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Iran's Omid team - Japan (Semifinals)

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    Iran's Omid team - Japan (Semifinals)

    I cant say I’m happy we lost the game, but there is a silver lining to the loss that I hope would be an immeasurable experience for the coaching staff as well as the players that shd help them in the all important Olympic qualifiers.

    If you watched the game you’d have noticed the two different OMID teams that played two different halves of the game. Aside from the few minutes of the first half at the end of which we scored our goal, the rest of that half saw a gutless, scared team that was just too young to know if you score a goal, especially that early in a game, you can not and shd not start pulling back and defending the goal. but that is exactly what we saw. We saw a team that thought it could defend its slim lead with a bunch of players who are hardly coordinated and on the day that some of the most famous stars of Iranians football were total ZEROES

    If before the game I’d told you hosseini, rezaei, hajsafi and rahmati are going to be the WEAKEST players in the game for us, you all would have laughed. But that is what happened. These senior TM super-stars were the weakest players on the pitch. Hosseini with his brainless long lobs that consistently ended up with the Japanese, to rezaei who was losing the ball again and again and was like a headless chicken going round and round, to rahmati who was among the few to be blamed on both goals, to hajsafi who has been on a downward spiral for months and shd be thrown out of both omid and TM teams immediately until he gets his act together and starts using his head.

    The other Omid team that we saw was the attacking, forceful and purposeful team that played the second half (aside from the few starting minutes of the 1st until they scored the goal). throughout the second half I was wondering why shd a team that can play this forceful and aggressive (relative to their age and limited experience), play like a scared, gutless bunch of fools in the first half! If Iran had maintained this level of aggressiveness I am sure we would have won the game.

    I hope this precious experience is recognized by the coaching staff and they drill this into the youngsters to never ever take a single goal for granted and always play to their potential, instead of opting for the gutless, wimpy way they played in 1st half.

    I’d like to add a couple of other points:

    1- I hope now, shagholam recognizes how he missed the opportunity to use 3 under age players for these games, so for the ever-important Olympic qualifiers, he would have more youngsters to pick from.

    2- We were also unlucky as six to a dozen refs would have allowed that offside incident, where ansarifard scored. Not to mention aliasgar’s chip that hit the post, and afshin’s late attempt.

    3- In the first half, we kept on losing the second balls and the defended balls simply becoz there was about 2000 miles of space between our forward line and our midfield. And becoz of our moronic lobs, those balls headed away by the jap defense always fell to another Japanese player!!!

    4- Of the U-23 players, I was impressed with afshin, mosalman and ansarifard. Aliasgar was overall ok in the tourney, but needs to cut down on his dribbling.

    5- But I cant reiterate enough how miserable our TM superstars (rahmati, hosseini, hajsafi and rezaei) played which shd be a cause for worry not only for shagholam, but for our supposed head coach at TM, seyed ghotbi too.

    6- I'm also very angry becoz I stayed up till 3 AM to watch this game where I suffered through a painful first half and a surprising but nervous second half!

    Doctor jaan -- thanks for the analysis and sorry to hear that you lost valuale sleep over this game!

    Frankly, learning lessons and gaining experience has a limit. You got to get to a point where you should be putting all that learnings into practice. But we don't see this happing in our football. The story repeats and repeats and repeats every time. It is almost like a student who is stuck in certain grade and never moves on .... I am tired of all these losses!!


      Dr Jaan, I think it is our player's mentiality (as a matter of fact it is our nation's mentaility). We want to play it safe, until everything is lost and then we "khodemoon roo be aab va Atash meezaneem".

      I heard from numerous coaches, Branko, Ghotbi, GN, Daie and at the club level as well, that they told their players not to sit back, but players mentality is something else.

      It is a football and one team looses and one team wins, what burns me is the fact that the Japaneese team we played against was the weakest Japaneese team I have ever watched. They were defending like Amatures.

      Over23 players didn't make the difference in this game totally agree.

      Our defense SUCKED big time. Second Japan goal, the Japaneese driblled through 4 of our players and managed to take the shot. 4 of our defenders stood and watched. First goal, watch how Ali Asgar gave the sooti and being beaten.

      I couldn't beleive our defender didn't even stand (defending pose) properly. Even at youth football U12-U14 they teach the defenders in the US youth football to dont' stand on your hills facing the forward. I am so pissed.
      "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
      Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

      Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
      Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


        japan is not going to import any players.......and in case you were wondering who in going to kick the TM azz in the next 10 years !!!?????....


          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
          japan is not going to import any players.......and in case you were wondering who in going to kick the TM azz in the next 10 years !!!?????....
          I don't follow you Bahram Jaan. Are you saying Japan will kick our azz without importing any players? There was no discussion of player import? Can you explain?
          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


            I think japan has a program that sends its kids with potential & talent to brazil for quite a few years (it seems 5 years or so) to get trained in the brazil's school of football.
            and it showed, especially in the way their left midfield and central midfield players played, with a lot of flair and technical ability not frequently seen among east asian players.
            and kudos to them for devising this admirable program to progress and elevate themselves to world status. nooshe jooneshoon.


              The biggest mistake this team and its coaching staff committed was to invite 3 over-aged players. It had too many side effects: IPL getting shut down for a couple of weeks, eliminating 3 prospects and replacing them with Rahmati, Rezaei and Hosseini, all 3 whom displayed a dismal performance and contributed somewhat poorly to the team's overall performance (Apart from Hosseini's 3 goals), thus little effectiveness and positive impact on the team...

              Once again our team scores an early goal and immediately retreats and goes all defense, what the heck were they thinking? defending a one goal lead for about 85-90 minutes? that's insane, we've often resorted to that tactic and almost always been punished for it as well, when are we going to learn? Had we benefited from a rock solid defense, it would have been somewhat more comprehensible to suddenly and upon scoring a goal switch to defensive style, however with our SOORAAKH defense and sloppy Defenders??? C'mon we can do better than that.

              The funny part is that in a post-game interview on IRIB Mr. Payrovani claimed that his players decided to go all defense and all throughout the first half him and his assistants screamed their heart out to the players on the field to not retrieve and get out of our own half and start attacking, the question is that were our players that incompetent and weak to push the Japan's U-21 team back to their own half or the team coach didn't really want them to do that!???!!!??? that remains mind-boggling!


                i did not see any professional off the ball play by the iranians.

                too much ball watching.

                they should have learned these at U14s and not now.
                Humanity. Love. Earth.

