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A thread of no particular significance !

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    A thread of no particular significance !

    For years that I have been around in PFDC , I have known that some of our football personalities do occasionally visit and read posts in our various forums. Obviously what they read or the motive is only known to them....

    You can add Mr. Afshin Ghotbi to the list. An avid computer person who spends a lot of time browsing and researching , Ghotbi has apparently been visiting and reading PFDC forums....whether that is significant or not , whether it is helpful , or if that is a signal for anyone here to have a change of mind or approach , is up to the individual.

    suffice to say that the man reads and makes notes


    I used to be an active member of until the site went down, back in 2005 Mr. Qotbi became a member of IK and posted along other members for a few weeks, Mr. Dariush Zahab introduced IK to him and they both did participate in some TM discussion topics.

    Given Qotbi's fluent command of English, and having the luxury of some great members and football experts such as Maij, MR, Amoo Addey, etc I am sure he does visit us from time to time to read the reaction and input of the Iranians abroad!


      Originally posted by Keano View Post
      I used to be an active member of until the site went down, back in 2005 Mr. Qotbi became a member of IK and posted along other members for a few weeks, Mr. Dariush Zahab introduced IK to him and they both did participate in some TM discussion topics.
      Given Qotbi's fluent command of English, and having the luxury of some great members and football experts such as Maij, MR, Amoo Addey, Faraz etc I am sure he does visit us from time to time to read the reaction and input of the Iranians abroad!
      I've edited your post above in bold just for the sake of conciseness and clarity :P
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


        Originally posted by maij View Post
        For years that I have been around in PFDC , I have known that some of our football personalities do occasionally visit and read posts in our various forums. Obviously what they read or the motive is only known to them....

        You can add Mr. Afshin Ghotbi to the list. An avid computer person who spends a lot of time browsing and researching , Ghotbi has apparently been visiting and reading PFDC forums....whether that is significant or not , whether it is helpful , or if that is a signal for anyone here to have a change of mind or approach , is up to the individual.

        suffice to say that the man reads and makes notes

        Majid e Aziz......

        I have number of questions regarding this issue ......and you may not know the answer to all...

        1- How would you know Ghotbi ,or previously Branko, had ever visited our site ?

        2-Do you, or does PFDC has his E.mail address ?

        3- Has PFDC ever Contacted Ghotbi ?

        4-Can PFDC Contact Ghotbi ? ( Regardless of if PFDC,currantly, has his E.mail or not )

        5-is It possible,to have a Interview with him ?

        6-Would PFDC be interest to request from Ghotbi,to open a sticky thread once a month,and answer our members's ( edited by PFDC ) questions ?

        7-Or , can PFDC request Ghotbi to recieve ,a top 5 questions/Comments, by PFDC,on a monthly e.mail ?

        8-Can PFDC offer help to Ghotbi, in the form of Search in datas,statistics, Videos,etc,etc.?
        Last edited by zzgloo; 09-14-2010, 08:43 AM.


          I think kaebi-kabab is actually Ghotbi


            Bahram Jan....
            With all due respect , we must respect the privacy of the individuals. Can you imagine publicizing the details or emails of a person like Ghotbi ???

            I have no contact nor do I have any details of Mr. Ghotbi and even if I had , it would not be something that I would distribute privetly or publicly in respect to his privacy.

            As for interviews , if I or other staff members do get the oppertunity , then we would definitely do some sort of interview. Asian Cup 2011 would be my closest opportunity .



              Originally posted by maij View Post
              Ghotbi has apparently been visiting and reading PFDC forums
              ^ "Apparently" as in a guess? Or as a "fact" with hard evidence?

              I bet many football personalities would come here just to read Dr. Doom / F+

              Mr. Ghotbi if you read this please invite a Foolad Khuzestan player to TM.



                Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                ^ "Apparently" as in a guess? Or as a "fact" with hard evidence?

                I bet many football personalities would come here just to read Dr. Doom / F+

                Mr. Ghotbi if you read this please invite a Foolad Khuzestan player to TM.
                Agha Joon..... This is not meant to be a court of law nor is it CSI Miami !

                The title of the thread should give you more than enough to understand the purpose of the thread. If you do not believe , then that is fine, it is certainly not a big deal. But please do not ask me what , where , how and when...How do you deal with the immense amount of information and news that you encounter in your daily life ? do you ask for hard evidence ?

