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Thank you Mr. branko, dadkan, .....

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    yashar jan, I think you'd better read my post.
    therein lies a lot of answers you want.

    but to make it easy, I'll run thru it , .... again !

    1- I did say last year or even 2.

    2- ronaldo, raul ... and co. at Madrid, when taken "relatively" ( key word here ) against TM players, considering Iran, is very much alike.
    if raul gets benched at real, then by god, anyone at TM can be benched.

    3- you either missed the point in me bringing up branko's defensive minded attitude and 7-8 DM's or just dont want to see.

    given the formation which stresses on the defenders and defending, with 6 ( out of 10 = 60% ) players given defending duties and positions, leaving only 4 in front, .... also the fact that even after subbing guys like zandi, the player of choice is usually another DM ( or defensive minded ) player like alavi, ...... also the center of gravity of TM which is kept deep into our half, and .... and applying such defensive tactics and teams against teams quarter of our strenght, .....and many more facts, point to one direction.

    branko has an ultra-defensive attitude that only point to one thing: a very defensive showing at the WC.

    now how this translate to a win against strong teams like portugal, maxico ... , you may be able to answer us.

    but remember, stick to facts and examples, keeping in mind the quality of the opposition .... and dont come up with mere rhetorics and general statements.

    4- N-kia's form and usefulness, and LB issue,
    I dont know if you can read farsi or no.
    but if you can, then your anser lies in his latest interview, where he was asked many valid and important Q's ( none of which he was able to answer anyway )

    posts # 20 and 21 in :

    and btw, whatever navidkia COULD do ( when he was in form ), jabbari can do right now.
    so why the need to call an out of form player ?

    besides, if we are to accept your reasoning for "trying to keep n-kia's morale up", then plz explain why the double standards in dealing with other players , a total 180 degrees opposite of this .

    5- again you didnt get the meaning :
    YOU said no option, I gave you those options and more.

    YOU said ( rather repeated the trite claims of branko and his fans ) that this is the only player(s) branko can find for this position.

    I said, if at all branko is so bothered about DM and getting that vital post right, then why persist with mediocre players, when we have far better players who can perform much better in that position for us?

    why shd he stick to his choice of 4 years back ? as if no player will lose form or .... !!!

    and for more details, I am sure you can find plenty of threads on branko's selection, tactics, killing of competition , .... in this F+ forum, just a few pages deep.
    Last edited by Doctor DOOM; 04-27-2006, 06:44 AM.


      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
      1- I did say last year or even 2.
      well, first of all, last year or 2, our head coach has been the same that brought us the previous successes which shows he is capable of bring us success! iran clearly dominated teh asian cup and were unlucky to face unfair refreeing from teh chinese and be reduced to 9 men for 2 stupid immature mistakes by 2 of our young but good players!
      we qualified to the worldcup without any problems, with 1 game in hand, and yes, i know u wanna say it was an easy route and we were lucky that 2 teams qualified, but let me tell u this, first of all, brakno had a plan to get 11 or more points cos that would guarantee success, and once he achieved that, he decided not to call his legionnaires but isntead, send an IPL based team to try out new players and give them a chance to have an international experience (ironically, this is something many people complain about branko)
      secondly,if only 1 team had to qualify for the worldcup, u seriosuly think branko would not call up his legionnaries to play against japan away?

      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
      2- ronaldo, raul ... and co. at Madrid, when taken "relatively" ( key word here ) against TM players, considering Iran, is very much alike.
      if raul gets benched at real, then by god, anyone at TM can be benched.
      i know wat u mean by relatively, and i still say no its not possible. raul, ronaldo,cassano, robinho are all internationally experienced strikers. any one of them can replace the other if one of them arent playing food.
      in iran, we got no player to replace hashemian! theres a huge difference, thers a huge gap between hashemian & borhani but theres not much gap between raul,ronaldo,cassano,robinho!
      and let me remind u that branko has even subbed out guys like daei and karimi, forget navidkia, nikki, nosrati,alavi who are all his favorite players and has subbed them and even not invited them at times.

