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The reason why this derby did not end in a draw

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    Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
    That's a bit of a problem in modern football, when two roughly equal team face each other. The more offensive minded team always has a slight disadvantage, which often makes the difference.
    not necessarily

    plenty of examples come to mind. but one stands out, that too IN MADRID :

    ( I especially enjoy how the retard commentator, after the 1st goal, screams "higuine, higuine, ... barcelona on the mat, bleeding, ... blah blah blah" ... just to eat his dirty hat at the end of the game. hahahahahahahahahahaha
    but the most enjoyable about this game's commentary is the sheer amount of analogies, euphemisms, and cliche's thrown in, when describing the game. I've read huge BOOKS that have LESS analogies and euphemisms in them than these 8 minutes !!!!

    or another game IN MADRID ... again

    just a nod to madrid fans

    I disagree also becoz we cant paint every game and every team with the same brush.
    there are teams that RELY on counterattacking tactics to score. and there are teams that just dont have proper counter strategy and no matter how much they sit back and soak up pressure, they just dont get to score.

    so we cant make up a rule based on a couple of games.

    a team to succeed in this needs certain specific elements in its roster and style.
    they ought to have at least 2 quick wingers/forwards who can deliver the blow, and at least one player who can take advantage of sudden openings and situations to feed these players. without these, there aint no counter.
    they also shd have a reasonable defense to absorb all sorts of shock and not concede.

    in pp-ss game, more than crediting ss' defense, which wasnt doing well at all, we have to discredit pp's offense and forwards who failed at the last moments to get anything done.

    I mean ss' defense is in bad shape. look what saba did to them. and only 3 off-the-line saves saved their arses. that is one weak defense! pp didnt even get to do what saba did to them.

    given the poor state of PP's forwards (while they have plenty of good midfielders) , I'm really curios why daei has steadfastly refused to use that Arfi chap. I mean pp doesnt have great forwards except rezaei. so why is daei behaving so stubbornly w regards to Arfi? I suspect a bit of lajbaazi ..... again!


    but referring to pp-ss game, while PP did attack a lot and was very forceful in the second half, but given all the dangerous chances of the game, ss shd have won anyway.
    lets not forget they got 3 consecutive one on ones in first half, two of which fell to borhani. if it was another striker or even majidi, I imagine the result would have been even worse for pp.


      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
      but referring to pp-ss game, while PP did attack a lot and was very forceful in the second half, but given all the dangerous chances of the game, ss shd have won anyway.
      lets not forget they got 3 consecutive one on ones in first half, two of which fell to borhani. if it was another striker or even majidi, I imagine the result would have been even worse for pp.
      Thanx, and this coming from someone who is neither Esteghlali nor Perspolisi.
      Persian Pride running through my veins!

      Esteghlal for life!!

