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IRAN - BRAZIL B team - discussion

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    IRAN - BRAZIL B team - discussion


    - Pejman and ando are too nervous and for the beginning of the game, they seem lost. However, ando regained some composure, while pejman seems to be overwhelmed still! So much that he doesn’t even do what he does normally and daily!

    - Shojaei cant seem to get past anyone, no matter how many times he tries to dribble. Why doesn’t he stop and start passing for a change? He keeps trying to out-brazilian the Brazilians with stupid back heels & dribbles and has failed in almost ALL of these attempts. High time he played a simple passing football and not try to show off (and looking like a fool as a result)

    - Gholami’s goal was correct and Iran was undone by stupid refs clearly favor the Brazilians. The ref keeps calling for Brazilians, even all those 50-50’s and some calls were blatant wrong!
    But I feel bad for gholami who shd have registered as a scorer in his 3rd cap. Even the ESPN coms’ attested to this.

    - Alvez’s goal was a PERFECT freekick and no keeper in the world could have saved that. No fault of rahmati.

    - Hajsafi has been very poor. But we all knew that even before the game started. Says a lot about ghotbi’s understanding of football and coaching abilities!

    - 45+ minutes and not a single shot tried by Iran! And we have neku, ando, hajsafi, z-pour, … all of whom can take shots!! Depressing!

    - this brazil is a very poor version of the actual brazil.
    extremely poor in fact, given their normal game. as far as the quality of the game is concerned, it's rather a poor game to watch (for a neutral) ... except a few occasions.



    - Nekounam was very unlucky as his little chip hit the post and didnt go in.
    very unlucky.

    - Nosrati had quite a good game and wasn’t affected by the occasion, unlike many MANY other TM players who were nervous and lost.

    - Hosseini also had an ok game except a couple of occasions. So had Heidari, coming up with a few very nice blocks and intercepts and one save on our goal line.

    - Remarkable stupidity by ghotbi for keeping the useless shojaei in and taking out gholami!!! Just remarkable how ghotbi is blind to form and performance of players and all he sees is superficial carp “on paper”!!!

    - Pejman seems to have settled into the game after his nervous first half. I think he slowly got used to playing against big teams and big names (if not big players).

    - Shojaei is still on the pitch and still causing one turnover after another with moronic insistence of trying fancy stuff!!! Sick to see him on while a player like meydavoudi sits on the bench!!!

    - Brazil’s second goal – again a typical goal scored on TM with all our def-mids failing to do their job and cover their men (all those in favor of more def-mids take note). Here, a) Ando was nowhere to be seen, b) pejman was too far on the left side , c) neku was easily dribbled and became a spectator

    - We had to wait for 78 minutes to see our first shot! Pathetic!

    - It has become a very boring game and the pace nor quality of both teams is acceptable.

    - Bagheri was an absolute zero except the final pass. I think if he had come in with 5-7 minutes left to the game would have been better, than bringing him (instead of meydavoudi) in minute 70-75. A waste of substitution.

    - Mobaali was another zero and didn’t do anything worthwhile.

    - Third brazil goal – YET ANOTHER reminder of how unsuitable hajsafi is for LB. God knows how many games ghotbi needs to use his freaking brains to use someone else. Enough lajbazi, you bloody moron.

    - Rahmari had 3-4 magnificent saves that forced the ESPN commentators praising him to high heaven

    - this was either brazil reserves or olympic team. thank god it wasnt their main team.

    I think we did good, on a good day with perfect finishing and a perfect ref we could have even won, on a bad day we could have been humiliated, Brazil had enough chances.

    Hajsafi is an utter joke, Sattar Zare is Roberto Carlos compared to him. I slowly get the feeling Hajsafi is plain stupid, he doesn't realize what's going on around him very often.

    First goal was bad luck, second goal Heydari's fault (don't raise your arm, play for offside!!), third Heydari's and Hajsafi's. Yet Heydari did a far better job than Hajsafi, who needed Hosseini & Co. making up for him a dozen times.

    Bagheri - what a joke to play this old man 20 minutes against one of the world's top teams. We really played with one man less from minute 72 on. Very stupid idea, 5 minutes would have been more than enough. We couldn't keep a single ball upfront after Bagheri came on.