      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
      3- you either missed the point in me bringing up branko's defensive minded attitude and 7-8 DM's or just dont want to see.

      given the formation which stresses on the defenders and defending, with 6 ( out of 10 = 60% ) players given defending duties and positions, leaving only 4 in front, .... also the fact that even after subbing guys like zandi, the player of choice is usually another DM ( or defensive minded ) player like alavi, ...... also the center of gravity of TM which is kept deep into our half, and .... and applying such defensive tactics and teams against teams quarter of our strenght, .....and many more facts, point to one direction.

      branko has an ultra-defensive attitude that only point to one thing: a very defensive showing at the WC.

      now how this translate to a win against strong teams like portugal, maxico ... , you may be able to answer us.

      but remember, stick to facts and examples, keeping in mind the quality of the opposition .... and dont come up with mere rhetorics and general statements.
      i am sticking to facts and examples, just like when i sited about navidkia being subbed out in costa rica game.
      now moving on to this point of urs, the formation of TM is not defensive. in a 4-4-2, only the 2 CB's are completely defensive (although they might move infront in times of freekicks or corner kicks). the 2 RB's and LB's move infront from the 2 sides and help in offense,(best example, irans first goal in AC2004 against korea where kaabi ran all the way to the corner flag and crossed to karimi). the defensive, midfielder nekounam in our case, is another defensive player who at times can come infront and take long shots. again example, roma where he took that long shot in the dying few minutes and people thought it was zare, or the counter attack against north korea in korea itself where we scored our second goal, again it was nekounam who scored and came all the way upfront to help our offense! karimi, kia,zandi, daei and hashemian are also upfront which makes it 5 purely offensive players! so sorry, ur argument is wrong aziz.

      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
      4- N-kia's form and usefulness, and LB issue,
      I dont know if you can read farsi or no.
      but if you can, then your anser lies in his latest interview, where he was asked many valid and important Q's ( none of which he was able to answer anyway )

      posts # 20 and 21 in :

      and btw, whatever navidkia COULD do ( when he was in form ), jabbari can do right now.
      so why the need to call an out of form player ?

      besides, if we are to accept your reasoning for "trying to keep n-kia's morale up", then plz explain why the double standards in dealing with other players , a total 180 degrees opposite of this .
      so by the same logic, watever yahya and rezai can do, sohrab can do as well, why are we calling him! watever talebloo can do, roudbarian and vaezi can also do, why are we calling them? very simple, to strike off some of them and choose the best among them!

      secondly, like i said, navidkia is an exceptional player when on peak form, i hope u can atleast accept this. in peak form, he is even better than jabbari i believe otherwise there would be no reason for a professional club like bochum to buy an injured player, pay all the expenses for his operation, give him all the rehabilation and training just like that! navidkia, if on top form can help TM alot, and so branko is trying to get him back to his peak form as much as possible. thats why branko probably gives an exception to navidkia. the same navidkia who he subbed out after just 40 minutes of subbing him in against croatia! if branko considers any other player exception and important to TM's success, he would do the same to that player as well, just like any other coach!

      jabbari is a weaker version of navidkia, so branko is keeping his options open, if navidkia can regain his form back, its an excellent news for TM and u know it urself as a TM supporter, but if not, atleast we got jabbari!

      im also reading this realllly lonnggg interview, first of all, i must say, the guy is talking as if its some police interrogation. then, he sits and complains about mirzapour, but when branko asks hims, so u suggest talebloo is better than mirzapour, he says, dont pull us fans into the matter!(post#20) WTF? if u wanna sit and complain and criticise, give a solution for it plz! dont just sit there and say, this is wrong, that is bad, ur wrong! where is ur solution?

      then he says "ma tu iran mage kasio dar mizanim?" he is talking as if the media is kissing bran*** hand and feet! as if he doesnt know wats going on! the poor guy is being attacked and made fun of from every angle, and then he says "mage ma kasio tu iran dar mizanim" khodesho mizane be un rah! az dar zadanam badtare!
      then he is right when he says "yek bazikon bayad az ye melli push hadeaghal 30% behtar bashad" duh! otherwise, why should he let go of the TM player?
      and the reporter says "shayad shoma nakhayn bebinin" Seirously, wat kidna question is that? why wouldnt branko wanna see some other player? maraz dare ke bazikone betharo entekhab nakone??? branko has invited so many players, but when none of them have shown a better performance than zare in the camp itself, why should he even bother trying them out in TM games???
      besides, considering the lack of friendlies we have, i think its better that we use these limited friendlies in helping our players get some experience and play time and warm themselves up rather than trying out new players but not having any warm up games and go there uncoordinated!

