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Is , ESTIL AZIN, An Islamic Republic Project ?

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    Is , ESTIL AZIN, An Islamic Republic Project ?

    A = Some back grounds :


    1-Owning a team in IRAN is a loosing business venture.
    2-All Government teams,are subsidized.
    3-Perspolise and Esteghlal,recieve unproportional investments.
    4-Estil Azin, has had agenda to pull in , perspolise fans away .
    5-Estil Azin,has been paying top players very few teams can afford,even one .
    6-Estil Azin,has hired perspolise coaches/players.
    7-Estil Azin,has been hiring players whom have fans,not neccessarly good players.
    8-After gaining fan base,through perspolise fans,it now hiring Esteghlal players.
    9-Estil azin, is set to hire a very expensive forign coach.
    10-The fans have been fed up, with too many ties in PP vs SS games.
    11- the fans,suspect conspirecies.
    12-The population of IRAN, has grown .
    13-Football,in islamic Republic,through,subsidies,fan leaders,and IFF,and team management exchanges,..has very much been a poletical tool.


    Where does Estil Azin get such Money from ?
    What is it trying to do ?

    I don't think so. I think any big private investor has good chances to develop a successful team, as the government led teams are very inefficiently managed.

    If the government would invest money in our football, I guess they would be clever enough to invest it into some high profile friendlies for TM and possibly a big name coach. For IRI success of the IRI national football team would be most interesting - in case they had interest in football at all.


      Quite honestly all this money spent on Steel Azin is peanuts compared to most other professional leagues around the world. what kind of money are we talking about here? $5-10 million? For such huge businessman as Hedayati, such amounts do not really count as large as they sound to us.

      I do not agree with this notion that Steel Azin is backed by IR, it's a private club which is led by a smart businessman, and trust me he knows what he's doing!


        The league teams in IRAN :

        1-have almost no revenue from marketings....( T-shirts are mostly dedicated to islamic republic slogans and in very few cases...sponsers as poor as " MOBL E IRAN " much does a furniture company has to spend ? )

        2-The stedium ticket prices,are way too low to count....and even then....majority goes to stredium itself and IFF,and goverment....

        3-There are no broadcasting revenue !

        The expenses are far more than ( 5 to 10 Million )..........even perspolise can not effort such expenses......,to no return !!
        There several players,who make above $500.00 year..some even more....
        What ever the other team can afford it.....and there is got to be a reason !


          Well, it's the private money of an investor, and I guess making profit is not his target there. Would be intersting to find out, how big Steel Azin's yearly budget is. And also the budgets of the other IPL teams. Normally they are publicly known in European leagues.

          Anyone having infos on IPL budgets?


            Originally posted by Keano View Post
            Quite honestly all this money spent on Steel Azin is peanuts compared to most other professional leagues around the world. what kind of money are we talking about here? $5-10 million? For such huge businessman as Hedayati, such amounts do not really count as large as they sound to us.

            I do not agree with this notion that Steel Azin is backed by IR, it's a private club which is led by a smart businessman, and trust me he knows what he's doing!
            we dont have any smart businessman, you have to be connected. If you're not connected, ti pa mizanan dare kewnet, zerti poolato migiran.

            For me its quite obvious, Hedayati is connected, very well.


              Ha aha ha ha.

              An Islamic Republic project?

              Football clubs are not profitable on the whole for owners, fact. Only a few teams make any profit, and most teams acquire huge debts.

              Listen, throughout the world, rich capitalists, industrialists, oligarch's and power brokers are acquiring football teams.

              From Ukraine (Shaktar Donestk), UAE (all the clubs pretty much), Azerbaijan, (FC Qabala), Uzbekistan (Pakhtakor and Bunydkor), Europe (Man Utd, Liverpool, Man City, West Ham, Chelsea, Aston Villa), Russia (Spartak Moscow),Italy (Both Milan clubs) are just some prominent examples.

              This is not an 'Islamic Republic project', this is capitalism and globalisation at work.


                No team in IRAN makes money !
                The whole league is a " Propaganda machine "
                All teams are always behind on payments.
                Non payments to players...non payments to coaches.
                Some teams do not have money to pay for flight to host cities,and go by bus.
                majority of teams do not have any fields to practice.
                Forign players are paid way too much,and they are in far lower quality than forign players of Arab leagues.
                Even perspolise often is behind player payments.
                .................................................. .................................................. .
                The fact that Esteel Azin, is persuing to come to USA,indicates thier desire to come up with some otherwise...there are no revenue...
                .................................................. .................................................. ...
                The assertion that Esteel Azin investors, spend millions for nothing ,is not acceptable to any sound mind.


                  Football is a global game. It's one of a few things in the world that transcends normality. 'For the love of the game' people will do anything. From the fans to the players, to the owners who invest their money knowing that the only return will be on the pitch and not it their pockets. This is football.


                    I don't have any facts but I think it is very likely that the club is connected to the government. The reason is that few things are really free from government intervention in Iran, just like in China for instance. A football club is a powerful tool.
                    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

                    "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying;
                    And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."



                      It has been a common fact..that Perspolise Management and Inside Mafia..were " TOO MANY " too many Cooks in the kitchen !!

                      It is very likely, some of those " Cooks ", started the Steel Azin...( Got thier own Kitchen ).......
                      And they must be the " Cooks " with more money than the ones remained in perspolise.

