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    Portugal,aside from loseing to Iraq,in the olympics,and loseing to South Korea,in the last world cup....and only haveing qualified 4 times to the is a dangerouse team,and tough to beat for ever, it seems that,they also ,like our TM, have thier share of Problems.....such as a Bad Golie, and not a reliable defense......and only a very good midfield.....
    check here, to see, how they analyse themseleves,and how thier fans,rate thier team.
    Thier defense,can be taken advantage of by,takeing chances on offside passes,as thier defensive line,tends to attack much,and leave golie dfenseless.and thier golie is a big problem,even more than our mirzapour.

    I think the writer thinks about a team like Brazil when he complains about his defence.

    His goal is winning the cup.


      What do we think,when we say,left back is not offensive enough ?or golei is inconsistant ?


        To not become another S.Arabia in 2002 with 8 goals in one game.


          Originally posted by Hajagha
          To not become another S.Arabia in 2002 with 8 goals in one game.
          even if we send an IPL team that wont happen.


            Originally posted by Hajagha
            To not become another S.Arabia in 2002 with 8 goals in one game.
            I am sure, you are partly jokeing !
            Senegal did not think that in thier WC !, nor did nigeria,south africa,or even Korea and japan.....


              It is natural for most teams to have there flaws, except for the worlds elite teams (Brazil, Argentina, England, Italy etc.). But I have to admit they are still on a much higher level than us...but with some luck I believe a draw is not out of the question.

              Ps my first post in the F+ glad to finally be able to post here!

              Delam mikhad be Esfahan bargardam...


                Lets put it this way.....
                is mirzapour weaker than the Golie of the japan football team?, or weaker than
                Golies of the saudies and the golies of South Korea ?
                and like wise, our left back position...are we in a worst position ?
                Don't, saudies,and the south koreans and the japaneas, have any short commings...or is it just us ?


                  If we consider "SD" in statistic, we have a range of winning a team like Portugal with 2 goals and losing to them by 8 goals. Any thing between these two numbers is possible. So, by sending a conservative team we fill the gap to "1 goal winning to 4 goals losing".

                  Now the ball is in your turf to decide if you wanna go for glory and risk the 8 goals risk or you wanna go for another "who cares" performance.


                    Originally posted by Hajagha
                    If we consider "SD" in statistic, we have a range of winning a team like Portugal with 2 goals and losing to them by 8 goals. Any thing between these two numbers is possible. So, by sending a conservative team we fill the gap to "1 goal winning to 4 goals losing".
                    Now the ball is in your turf to decide if you wanna go for glory and risk the 8 goals risk or you wanna go for another "who cares" performance.
                    Very true,although,loseing by 8 is a little exaduration.....
                    To, add to your point....even when we were all offensive against south Lorea and bahrain and qatar.....we defenetively received lots of goles as well..
                    as if, withing branko's trick bags,he only has set offensive plays that are good enough for a short while,with abandening the defense all together...and no balance.....may be that is why we did good on late subs,and scoring 2 in last two minutes,against qatar for example


                      Originally posted by zzgloo
                      Very true,although,loseing by 8 is a little exaduration.....
                      To, add to your point....even when we were all offensive against south Lorea and bahrain and qatar.....we defenetively received lots of goles as well..
                      as if, withing branko's trick bags,he only has set offensive plays that are good enough for a short while,with abandening the defense all together...and no balance.....may be that is why we did good on late subs,and scoring 2 in last two minutes,against qatar for example
                      He has no choice bcz he fills one spot of forwards position with an incompetitant player, besides his best defenders are not even average in international level and his keeper is another "roosta" level keeper.

                      He has good choices of midfield players, if he chooses them smart, he can have a chance for an acceptable performance with a loooooooooot of luck maybe second round, but the way he is heading now, I doubt even luck can help us.

                      One more thing, whatever happend in Jordan and Qatar games were miracle, and miracle won't happen more than two.


                        Originally posted by Hajagha
                        He has no choice bcz he fills one spot of forwards position with an incompetitant player, besides his best defenders are not even average in international level and his keeper is another "roosta" level keeper.
                        He has good choices of midfield players, if he chooses them smart, he can have a chance for an acceptable performance with a loooooooooot of luck maybe second round, but the way he is heading now, I doubt even luck can help us.
                        One more thing, whatever happend in Jordan and Qatar games were miracle, and miracle won't happen more than two.
                        I guess you are refering to ali daei.on the forward position.although,in my opinion, he is not our main handicap,and we have more important issues to solve first..( defence,as you said,for example )....When I think about the two goles we recieved from the Costa Ricans, I can not believe how weak the defense was....the first one was just too easy,with the guy haveing chance to kick the ball between 3 defenders...and the secound one.based on a individual trick head, which we will see lots of that from mexicans, as they will beat our defenders on one to one encounters......
                        and on last point, I must say, I very much liked your Idea ( you mentioned it on a different thread ) haveing daie on the is an avangard he, with a slower pace football he has, and a better understanding of today's ball destribution, would leave room on offense to a better forward.


                          Originally posted by zzgloo

                          ..When I think about the two goles we recieved from the Costa Ricans, I can not believe how weak the defense was....the first one was just too easy,with the guy haveing chance to kick the ball between 3 defenders....

                          I give you a better one zz jan.

                          watch the game against Taiwan. they had one attack. Only one. They got a corner (I think, or a corss) out of that attack (it was a counter), and look at how where are defenders are and how the Taiwan player Missed a goal.


                            Originally posted by zzgloo
                            on last point, I must say, I very much liked your Idea ( you mentioned it on a different thread ) haveing daie on the is an avangard he, with a slower pace football he has, and a better understanding of today's ball destribution, would leave room on offense to a better forward.
                            It was a bitter joke by me. We have much better options for that post, some one like Teymourian. However, if we have to use Daei, the less damaging position would be DM.


                              Originally posted by Hajagha
                              It was a bitter joke by me. We have much better options for that post, some one like Teymourian. However, if we have to use Daei, the less damaging position would be DM.
                              I did not think of it as joke, and I like to say why....
                              there is something I have seem daei do,that very seldum anyone els does....and that is a " Timed ground passes " a way, that a player in the halfback, sets up the forward in a way to encourage him to go in the middle and behind the defence,with a timeing pass..usualy a either slow ground pass behind ,so the forward would have time to go around the defender,or pass him in an angled rout....he does that very nicely..and that type pass could very much come handy,for forward,by the halfbacks...

