ها و شرایط اختصاصی باشگاه های لیگ دسته اول برای صعود به رقابت های لیگ برتر در نشست هیئت رئیسه سازمان لیگ آزادگان مشخص خواهد شد.

    به گزارش

    خبرنگار مهر، در این نشست که چهارشنبه هفته جاری در محل فدراسیون فوتبال برگزار خواهد شد، شرایط تیم های صعودکننده به لیگ برتر مطابق با استانداردهای AFC و حضور در لیگ حرفه ای تعیین خواهد شد.

    براین اساس با تعیین شرایط و استانداردهای مورد نظر سازمان لیگ آزادگان از این پس دیگر قهرمانی در لیگ دسته اول تنها ملاک حضور در لیگ برتر نخواهد بود. در این نشست همچنین اعضای هیئت رئیسه سازمان لیگ آزادگان در خصوص نحوه برگزاری مسابقات فصل آینده به بحث و تبادل نظر خواهند پرداخت.

    بررسی وضعیت تیم هایی که در مسابقات لیگ دسته اول با مشکلات مالی روبه رو هستند و تعیین تکلیف این تیم ها برای جلوگیری از هرگونه بی نظمی در مسابقات از دیگر موضوعات نشست سازمان لیگ آماتوری خواهد بود. همچنین بررسی پیشنهاد کنار گذاشتن تیم هایی که با بیش از سه جلسه تعلیق روبه رو شده اند از گردونه مسابقات لیگ دسته اول از دیگر موضوعات مورد بحث در نشست هیئت رئیسه سازمان لیگ آزادگان است.

    نشست هیئت رئیسه سازمان لیگ آزادگان به ریاست غلامرضا بهروان و با حضور جواد ششگلانی (نماینده آذربایجان شرقی)، محمد غفاری (نماینده استان مرکزی)، زینالی (نماینده باشگاه مس رفسنجان)، صابری (نماینده شهرداری یاسوج)، طباطبایی (خزانه دار) و آرش جابری (بازرس) برگزار خواهد شد.

    هيئت رئيسه ليگ آماتوري ايران تصويب کرد
    شرايط صعود تيم هاي دسته اول به ليگ برتر
    جام جم آنلاين: نخستين نشست اعضاي هيئت رئيسه ليگ آماتوري و جوانان با حضور رئيس و دبيرکل فدراسيون فوتبال برگزار شد که طي آن تعيين شرايط جديد براي صعود تيم ها به ليگ برتر از جمله مهمترين مباحث مطرح شده بود.

    به گزارش مهر، در اين نشست که روز يکشنبه با حضور علي کفاشيان، مهدي محمد نبي ، غلامرضا بهروان رئيس سازمان ليگ آماتوري و جوانان و اعضاي اين سازمان شامل: جواد ششگلاني (نماينده آذربايجان شرقي) ، محمد غفاري (نماينده استان مرکزي) ، زينالي (نماينده باشگاه مس رفسنجان) ، صابري (نماينده شهرداري ياسوج) ، طباطبايي (خزانه دار) و آرش جابري (بازرس) برگزار شد ، اعضا پيرامون نحوه برگزاري مسابقات بويژه برگزاري مسابقات ليگ تيم هاي پايه ، شيوه درآمدزايي سازمان ليگ و بازاريابي و تبليغات به بحث تبادل نظر پرداختند.

    در اين جلسه هيئت رئيسه سازمان ليگ آماتوري و جوانان مصوب کرد نام اين تشکيلات به سازمان ليگ آزادگان تغيير يابد.
    بررسي وضعيت تيم هايي که در مسابقات ليگ دسته اول با مشکلات مالي روبرو هستند و تعيين تکليف اين تيم ها براي جلوگيري از هرگونه بي نظمي در مسابقات از ديگر موضوعات نشست سازمان ليگ آماتوري بود. بر اين اساس پيشنهاد شد تيم هايي که بيش از سه جلسه با وضعيت تعليق روبرو مي شوند از مسابقات ليگ دسته اول کنار گذاشته شوند.
    تعيين وضعيت صعود تيم هاي ليگ دسته اول به مسابقات ليگ برتر از ديگر موضوعات نشست اعضاي هيئت رئيسه ليگ آماتوري بود و بر اين اساس مقرر شد شرايط و ضوابط خاصي براي تيم هاي صعود کننده مشخص شود و تنها قهرماني و کسب امتيازات لازم ملاک صعود به ليگ برتر قرار نگيرد.
    در پايان نخستين نشست هيئت رئيسه سازمان ليگ آماتوري مقرر شد نشست آتي اين سازمان چهارشنبه هفته آينده برگزار شود و طي آن ديگر مسائل و مشکلات مسابقات ليگ دسته اول با حضور رئيس فدراسيون فوتبال مورد بحث و بررسي قرار گيرد.

