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what do you like to see against Brazil?

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    what do you like to see against Brazil?

    what formation, what kind of line up, what sort of tactics and strategy, ...
    what satisfies you, what score-line do realistically expect or think is within our grasp, or .....anything.

    Formation should depend on their formation, if they play 4-2-3-1 , we should play with 4-3-1-2 (or 4-4-2) and Definitely not 4-2-3-1 as we don't have the players for this formation.
    Tactics should be defensives with 4 defensives mid fields.

    A draw would be nice.. .....its a shame khalatbari can't play.

    I think Teymourian will do well that day..



    ------Mohammad Nouri------------------------

    -------Meydavoodi----------Gholami (Ansarifard)
    Last edited by leviathan; 10-04-2010, 03:54 PM.


      i assume u mean from what we have in the camp:

      Humanity. Love. Earth.


        1- I cant hide my partiality towards the simple 4-4-2 formation, especially since we dont have many players suited for 4-2-3-1.

        but given it is brazil we're facing, actually I would understand seeing something a bit cautious , similar to what ghotbi did against china (I think):
        nekounam - pejman - ando as the midfield belt.
        (but the difference is I'd understand this caution against a team like brazil. but it is utterly moronic against china or armenia or whatever crappy team he used it against)

        so maybe something like 4-4-1-1 is best.

        2- I think even a loss with 2 goal difference is acceptable at the moment. but anything worse than that is unsatisfactory and bad.
        but that depends on HOW both teams play.
        who knows, if our best day coincides with brazil's worst day ... so maybe we could hope for better than a 2-0 loss. depends on how brazil plays.

        3- I'd hate to see a scared, mouse-like team come onto the pitch.
        caution is one thing. but I'd hate to see the team sit back and try to defend for 90 minutes. that's absolutely foolish.

        not only we dont have the defenders nor the defensive set up to hold onto that.... but also we'd look like freaking morons to try this in a friendly game.

        4- I think our only route to score or create danger is through set pieces. But I'm afraid mobaali will get mauled by the brazilian midfield if he starts. so Iman can come as a sub in 2nd half, perhaps, to provide some variety.
        perhaps Heidari (as right mid) can chip in and hopefully we'd have practiced set pieces enough to make sure the very FEW that we'd get, we make them count.

        at the same time, I doubt we would get NEAR their goal enough times. so I hope long range SHOOTING is another thing the team really concentrates on and practices.

        5- after watching the past few games, I can safely say even if we bring a player who hasnt had much time to practice with the team, we'd still be ahead by recalling ashjari to take care of LB, instead of hajsafi or beikzadeh.
        even if ashjari is out of practice with the team, he wouldnt be as bad as these two.

        6- nekounam, pejman and ando MUST BE EXPRESSLY DRILLED on the need to follow their man and not allow brazilians to surge forward from the middle.
        very important.

        at the same time, I hope we can use aghili (mainly becoz of his height) along with hosseini and leave the RB (temporarily) to nosrati. 3 out of 4 tall defenders shd at least take care of aerial battles and crosses into our 18.

        7- in the absence of khalatbari, I think the player behind the forward (if we decide to play a single forward line up) shd be meydavoudi (or oladi)
        I would keep Gholami as the forward, with
        pejman ---------- meydavoudi -------heidari
        behind him.

        why dont I give the red carpet treatment to shojaei?
        a) becoz he is not match fit and is just out of injury
        b) even if he was match fit, his defending is abysmal
        c) he's slower than meydavoudi/oladi and if we're gonna play with a single forward, then at least we'd better make sure we have someone FAST enough to be able to add up and reach him up front in fast breaks.
        khalatbari would be ideal. but in his absence I think meydavoudi or oladi are far FAR better options than shojaei

        given the above, I think the 4-4-1-1 could be like;

        nosrati ---- jalal ---- hadi ----- ashjari

        heidari ---- neku --- ando ---- pejman


        --------gholami ------------------------

        this way, we could have decent crossing from both flanks (heidari and ashjari), while having a very tough, fighting midfield .... who can and should shoot.
        the only thing is meydavoudi/oladi shd be told to take care of creativity as well as defending (something that both are unfamiliar with and sadly, I dont recall having any player - aside from karimi - who can take care of both ball distribution and defending! but isnt as quick as he shd be, though)

        do we have a player who is:
        a) quick enough for this post to keep shuffling between the forward and midfield lines
        b) creative enough
        c) and does a decent job in defending??

        - there's also a balance between left and right as BOTH flanks have players who can come forward and cross and provide options (heidari and ashjari) as well as BOTH flanks have tough guys who can tackle and defend well against incoming wingers (nosrati and pejman)


          ---Teymourian---Nekounam---P. Nouri----


            cant bother going to the iran-kuwait thread

            1.what many dont understand is that TM was tired agiants kuwait and big headed.

