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hahahaha ... the brits get a taste of their own med

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    Originally posted by Masoud_A View Post
    Germans introduced a ball geared with a chip which triggers everytime it crosses the goal line and beeps so the ref is informed of the ball crossing the line a couple of years ago, But FIFA didnt accept it although germans use the technology in Bundesliga.


      Originally posted by Hadi View Post
      i think the answer is not video replays...but microchips....

      video replays wont work, I agree with Fifa.

      but with today's technology, they can easily implement microchip technology to check if the ball has crossed the goal line or not...and the decision is immediate that way....

      when it comes to replays, there is a chance that the replay isnt there / is not clear / its 50-50 etc etc etc and is very controversial

      when you cant trust your technology

      How about unfair offside goals? or wrong Penalty calls? or even PK repeats?


        unfortunately I doubt anything can be done with the wrong off-side calls. and I feel terrible, coz those are the most frequent ones that make or break a team's fortunes.
        but I think the penalty shots could use the tech. ..why not.

        we cant put everything under the same topic.
        some of the calls cannot be counted as they are during the run of play and it defeats the purpose of the game if the ref keeps stopping the play to consult the 4th ref or video replay.

        BUT goal line calls are definitely possible. and their impact is the biggest among all the other controversial calls.

        I also think fifa can and shd use the video replays, POST GAME, for yellow or red cards given that later prove they were not warranted.
        why shd a player remain suspended or carry a card that he did not deserve to get, or was the result of a dive?
        this is done pst game ( which doesnt hinder the flow of the game) but at least brings some justice to those who (like Klose) didnt deserve to get a suspension.


          Originally posted by Masoud_A View Post
          England was raped, there is no friggn way they lost because of the ref.
          And Lev jan, the 4th official is there only for Subs, announcing the amount of additional minutes and minding Coaches' and others who are sitting on the bench's actions.
          Let me first preface this post by saying I am in no way, shape or form an England fan. I thought Germany played well and at the end of the day, deserved their win.


          Though I don't want to be offend you Masoud, you've clearly never played a game of football. Germany scored on 2 quick counters where England was forced to push up to try and keep their tournament hopes alive. A 2-2 game (or even potentially 3-2, as you remember, England were dominating in the last 15 minutes of the 1st half) going into the 2nd half is very different tactically from a 2-1 game. I'm sure I don't need to explain further for the general population, but to say with certainty that Germany would have won is unacceptable.

          As far as video technology goes, the solution is simple:


          Put a 5th official (or add on to the minor tasks of the 4th official) and a video assistant to quickly rewind plays that are a little suspicious and that the ref does not call. If it is determined that nothing has happened, the 4th or 5th official does not even inform anyone that a check was performed. Should there be an infraction, he quickly tells the main ref through a mic and the ref stops the action. This can happen in a matter of SECONDS with technology today. Also, this should only be used when:

          a) Offsides lead to a goal
          b) There is a hand ball in the box
          c) Ref calls a foul when a player dives
          d) Any other goal mouth action

          Basically, anything that creates a goal directly and unfairly. Corner kicks, throw-ins, fouls not in the box and other relatively minor infractions can be left at the discretion of the referee as although they may be unfair, they do not directly add 1 to the goal column.

          Just my 2 cents - I'm sure FIFA has their own geniuses who will figure something out quite soon when this tournament ends.
          Last edited by faraz; 06-29-2010, 06:17 AM.
          We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


            ^ a silent fourth ref is a good idea, especially if used only for goal-mouth action or major decisions.

            (but the antagonists will say, where do we draw the line? if we give an inch, then others will expect the envelop to be pushed further and further and ... )

            the antagonists may also say wouldnt these "delayed calls" cause unattractive stoppages and disrupt the flow of the game? and what if from a wrong call (for example an offside call that wasnt offside), the defending team sends the ball to the opponents' half and they score a valid goal?

            would the referee null this goal becoz his previous offside call was wrong? these are the arguments brought up by antagonists to the tech.

            I, personally think JUSTICE is far more important than a reversal and momentary stoppage of the flow. afterall, arent the refs doing them same on those calls that the offside IS called, but the player goes and scores a goal? isnt that reversed? what's the difference between this reversal and the one that actually serves the justice?


              It was said, On the Mexican TV,that FIFA is indeed confused...

              They used,replay video technology,on the previouse WC, when on the final match,the refree had not seen what Zedan did to the Italian defender, in which the refree, after watching the video on the side line,gave red card to Zedan !.......
              while they are allowed to do so ,they can not do that for a mistaken Goal !

              .................................................. ..................................

              Any is apparant, we will have atleast, " Goal Line Technology ", for the next World Cup, if not more !


                Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                Add this to the hand of God 1986 incident for England.
                Btw. Dr Doom I think the way things look set now, Brazil will be up against Netherlands for the 1/4 finals!

                so far, so good for me and pretty much I've seen what I wanted to see.
                1- the ever negative and defensive italy ousted
                2- the hot-air balloon, england, humiliated
                3- the smug idiot ronaldo totally neutered and thrown out of the WC
                4- both korea and japan have a good showing to keep up the respect of asia (would have loved to see both of them advance to the quarters instead of the stupid uruguay and paraguay)
                5- north korea getting raped
                6- Holland and spain advanced

                would love to see : spain - germany , holland - ghana semis
                a HOLLAND - SPAIN final is my dream final ... with Holland winning, of course

                now, what I need to see is

                1- ghana beats uruguay to reach semis
                2- holland beats brazil
                3- germany beats argentina

                coz if holland sees brazil through, they are pretty much in the final, while the germany-spain semis is another mouth watering game


                  Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                  so far, so good for me and pretty much I've seen what I wanted to see.
                  1- the ever negative and defensive italy ousted
                  2- the hot-air balloon, england, humiliated
                  3- the smug idiot ronaldo totally neutered and thrown out of the WC
                  4- both korea and japan have a good showing to keep up the respect of asia (would have loved to see both of them advance to the quarters instead of the stupid uruguay and paraguay)
                  5- north korea getting raped
                  6- Holland and spain advanced

                  would love to see : spain - germany , holland - ghana semis
                  a HOLLAND - SPAIN final is my dream final ... with Holland winning, of course

                  now, what I need to see is

                  1- ghana beats uruguay to reach semis
                  2- holland beats brazil
                  3- germany beats argentina

                  coz if holland sees brazil through, they are pretty much in the final, while the germany-spain semis is another mouth watering game
                  Well Holland has now done the tough task. I think they also once knocked out Brazil back in the 1970's?

                  This seemed like a very average Brazil team altogether, nothing compared to the 2002. But Holland played great. Interesting how the Dutch coach was so reserved and emotionless during the match.



                    ^ true.
                    this was so UN-brazil-like.
                    and once you try to change the nature of your football, you tend to fall flat on your face.
                    teams shd stick to their natural football.
                    brazil (dunga) shd never have tried to become more. european than the europeans
                    it's one thing to correct your weaknesses (their traditional defending and goal keeping), but another thing to discard what you do best in favor of something alien and un-natural ( a defensive and back-heavy formation and football).
                    (exactly what branko tried to do to our positive. attacking football by forcing a defensive, un-natural cautious football)

                    this loss is not as big a surprise as some may have predicted. they failed to break down the Portuguese and even their norht korea game showed how distant they are from the old traditional attacking brazil.
                    they were extremely lucky they scored 2 of their 3 goals against the ivory coast coz one was a clear handball and the other (if I recall correctly) was an offside goal.

                    anyway, brazil

                    The Dutch


                      Ghana's last minute goal attempt shd have been awarded with NOT a penalty, but a goal decision by the ref.

                      it is absolutely unfair to deny the goal from a team just becoz some stupid asshole swats at the ball and prevents a clear goal.
                      it doesnt make sense to REWARD ( yes, "reward") uruguay with an opportunity to block the goal through a penalty.
                      justice would have been a goal decision by the ref.

                      this is not a normal foul or penalty incident that satisfies the penalty calls. this was the ball crossing the goal line with the keeper nowhere near it and none of the players able to head or kick the ball away.

                      fifa shd start looking at its rules and correct them


                        yet another major ref blunder by denying paraguay their legit goal.
                        not that I'm complaining. but it just underlines the increasing number of fatal errors on the part of refs and the increasing need for a more just and fair technical overseeing process.


                        btw, the way the spanish suffer to score a goal ( being a less physical and a very short team has a lot to do with this) and after germany's wonderful and classy rape of argentina's individual stars, I'm afraid spain has a lot to work on, till wednesday. otherwise it's hasta lavista again!!! germany looks almost unstoppable !!!

                        as mouth watering a revenge match could be (holland-germany final), I'd still love to see the dutch beat the spaniards in the final though.

                        lets hope the idiot torres gets some life in himself and get off his lazy arse


                          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                          Ghana's last minute goal attempt shd have been awarded with NOT a penalty, but a goal decision by the ref.

                          it is absolutely unfair to deny the goal from a team just becoz some stupid asshole swats at the ball and prevents a clear goal.
                          it doesnt make sense to REWARD ( yes, "reward") uruguay with an opportunity to block the goal through a penalty.
                          justice would have been a goal decision by the ref.

                          this is not a normal foul or penalty incident that satisfies the penalty calls. this was the ball crossing the goal line with the keeper nowhere near it and none of the players able to head or kick the ball away.

                          fifa shd start looking at its rules and correct them
                          So unbelievably true.

                          My dad said the following: In Basketball, when a player decides to swat away the ball when on a downward trajectory, we call it goaltending and points are automatically awarded. The player who shot the ball is not forced to shoot free throws.

                          What's happened so far in this world cup has been nothing short of disastrous from a PR standpoint for FIFA.

                          We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