                      Ali parvin ,and Hajiloo.....utilized thier investement...

                      It is possible, Steel Azin be different than Esteghlal / perspolise, from Government point of view.

                      Last edited by zzgloo; 06-21-2010, 01:16 PM.


                        I just say this, You cant become this wealthy unless you, have every big incumbent in IR under your payroll, or are a part of Sepah.


                          Originally posted by Libertine View Post
                          Ha aha ha ha.

                          An Islamic Republic project?

                          Football clubs are not profitable on the whole for owners, fact. Only a few teams make any profit, and most teams acquire huge debts.

                          Listen, throughout the world, rich capitalists, industrialists, oligarch's and power brokers are acquiring football teams.

                          From Ukraine (Shaktar Donestk), UAE (all the clubs pretty much), Azerbaijan, (FC Qabala), Uzbekistan (Pakhtakor and Bunydkor), Europe (Man Utd, Liverpool, Man City, West Ham, Chelsea, Aston Villa), Russia (Spartak Moscow),Italy (Both Milan clubs) are just some prominent examples.

                          This is not an 'Islamic Republic project', this is capitalism and globalisation at work.
                          The thing you ignored to mention is that THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC system & mechanism is not like the others you mentioned here ( I can elaborate , but I think you know what I mean).

                          But the most obvious point that you also did not consider which has been mentioned here by many is this thread , is that Football does not MAKE any money in Iran. If it was not for the government or government owned organizations , you would have seen a compeletely different football in Iran. As it is , clubs even the big two are behind in paying players , facing law suites in courts for breach of contracts and always complaining about lack of budget.

                          Just a reminder : Example of how profitable private enterprise is in Iran's football> >>> Esteghlal Ahvaz and Abo Moslem Khorasan !



                            I think this is an important subject, in fact its importance was highlighted by the number of player (expensive players ) that SA has signed recently.

                            To prove or disprove anything is of a tall order in the absence of any creditable evidence, However , by the process of elimination , using live example , historic data with some other current events particularly the economical realities , I guess we can come to some sort of conclusion.
                            We can also speculate on motives and admittedly such speculation could be far from truth and reality.

                            I have thought of this question raised by Bahram many times and initially I thought that it is not politically motivated . But the more I asked myself and the more I read about Steel Azin (SA) , I am beginning to think that SA is certainly much more than an economical enterprise.
                            There are lots of wealthy Iranians, but very few percentage o f them dare to invest large amount of their wealth in a country which is economically but more particularly, politically unstable. Ask the people in neighboring Dubai , and you will understand the bigger picture. Hedayati , wherever his source of wealth is from , cannot invest in a venture that has a big label of “Economical disaster” written all over it and football is an economical disaster without the support of the government in Iran.

                            Tehran” is no “Manchester” , neither is “Esfahan” a “Barcelona” or “Ahvaz” a “Milan”.

                            Wealthy people have very good sense of “Risk Management” and the successful ones are extremely skillful in it. Unless Hedayati got his wealth from money laundering or opium trade , he would not risk losing millions in a football team just for the heck of it….
                            I mentioned elsewhere, that this regime is fearful of the slightest criticism and opposition. They do not under-estimate the power of the masses, the very essence of their own formation and rise to the power. The increased popularity of football clubs (the big two) might very well threaten the stability of the regime if it is out of control and in the wrong hands. Simply by privatizing it , even if they are put under a close scrutiny , might not be enough deterrent. Creating another pole and a powerful team to reduce the popularity of the other two is perhaps a more manageable proposition….if your read your history, you would know that Perspolis itself , has been created like that from the ashes of Shahin.

                            My two cent worth.



                              Originally posted by maij View Post
                              I think this is an important subject, in fact its importance was highlighted by the number of player (expensive players ) that SA has signed recently.

                              To prove or disprove anything is of a tall order in the absence of any creditable evidence, However , by the process of elimination , using live example , historic data with some other current events particularly the economical realities , I guess we can come to some sort of conclusion.
                              We can also speculate on motives and admittedly such speculation could be far from truth and reality.

                              I have thought of this question raised by Bahram many times and initially I thought that it is not politically motivated . But the more I asked myself and the more I read about Steel Azin (SA) , I am beginning to think that SA is certainly much more than an economical enterprise.

                              if your read your history, you would know that Perspolis itself , has been created like that from the ashes of Shahin.

                              My two cent worth.
                              You got very valid points Majid jan, I completely agree. I have been saying for some time now that the regime is afraid of the popularity of the big two and that they've been trying to reduce it using different means.
                              That's why neither of the big two has been able to maintain a continuous success for the past 10 years or so. Every year, they create problems and weaken at least of of the big two if not both in some way.
                              Crating poles is something they have already begun before, but somewhere else than in Tehran. Sepahan went from a decent club to being handed big budgets, at one point even Foold Ahvaz's budget was shifted to them causing the Ahvazi team to relegate, Sepahan having an even more massive budget and another pole was created.
                              But now that it's clear to everyone what the government is doing to the big two, an alternative new way would be to create a new rival in Tehran with huge money, so that the 2 new poles having the economical resources would attract the stars.
                              Although the big two's popularity isn't something they can eliminate or extremely reduce suddenly or within a short time frame, the lack of stars means less fans than the big two's potential capacity crowd in the stadiums which is what the government is after anyway.
                              HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
                              you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.