            2.mobali needs to be out for good.he is the reason for iran's bad play.He was the
            AM and he was invisible.TM had no creativity.

            3.right now we have shojae, M.nouri and jabbari that can play in that position *pitty*.

            4. i hope ghotbi brings sheys in instead of omranzadeh

            5.zeneidpour needs some time off

            6.khalatbari is important

            7.mirza is done, gordan is the way

            8.karimi might not be fit enough

            9.return of kia could be good for AC

            10.infact the return of our retired 06 starts could bring life to the dead TM for
            AC.i wonder if ghotbi could start a campaign to get them back.lets face it

            kia,karimi would strengthen iran.

            11.our league sucks, that why we have a crappy TM.

            12.more iranian coaches should be trained in europe.

            13.our youth system sux.there should be a reserves league for the pro league.

            eg ss reserves etc.
            Humanity. Love. Earth.


              ^ give me some of what you're smoking too. seems mighty potent stuff.

              there are so many wrong things & holes about the list above that makes the swiss cheese green with envy!

              from the league sucking , to the youth, to the reason for the WHOLE team's bad game, to ... etc etc etc! hahahaha.



                bishin binim baba. vase man professor nasho.

                you keep forcing your ideas on people, we have different opinions thats all.

                but that dont mean anything when we talk football

                either way u have found your self in the honourable mentions by me on the
                MOM thread
                Humanity. Love. Earth.


                  ^ akhe ye chizi begoo ke begonjeh.

                  how can one player affect the WHOLE team to play poorly? how did mobaali influence omranzadeh's goal assist? how did he influence rahmati's wrong positioning? how did he influence hajsafi falling behind? how did it impact on none of our DM's following their man into the box? how about it's effect on heidari's poor crossing? how .... and many more how's.

                  this is why I'm saying that is some potent stuff you're smoking.

                  he was a poor player among a WHOLE team of poor players. that's all.


                    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                    ^ akhe ye chizi begoo ke begonjeh.

                    how can one player affect the WHOLE team to play poorly? how did mobaali influence omranzadeh's goal assist? how did he influence rahmati's wrong positioning? how did he influence hajsafi falling behind? how did it impact on none of our DM's following their man into the box? how about it's effect on heidari's poor crossing? how .... and many more how's.

                    this is why I'm saying that is some potent stuff you're smoking.

                    he was a poor player among a WHOLE team of poor players. that's all.
                    i dont know if u have a fetish with mobali or if he is your cusin, but a play maker
                    is the link between the attack and deffense. If Mobali did what he should have,
                    he would have created fluidity in the game. He is the main reason why our defenders
                    kept passing the ball to each other as there were no movements (which lead
                    to omranzadeh giving the ball away finally after many passes between him and

                    he is the reason why we played crap and made lots of fouls. nouri and ando
                    were fraustrated. The kuwaitis putting pressure on us to score eventually.

                    he is the reason gholami was not fed.

                    its like he wasnt there and only showed up from the bench to take freekicks.

                    having a big hole in the most important position destroys the team play.

                    also incase u havnt noticed,there were other about 13 other reasons that i gave

                    but u managed to get angry on this one...hmmmm strange aghaye professor .
                    Humanity. Love. Earth.



                      .................................................. ..........................................
                      ........................................Rahmati... .......................................
                      .................................................. ..........................................
                      ...........Kaebi............Hossaini.............. .Aghili.............Nosrati........
                      .................................................. ...........................................
                      .............................Ando................. .....Neko.............................
                      .................................................. ...........................................
                      ..............Khalatbari..............Bagheri..... ................Madanchi.........
                      .................................................. ...........................................
                      ..........................................Shojaee. .......................................

                      Last edited by zzgloo; 10-05-2010, 07:12 AM.


                        Throw caution to the wind, but play a system with alot of pressing and movement.


                          Originally posted by toofan View Post
                          i dont know if u have a fetish with mobali or if he is your cusin, but a play maker
                          is the link between the attack and deffense. If Mobali did what he should have,
                          he would have created fluidity in the game. He is the main reason why our defenders
                          kept passing the ball to each other as there were no movements (which lead
                          to omranzadeh giving the ball away finally after many passes between him and

                          he is the reason why we played crap and made lots of fouls. nouri and ando
                          were fraustrated. The kuwaitis putting pressure on us to score eventually.

                          he is the reason gholami was not fed.

                          its like he wasnt there and only showed up from the bench to take freekicks.

                          having a big hole in the most important position destroys the team play.

                          also incase u havnt noticed,there were other about 13 other reasons that i gave

                          but u managed to get angry on this one...hmmmm strange aghaye professor .
                          again, ye chizi begoo ke begonjeh.
                          what you just said can be said about THE WHOLE TEAM.
                          I can replace one name with another and still say it is valid.
                          for example, lets pick poor hajsafi.
                          I can say becoz he didnt do his defending, the whole defense was under pressure, our DM's were frustrated, players got pulled out of position, rahmati's focus was distracted, ... blah blah blah.
                          for another example, lets pick ando.
                          I can say becoz ando was supposed to link D and Mid -offense, didnt win enough balls back to give to mobali, distracted mobaali and nouri with lack of positioning, bad passes, ... and X and Y got frustrated, and Z was this and that .... blah blah blah.

