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A thread ,not for Doctor Doom !!

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    A thread ,not for Doctor Doom !!

    We all know Doctor Doom, and we all either love him or hate him...but nobody is nutral against him !!!!!
    he has been a vetran member and contributing fellow who is very spirited and some times too spirited ...
    he has been advecating a campain to topple Branko to no avail,and although,he has offered very insightful views on many issues, yet,he seems not to get it ,as when to let it go !!!
    On behalf of concerned members who would love DD to come to his sences,and join us in supporting TM during the WC....
    I offer a petition ,and want all friends and well wishers to sign and comment ,and invite him to ""take it easy ""....
    We want him to know,we love him regardless,and ask him,to let go of the " I told you so " campain..and join the club.and the community.

    I don't think this thread was needed. anyways, Payman knows where he stands and I have no doubt in my mind that he wants the best for TM too. I ,too, have asked him to tone down his signature and avatar.

    I do agree with a lot of things that he brings up, but not with the harsh tone against Branko. We have to undrestand, The issue of TM is a very , (VERY) sensetive issue. I think the difference is that he does not believe he is hurting anyone by his Avatar. I believe that too, I just don't think he needs to go to that level of harshness to show his dislike for Branko.



      Now, I have seen all sorts of threads possible !!

      as I said earlier in another post, I had just given up ..... and did it almost 2 months ago.

      I gave up coz I didnt see any point in discussing the tragic shift of priorities from the TEAM to a person that has prevailed for some time now!
      as you can see, I hardly posted anything during the period.

      I was compelled to suffer his insufferable and negative methods that I am sure , will hinder the team from achieving its maximum.

      but, the mistake I made was to read a couple of interviews and the utter trash that was spewed forth in them.
      the nonsense.
      the harmful stubbornness.
      the arrogance of beleiving he is unanswerable to anyone.
      the nonchalant denial of reality.
      the irrational insistance in support for failed ideas.
      the slimy way he adopts to weasel away from any pertinent questioning , especially on vital matters of the team.
      the ..... etc
      all these were just too much for me to bear.

      and maybe I am in minority in believing that "anytime we stop loss, we have gained" philosophy.

      I still think we CAN do without him, and do well.
      we have some notable alternatives who DO know our players, their strenghts , their weaknesses, their uses, .... and CAN arrange a team based on these strenghts to at least give us ( and TM ) a shot at achieving our MAXIMUM.

      "TM's maximum" ..... something that we will NEVER come close to, under branko.

      we all have seen how the smallest of measures can have gigantic impact in agame of football.
      one wrong player selected.
      one wrong substitution.
      one wrong order.
      one wrong switch.
      .... etc.
      yes, the line between success and failure is very fine and thin.

      imagine if we didnt have pasha for australia.
      imagine if VH was not at TM against qatar.
      imagine if talebi hadnt ordered such defensive formation and tactics against a weak and aging germany.
      imagine if .... .


      btw, zz jan, we still havent got to the real "I told you so" part !

      neither have I been doing anything like that.


      also, I am just a member just like anyone else here.
      with MY views and MY ideas.
      holding up MY standards and MY values.
      discussing MY angle on things, the way I see them.

      just as we have ppl who will defend the indefensible and illogical, no matter how ludicrous the issue, or those who clearly have the wrong priorities, I also follow MY set of priorities and beliefs.

      MY priority is one thing: TM's success and fate.

      it is about TM achieving its maximum possible , when I know at present we have a team with tremendous potential, humongous skill and flair, fantastic talent and optimal experience, and god has given it a wonderful opportunity.

      to waste such an opportunity with a mediocre philosophy, under a restricted mind and limited intelligence is just blasphemous to me.
      Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 04-19-2006, 10:47 AM.


        With as little time left as we have, it is matter of," are we in this all together or not ? " is matter of jumping ship !, it is matter of being with friends in thin and thick ! it is matter of comradery,it is matter of being one.


          Originally posted by zzgloo
          With as little time left as we have, it is matter of," are we in this all together or not ? " is matter of jumping ship !, it is matter of being with friends in thin and thick ! it is matter of comradery,it is matter of being one.

          for me, the "comrades" and the "friends" are the TM PLAYERS ( not branko.
          for me, the "ship" is TM, not branko.

          and to save this "ship" , its pilot or captain ( not daei ) shd be changed.

          it is very harmful to adopt the attitude of : "we began with X 5 yrs back, so even though we know he's going to make mistakes , we shd still persist with him" !!!!!!!!

          I'm sorry , but I dont correspond to this philosophy.

          who cares if he will be disappointed ( he's a pro, and he's already pocketed a hefty amount of money ). I dont care the least.
          as long as TM can have a better fate.

          try telling disaster victims the same thing:
          " plz persist with this captain or engineer or builder or .... altho' you're gonna sink becoz of his incompetence. hey, you hired him, so you better sink with him !!"
          Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 04-19-2006, 10:45 PM.


