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Is , ESTIL AZIN, An Islamic Republic Project ?

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    After recieving 5 goal is two recent games in a row.....
    It is obviouse, something seriously wrong with Steel Azin........
    Messed up Coaching
    Messed up management
    Over the hill,over 30 years old players The whole team will get one year year....
    One can officialy call The Steell Azin project, as " DEAD " !


      steel azin project = FAILED

      it was obvious from the beginning that they will fail. you can't make a long journey over night!!! they thought money can buy them WINS and TROPHIES, history never lies, only if they knew a bit about football history they wouldnt have invested this much money!!!

      hope they relegate to first division as to be a lesson to all who want to make success overnight
      IRI = FAILED


        These were the goal scoreres for Saipa, who is Abbas M-Rezaie?

        Abbas , Mohammad Rezaei (3')
        Abbas , Mohammad Rezaei (64')
        Karim , Ansarifard (67')
        Karim , Ansarifard (71')
        Abbas , Mohammad Rezaei (80')

        Steel Azin has Gholami and Zeneyedpour, young team melli strikers but Gholami did not play until late in the game:

        استيل: حميد نشاط*جو، مهدي محمدي،* كاظم برجلو، حسين كاظمي، حسن اشجاري،* حسين كعبي، علي عشوري*زاد، امين شاپورزاده(65 حامد خسروي)، ميلاد زنيدپور(77 محسن خليلي)، سياوش اكبرپور(87 محمد غلامي)
        سرمربي: افشين پيرواني

        سايپا: وحيد شيخ*ويسي، جابر انصاري، علي حقدوست(85 امين منوچهري)، ابراهيم صادقي(76 ميلاد غريبي)، عليرضا لطيفي، داريوش يزداني(60 سعيد يوسف*زاده)، كريم انصاري*فرد، مهدي خيري، عباس محمدرضايي، مرتضي ابراهيمي، مصطفي صبري
        سرمربي: محمد مايلي*كهن


          حسين هدايتي
          مسئول باشگاه استيل آذين

          2-مالک کارخانه های فولاد سازی و ورق
          دارنده ی بزرگترين شرکت پرورش ميگوی ايران
          -برج ساز در دبی و دارای ملک و املاک در کشورهای حاشيه خليج فارس
          مالک زمين های کشاورزی بسيار
          سهامدار بازار مبل ايران
          رييس شرکتهای تجاری در ايران و خاور ميانه
          يکی از مهمترين سهامداران بانک خصوصی تات
          سرمايه گذار هتل 23 طبقه سيروس هتل 520 مليون دلاری جزيره زيبای کيش
          صاحب دهها کارخانه بزرگ در آسيا و خاورميانه
          - در يکی از حسابهايش در ايران بيش از 110 ميليارد تومان پول دارد و بيش از 500 ميليارد تومان هم در بانکهای دبی پس انداز کرده است.
          - مالک شرکت خاور آذين
          - شرکت فجر گالوانيزه سپاهان کاشان را به مبلغ92 ميليارد تومان خريداری کرده است

          حالا فهميديد که کمک 5 ميلياردی هدايتی به پرسپوليس مانند اين است که شما به نزديکترين دوستتان يا به کسی که دوستش داريد 50 هزار تومان دستی تقديم کنيد!!!
          آيامی دانید اولین شغلش چه بوده؟!!!

          مسئول پرسنلی سپاه ناحیه 10 تهران، عضو ناحیه مقاومت مالک اشتر و در جبهه نیز در لشگر 27 محمد رسول الله خدمت کرده است.


            Originally posted by dvader6 View Post
            حسين هدايتي
            مسئول باشگاه استيل آذين
            -برج ساز در دبی و دارای ملک و املاک در کشورهای حاشيه خليج فارس
            مالک زمين های کشاورزی بسيار
            سهامدار بازار مبل ايران
            رييس شرکتهای تجاری در ايران و خاور ميانه
            يکی از مهمترين سهامداران بانک خصوصی تات
            سرمايه گذار هتل 23 طبقه سيروس هتل 520 مليون دلاری جزيره زيبای کيش
            صاحب دهها کارخانه بزرگ در آسيا و خاورميانه
            - در يکی از حسابهايش در ايران بيش از 110 ميليارد تومان پول دارد و بيش از 500 ميليارد تومان هم در بانکهای دبی پس انداز کرده است.
            - مالک شرکت خاور آذين
            - شرکت فجر گالوانيزه سپاهان کاشان را به مبلغ92 ميليارد تومان خريداری کرده است

            حالا فهميديد که کمک 5 ميلياردی هدايتی به پرسپوليس مانند اين است که شما به نزديکترين دوستتان يا به کسی که دوستش داريد 50 هزار تومان دستی تقديم کنيد!!!
            آيامی دانید اولین شغلش چه بوده؟!!!

            مسئول پرسنلی سپاه ناحیه 10 تهران، عضو ناحیه مقاومت مالک اشتر و در جبهه نیز در لشگر 27 محمد رسول الله خدمت کرده است.
            He's rich, but this is horribly false.


              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
              He's rich, but this is horribly false.
              I would really like to know more about his background, do you know about his background? Can you be more accurate and point out what part/parts of what Dadvar posted is false?
              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                I would really like to know more about his background, do you know about his background? Can you be more accurate and point out what part/parts of what Dadvar posted is false?
                Its the numbers that are generally wrong. I don't have concrete evidence myself, but talking to people about him Iran this summer the impression was that he is actually a front for several other powerful investors. He is the face, but he is actually representing many others.

                Also he comes from a very wealthy family. Apparently his father was also a very successful and wealthy businessman before the revolution (perhaps under another name?).

                Unfortunately as is with much of the news coming out of Iran, alot of it is just hearsay and little investigative reporting is done.


                  Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                  Its the numbers that are generally wrong. I don't have concrete evidence myself, but talking to people about him Iran this summer the impression was that he is actually a front for several other powerful investors. He is the face, but he is actually representing many others.
                  Also he comes from a very wealthy family. Apparently his father was also a very successful and wealthy businessman before the revolution (perhaps under another name?).
                  Unfortunately as is with much of the news coming out of Iran, alot of it is just hearsay and little investigative reporting is done.

                  Merci for the info, I am curious about the people who come out of nowhere after a big social upheavel (like regime overthrow in Soviet Union and Iran) and all of a sudden become exteremly wealthy (like Abramovith and Khordakof in Russia and likes of Hedayati in Iran).
                  "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                  Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                  Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                  Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)