    Shojaei, he wasn't that bad, just that shot after Nekounam hitting the post must be on target, no excuse for messing that up. Instead of buying new shoes every week, he should practice shooting.

    I am very happy with our central defense and the defensive midfield. Upfront we logically didn't take many risks, Gholami yet looked sharp and could have scored 2 goals, if the ref hadn't ruled out his correct goal and hadn't stopped him in a one on one situation with the keeper just to award Iran a freekick.

    Final word: Rahmati is international class. Too bad he didn't join Rosenborg.


      best things that happened:


      2 center backs



      everything else, especially playing with 4 diffensive midfielders WTH was ghotbi thinking.
      Humanity. Love. Earth.


        I was looking forward to DD's thread... all of your assessments are spot on. It is understandable that our players were intimidated at first, but they slowly gained composure.

        The goal was 100% correct and the blind ref(s) made a huge blunder. It was a disgusting display of refereeing.

        I know most people would say that it is not Ghotbi's fault, that we have zero talent, yada yada yada...

        Ghotbi has proven many times, and will prove us many times more that he is a gutless software analyzer. He does not deserve to be called a coach since that would be an INSULT to all the coaches out there...

        Our team fought hard and hustled, although without any game plan, but it was great to see the fighting spirit coming back to the team after the embarrasing loss to Kuwait.

        Rahmati... words fail to describe his great performance. Mr. Ghotbi should be extremely happy that he has this gifted goalie.

        Gholami: Impressive... did everything right

        Disappointments: Hajsafi, Heydari, Shojaei and Zeneyedpour were simply terrible

        Once again ladies and gents, we are not going to go anywhere with this dalghak as our head coach. Wins against Armenian, Korea... yeah, its not that we out played them, we got owned and scored out of mere and pure luck. Mr. Ghotbi, my friend, you rode your luck, now its time to face the reality... jamesh kon boro.
        Last edited by TrueBlue; 10-07-2010, 12:18 PM.


          second half is added

          in my opnion:

          WINNERS -
          1- rahmati
          2- nosrati
          3- gholami
          4- jalal (not as much as the rest, but still a winner)

          LOSERS -
          1- ghotbi
          2- hajsafi
          3- shojaei
          4- mobaali
          5- Zeneiedpour

          and maybe 6- bagheri, but it wasnt his fault he was given 20-25 minutes instead of the required 5-7 that would have been enough

          7- I'm also tempted to add nekounam, who had far more bad moments than good ones

          the rest had some good and some bad moments


            Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
            I think we did good, on a good day with perfect finishing and a perfect ref we could have even won, on a bad day we could have been humiliated, Brazil had enough chances.

            Hajsafi is an utter joke, Sattar Zare is Roberto Carlos compared to him. I slowly get the feeling Hajsafi is plain stupid, he doesn't realize what's going on around him very often.

            First goal was bad luck, second goal Heydari's fault (don't raise your arm, play for offside!!), third Heydari's and Hajsafi's. Yet Heydari did a far better job than Hajsafi, who needed Hosseini & Co. making up for him a dozen times.

            Bagheri - what a joke to play this old man 20 minutes against one of the world's top teams. We really played with one man less from minute 72 on. Very stupid idea, 5 minutes would have been more than enough. We couldn't keep a single ball upfront after Bagheri came on.

            Shojaei, he wasn't that bad, just that shot after Nekounam hitting the post must be on target, no excuse for messing that up. Instead of buying new shoes every week, he should practice shooting.

            I am very happy with our central defense and the defensive midfield. Upfront we logically didn't take many risks, Gholami yet looked sharp and could have scored 2 goals, if the ref hadn't ruled out his correct goal and hadn't stopped him in a one on one situation with the keeper just to award Iran a freekick.

            Final word: Rahmati is international class. Too bad he didn't join Rosenborg.
            Saved me a lot on writting. Rep that.

            Just about Bagheri: He was in forward position, who put him there? Besides, give the guy a break, it was a stupid friendly and this guy practically was the hero all time, he deserved 20 minutes, plus he gave a golden pass at the end, didn't he?

            The game showed we are defensively doing well.



              there was absolutley no link between the attack and the defense.

              i hope this was the last time i see mobali playing unless he improves (which i doubt).Also add Zeneidpour to that.