            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
            for me, the "comrades" and the "friends" are the TM PLAYERS ( not branko.
            for me, the "ship" is TM, not branko.

            and to save this "ship" , its pilot or captain ( not daei ) shd be changed.

            it is very harmful to adopt the attitude of : "we began with X 5 yrs back, so even though we know he's going to make mistakes , we shd still persist with him" !!!!!!!!

            I'm sorry , but I dont correspond to this philosophy.

            who cares if he will be disappointed ( he's a pro, and he's already pocketed a hefty amount of money ). I dont care the least.
            as long as TM can have a better fate.
            i agree, Brancos biggest problkem is in his whole tenure he hasnt been willing to try anyone but the same 11 guys

            p.s. when u use different fonts and colors and loding it makes it harder to read. i even read it in a study somehwere


              Originally posted by Makaveli
              i agree, Brancos biggest problkem is in his whole tenure he hasnt been willing to try anyone but the same 11 guys
              p.s. when u use different fonts and colors and loding it makes it harder to read. i even read it in a study somehwere

              actually, I beleive color-coding makes it less monotonous.
              and points can be stressed that way.


                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                actually, I beleive color-coding makes it less monotonous.
                and points can be stressed that way.
                yes if someone is adamnet on reading your post, but if an impartial person comes in and looks over it, it looks like a large task to read it. i actually read it ina research where people tend to read thing that are monotonous rather than texxt thats mixed with all caps one second and lower case the next and bolded words and so on. anyways im just saying that cuz i like the points u bring up and i'de like more people to read em.


                  thank you mate.

                  will keep that in mind next time.


                    Originally posted by zzgloo
                    We all know Doctor Doom, and we all either love him or hate him...but nobody is nutral against him !!!!!
                    I see your good heart in the theard but the whole thread reminds me of "court".

                    To me, he is part of the football discussion with the extreme view in one angle. If we force him to drop his view, then some one else becomes the extreme till we force every one to think like us, then there will be no discussion. As one of the oldest members here in PFDC, I have witnessed so many members with different views, Doctor Doom is one of them. As matter of fact his view has so many supporters in media, we don't want to drop them too, do we?

                    Last edited by Hajagha; 04-20-2006, 06:23 AM.


                      DD is DD because of his views. I am sure after the world cup a lot of views(DD's and others') will be changed.


                        What DD is not realizing,is that he is loseing creadit with his over-and over redundant statements...
                        How different a team would we have had, had DD have his way ?.....he does not realize,we are talking only a little difference.....where is he going to get super players and coaches that would make TM to be like cezc republic....
                        This is it.....we are nationaly not as strong as DD thinks we are,or could be.....and any other coach would have had some missing link as well.....
                        and at he going to watch the games with beaterness against TM ?
                        And , he is not looking at the calender !!


                          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                          for me, the "comrades" and the "friends" are the TM PLAYERS ( not branko.
                          for me, the "ship" is TM, not branko.
                          My friend, TM = the coach + the coaching staff + the fans + the players.

                          Here is the main argument between you and I.
                          We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                            zz jan, that "same statements over and over" part is due to - now lets pay attention here - PERSISTENCE OF THE SAME PROBLEMS !

                            I am not mad to talk about ( for exmple ) a LB problem if branko had solved it a long time ago.
                            same with many other issues.

                            you ppl see " repetition of issues brought up" ... but somehow fail to see "WHY they are brought up" !!!
                            and it is not as if they couldnt have been solved, such as trying out different ppl or change of formation or system or .... !
                            nothing has been done !

                            he chose one thing ( meaning one system, one formation, one player , one ... ) and stuck by it , no matter how it failed or how wrong a decision it proved !!!

                            now the reaction to such incompetence is different from different ppl.
                            some will accept it outright.
                            some will follow based on some sort of inane basis of "line of profession".
                            some give up after sometime.
                            some persist with bringing it up ..... maybe in the hope ( futile as it may be ) that someone will read and take action.

                            and btw, if the LB or LW or ... are redundant to anyone, then I must commend them on their extreme optimism.
                            coz obviously they think a team can excell without an average LB or LW or alternatives or .... etc !
                            but I'm sorry if I cant share such tremendous levels of optimism !
                            Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 04-20-2006, 10:12 PM.


                              Originally posted by zzgloo
                              What DD is not realizing,is that he is loseing creadit with his over-and over redundant statements

                              ZZ jaan,
                              DD is not a kid to tell him what is right or wrong. He has his Philosophy, the same way we all have. Let's not jodge him. let's accept him. he is an educated person who thinks and decides. If we disagree with him, that doesn't mean we are right. It simply means we disagree. maybe he is right. but everyone runs his own horse. We should accept and respect others for what they are and what they think. This is by my idea the only way we can live together and earn repects back though.
                              In football, teams coaches and the whole industry owe fans who come to stadiums and pay. they are the reason football is today so powerful and becoms what you see today. Fans with passion are engine of football and I personally as a professional who earns from football should appreciate people like DD (peyman) with football passion. those who spend so much time for football and no matter if he likes me or not, if he accepts me or not, brings their ideas and life toward football. they are the reason the way you (ZZ) are.
                              Football owes people like you and Kamran Delan and every body else who spends so much time and money and etc. My hat off to all of you.
                              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

