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    Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
    One more point, if someone has an analytical, cultured, experienced, he/she will take all that with himself/herself. Those personality traits means, one can discuss things wiht him, suggest alternatives, etc. So If I have a choice I want this guy (granted he has flaws) to make decisions and be in charge, rather than someone who is temperemental, short sighted, super emotional (we have great examples of them already GN in his early days of coaching until 2008 and Mr. Daie).
    I guess this is where we diverge, then.

    a gentle, well mannered person has his uses and certainly limitations when it comes to matters that rely on totally different input, far more crucial and important than gentleness and eloquence.

    in the same vein, football coaching has its own needs.
    among which is a cultured behavior, I admit. but lets face it, this factor is outranked by great many other technical and tactical ones.

    when you apply to a software and IT firm as a programmer, the most important and first thing they look at is how technically able you are with programming and softwares and what not. once the first few technical factors are assessed, only then they come to how social you are and how you deal w colleagues and underlings and ... etc.
    (some of the most famous and successful doctors in the world are absolute shits and horrible bastards. but they are the guys one wants to go to when one has a cardiac or neuro or ... ailment)

    you shd know yourself, as you've coached. the purview and extent of the HEAD COACH is very different from those of his assistants and then, down the line, his analysts and ... etc.
    and the FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT thing a head coach ought to have is to be technically superior

    lets use your own morinho example. the guy is an absolute thug. he is hardly the model for good behavior and culture. but he is among the most sought after coaches in the world. why?
    (mind you guys like fergussen arent exactly angels either. and yet, he's coached one of the world's top teams for so many years now)

    it's becoz the satisfy the PRIMARY REQUISITE for head coaching: TECHNICAL ABILITIES


      LOL, I have never seen Doc posting anything positive about our football, which is actually understandable, but I am just wondering if he's always been so critical of all other coaches and TMs in the past?

      LOL Doc sounds like those dads who often pick on their kids!
      Jokes aside he seems to be much cynical of everything!


        to quote a few recent threads.... just in case ...

        (as for frequency, forgive me if I write only near major games and TM matches.)

        hope this clears things up

        there seems to be a misconception that I am cynical. no. not too cynical although perhaps more critical than most.
        but the thing is THERE IS ENOUGH TO BE CRITICAL ABOUT.
        that is the issue. there are shortcomings or deficiencies that exist. now, someone may bring them up, someone else may not. that's the only difference


          Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
          I ask for 9 minutes of your busy schedule. This is probably old and you may have seen it, but still watch it. It was done in June 2009. Don't get bored by the first 3 minutes, I liked what he said during his interview around 4:03 so much that I added it as my signature.

          The most contribution Ghotbi did to Iran and Iranian was the fact that he impacted the cultural atmosphere in our football. Call me crazy but even mere presense of Ghotbi and the way he managed himself in his interviews and on and off the field, accelerated the pace of improvements in many of our coaches (as an example GN).
          There is a famous quote that goes something like, "Great people create changes, without knowing or wanting, they live their own lives and their presense impact things". I think it fits Ghotbi in this limited scenario.
          This doesn't mean he is a saint or a god given gift. We all have strengths and weaknesses but Ghotbi for the most part has been the source of positive influence in our football.
          THANK YOU Mr. GHOTBI.

          Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
          Huh, that will become an interesting thread once the Ghotbi bashers come online...

          Thank God, most of them are non F+ members

          Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


            Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
            He Certainly should be considered a very smart individual, from a back ground of no body, to building his resume, and investing in himself toward his goals...
            Pushing himself in USA Football federation,getting football licence,....fininding ways to work with Big names in Coaching, be it as analyst or even Janitor.....
            Learning, and improving his resume,without considerations for money or importance of where he lives, and how he lives.......
            His adaptability to Korean lives, European lives, or Islamic life......his intelegent treatment of Iranian media,and hazardus Islamic system...etc,etc...
            His life and work should never be judged by how good a coach he may have been......but, by, a man who knew what he wanted,knowledge of his limitations, planning for success and manipulating odds to get to his goals....
            His life, Although successful story of an Iranian...yet, it is also what is known as an " American Dream ".......
            I for one, would never look at him with typical Iranian jealousy seen by some youth on this site.......,
            ......but, as a story to get inspired by !

            Agree 100% with you.

            Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              I guess this is where we diverge, then.

              a gentle, well mannered person has his uses and certainly limitations when it comes to matters that rely on totally different input, far more crucial and important than gentleness and eloquence.

              in the same vein, football coaching has its own needs.
              among which is a cultured behavior, I admit. but lets face it, this factor is outranked by great many other technical and tactical ones.

              when you apply to a software and IT firm as a programmer, the most important and first thing they look at is how technically able you are with programming and softwares and what not. once the first few technical factors are assessed, only then they come to how social you are and how you deal w colleagues and underlings and ... etc.
              (some of the most famous and successful doctors in the world are absolute shits and horrible bastards. but they are the guys one wants to go to when one has a cardiac or neuro or ... ailment)

              you shd know yourself, as you've coached. the purview and extent of the HEAD COACH is very different from those of his assistants and then, down the line, his analysts and ... etc.
              and the FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT thing a head coach ought to have is to be technically superior

              lets use your own morinho example. the guy is an absolute thug. he is hardly the model for good behavior and culture. but he is among the most sought after coaches in the world. why?
              (mind you guys like fergussen arent exactly angels either. and yet, he's coached one of the world's top teams for so many years now)

              it's becoz the satisfy the PRIMARY REQUISITE for head coaching: TECHNICAL ABILITIES
              Payman jaan;

              I see your point. I totally get it. But please consider this. Being a good head coach doesn't mean one has to be an asshole. Examples you gave were clear, but my points is one can be a good man and still not a push over. Ghotbi ain't an angel I am sure either.

              Technically, I heard Guus Hiddink, Dick Edoocut and many other (most recently Branko) have said he is good. He ain't frigging Morrinihio or Pep Guardiolla. But he is acceptable. He is trying. He kept 7 strikers, he is trying to optimize the current talent level it seems. I think majority of F+ folks admit more or less this is the best current Iranian team. There always be discussion and controversy about X or Y play in this or that position, but that is different from questioning the head coach's' qualification.

              Bottom line, this thread wasn't about Ghotbi is perfect in his job as a head coach. The point was he brought a new approach and introduced a new culture in our football. I already see the impact of this in the overall behavior of the head coaches. That in itself is a good step and I think we should give credit to him for that.

              Our football (as our nation) has many many problems, this one issue won't solve all of our problem. Although I doubt if there is a silver bullet (i.e. single action) that fix all of our problems. As the saying goes journey of 1000 miles start with one step at a time. So if you will this is the first step among many millions left.
              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                1-...the topic of this particular thread,offered by Ali Chicago, is a video about a individuality and life of a coach,and his challenges in his life..........the video and the thread was not about, what kind of coach is best for team melli.

                2-Two issues my previouse post offered were
                A=The only hope,for poletical future in IRAN, is the reconciliation of opposition outside with opposition inside only unity will be the answer to the Islamic republic.......,
                B= The individual success and the path of reaching success by hard work and singlemindedness toward it.

                3-Your only comment about a long meaningful post was, I am after my own interests.

                You are obviously an intelegent individual.....but intelegent alone some times ,is not enough.

                Last edited by zzgloo; 01-03-2011, 11:00 AM.

