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Thank you Mr. branko, dadkan, .....

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    Thank you Mr. branko, dadkan, .....

    this is after foolad's shameful display , losing 3-1 in Iran to a third rate asian team !

    with mirza alavi, and kaabi , branko's favorite players showing how poor their form is and how lax, complacent and lazy they have become !

    when a player ( GK or defender or .. ) is given a guarantee that no matter if he keeps his form or not
    no matter if he practices or not
    no matter if he corrects his mistakes or not
    no matter if he fails to even maintain form or not
    no matter ....., then what do you expect ?

    if your teacher told you "no matter if you pass the test, or write any answers ... or even come to the test, ... you are advancing to the next grade", what will you do?

    will you practice all day long, trying to review your mistakes?
    will you stay awake at nights to read your papers and books?
    will you try to rea more reference books to know more?
    will you .... ?

    of course you wont!
    you'd be mad to actually torture yourself for something that you dont need to lift a finger.

    what do you expect?

    who is at fault?

    yes, the player is at fault ( mainly for the above reasons ).
    his club coach also is at fault, but not so much, as he is given a set and limited squad to work with, and he doesnt have the pick of the whole country at anytime he wants, and whoever he chooses.

    but the biggest blame shd fall on the shoulders of the fellow who has clearly turned a blind eye towards all these mistakes, poor forms, bad performances, .... and actually REWARDED these performances by guaranteeing their fixed role at WC !!!!

    shall we add two totally useless morons , supposedly at TM for trainign GKeepers ... for the past 4 years.
    what is the result of their salaries ?
    we saw how they ruined rahmati.
    now mirza.

    thank you Mr. branko, for continuing to ruin iranian football !


    then again, you cant really fault this idiot for sucking us dry of our money while he has absolutely nothing to add to our players and TM.

    he is looking out for himself, as anyone else would do.
    we are NOT his compatriots ( and those idiots who call branko iranian are just that, idiots ) and we have no right to expect his bleeding heart, loyalty and compassion !

    in fact the most fault lies with dadkan, who seeing all these signs, sits quietly, protecting his dirty seat and doesnt move a finger to change things !!

    this scumbag is the worst of them all.

    this is a systematic ruin ( just like a cancer spreading thru' the body ) of our football by such ppl !

    Payman jan

    you are right about the complacency of players that are and have been sure of their roster spot at TM.

    But Foolad has made some big mistakes since wining the IPL last year. THis is not how a pro team prepares for an ACL cup that they have never played in before.

    thy should have retained Moblai,
    they should have picked up one or two experienced players to help them with ACL.
    they should have been paying better attention to their coaching problem.


      Originally posted by behzadb
      Payman jan
      you are right about the complacency of players that are and have been sure of their roster spot at TM.
      But Foolad has made some big mistakes since wining the IPL last year. THis is not how a pro team prepares for an ACL cup that they have never played in before.
      thy should have retained Moblai,
      they should have picked up one or two experienced players to help them with ACL.
      they should have been paying better attention to their coaching problem.
      i agree, once they won the IPL, they thought that the job is done, however, with poor coaching, poor player selection, poor planning, the results is that they are out of the ACL. even if they advance to the next round, they do not have chance against the top dogs, so this be a lesson to EsEs for next year, do your homework off-season.
      IRI = FAILED


        team performance, has been poor.
        and you know why?
        you did say it.
        they let go of their most important ingredient that won them their championship.
        more on that, later.

        on any other occasion, being a khuzestani, I would support , defend, shout and scream for foolad.
        I would want more foolad players for this and that and ... !
        but right now, the most important thing to me is TM.
        hence the mention of the 3 names.

        apart from team performance which has indeed been poor, when you look at certain players who have been consistently under-performing even at club level, and still get the nod and start games for the national team is what I am talking about.

        right now, soleimani, noori, hamidi, .... can do all the right or wrong stuff.
        right now, I dont give a damn.
        but mirza, kaabi and alavi are in TM.
        and THIS, is taken ( and shd be ) seriously.

        and I hope ppl keep that in mind.

        after the WC, we can all gather and talk about foolad's misfortune, mismanagment, mis-this and mis-that.
        right now, mirza, kaabi, and alavi matter only.


        it would only take a moron to discount the single most important factor in a championship winning team , at whose absence the team plummets to 8th or 9th place and to such disastrous defeats ( more than enough reason as testimony to this player's talent and usefulness to a team , be it a club or national team ).
        Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 04-26-2006, 09:24 AM.


          Your statment is "black and white". You don't make any room for mistakes.

          For example, Ka'abi has been one of our strong and positive points in TM and he is yet to fail in TM. But based on your statement, we should drop him. I remember you made a lot of threads about Karimi too.

