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What would you do against China and Korea?

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    What would you do against China and Korea?

    I wonder what would be the right choice for the two upcoming friendlies, lining up all major players for both games, trying pretty much your best team with maybe one or two changes in China and Korea, or to field a "B team" with many "trialists" in China and the full team in Korea?

    Or should there be two different teams built around a few fixed players?

    I'd tend to play a B team in China so some of the reserves can have a final chance to prove themselves and a full squad in Seoul. In that case, however, we might easily lose both games and unfortunately that only would make the coach's job harder, so I wonder if this would be worth the risk.

    What would be your call?

    full force for both games, even though i doubt ghotbi goes anything near an offensive
    starting 11.


    depending on ando's fitness if he starts or else play shojae instead.if gholami plays well keep him
    for 90. bring in oladi for one of the 3 strikers in the 2nd half.
    Humanity. Love. Earth.


      Enforce a pressing tactic along with physical play. Thats what I want to see from TM, although its just a dream.


        Time to get a better understanding of the main squad so if I was Ghotbi I would stick to the main skeleton of the team with 3-4 changes max in two games to undestand my final best 11 for Asian Cup
        Team faghat PERSPOLIS


          Against China I would play the first half full and switch to the reserves in the second half, this way I give a chance pretty much to most players and at the same time let the rookies gain some more international experience, while avoiding humiliating results in a "Worthless" friendly match.

          Against S. Korea though it's a totally different ball game, they've always been our rival, given the fact that they also will be playing their full squad for at least a half time, I would as well go full force till I assure my team is winning, then sub in some less experienced players!

          Which indeed All of the above strategy being said by me explains why I would suck as a coach!



            I would have used our second(Mirzapour) or third keeper(Haghighi) so Rahmati can rest. We know that he's our number 1 so it's good to let other keepers get some playing time.


            I would have also used uncapped or players with few caps in these positions. However this time Zobahan didn't release Mohammad Hosseini and Hadadifar(midfielder) for these friendlies.

            So yeah still would say let's give Omranzadeh and ashjari more playing time.

            Surely would give Teymourian playing time as he needs as much as possible so he can return to England without any other dramas or hickups with visa.

            Other midfielders use our fixed ones.

            Gholamreza Rezaei and Karim Ansarifard they need to find their combination so hopefully can turn opportunities into tons of goals.


              any line up that eventually leads to ghotbi's ouster


              but seriously, keano talks about rookies, as if ghotbi has actually kept another one of his promises; inviting a lot of youngsters!!!
              the only rookie I see is gholami ..... and perhaps zeneiedpour. haghighi will never get a whiff at the goal anyway.
              the rest are all daei's team and some other experienced players.


                Seems Gholami and the 4-3-3 in first half were the only experiment. NO major player apart from halftime substitute Shojaei was rested.

                Now hopefully our boys won't be exhausted in Seoul.

