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The Smiling Assassin.

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    The Smiling Assassin.

    Last night, Mostafa Ajerloo was interviewed in Navad regarding Ali Karimi’s saga. The interview was conducted in Steel Azin's training ground , which by the way , did NOT look like a public place. It had stands and gates that can presumably be locked. It was not the actual content of his statements that interested me but the manner and the style that Ajerloo delivered his speech.

    This man is your classic Joumhoriye Islami Agent. Calm , cool , decisive , cunning , shrewd and crafty. He has this amazing talent to manipulate the surrounding as he picks his word so carefully. His thick and heavy beard , was covering more than just his face. He was there to impress that he has NO animosity with Ali Karimi , he pointed to a young man amongst the reporters as the Camera panned towards this man , and Ajeloo said “ I love Karimi as much as my son “…that man was Ajerloo’s son.

    He also blamed the news agencies and the media for NOT reflecting his true statements and choosing selective words which did not paint the right picture. All the time that he was talking about the issue, he was calm and never got angry or excited while that smile never abandoned his face. He reiterated that Karimi was drinking water during Ramazan despite the reminders by the staff about the regulation. However, his tone of voice, not the content , was conciliatory . Thus it never concealed the fact that this man is on a mission. It was clear to me that he has a dislike of Karimi , however , he also realizes that his selection of breaking the fast as a motive for Karimi’s dismissal has quickly backfired on the club and himself.

    His demeanor is on contrast to Ali Karimi , where his rhetoric and chaotic actions and statements , leaves a lot to be desired.

    I feel that Ajerloo may get Karimi at another opportunity, he will pounce on him like a tiger but this time he will be more careful. Unfortunately, Ali Karimi is an easy bait for the Smiling Assassin.


    Majid jaan.....
    Smiling a very appropreate name !.....
    I wish I could have brought back a thread we had long long time ago, when Ali-Chicago presented documents as the extend of Ajorloo's crimes.....,it was the time when Ajorloo was a candidate for preseidency of Football federation..........,which many thought,his over involvement with the regim,and his past negative poletical acctivity cost him the IFF job...
    Ali Chicago believed Ajorloo ,personaly,had killed many poletical prisoners...

    If one,analyses, his reasoning to dismiss karimi...that is ," Roozeh Khari ", may ask, which part of society he is trying to convince,for thje justification of his firing ???
    Which I believe,he wanted to justify,his bosses at the " Sepah " !!and not ordinary football fan.......nor his "Supposedly Boss,Mr.Hedayati " Hedayati,does not seem agreeable with Ajorloo's dicision........

    It sound like,Ajorloo's Boss,is not Hedayati !!, and that may be in line with your previouse suggestion,in another thread,about His real organizational relation within Steel Azin.


      I am actually going to put myself in the line of fire here and defend Ajorloo.
      Not for his actions with Karimi, but his behavior in our football.

      Ajorloo, contrary to what it seems is not at the moment on the inside of Iran's politics. He is a conservative, yes; but with the Ghalibaf and Nouri group, not AN's group. He left PAS Tehran, when he found out the club will be forcibly moved to Hamedan. He was the one who implemented a somewhat professional policy in Iran for a club. Pas had its own stadium, training facilites, very good youth teams at different age levels, connections with European clubs and he was able to get people like Denizli in Pas to coach the team.

      If he had connections, he would have won this battle. He has lost. Karimi is coming back to the club, without any apologies, and the person Karimi wanted in Ajorloo's position is now back. Ajorloo will probably resign in the next few weeks, or they'll hold on to him for lip service, but he won't make any decisions.


        Very Much so , Bahram Jan.

        The pieces of the puzzle is coming together. There is more to meet the eyes in his case. I suspected that Ajerloo has more than football in his mind...and my suspicion was 100% right , when Ajerloo himself declared that his duty is beyond football....I wish I had a bet somewhere ...could have made some good money ...

        I really suspect or at least hope that Ajerloo fails in his attempt to dislodge Karimi. I am not a fan of Karimi's behavior and demeanor , but if he is to be fired , then they should do it legally and fairly , based on true facts and events , not through something that really does not stand in any court of law and by unfair dismissal without giving Karimi any chance to defend himself, after all their own Islamic laws stipulates that everyone has the right of defense.

        I am not a lawyer by profession , but all through my career I have been involved in many legal cases and disputes, I can safely say that it does not take a clever lawyer to defend Karimi based on one and ONLY one item.