                If it makes you happy....Seyyed is using a MacBook and he is thinking of getting an iPad on his next visit to the States



                  Originally posted by Hadi View Post
                  I think kaebi-kabab is actually Ghotbi
                  Ghotbi would never use such a username..(or shayan 112...Princeofpersia....or Zamboor) is more likely he would use a name like Leviathan,Hadi , VivaTm or Varzeshdoost.....This is something i learnt when i was a profiler in CSI..or it may have been Havaii Five-O........I think Ghotbi may also be reading most of Dr Doom's posts.
                  Last edited by leviathan; 09-15-2010, 05:49 PM.


                    ghotbi visits pfdc?

                    well, I got a message for you, matey: YOU BUM. put away all the bloody personal issues, now that you undeservedly are retained for the asia cup. so far you've got lucky. but luck is very fickle and may not sit on our shoulders for long.
                    work on proper team tactics not the usual ali-asghari ball-lobbing rubbish

                    wake up and recognize the benefits of having a playmaker in the team, instead of packing the middle with def-mids as if it's going out of business!!!

                    learn from past coaches:
                    branko, the moron's insistence on using the same set of players no matter where or what in every bloody game, which crumbled when it mattered the most.
                    or daei's involvement of personal shit which not only weakened the team's potential, but also created enough controversy to take away the focus for the bench.

                    oh, btw, macbook SUCKS
                    and ipad is for sodding yuppies

                    majid jan , you think he'll get it finally?
                    I doubt it my eyes dont drink water!

                    but seriously speaking, I really think the zob-ahan defense line (DF+GK) are far more efficient than sepahan's (which is TM's).

                    rahmati is only slightly better than gordan. and here's sepahan/TM's ONLY lead on zob ahan.

                    however, Md. hosseini (RB), talebi and pour-mohamad (LB) have been really solid as defenders as well as an attacking force ... while jalal hosseini-aghili-hajsafi-haidari line up has been quite ordinary and aside from jalal, rather weak and suspect.

                    so are we gonna stick to our guns, no matter how wrong we're proven and not mend the defense for the asia cup?

                    I'd rather see a defensive line up like:

                    ------------------------ rahmati ----------------------------

                    Md. hosseini ---- jalal hosseini --- talebi ---- pourmohamad/ashjari

                    who'd ensure our goal with far more potential and strength than ghotbi's picks


                      Originally posted by maij View Post
                      Bahram Jan....
                      With all due respect , we must respect the privacy of the individuals. Can you imagine publicizing the details or emails of a person like Ghotbi ???

                      I have no contact nor do I have any details of Mr. Ghotbi and even if I had , it would not be something that I would distribute privetly or publicly in respect to his privacy.

                      As for interviews , if I or other staff members do get the oppertunity , then we would definitely do some sort of interview. Asian Cup 2011 would be my closest opportunity .
                      Majid jaan.....
                      I understand the privacy issue, and I was not suggesting otherwise....
                      The PFDC,is after all a media outlet...and it is not wrong to a media to contact a head coach of TM......
                      I was suggesting, if PFDC,would be willing to do all I mentioned.....
                      Such as :, An Interview, or be allowed to send a monthly e.mail to him, with edited suggestions of members or questions, etc,etc......, and not individual members contacting him.
                      It was just a suggestion !
                      Last edited by zzgloo; 09-15-2010, 09:46 AM.


                        Originally posted by maij View Post
                        Agha Joon..... This is not meant to be a court of law nor is it CSI Miami !

                        The title of the thread should give you more than enough to understand the purpose of the thread. If you do not believe , then that is fine, it is certainly not a big deal. But please do not ask me what , where , how and when...How do you deal with the immense amount of information and news that you encounter in your daily life ? do you ask for hard evidence ?

                        If it makes you happy....Seyyed is using a MacBook and he is thinking of getting an iPad on his next visit to the States
                        So Afshin Ghotbi is a Seyyed? Wow every day I learn something new...

                        I was thinking maybe you guys traced his ISP back to his computer lol.



                          Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                          So Afshin Ghotbi is a Seyyed? Wow every day I learn something new...

                          I was thinking maybe you guys traced his ISP back to his computer lol.
                          Baz ham CSI bazi !

                          ...And yes...Afshin is a Seyyed , just like me



                            Doc... I spent some 10 minutes laughing my head off on your welcome to Mr. Ghotbi ...

                            I am confident that he will take your criticism with open mind and perhaps implements it..

                            As for the defense of Zob Ahan...I must say I quite agree with you. I have actually mentioned some months ago that Zob's defensive tactics is one of the reasons for their success. They execute their defending plans quite immaculately , although the goal scored against them today by Poohang Steelers Brazilian player was due to a fundamental mistake that borders a crime...Poor covering of a opposition player and bad positioning of the defenders. However the good thing about ZZ is that they do not commit too many primitive defensive errors.

                            Ghotbi was watching the match closely and I hope he made notes.



                              Bahram Jan.

                              Iran Chief Correspondence is in Singapore right now , however when he does return , we might nudge him to entertain your request.......

                              Hadi Jan...Khoobi ?