          One question, how do you make the other sure, your favourite team never fails? Or you keep changing them?


            just an update on yet another regular branko player : yahya scored.

            but sadly, it was an own goal.

            yes, that is the state of branko's favorite players.


            haji jan, I think you didnt read the original post.

            it is about a coach giving guarantee to his players.
            it's about complacency that has set in at TM .
            it's about killing any sense of competition among the players, within and without the team.

            who said drop kaabi ?
            ( altho guys who consistently show poor games SHD get dropped, like zareh as an example ).

            yes, any team fails.
            that is the nature of the game.
            but when someone refuses to discuss, and correct the reasons it fails, then you gotta do something drastic.

            and yes, agaian, I beleive karimi , under branko was going nowhere. and many of those games, he shd have been subbed out, or even dropped , to understand TM is NOT the place for such laxity.

            thank god, finally he trained under an intelligent and productive coach like magath, who turned "that" karimi ( walking on the pitch, never bothering about defending, slow & lazy attitude, dribbling unnecessarily, ... ) into "this" karimi ( hard working, running all over the midfield, helping our the defense, passing more dribbling less, .... overall a completely superior player ).

            and I stand by my statements , even today.
            Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 04-26-2006, 10:12 AM.


              I am certain that Alavi doesnt deserve to be anywhere near TM at the moment.

              And Kabi's position needs to be considered. He has been average at best this season at Foolad.


                Agha Peyman
                be ghole Jamshid's New Song
                "Hala dige dir shode"
                agha 1 ma dige we re in the pitch against mexico....dige vel kon
                albate jesarat nashe I m not telling u what to do...but let s just see the games and pray.....who know...maybe Branco does something surprising and proves his critics wrong..or maybe he will be horrible....let s just pray and wait....age chizi mikhast avaz beshe, to in 1 sal avaz mishod
                ABED1ZADEH -KAR8IMI -BAG6HERI Forever


                  No its not to late. IF DADKAN, BRAN***LAV AND CO ACTUALLY WANTED TO WIN INSTEAD OF RUIN OUR TEAM, many things could be done between now and kick off against Mexico.

                  I'm so unbelievably disgusted and at the same time tired of watching the distruction of tm. The answer for those who follow complacency is coming soon, and it will leave a bad taste in your mouths that you will not be able to wash away. Complacency is the ingredient which makes up failure.
                  The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


                    what we have right now is the 3 axix of losers they are: merzapoor, golmo and nosrate. but the biggest problem is we have branko and dadkan that support these 3 losers and the longer they do that the worse it gets for us and TM.
                    Do you people think that this merzapoor that in 45 min get's 3 easy goals scored on him and in I.P.L. has the same type of easy goals scored on him goals that all he has to do is just jump up to stop or put out your hands and move to the side to stop can sstop hard shots from fast good players of mexico and potugal?? do you people think players from uzbakestan and I.P.L are stronger and better then those the like of fego????
                    and now we go to our 2 truste deffenders the losers from hell Golmo the man that scored for us in the Jordan game but he scored against us helping out jordan! the man that just today scored against saba batry helping al-wahda ( the arabs) and let's not forget his wonderfull shot from the a.f.c. champoinships the big chip the allowed china to go to the finals and us to go play for 3rd & 4th. golmo Is always out of place he is up fron t more them ali Daie and Daie is the striker!! golmo is not a 18 year old young player he is old now why does he play like this because he knows their is no one that will do any thing to him after all we are not colombia are we? We allow players to do as they want coaches to do as they want and people like dadkan to do as they want TM belongs to them they can F**k it up as they feel and we will deffend them and say they are good.
                    Nosrate and the amount of time he has scored against us the last time was his goal aganst pas in the a.f.c cul game it cost them a shot as the chance to go to the finals. great job keep it up branko says you are one of the best players on TM but at the same time says mobale is the worst player on TM?????????
                    great job Branko very good job
                    the man that is called a coach but knows nothing about coaching because no coach in the world trys players in the injury 2 min time at the end of a game to see whta they can do.
                    and no choach brings in a player and take the same player out just 5 min after they had come into the game.
                    no coach in the world would play a right foot player o the left side, no coach in the world plays just his (a) team in every mach no matter who they are playing but barnko does !!!!!!!!
                    again I feel sorry that we are below clombia long live colomba and colombia football they don't take any type of s**t from any of their players,coaches......
                    I do not like what I see not so much from the players,branko dadkan and their team but the fans as they sit and deffend these losers these cancrs as I and other s have called them from time to time and then they say well we only have 6 month left, we only have 3 months left, we only have a month left, we only have 2 weeks left O well it is the day of the big game what can we do now.
                    this is why branko and dadkan can do what they want pick who they want and F**K us as they are doing because because they have the support of the fans. zade is a good player but he sits on the bench in his club and on Tm he always runs in the center never stays on the left why do we keep him on the left then why not bring him in the center and put some one that is good on left to play left?? if we have better players then him in the center then why do we need him?? he has shown that he can not play left????
                    taleblue has shon us that he is a good goale his team has won the I.P.L he has stopped penalte kicks from Daie and other I.P.L players do you see him get a starting role on TM against a good football team ??? what about the game with costa rica did he play their????
                    when we g in the world cup and mezapoor plays his normal game were any one that can shoot at the net will score on him what will you people say to your non Iranian friends? when golmo and nosrate score on us against purtugal mexico and angola what is your answer to those non Iranians that will see you in your schools at your work place on the street and will tell you your TM sucks because they saw your team lose 7-0 , 5-0, and 2-0????? what is your answer to them??????
           ( saving people money on essential services. )


