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World Cup chances for Iranian players

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    yashar jan, the day I say "in form" based on weekly or monthly assessments, then you can come up with this distortion.

    however, there IS a thing called "consistency".
    x plays a series of games in bad form, then you have got to start thinking about alternatives.

    otherwise, you shd have a TM with abedzadeh, mohamadkhani, shahroodi, estili, derakhshan, motlagh, peeyus, ... right now !!
    ( dont go to the extreme to disprove someone's point, as he also can do the same )



    hasnt done so.
    yet you dont see anything wrong ?


    3) more distortion of truth.

    TM's reserves?
    u mean mirza, kaabi, nosrati, yahya, nekounam, kameli are TM reserves ?

    mind telling us who are the main players in these positions then?

    also, comparing a club ( meaning limited squad ), who were starting to train for the lower division league games on one hand.
    on the other, a national team ( unlimited squad ) that has trained for enough weeks under branko ( a coach who's fans say "all he needs is a few weeks with the team" !! ) , ranked at 28-27th in fifa rankings?

    you mean that comparison?
    hmmm... !!


    4- I see:

    - Iran's potential
    - iranian players' talent
    - experinece

    I also consider and demand a thrive to better oneself and not be satisfied with stagnation.


    5- what were zareh's duties?
    to attack as if he is an ant among giants?
    to cross everywhere, but where he shd?
    to not say "no" to anyone who attacks down our left ?


    more later



      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
      yashar jan, the day I say "in form" based on weekly or monthly assessments, then you can come up with this distortion.
      however, there IS a thing called "consistency".
      x plays a series of games in bad form, then you have got to start thinking about alternatives.
      otherwise, you shd have a TM with abedzadeh, mohamadkhani, shahroodi, estili, derakhshan, motlagh, peeyus, ... right now !!
      ( dont go to the extreme to disprove someone's point, as he also can do the same )
      hasnt done so.
      yet you dont see anything wrong ?
      3) more distortion of truth.
      TM's reserves?
      u mean mirza, kaabi, nosrati, yahya, nekounam, kameli are TM reserves ?
      mind telling us who are the main players in these positions then?

      also, comparing a club ( meaning limited squad ), who were starting to train for the lower division league games on one hand.
      on the other, a national team ( unlimited squad ) that has trained for enough weeks under branko ( a coach who's fans say "all he needs is a few weeks with the team" !! ) , ranked at 28-27th in fifa rankings?
      you mean that comparison?
      hmmm... !!
      4- I see:
      - Iran's potential
      - iranian players' talent
      - experinece
      I also consider and demand a thrive to better oneself and not be satisfied with stagnation.
      5- what were zareh's duties?
      to attack as if he is an ant among giants?
      to cross everywhere, but where he shd?
      to not say "no" to anyone who attacks down our left ?
      more later
      azize baradar, doctor jan, k-o-s-h-t-i maro (im sure i did the same though)
      1)ironically, ur the one known to give extreme examples and most pessimistic views to disprove someones points and thats exactly why i replied to ur limping example (which was a pessimistic one) with my mother and sick child example which was an optimistic one

      and again, let me first remind u that so far, u were only advocating for on form players, u never mentioned anything about consistency. now u have added consistency to ur list. im sure if u think about it a little more, u will also add other features like experience for example to ur list. and gradually, u will have a list of factors which u want to test a player on. but since no player has all the qualities, u will start weighing the pros and cons of each player. its then that u decide who should be invited and who shouldnt.

      secondly, again about navidkia, first of all, his condition is just like nikbakhts, infact he is less guilty than nikbakht for being out of form because navidkia is returning from a long term injury, nikbakht had nothing wrong with him except not taking care of himself. but both of them are showing good sings of improvement and there is a good chance they can reach their peak form before the worldcup! u and me both know how valuable the 2 of them are to TM. so lets give them a chance, if they succeed, good for everybody, if not, they will be striked off! not hard to understand the concept!

      2)no i dont see anyhting wrong because there is no way branko can fulfill this expectations of people like u doctor jan to try all possiblities for every position not just LB! that requires how many games and camps? lets take the basic minimum, 10! and since u cant judge a player by 1 or 2 matches, lets give each player a minimum of 5 matches to bet tested on! then the guy has to be given internatioanal experience and some time to adapt to TM players and defense line or watever line he plays in! this also requires how many games? atleast 15!

      u know that accounts to how many friendlies and camps? 65! (10 candidates, each tested in 5 games makes it 50 games, and lets say after 50 games, the best player is chosen, another 15 games to help him get experienced and coordianted makes it 65) have we even played 65 games since branko first arrived? (although sattar zare was on good form until last year) i dont think so! so wat do u expect out of the guy?