        The law about eating during Ramazan , specifically says that it is forbidden in public. Where Karimi has committed the supposed offense , which is the Steel Azin practice ground IS NOT a public place. It is a private training ground. It has gates and it is not a public park that anyone can come strolling , and that in itself voids the accusation against him.

        Anyway.....back to Ajerloo ....I wonder how close is he to Rea'asat 'e Jomhouri ?

        Last edited by maij; 08-21-2010, 02:40 PM.



          Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
          I am actually going to put myself in the line of fire here and defend Ajorloo.
          Not for his actions with Karimi, but his behavior in our football.

          Ajorloo, contrary to what it seems is not at the moment on the inside of Iran's politics. He is a conservative, yes; but with the Ghalibaf and Nouri group, not AN's group. He left PAS Tehran, when he found out the club will be forcibly moved to Hamedan. He was the one who implemented a somewhat professional policy in Iran for a club. Pas had its own stadium, training facilites, very good youth teams at different age levels, connections with European clubs and he was able to get people like Denizli in Pas to coach the team.

          If he had connections, he would have won this battle. He has lost. Karimi is coming back to the club, without any apologies, and the person Karimi wanted in Ajorloo's position is now back. Ajorloo will probably resign in the next few weeks, or they'll hold on to him for lip service, but he won't make any decisions.

          Points taken...and I do admire your defense of him, but Nokhodi Jan , he himself declared that he is in the club for reason beyond football and to protect the principles of Islam and the regime ....or words to such effect.

          It is not as if we are accusing him of something barbaric but it was very clear to me at least that he and Karimi were not getting along and the man was going to get his revenge and he did it ...not fairly in my opinion and based on shaky grounds.

          Yes , he did achieve quite a lot with Pas Tehran and for that he must be commended , but his popping up in Steel raises more than a few questions.



            Majid e aziz....
            I am not too much follower of karimi's antquies either.....and I agree ,nevertheless,he is entitled to a fair treatment.......

            and again,as you said, the pieces of the puzzle is coming together.....

            It appears, the team of Steel Azin magnitude,has to have government supervision,.., .....and while Hedayati appears to be the owner,yet he is not free to make all the decisions.......and he is required a Government " Agha Balla sar ".....and may be that is why he ,after being dissatisfied with karimi's firing, wants to satisfy his Bosses at the Governement and yet does not approve of Ajorloo's decisions.......that is why,he is attempting to offer an exchange of the " Guards ", to the Government...and recently Hired " Ashtiani " !!!, yet another Government DOG !
            واعظي آشتياني و مهريزي در يك قدمي صندلي آجورلو

            رابطه دوستانه هدايتي با كريمي ، از يك طرف و نارضايتي هيات مديره از جنجالي كه آجورلو به پا كرده ، از سوي ديگر ، واعظي آشتياني يا مهريزي را در روزهاي آينده به صندلي مديرعاملي باشگاه استيل آذين نزديك خواهد كرد.

            ایلنا: با حكم حسين هدايتي ،مالك باشگاه استيل آذين، اميررضا واعظي*آشتياني و امير مهريزي به عضويت هيات مديره باشگاه استيل*آذين درآمدند. هدايتي در شرايطي چنين تصميمي مي گيرد كه خبر اخراج علي كريمي ، با تصميم مديرعامل باشگاه ،شايعات زيادي به دنبال داشته است.برخي منابع نزديك به باشگاه از احتمال تغيير مديرعامل سخن مي گويند.گفته مي شود رابطه دوستانه هدايتي با كريمي ، از يك طرف و نارضايتي هيات مديره از جنجالي كه آجورلو به پا كرده ، از سوي ديگر ، واعظي آشتياني يا مهريزي را در روزهاي آينده به صندلي مديرعاملي باشگاه استيل آذين نزديك خواهد كرد.
            واعظي آشتياني ، مديرعامل سابق باشگاه استقلال است كه پيش از آغاز فصل تازه ليگ برتر فوتبال ايران به همراه بيشتر اعضاي هيات مديره اين باشگاه در اعتراض به سياست هاي سعيدلو ، رئيس سازمان تربيت بدني ، استعفا داد.امير مهريزي هم مديرعامل استيل آذين بود كه اواخر فصل گذشته جايش را به مصطفي آجورلو داد.اين دو يكشنبه آينده در اولين نشست هيات مديره باشگاه حاضر خواهند بود.
            Last edited by zzgloo; 08-21-2010, 08:05 AM.


              Ohhhh...I actually think it is good news , considering the other options. It is like choosing between the two devils.

              If we dig deep in these names and their backgrounds , we can firmly conclude a couple of things:

              1- There is NO independent sport club or NGO in Iran. Even the few that come to mind which seems to be financed by the independent investor such as Steel Azin , have to be directly or indirectly sanctioned by the government.

              2- All the chairmen or bosses of the clubs and federation are either directly appointed by the government or sanctioned or approved by them. In the case of football federation and fearing FIFA sanctions , they used very devious and tricky methods to appoint their man. Hence one by one all the candidates quietly withdrew leaving Kafashian , Mr. Smiley , as the lone candidate and he won by default....typical Indian movie scenario!!!

              But even between all the president's men , there seems to be a rivalry based on political leaning. One seems to be leaning towards Mousavi's camp , one to AhmadiNejad , one to Rahsanjani, one to Nouri,,,and the list goes on..... All I can that ...
              خر همون خره... فقط پالونش عوض شده !

              Khar hamoon Khare ...faghat palonish avaz shodeh.

              it is an unfortunate scenario in sport in Iran. They have all to follow the party line. Such situation is generated by the obsession of the ruling clan of losing control on this popular pass-time that attracts the masses and moves them not to mention that it plays a big role in their emotion and alliances.
              Last edited by maij; 08-21-2010, 02:44 PM.



                Ajerloo is counting his days in Esteel. Mehrizi and Vaez Ashtiyani were added to the Esteel Board. If Iranian football wasn't run (like anything else by political influence) guys like Ajorloo had no place in our football.

                As for Nokhodi's post, maybe Ajorloo isn't as bad as other authorities in our football, but still a dog is a dog no matter if it is from a different breed. Don't know how closely do u follow the Karimi's situation, but the alleged Roozeh Khari happened before the SS game. The bastards waited after SS game before to think about their so called principals and expel him.

                There are rumors that Karimi's green wrist band in that game right before the election(wanted or unwontedly) and his outspoken (and emotional, seclusive personality) put him in a very unfavorable position with the current regime.
                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  Ali jaan....
                  good to have you back......and do n't get lost again !!

                  You were the first person, long long time ago, who brought Ajorloo to the spot light of PFDC.....and here we go again.....

                  As majid jaan says.....every day, the system ,and poletical plans of Islamic republic, gets more clear......,thanks to Ali Karimies, who bring out the true face of the system.


                    Well , well,,,well .....Iranian football drama never ceases to amaze...

                    I would never have thought that Ajerloo will retreat, in spite of his blunder and poor decision making in his duel with Ali Karimi. People like Ajerloo just don't quit that easily or admit , what is brewing behind the scene ???

                    Did he embarrass the regime ? was his blunder so obvious that his peers think of him as a liability , hence got rid of him ?

                    It is no secret that Hedayati was less than pleased with Ajerloo. He did not spent millions to see his club being taken apart by personal vendettas. Ajerloo had to go as far as Hedayati was concerned......however , something tells me that the power struggle is not over yet....the smiling assassin might strike soon.



                      Originally posted by maij View Post

                      It is no secret that Hedayati was less than pleased with Ajerloo. He did not spent millions to see his club being taken apart by personal vendettas. Ajerloo had to go as far as Hedayati was concerned......

                      So could this mean that Steel Azin afterall is not a government-run club, nor backed by the IR? or could this be yet another public stunt show?

                      Nevertheless it's so joyful to see such animals being humiliated publicly!


                        Originally posted by Keano View Post

                        So could this mean that Steel Azin afterall is not a government-run club, nor backed by the IR? or could this be yet another public stunt show?

                        Nevertheless it's so joyful to see such animals being humiliated publicly!
                        Good question...

                        To prove it either way , is an impossible task. One has to dig out and decipher the information and translate the events to reach a possible conclusion.

                        One thing I am pretty confident of , is that the regime will NOT allow an
                        entrepreneur / investor to get a hold and manage a football club without the government having a control mechanism. It is simply too much of a risk for the regime.

                        The mere fact that Ajerloo was appointed as Steel Azin was enough evidence for me on the above statement. In retrospect , I think Hedayati was forced to accept Ajerloo as a compromise. Right now Ajerloo seems to be targeting Hedayati and that is why the Hedayati has pulled back from Steel Azin day to day running. Perhaps he (Hedayati) does not want to risk the wrath of the Islamic Mafia which might harm his business ventures.