                          na agha jan. he played poorly JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE TEAM.
                          I did ask you how he influenced those fatal mistakes in my previous post and it shd be obvious that the whole team failed.

                          besides, if you bring gholami not being fed, it shows you didnt watch the game.
                          watch it again and prey tell me at ANY instance how many defenders are around the abandoned gholami?

                          as for why I like mobaali, it is only becoz he was unjustly kept out of TM for the period that he was a 100 times a better player. it's only that injustice and unfair treatment. otherwise, I am not biased and do point out his weaknesses and poor games.

                          as for your other "13" reasons, I disagree that our league is weak.
                          not only our clubs did well in asia as compared to previous years, but the quality of some clubs and some games have improved too.

                          same thing for our youth. just becoz we lost to south korea we shdnt wave away everything in youth football. our U-17 and U-19 are great teams and with lots of talent and potential. and after many many years, they are going places.
                          only at Omid level we are still in oblivion ... mainly becoz of the system and IFF's incompetence. from clubs not cooperating, to abandoning the team for long periods, to IFF's inability to support and provide games and other important aid, to the stupid drama of picking a coach, dropping him, picking him again, .... etc etc etc


                            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                            again, ye chizi begoo ke begonjeh.
                            what you just said can be said about THE WHOLE TEAM.
                            I can replace one name with another and still say it is valid.
                            for example, lets pick poor hajsafi.
                            I can say becoz he didnt do his defending, the whole defense was under pressure, our DM's were frustrated, players got pulled out of position, rahmati's focus was distracted, ... blah blah blah.
                            for another example, lets pick ando.
                            I can say becoz ando was supposed to link D and Mid -offense, didnt win enough balls back to give to mobali, distracted mobaali and nouri with lack of positioning, bad passes, ... and X and Y got frustrated, and Z was this and that .... blah blah blah.

                            na agha jan. he played poorly JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE TEAM.
                            I did ask you how he influenced those fatal mistakes in my previous post and it shd be obvious that the whole team failed.

                            besides, if you bring gholami not being fed, it shows you didnt watch the game.
                            watch it again and prey tell me at ANY instance how many defenders are around the abandoned gholami?

                            as for why I like mobaali, it is only becoz he was unjustly kept out of TM for the period that he was a 100 times a better player. it's only that injustice and unfair treatment. otherwise, I am not biased and do point out his weaknesses and poor games.

                            as for your other "13" reasons, I disagree that our league is weak.
                            not only our clubs did well in asia as compared to previous years, but the quality of some clubs and some games have improved too.

                            same thing for our youth. just becoz we lost to south korea we shdnt wave away everything in youth football. our U-17 and U-19 are great teams and with lots of talent and potential. and after many many years, they are going places.
                            only at Omid level we are still in oblivion ... mainly becoz of the system and IFF's incompetence. from clubs not cooperating, to abandoning the team for long periods, to IFF's inability to support and provide games and other important aid, to the stupid drama of picking a coach, dropping him, picking him again, .... etc etc etc
                            azize del to maghze jenab aali nemighonje moshkele man nist.

                            its obvious that mobali cant be the exact 100% to blame for all the failures.

                            My emphasis was that he was the major downfall onto TMs play.

                            Relax and humble your self "doctor" or should i say professor jan .
                            Humanity. Love. Earth.


                              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                              Throw caution to the wind, but play a system with alot of pressing and movement.

                              sounds exciting. but on the flip side, with the smallest slip we get torn to bits

                              this is not korea's C team or kuwait's youth reserves.
                              But I'm with you totally on the need for a lot of movement. finding spaces and creating spaces, coupled with possession football.
                              lets face it, as long as we have the ball, brazilians dont, therefore they cant hurt us. I believe with a lot of running, we can make a very decent showing/game of it.

                              as is apparent to everyone here the key lies with the midfield and their tireless running. ando is capable of it. so is pejman. but can nekounam do it too?
                              heidari, LB (hopefully ashjari) and nosrati too need to have a high rate too. can or will they?

                              as for shojaei, I still cant understand why ppl keep putting him in as a forward!
                              it's a big mystery to me. yes, he's scored a couple of goals here and there. but he is not a natural scorer. a look at his moves, his style of football, his targetting, ... shows he is no forward.
                              at best, he can play behind the forwards, feeding them. but to deny the team of a natural striker over this chap doesnt seem wise.

                              and on the occasion of the samba boys playing our lads, I treat you all to a super cool, groovy and slick Mas Que Nada (the original version. not the crappy rap-versions here n there);