              Man, karimi left and he left a big hole in iran's team.
              Humanity. Love. Earth.


                I'm still sad. With more focus in front of goal we could have achieved a historic reslut, instead it looks like we were absolutely chanceless on the paper.

                Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                Saved me a lot on writting. Rep that.
                Just about Bagheri: He was in forward position, who put him there? Besides, give the guy a break, it was a stupid friendly and this guy practically was the hero all time, he deserved 20 minutes, plus he gave a golden pass at the end, didn't he?
                The game showed we are defensively doing well.
                I guess as he is so slow now, he was put there in order not to cause any defensive problems. Also probably there was hope for a cross and a header or some thunderous shot. The pass was excellent, no doubt, but I think 20 mins for Oladi would have been more important for TM's future than Bagheri playing.

                And of course I defended playing Daei instead of youngsters, but at least he was a part of the future planning. 20 mins against such a strong opponent for a certainly retiring player is a waste.


                  ^ this game could have been a 2-3 loss or even a 3-3 draw, if we had an ounce of luck.

                  or, on the other hand:
                  lets not forget if somehow rahmati wasnt available (which is always possible; injury, suspension, fight, ... etc), we'd have seen mirzapour in the goal, becoz acording to our dear head coach, mirza is our second choice.

                  now, imagine how badly we'd have lost.
                  7-0 or more!
                  scary sh*t! brrrr...

                  shows another failing in a LONG LIST of failings by ghotbi


                    1 - Defense was placed too far back in the 2nd half, while the mids were too far up. Considering the gap between them was huge and that our midfielders have no creative edge in them, that was completely useless. Every blind clearance from Brazil would find a Brazilian midfielder because of the gap.

                    2- Hajsafi and Zeneyedpour were disasters.

                    3- PHYSICAL PLAY - Why does TM not do this. It doesn't mean making dirty tackles, it means getting your chest in there, making it difficult for the opponent to spin. You don't have to commit but you need to be able to make the opponent think he is weaker physically.

                    4- FITNESS FAIL - Again this was evident. Granted this is the responsibility of the clubs. A comprehensive plan needs to be put up by IFF or the coaches or the fitness coaches of every PGC team because no TM has been able to run for more than 60 minutes in over 10 years.

                    5- Rahmati was man of the match.

                    6- ABSOLUTELY NO PRESSURE- THis goes hand in hadn with playing physical, but a team like Brazil loves nothing more than for a team to sit back and allow them to play their game. Their defensive line and wingers should have been shadowed all f***ing game.

                    7- I know its Brazil, but this is no excuse for having no gameplan or at least consistency. If we had lost 7-0 I wouldn't have cared had TM actually shown some movement and initiative.


                      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                      ^ this game could have been a 2-3 loss or even a 3-3 draw, if we had an ounce of luck.

                      or, on the other hand:
                      lets not forget if somehow rahmati wasnt available (which is always possible; injury, suspension, fight, ... etc), we'd have seen mirzapour in the goal, becoz acording to our dear head coach, mirza is our second choice.

                      now, imagine how badly we'd have lost.
                      7-0 or more!
                      scary sh*t! brrrr...

                      shows another failing in a LONG LIST of failings by ghotbi
                      I was on my way to rep you, but shortly before the cursor reached the icon, I read the last line. It's really not necessary to conclude every comment by repeating the same words all the time. Your opinion is clear, no need to mention it in 90% of the posts.
                      Last edited by Martin-Reza; 10-07-2010, 01:40 PM.


                        First off, Aghaei Doktor, I think it's a little harsh calling that Brazil's B team... I think it's a typical side any new manager would pick for a friendly - clearly experimental, testing out their best young players with some of their experienced first choices with a view to the forming the future spine to the team.

                        Robinho, Pato, Ramires, Coutinho, Dani Silva, Luiz and Nilmar are all likely to feature heavily in future matches.

                        Overall, the performance was better than I was expecting. As has often been the problem for our team for the past 5 years or so we tend to fade for the last 30 mins. This was partly, but not entirely down to bringing on Bagheri.

                        The midfield had put excellent pressure on the ball for 60 mins, causing numerous turnovers and pressuring Brazil into more mistakes than I have seen from a lot of other opponents. We can be proud of that.