    1-which teams in ( Dasteh Avval ) are financialy secured ?, and eligable to move to ( league e bartar ),if they win in thier division ?
    2-and whom among them have the better record ?
    3-Which teams in the ( league E Bartar ),is not eligable ?,and has no hope .
    4-Will IFF, try to come up with some ( Fony ) paper work to satisfy the AFC,or is this for real ?
    5- Could qualified teams ( by winning percentage ), come up with financial support after they get qualified ?


      Everything seem to be backward in Islamic Ripoff of Iran.

      Instead of putting some qualification rules on who can participate in league 1, they are saying, if you bust your ass and become the champion or occupy one of the top spots, that is not enough to move to the higher league. What kind of a reward is that?

      The Iranian federation, should take a close look at league 1 and perhaps reshape that league to only include teams that are capable of moving up.

      One possible solution is to give these team to the free enterprises to manage. enough of state ownership or big industries owining a football team. There you would see for-profit activities and that will bring not only financial stabiliyt but a real growth in our football leagues.


        IMO there are way too many teams in iran, more than what the market can handle, some 115 teams compete in 4 divisions in iran, i believe IFF needs to merge teams and reduce the number to a manageable size. Korean league did not have a 2nd division til recently!!! same with J-league.

        i believe 3 leagues of 18 teams each is enough for iran.
        IRI = FAILED


          Originally posted by persian-eagle-13 View Post
          IMO there are way too many teams in iran, more than what the market can handle, some 115 teams compete in 4 divisions in iran, i believe IFF needs to merge teams and reduce the number to a manageable size. Korean league did not have a 2nd division til recently!!! same with J-league.

          i believe 3 leagues of 18 teams each is enough for iran.
          I agree with the above. I actually did not know there were four divisions in Iran; I thought there were only two. Which are the other two??

          Also can someone please explain to me in a little detail, how are three teams determined to be promoted from the Azadeghan to the IPL this year?

          Out of the three teams to move up, is one determined via a 2-leg play-off?


            Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
            I agree with the above. I actually did not know there were four divisions in Iran; I thought there were only two. Which are the other two??

            Also can someone please explain to me in a little detail, how are three teams determined to be promoted from the Azadeghan to the IPL this year?

            Out of the three teams to move up, is one determined via a 2-leg play-off?
            There are 2 groups in Lig 1 (Group A & B each 14 teams)
            See here
            First team of each group will advance. (2 teams).
            Second team of each group will play 2 games and winner will be third advancing team.


              Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
              There are 2 groups in Lig 1 (Group A & B each 14 teams)
              See here
              First team of each group will advance. (2 teams).
              Second team of each group will play 2 games and winner will be third advancing team.
              I see but let's say the top team in one of the groups does not have the AFC requirements. What will happen next? Do they count the second team in the group as the winner and the third team going to the play off?



                Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                I see but let's say the top team in one of the groups does not have the AFC requirements. What will happen next? Do they count the second team in the group as the winner and the third team going to the play off?

                IFF Make the Rules Up as they go along.
                They do things backward.

                Most Lig1 teams lack fundamentals of AFC requirement, hence only few teams could be considered if any.

                From Current 6 top IPL hopefuls, Bargh, SNA, Damash has been IPL member before but Shahrdari Tabriz, TYazd, and NaftT had to make organization changes. I doubt NaftT will be approved by IFF.
                Unless top qualified teams decide to trade, I doubt IFF will disqualify them without giving them chance to make changes.


                  Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                  IFF Make the Rules Up as they go along.
                  They do things backward.

                  Most Lig1 teams lack fundamentals of AFC requirement, hence only few teams could be considered if any.

                  From Current 6 top IPL hopefuls, Bargh, SNA, Damash has been IPL member before but Shahrdari Tabriz, TYazd, and NaftT had to make organization changes. I doubt NaftT will be approved by IFF.
                  Unless top qualified teams decide to trade, I doubt IFF will disqualify them without giving them chance to make changes.
                  I see, thanks for Clarification St Mark. By the way do you work for the IFF in Khuzestan? I'm guessing you do because you have such detailed information!



                    Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                    I see, thanks for Clarification St Mark. By the way do you work for the IFF in Khuzestan? I'm guessing you do because you have such detailed information!

