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A Note regarding Iran vs Brazil (its not a tactical related thread)

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    A Note regarding Iran vs Brazil (its not a tactical related thread)

    I think 99% of this forum is excited by the prospect of playing Brazil. I daresay a similar number of Iranians worldwide are as excited.

    But what many seem to forget suddenly, is that how can a country who has mismanaged its national friendlies and has been unable to attract good teams to play them due to lack of money and lack of facilities in Iran, suddenly ends up playing Brazil??? What's more the news of the match was only published a few weeks before the match leading me to believe this was not a long planned football friendly.

    Now, We all remember Dadkan, an honest man and a liberal person much unlike the goons who run our country and football right now, mentioned the reality a few years back when he was still in charge of IFF. He told Navad (if i am not mistaken) that playing friendlies with big international team is simply a matter of how much you pay them. I remember him even saying that Iran had approached Brazil back then and Brazil had demanded in excess of one million US dollars (or maybe even more, I dont remember how much he said exactly) just for the friendly match itself, plus Iran had to cover all travel cost and staying expenses of the players if the match was played outside Brazil. This led Dadkan and IFF not to pursue it any further since for a country like Iran, paying so much for a simple friendly doesn't make sense at all and can never be justified.

    What he says, sounds logical to me. Any team in the world can play any of the big European or South American team. its just a matter of sending a request to their federation in advance and sending them a hefty sum of cash as a fee.

    Now, AN and his buddies like Saeedloo and Taj are controlling our football. In line with their populist agenda, they sacrifice everything in order to satisfy the masses on the surface and get their own name and news at the very top of headlines. As I explained, Playing Brazil is not a difficult thing. Its just the question of whether you are willing to pay them. And paying and spending is one thing that AN will not hesitate to do if it buys him popularity. Hence the quick fixing of the friendly, followed by a buzz of excitement among Iranians, and an IFF who will proudly hold their chest high and boast and claim a major achievement as a result of their brilliant policies.

    This is the surface.

    The other (and real) side of the coin is the million(s) of dollars who we have gifted to Brazil's federation for a 90 minute football which came out of the pockets of the Iranian tax which our football desperately needs but gets spent either as ridiculous friendly fees or player which is needed by our half finished stadiums, our pathetic sports facilities all around the country. money which ultimately buys a selected few, popularity and credibility.
    Last edited by Hadi; 10-06-2010, 08:18 PM.

    Question: omggg Hadi you are so negative!!! You mean you say we should never play brazil ever again??????

    Answer: If the cost of a friendly is too much and cant be justified, then yes we should never do it. Why do you think the Arabs arrange good friendlies left and righ? because they can afford to pay.


      Hadi jaan..we had this discussion here on F+ before.........,both as far as poletical side and economic side of the issue.....

      what dadkan said is not true all the time.....,as some times other things beside money may be involoved........there are teams, that would never play IRAN, no matter how much you pay them, and there teams that would play IRAN, for no money and only is a poletical act ( Like German Football team few years back ).......

      The case of Brazil, is a combination of Poletical/business case....
      Poletical, because the De Silva,president of Brazil accepted the offer of " AN ", and gave green light to Brazil Football federation ( Not all countries have freidnly relations with IRAN )....yet, they expected a minimum amount of money....and it is business venture also, because, is Brazil,and because it has not been tried before,....a 55,000 capacity stedium will easily be full by, 440,000 Iranians living in UAE,and traveleres from IRAN, and also some Arab Brazil football fans....a full stedium will easily pay for it all...and Broadcasting Money will be the profit of the " Unknown " ( SEPAAH ) sponsor !!
      Last edited by zzgloo; 10-07-2010, 02:17 AM.


        fully agree...

        if this game makes sense economically for Iran (i.e fee is low and there if profit from advertisement and TV rights), then my whole argument isnt valid.

        But i have a feeling this is not the case


          The usual price tag for Brazil used to be one million dollars indeed.

          As far as I know, this time it's only 500.000, which is actually brought up by a sponsor.