      then if branko doesnt like mobalis performance in QPR, which wanst really impressive (the whole team wasnt) except for 1 or 2 passes, the reporter says no everybody else said he was the best! No wonder the QPR manager praised kazmeiyan & nikbakht but not mobali! like i said, the reporter is asking questions as if he just wants to say, BRANKO U ARE WRONG! WATEVER U SAY IS WRONG!

      if the reporter wants to say branko is wrong, u shouldnt do this, u shoudlnt do that, as if he is the coach! and hten branko says " shoma morabi shavid" mige, ma faghat darim bahs mikonim! Is it so hard to understand that every coach has his won philsophy and not everyone has the same perspective even on football?

      if branko thinks sattar zare is the best option for LB, why the heck does the reporter or anyone else for that matter have to say branko no, ur wrong!
      then they are forcing branko to accept the fact that daei influences the arrange of TM. for gods sake! wat the crap is this! even, even if all this is true, u cant expect branko to come and openly say YES! so wat can the guy say? he has to deny it, whether it is true or not! besides, this reminds me, neither u nor me or most people have enough knowledge of wats happening behind the closed doors of TM! with all those authorities influecning and itnervening in his job, wat can branko do?

      and about the part where he says, u dont watch the league but u go to europe! first of all, the guy has a family and they are in croatia. he has every right to visit his family once a while! secondly, the guy says, u didnt watch zobahan vs estehglal or perspolis! but branko can and will watch it on tape if necessary, secondly, if a zobahan player chould only hsine against esteghlal and perspolis but not in any other game branko attended, for sure the guy is not that useful. we dont need a player who can shine only in 1 game, and then say, oh branko didnt watch that game otherwise he would invite the player!

      not a very professional interview cos he was trying to impose his beliefs ont o branko's as if he was teh coach! someone should tell him, why dont u take a coaching career and lets see how much u will succeed!
      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
      5- again you didnt get the meaning :
      YOU said no option, I gave you those options and more.

      YOU said ( rather repeated the trite claims of branko and his fans ) that this is the only player(s) branko can find for this position.

      I said, if at all branko is so bothered about DM and getting that vital post right, then why persist with mediocre players, when we have far better players who can perform much better in that position for us?

      why shd he stick to his choice of 4 years back ? as if no player will lose form or .... !!!

      and for more details, I am sure you can find plenty of threads on branko's selection, tactics, killing of competition , .... in this F+ forum, just a few pages deep.
      i dont think there are any better players in DM than the ones he has invited. nekounam and teymourian are obviously the best and they are both invited. alavi was a perfect choice as well simply because he was a good DM and could also play CB incase of emergency but inspite of this, branko did prove his bashers wrong that no, he decides using his mind, not his heart! yahya has also played DM before in TM and was pretty decent too. kazemi also is in the waiting list. temme, if there are any better players than these "mediocre" players?
      Originally posted by siavasharian

      بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
      بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


        branko has single hndedly killed the soul of competition in iran..

        but remember I told you this about sepahan and foolad..they have been and are sparks...they come and go...
        deerooz, emrooz, farda
        The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
        Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


          Originally posted by perspolees
          branko has single hndedly killed the soul of competition in iran..
          Translation: All team melli players should come from Persepolis (60%) and Esteghlal (40%), otherwise, team melli is not blessed.

          Originally posted by perspolees
          .. but remember I told you this about sepahan and foolad..they have been and are sparks...they come and go...
          This is what Parvin says all the time and you repeat after him. Remember you said the same thing about Foulad last year and your were proved wrong. Neither Sepahan nor Foulad are sparks. In the case of Foulad, they have a large pool of young players playing in youth national teams. They have a very bright future. In fact, Khouzastan Football which is the craddle of Iranian football, will only get better over time. So as Esfahan and Mashad.

          How many national level young players Persepolis OR Esteghlal have trained recently?
          So, you see. Your Tehrani clubs are the one who are sparks. Without government money and smaller clubs they won't have anything to show what-so-ever.


