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ZOB-AHAN - Pohang Steelers

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    ZOB-AHAN - Pohang Steelers

    good, SOLID game by zob.

    defense looked more or less in control of their 1/3rd

    and they used their mids and forwards well. great set up b the coach.

    the only thing I can recommend is a bit more "possession football" by our lads, so they can both run the ball around tiring the koreans, AND keep the ball away from the opponents.
    we're not keeping the ball enough. we keep pumping it up. we're ahead and we shd keep passing the ball around more.

    but I like the shape zob is and how EZ has built the team, even if their star forward is absent. very encouraging.


    At the same time, Pohang is nowhere near their peak and hardly look like defending champs.
    fortunate Zob for hitting their peak while pohang is down in the dumps in their league.
    however, experience is not to be ignored and zob ought to be careful.

    I hope we add another goal for insurance coz a 2-0 lead shd be pretty much out of reach for this korean team that I see

    ghazi is shit



      1- zob's defense had 3 lapses in this half, one of which ended up as a goal.

      2- the goal was becoz our def mids, kheiri or hadadifard failed to mark motta and left him with acres of space to take his time, and choose his shot!

      btw, referee's moronic call was the originator of this goal, as the ball shd have been ours, which was crossed into our 18 and then led to the goal.

      3- two more defensive lapses were the result of korean pressure, with our defenders failing to mark their men again!

      apart from these 3 lapses, I am pretty much happy with the composure of the team.

      4- the ref was a complete moron. while he let go of a wrestling grapple by the korean, a few seconds later he issues a yellow for an innocuous challenge to our player!!

      5- I really liked the passing moves in our midfield and how they looked comfortable with short, quick passing. some really great stuff.
      a sign of great team coordination and understanding. I hope they keep this up and build on it more.

      6- I really disliked the way we tried grassrolling.
      we didnt have to, especially what talebi and farhadi did. not nice at all.

      and anyway, the way we grassrolled looked so amateurish.
      we must watch some more bahrain and qatar games to learn how to do it so it doesnt "scream" grassrolling.
      dont do it. but if you must, at least do it properly.


      for the return leg, I hope EZ really works on korean wing play and crossers. the korean insisted on their traditional wing moves and I assume they will continue this in korea too, with the help of 3-4 un-used players.
      and the away goal may be handy for them.

      so all the more that EZ makes sure our flanks are shut tight. and with khalatbari's return, most probably rely on fast breaks and counters to score their own away goal too.

      I am hopeful for zob's advance.


        btw, somehow Zob keeps on digging into some magical box and fish out one decent LB after another.
        first it was ashjari, who's head and shoulders above all other LB's in Iran.
        and now mohamadpour (or pourmohamad), who did quite decently in defense and rather impressively in attack.
        I really liked what I saw.

        btw, did I say how much I hate IRIB for focusing on the moronic ss and pp, while we have other teams 10 times more technical and talented (like zob ahan and foolad) who show far superior football than those 2 soosools?
        and in turn, deny us of discovering great talent like mohamadpoour, or foolad's nowroozi who shot a cracker of a goal this week, off a volley from the left side. fantastic goal


          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
          btw, did I say how much I hate IRIB for focusing on the moronic ss and pp, while we have other teams 10 times more technical and talented (like zob ahan and foolad) who show far superior football than those 2 soosools?
          and in turn, deny us of discovering great talent like mohamadpoour, or foolad's nowroozi who shot a cracker of a goal this week, off a volley from the left side. fantastic goal
          ^ Dr. jaan the change has to start right here on the PFDC. I have wanted to display the Foolad emblem on my avatar and it is not possible. Only the PP and SS supporters are provided with such luxury here!