                        It would be easy to put the last 30 down to poor player fitness. However, as with the last world cup, I personally think the problem was with ball retention. If we're going to beat the best in Asia, never mind compete with the best in the world, we need to improve this dramatically, particularly higher up the pitch - allowing the opposition to tire and our players to have the extra legs in the last portion of the game.

                        Occasionally we kept the ball well, but not often enough. I think people are being a little overly-harsh on Hajsafi - his performance was not that bad considering how poorly Zeneidpour played ahead of him. The biggest disappointment for me in this game (and has been for some time) was Nekounam. It's becoming clear to me he's not the player he was before his injury. He used to be our single most important player - in terms of improving our ball retention and decision making, but too often he got caught in possession or played a sloppy pass under pressure. Most worryingly was his decisions to pass sideways or backwards to put a team mate in trouble, when his coolness, decision making and intelligent sideways and backwards passes in situations that allowed us to keep possession used to be his forte.

                        Nouri was more impressive than both Nekounam and Ando today and it's obvious to me that we need to play a more advanced midfielder than these 3 in a central role, who can keep the ball and not leave the striker and wide players isolated. Shojaei doesn't have the footballing intelligence to do this, so I'd keep him out wide. For me, Zandi is the closest thing we have had to this type of player, but he should have been given this role a while ago rather than chopping and changing and now is potentially too old to call on now to grow into it. The only other option at the moment is Khalatbari - the question being is he, like Shojaei, more effective playing wide? We need to find the answer to this question before the Asian Cup...


                          ok. you guys may not like "B side", I'll use your "experimental, testing new and young batch, ...." team. ..... sounds like "B-side" to me.

                          2- as long as we have a superficial outlook on our players (like where they play or how much media coverage they get or if they're red or blue, or ...) we're gonna continue to get disappointed, in the same vein that you and I were disappointed in nekounam.

                          we dismiss what's most important, which is the player's FORM and CAPABILITIES and we focus on their popularity, fame and club affiliations. whether X plays abroad or in iran. if Y appears on 10 papers' headline or front page. if Z is a popular red or blue player. if he is a "yes man" to the coach, or if ... etc.
                          but hardly if X is in form. or if Y can deliver the duties of the post we place him in!!!!

                          now, if a fan thinks this way, it is a mere nuisance and irritation and nothing more.
                          but if a coach does this and bases his decisions on this, then that is tremendously harmful to the team, its potential and future prospects.

                          akhe, aghaye masalan "head coach", if hajsafi has shown game after game he cant play LB, why the hell do you persist?
                          mardak, just becoz shojaei and nekounam play in osasuna it means the opponents will move aside and let them pass or not touch them?
                          if a player is not well or is just recently out of injury, why the f**k do you play them?

                          arent these covered in the 2-3 manuals you read in UCLA's girl soccer camps?
                          they shd have been.

                          3- I also wouldnt compare khalatbari and shojaei.
                          shojaei simply lacks intelligence. period.
                          however khalatbari IS intelligent, but a bit wild and out of control psychologically. and needs to calm down.


                          Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                          I was on my way to .........
                          oh, yeah?
                          then in that case, here you go:
                          shows another failing in a LONG LIST of failings by ghotbi
                          shows another failing in a LONG LIST of failings by ghotbi
                          shows another failing in a LONG LIST of failings by ghotbi
                          shows another failing in a LONG LIST of failings by ghotbi


                            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                            ok. you guys may not like "B side", I'll use your "experimental, testing new and young batch, ...." team. ..... sounds like "B-side" to me.
                            Nah, I prefer A + U/21.

                            B-side implies they've just sent some bit part players over to cash in on some gulf state Arab petro dollars (I'm not suggesting Brazil would ever do that)


                              ^ not necessarily.
                              B side, to me, means "not the main team".
                              whatever the reason. be it bit players or testing fresh and young prospects. same difference.
                              this was much closer to their olympic team than their regular team


                              on the bagheri issue:

                              maybe the alternative was to give him the first 10-12 minutes of first half. when the whole team is fresh, we're not behind and we're basically trying to settle into the game.
                              this would have been the least harmful move, than bring him on for 20-25 final minutes when we're behind, players are tired and under strain to do something.

                              this shows why ghotbi is NOT coach material.
                              he cant even make simple coaching decisions