          I think this scenario is realistic. Brazil needed to organize a friendly on short term, and there only were a few teams still available. Then there are good political ties as well. With ticket sales, TV rights and marketing you can easily refinance the 500.000, so the existance of such a sponsor is not unlikely.

          Overall I think we got lucky. But we won't see many friendlies of this kind again, as this isn't the result of good planning, but more a co-incidence...


            begrudgingly I must say AN may have had something to do with it and hadi is absolutely right that it most probably is the untold, obscene amount of "bribery" in the form of ridiculously one sided contracts and business agreements between the 2 countries.

            but I also think AN desperately wanted it to be in tehran, so he can do his charade of grand standing and appearing in the stadium over his "subjects" and be the focal point of adoring/appreciative fans ... but the sponsor or maybe even the brazilian fed decided against tehran. hence the abu dhabi venue.

            and I hear, to my pleasant surprise, there've been only 5000 tickets sold so far. the stadium may not be full ... or at best may get half full.
            now, imagine if it was in azadi. there'd be 100,000 inside and another 100,000 outside the gates!


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              begrudgingly I must say AN may have had something to do with it and hadi is absolutely right that it most probably is the untold, obscene amount of "bribery" in the form of ridiculously one sided contracts and business agreements between the 2 countries.

              but I also think AN desperately wanted it to be in tehran, so he can do his charade of grand standing and appearing in the stadium over his "subjects" and be the focal point of adoring/appreciative fans ... but the sponsor or maybe even the brazilian fed decided against tehran. hence the abu dhabi venue.

              and I hear, to my pleasant surprise, there've been only 5000 tickets sold so far. the stadium may not be full ... or at best may get half full.
              now, imagine if it was in azadi. there'd be 100,000 inside and another 100,000 outside the gates!
              edit... seems its true.
              Last edited by Nokhodi; 10-07-2010, 08:56 AM.


                i saw this quote on a weblog which sums up my feelings very well:

                با آلمان بازی کردیم تا ویرانه**های بم دیده شود.
                با برزیل بازی می*کنیم تا ویرانه*های حاکمیت دیده نشود.


                  there is no doubt in my mind that politics was involved in setting up this friendly game, only time will tell, kafashian and his gang will be talking about this game til the day they die!!!

                  this is/was the highlight of the kafashian era!!
                  IRI = FAILED


                    Well in all honesty, whether or not politics was involved or a $550k fee to play Brazil, this match was for sure the best and by far most beneficial match TM has had ever since the revolution. We certainly addressed many flaws and problems in our team when encountering real powerhouses. Many of our shortcomings were revealed and stuck out during this great match.

                    Given all the beneficial facts we got out of this match I'd say we lost on the pitch, however with the right analysis of this match and proper future managements and reconsideration and in a longer run we will win. We most definitely will improve for A 2011 after this worthy loss!


                      ^ while I'd say this game had its benefits, but I just cant agree with the following terms:
                      "MOST benefitial"
                      "we addressed many flaws"

                      in MY opinion, we did gain some knowledge and insight which is good. but again, imo, games against our major rivals like SKorea, australia, japan, 8-0ers, are the MOST benefitial games we could have.

                      secondly, many problem were REVEALED. but we shall have to wait and see if they are "addressed".
                      given ghotbi's track record, I doubt a great many of them would be addressed. for example the issue of LB. that problem has exposed itself game after game and any little kid knows about it. and yet ghotbi persists on the wrong picks like hajsafi and beikzadeh! so where is the "addressing of the problem" here?

                      among those revealed, though is one major issue. our players need to play more high profile, world power teams like brazil or I'd even include any of the top 20 fifa team. if you noticed the simple case of Pejman Nouri, you'd have seen how he started the game lost and overwhelmed by the opponent's NAME & REPUTATION, and couldnt do half of what he does daily! but as the game wore on, he gained confidence and started to play his own game.
                      such games go a long way to make our players more confident and brave, so the occasion or the opponents dont affect them, they can stay focused and not lose all their senses.

                      hopefully another benefit of the game could be an interest in Rahmati who's being wasted in IPL. the guy truly deserves to play in europe. at the same time, Ando also may have done some service in his bid to get back to europe. and I personally would like to see gholami picked up too, although that would be a bit of s stretch and wishful thinking


                        I am not following the football as closely, but I think if a federation has good networking, sales and marketing, it won't be too hard to lure finnancial sponsers to sponser matches. It is lack of the capabilities in IFF that created the impression playing against Brazil is unthinkable. Even smaller countries like UAE have played big teams.

