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A thread ,not for Doctor Doom !!

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    Human jan,,,
    I agree, as I have more than once stated this issue,and admired DD...and he knows that too...........
    But , will there be a moment..for " Attonment " ?...will there be a moment for compromize ?.....should there be a moment for puting aside the differences..and fucus on future ?......
    We are at a point,we know,everything is set,and nothing will change till after the WC...............What now ?............we could use that passion in a more helpful way at this moment !!


      "atonement", zz jan?

      for what shd I "atone" ?
      what sin have I committed that needs atonement?

      yes, as human jan said, each person has his own philosophy.
      mine is not to give in so quickly or so easily.

      who am I to talk about "compromise" with branko or .... ?
      I am neither head of the onion, nor the tail of it !

      I am just a fan, who is extremely worried with the PERSISTENCE of some long standing problems at TM. problems that could have been addressed and solved a long time ago .

      shall I just put up my hands and say "I give up" on many matters ?

      come the WC, and god forbid, any of the main players catch a flu, to say the most simple of examples ( like Inzaghi who caught it just before barca-milan game and missed the game and milan missed his precision and attack, and failed to even score at home ).
      what then?

      for mirza, either roodbarian or talebloo, or x or y will stand, inexperienced, un-tested, distrusted even against piss poor teams like laos, bahrain, n korea, panama , ..... to stand against attacks from the likes of figo, ronaldo, borgetti, ... ?

      sounds fun to you?
      there's more hillarity coming up.

      how about yahya, nosrati or zareh or kaabi?
      WHO is coming in for them?
      amirabadi who was tested for only 45 minutes?
      alavi who is out of form?
      ummm....... the defense's case is so frightening that I cant even come up with any names !!
      .... COZ NO-ONE HAS BEEN TESTED IN THIS LINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      ot maybe we shd ask sadeghi or x or y WHO NEVER GOT A CHANCE TO PLAY , even against the likes of laos, azerbaijan, qpr, ... ( some trust the coach has shown on these players !!!!!!!!! ) to defend against ronaldo and co. ?

      what fun.

      kia misses, and we bring in teymoorian?
      anyone seen ANY kind of similarities between the style of kia and teymoorian?
      other than they wear the same jersey and run on 2 legs?

      zipidi-doodah !
      marvellous and entertaining show so far, eh?

      attack :
      daei or VH miss out.
      shd we bring in an out of sorts borhani , who has scored a GRAND total of 6 goals all season at the league, while we keep enayati ( good or bad . like him or not ) with 19 goals outside. we keep fazli ( 18 goals ) outside, ....... ?

      such fun we're having !

      anyone wants to explain this brand of logic to me, plz?
      Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 04-21-2006, 10:34 AM.


        DD jan, you know,that I love you...and wish you the best...and On this particular matter, may be I should no longer comment.....
        You should do what you think is right.......I am just hopeing,you and I could enjoy the games together....thats all.