                      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                      just an update on yet another regular branko player : yahya scored.

                      but sadly, it was an own goal.


                      yes, that is the state of branko's favorite players.

                      Ouch... we'll be doomed in W.C.

                      Maybe Rezaie can save us.



                        Originally posted by Paradigm
                        Ouch... we'll be doomed in W.C.

                        Maybe Rezaie can save us.
                        I wish he could but loking at 2 attacking forwards and golmo plus nosrate and merzapoor their with the fact that rezaie can not use his hands his chances are slim to non.
               ( saving people money on essential services. )


                          u guys are just sitting here and pointing out at any fault a TM player does. but
                          1)u guys never admit their plus points
                          2)u guys never seem to understand that the best players make mistakes.
                          3)u guys think that anybody else who was in these players shoes wouldnt make the same mistakes and would infact put a better performance!

                          just a reminder, branko, even for the sake of his own resume, will try to put on his best performance for the worldcup! so wat he is doing, even if he was iran's biggest enemy is for his best own interest which directly makes it for iran's best interest!

                          why in the world would branko try to choose some players who arent good enough? to make things harder for himself? to spoil his resume?

                          he didnt choose alavi when he saw there is another option, but some times, u have no other options, ur forced to stick to wat u have!
                          TM can do without alavi, TM can do without kameli, thats why branko left them out when he felt they werent needed anymore, but someone like mirzapour, he has no choice, and neither do we! so just live with it, if u dont wanna support him!
                          Originally posted by siavasharian

                          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                            yashar jan,
                            1- lets see the positives.
                            what positive have you seen at TM for the past year ?
                            ( and by positive, kindly keep in mind the status of Iran in asia, also positive shd mean a step taken towards betterment . not just stagnation ).

                            2- even the best of players make mistakes.
                            very true.
                            but even if these best players continue to make mistakes, they will either get benched or dropped.
                            examples are aplenty for everyone to see.
                            hell, even ronaldo or raul or beckham, or ... have gotten benched.
                            hala, baraye ma zareh, mirza, kaabi, .... az ronaldo behtar shodan ?

                            3- branko has already taken care of his resume'.
                            being a WC head coach is what he was after.
                            yes, it would be nice to do something above that. ( sort of the icing on the cake ) .... but being such an insecure man, obviously his insecurites have got the upper hand in this "distant" desire.

                            "distant" , becoz from what we have seen in the past 2 years, we know he is not going all out for a win against those teams.
                            he's been "TRYING" ( and failing mostly ) to prepare a team that defends and withstands onslaught of attacks for 90 minutes !
                            judging from his insistence on 7-8 defensive minded players in his regular formations.

                            so he has taken care of what he wanted, which is a WC appearance.

                            4- why choose an out of form player?
                            hell , dont ask us.
                            ask the fellow who does that.

                            you tell me, honestly, which one is in a better shape and form?
                            navidkia or mobaali?
                            zareh or heidari or sadeghi?
                            zandi or mani'ee ?
                            yahya or sohrab ?
                            yahya or bagheri ?
                            ...... etc.

                            5- who said you have no option?
                            for DM, he can take any of sohrab, bagheri, kazemi, .... to name a few.

                            just becoz "HE" doesnt do it, it doesnt mean there are no options.
                            dont say this.
                            you think for YOURSELF, and search.
                            dont just repeat what branko has fed ppl.


                              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                              yashar jan,
                              1- lets see the positives.
                              what positive have you seen at TM for the past year ?
                              ( and by positive, kindly keep in mind the status of Iran in asia, also positive shd mean a step taken towards betterment . not just stagnation ).
                              past year? or u mean since branko has taken over?

