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The losing battle of Ferdowsipour.....

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    The losing battle of Ferdowsipour.....

    Navad presenter was taken aback by the fierce verbal onslaught of a member of parliament when discussing the shifting of "Naft Tehran" franchise to Arak.

    The story in brief is that Adel was referring to this unpopular shifting of the football club as a politically motivated move. the MP has accused Adel live on TV of all sort of things including insult to the government , religion & the Majlis and fell short of accusing him of Mofsid fil arz or treason !!!!

    You can read the full story below , but this is yet anotehr indication of how football is controlled by a bunch of corrupt politicians and a government that has no objective except to serve its own agenda anyway they can by manipulating the most popular sport in the country.

    It is yet another proof that the government , not only interferes in Iran's football but has a total an absolute control...BUT..the story does not conclude there ...

    Once again...Adel Ferdowsipour has raised his value and stature by standing against this medieval politician and told him that religion is NOT exclusive to him and his type . Other people have religious belief as well and this matter is a personal thing and has nothing to do with one's religious belief "

    Good on you Adel..... Benazam be sharafat.

    Although ,Adel Aghaye aziz , you are fighting a losing better.....But Don't give up not fear these evil people....Adel needs support....Pass the word around to everyone. Make these dictators know that Adel is not alone and he is NOT a 'vatan froosh' that some of those satans portray him to be. These Satans that think that anyone who do not agree with them are traitors !!!!

    ...and I do hope this message reaches Adel Ferdowsipour.

    کنایه فردوسی پور به نماینده مجلس !


    Originally posted by maij View Post

    Once again...Adel Ferdowsipour has raised his value and stature by standing against this medieval politician and told him that religion is NOT exclusive to him and his type . Other people have religious belief as well and this matter is a personal thing and has nothing to do with one's religious belief "[/IMG]

    I am in Total agreement...

    Adel Ferdowsipour is very unique ....

    While, he trys to be poleticaly correct....and says things like " Inshallah Azaa daritoon ghabool bashe !! "...etc,etc....
    But, at the same time, he can not be man handled by " Hezbullahis "...and he who is a child of the system, knows them well...he knows the system..and how everyone " Hezbullahis " pretend to be a better moslem ,and insinuate others are not........
    That is why, he said : " The Religouse bielefes, is not exclusive " to remind every one.....the officials have nothing we do n't have....

    Although, the representetive , had a point about the interfierance of the Government :...." How could ferdowsipour and others expect Government not to interfier, when It is thier money that is being spent ? "


      just like anderson cooper on CNN, adel is keeping them (IRI) honest every week. he has become a double edge sword in iran, if IRI removes his show, people will not watch or follow football, if they let him continue he will expose more failures by the islamic thugs.
      IRI = FAILED


        I watched Navad last night and I was most certainly amazed by Ferdosipour's courage in responding to that imbecile and hypocrite Parliament member who shamelessly lashed out at Adel Ferdosipour trying to lump him with serious, yet ridiculous accusations, in order to smear his reputation and "Islamic Values", it truly sickened me to my stomach and I was about to my core.

        With the IR It seems quite convenient and easy to demolish the opposition simply by resorting to such dirty and nasty tricks, linking those who think otherwise and criticize your wrongdoings and bizarre actions with all sorts of political and Islamic code violation has been their most effective tool in destroying their opposition.

        I truly admire Ferdosipour's bravery and outspoken personality, we all saw how he fought back with a prominent IR agent, never conceded any accusation and responded in such courteous, calm and ethical manner.

        Mr. Ferdosipour, we love you and fully support you!


          These nemayandegane majles always have someone to get them rediculed.

          in adel ham nabayad bezare har ki mikhad cherto pert bege oonja,

          che zood ham taraf hamechi ro eslami kard.
          Humanity. Love. Earth.


            Complexities of the new world isn't it? We all believe IRI is a dictatorship and all have thousands of horror stories to back it up, yet in IRI a TV personality like him, can question openly in a very popular TV program. Go figure. Can you imagine even in the USA Larry King or some famous TV figure openly criticizes US government policies?

            I respect his work as well and this post isn't' to undermine his work or courage, but it made me ponder about how is this possible (Specially after the recent wave of unrest after the election).
            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)