      3) again ur playing with words, u know that kameli is a reserve for one, but besides that, our midfield i was talking about. i have been emphasising our midfield, the heart of our team and them dominating the game and them being uncoordianted, but u put words into my mouth that the defenders were reserves! when the midfield cant do anything, the whole team will be paralysed! midfield, midfield, midfield! this is wat im tlaking about, whether it is about their height and physique, about lack of coordination, or watever! i think i was clear enough in that post, ur just trying to play with words!

      and yes, qpr has a limited squad, and branko has a huge squad to choose from, but like i said earlier, this is a blessing in disguse, because, people come up with different candidates for different positions and argue over team selections,. but in a club where u got only 23 players, each player has one sub. if the main player should get subbed, there is only one or max 2 possible solutions, and so it leaves not much chance of argument witht he coach!
      besides, a club like i said plays more than 1 or 2 games per week, train with each other throughout the year but irans reserves? having a talented squad is not enough, coordination, experience, physique, maturtiy all matter equally if not more! like i said, ur expecting too much from iran just because we got talent in our players! talent is probalby one of the 10 or 20 factors which decies a teams performance!

      4)Again, u see potential because u see talent! experience, to an extent true, but do u see infrastructure, professional football lessons and coaches, maturity, support from media and fans, literate and scientific football approaches in coaches and clubs, fair and just IFF?
      wat u see doctor jan is very little compared to wat u should see, thats why ur expecting too much from TM! like i said, talent and potential are probalby one of the 10 or 20 factors which decides a teams performance!

      5)zareh i believe has more defensive duties than kaabi, and thats why he is chosen, otherwise, branko has tried all defensive players in that position.
      zare might not be the best offensive support we got but thats fine because we got kaabi who can do that, we need a wing with more defensive qualities and zare is one, if u dont believe me, go to this site and ask him about sattar zare in the friendly match specially in the second half when zare came in the game and played LB.

      and just a question here, how many players in IPL know how to cross? very few and most of them are midfielders, like navazi, kazemiyan, rajabzadeh and jabbari.
      u really think sadeghi can make runs down the flank (in the first place) and on top of that cross better than zare huh?

      more later? hehehe
      frankly agha doctor, im getting tired of repeatong my arguments and i think ur getting tired as well. i think we should or atleast i will stop now, cos we are just moving in circles and coming back to square 1. since we cant convince each other with our arguments, i guess we have no choice but to leave it here, and talk about something else in some other thread! nice talking to u doctor jan!
      Originally posted by siavasharian

      بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
      بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


        just a note:

        form is not separate from consistency.
        it IS consistency.

        form does not mean playing 1 or 2 games well !!
        that is not form.

        just to clarify a matter here


          i dont wanna start another debate doctor jan but i seriously think, in my onion, consistency and being on form are wayyyy different!

          a player maybe in top form for a certian period of time, even if it is 2 months, but after that, because of his inconsistency, returns back to his old self, just like a dormant volcano which erupts once in a while!

          best example is rasoul khatibi, there are sometimes u think he is irans best goal scorer, scoring from every possible chance he gets, but after a short period of time, and no, not only 1 or 2 games, maybe 2 motnhs, he returns to his same old self!

          a player who is in top form now, maybe not be consistent! similarly, all consistent players also somtimes face a slump in their career. whether it is navidkia, mobali, or karimi, they all are bound to face a slump and then again they will regain back their old form. however the difference is, a consistent player faces less of such situations, an inconsistent player faces more of these situations!
          Originally posted by siavasharian

          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


            Do kalameh ham az madar shohar !!
            regarding,consistancy and being in form....
            I remember, about 10 years ago,when Jim corrier,the tennis player,came out of no where,and won the wimbeldon over,andre aggasi and pete sampres...and on the post turnemant interview, he said,he was in a good form,yet he did not think he would repeat his success on the next turnement, and he said, winning,is good, but and he gave his 100% during the games, yet,he said, aggasi and sampres,give 90% every time they play and with whomever they play,which he said,that was something he can not do.