                        Even in the United States and Canada there are many questionable figures who own sport teams (these teams are always in red (teams loose money)), but despite that people still support them. Motivation can be many folds, and range from most negative( Tax Evasion, Money Laundry, ) to fame and getting your name in the headlines.
                        Whoever was the sponser of this game, may have had ultramotives as well.
                        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                          Ali Jaan.......good to have you, atleast occationaly,back !!

                          This could have been the senario.....

                          Among many meetings betweem AN and Da Silva,In Brazil and in Tehran, The subject of Football must have come, something like, AN saying, Iranians Love Brazilian Football,and Da Silva appreciating the comment, and after learning IRAN's participation in World Cups, either side ,could have come up with the suggestion,that may be " We should get a friendly game among our teams ".....then Da Silva,contacts the Brazilian federation, and they say, they do not mind, but they prefer the game to be in a third country, ( As most people are afraid of going to IRAN ).....and for Da Silva,BFF,would only ask for the minimum,of $500,000 to cover expences.......
                          And they convey that to the Iranian authorities........
                          Then, The Iranian Authoreties,worring about the Economy, and backlash of spending so much on Football could have brought huge criticisms, tries to find an independent, " Unkown sponsor ", to finance...may be even make some money......they think of Turkey at first, and as always, Turkish government wants to Fvck Iranians and take advantage...then, they go after, UAE,and let " Sepaah ", with its lots of money and expertise, " Be the Unkown sponsor ".................
                          The rest is history .
                          Last edited by zzgloo; 10-14-2010, 06:26 AM.


                            Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                            Ali Jaan.......good to have you, atleast occationaly,back !!
                            This could have been the senario.....
                            Among many meetings betweem AN and Da Silva,In Brazil and in Tehran, The subject of Football must have come, something like, AN saying, Iranians Love Brazilian Football,and Da Silva appreciating the comment, and after learning IRAN's participation in World Cups, either side ,could have come up with the suggestion,that may be " We should get a friendly game among our teams ".....then Da Silva,contacts the Brazilian federation, and they say, they do not mind, but they prefer the game to be in a third country, ( As most people are afraid of going to IRAN ).....and for Da Silva,BFF,would only ask for the minimum,of $500,000 to cover expences.......
                            And they convey that to the Iranian authorities........
                            Then, The Iranian Authoreties,worring about the Economy, and backlash of spending so much on Football could have brought huge criticisms, tries to find an independent, " Unkown sponsor ", to finance...may be even make some money......they think of Turkey at first, and as always, Turkish government wants to Fvck Iranians and take advantage...then, they go after, UAE,and let " Sepaah ", with its lots of money and expertise, " Be the Unkown sponsor ".................
                            The rest is history .
                            Ghorbanat Bahram Jaan and thanks for the kind words.

                            I guess it could be like this, but there is no way for us to prove or disprove this. My point is, if a federation has good and established contacts can find a sponser and play against big teams. Let's dont' forget UAE played Brazil 3-4 years ago and they lost embarresingly 8-0 I think (maybe 7-0). So if UAE can play Brazil (they never won Asian Title, or made any name) so can Iran. It is just our Federation is run so poorly that a game against Brazil or other big name teams is such a big deal for us. US national team has played Brazil several times and US is'nt a recognized name in Soccer. But the Indian origin head of USSF (US Soccer Federation) Mr. Gulati runs the USSF on a professional basis (unlike our country).
                            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)



                              Please let go of this match, instead let's focus on the upcoming matches and put this behind. We've been wasting too much of our energy and stress on this friendly. I think we should move on and look forward the upcoming matches!