                              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                              2- even the best of players make mistakes.
                              very true.
                              but even if these best players continue to make mistakes, they will either get benched or dropped.
                              examples are aplenty for everyone to see.
                              hell, even ronaldo or raul or beckham, or ... have gotten benched.
                              hala, baraye ma zareh, mirza, kaabi, .... az ronaldo behtar shodan ?
                              aziz, real has ronaldo,robinho,raul,zidane,beckham,solari,cassano ,etc
                              they can anytime drop one and play the other. plz dont compare it to iran's situaiton! we have no choice but to play certain players. besides, ranoaldo, raul,beckham were never really dropped out of their national teams for any major tourney even when they werent in the best forms. the only famous guys are seedorf and makkay and thats cos they go sooo many players who can replace them!

                              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                              3- branko has already taken care of his resume'.
                              being a WC head coach is what he was after.
                              yes, it would be nice to do something above that. ( sort of the icing on the cake ) .... but being such an insecure man, obviously his insecurites have got the upper hand in this "distant" desire.

                              "distant" , becoz from what we have seen in the past 2 years, we know he is not going all out for a win against those teams.
                              he's been "TRYING" ( and failing mostly ) to prepare a team that defends and withstands onslaught of attacks for 90 minutes !
                              judging from his insistence on 7-8 defensive minded players in his regular formations.

                              so he has taken care of what he wanted, which is a WC appearance.
                              first of all, plz show me the names of teh 7-8 defensive minded players cos i dont see 7 or 8 of them. Besides, branko did say he is looking for a second DM, so maybe he has kept his choices open. U should remember that he will strike off 7 of these players and so, he wont take so many defensive players to the worldcup.
                              secondly, when our team is not as strong as portugal, u dont expect our team to go out there all attack do u? obviously, defense is more important against a team like portugal than attack.
                              thirdly, branko probably has a plan to qualify for second round, maybe to get 6 points, like a win against angola and mexico. or maybe 5 points or something, i dunno, but surely, branko is not going there to sit and defend all matches!
                              fourthly, u say branko has taken care of his resume. so, now that he has the chance to improve his resume (the icing on the cake as u said), why shouldnt he do it? why would he wanna worsen his own situaiton and things make harder for himself?

                              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                              4- why choose an out of form player?
                              hell , dont ask us.
                              ask the fellow who does that.

                              you tell me, honestly, which one is in a better shape and form?
                              navidkia or mobaali?
                              zareh or heidari or sadeghi?
                              zandi or mani'ee ?
                              yahya or sohrab ?
                              yahya or bagheri ?
                              ...... etc.
                              we should remember that there is no single factor of any player which decides his presence in TM. talent, physique,experience,form,etc doesnt alone decide who should be present in TM and who shouldnt. its a combination of these factors and the needs of the team and the possible scenarios that a team may face that makes a coach choose certain players. navidkia may not be in top form, but because navidkia's other features give him evident advatange over his competitors, probably branko has given him a chance to regain his old form back in the last few weeks of IPL and freindlies. wasnt it the same branko that subbed out navidkia after jsut 40 minutes against costa rica? didnt branko leave out nikki when he lost his form? didnt branko play zare isntead of nosrati as an LB? although all tehse players were branko's fav players. so this clearly shows that branko isnt just following his heart, but is following his mind. no in navidkia and certain other players case, branko is giving them a chance to regain their old form in the TM camp under his own eyes. if he sees that they still havent improven, he can strike them off. remember if tehse guys regain their form back, they can help TM a lot. All they need is to pass that fitness test which they can and is relatively easier to achieve than another fit player but inexperienced. u see the trade off? wat im trying to say is, one playe rmay lack fitness but his other features are very good, so branko is giving him a chance to gain his fitness back. another player might be fit, but when he lacks experience, understanding of other TM players and tactics, its gonna take a long time for him to fit in the team. so, its a trade off and branko has chosen the first option, just like many of us would as well!

                              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                              5- who said you have no option?
                              for DM, he can take any of sohrab, bagheri, kazemi, .... to name a few.

                              just becoz "HE" doesnt do it, it doesnt mean there are no options.
                              dont say this.
                              you think for YOURSELF, and search.
                              dont just repeat what branko has fed ppl.
                              but right now, u were just complaining of having too many defensive players. now ur saying who said we dont have options? we can player bagheri and sohrab? but didnt branko jsut invite them and u were complaining about him inviting so many defensive players?
                              and then u said, "HE" doesnt do it, there are no options? but i think he just did invite sohrab and kazemi in the waiting list. no to forget we also got teymourian,nekounam, rezai and yahya. i guess these are our best options which branko has rightly chosen. a question mark exsits only over bagheri and well branko chose sohrba over bagheri, maybe cos he also has a goal scoring ability and also younger than bagheri. some others would have chosen bagheri but then, its the coaches view point of who can help TM more and in the case of our coach,he chose sohrab.

                              i dont think im the one who is repeating wat branko has said, i think its many of the PFDC members who are just repeating wat some media who are against branko have spread!
                              Originally posted by siavasharian

                              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده

