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Doha Memoir

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    Doha Memoir

    sparking in English) actually made a few Iranian journalist angry....they complained to IFF !!

    I was pleasantly surprised that Ghotbi was familiar with website, but then again a web and internet wise guy like him would not find difficulty accessing the prime reference site of Team Melli , would he now?

    Anyway , as it was a long day for all of us and it was after Iran Korea match , I did not want to take much of his time as he needed the rest. I simply commented on one of the Iranian journalist accusation of Nekounam (who supposedly has said that Iranian media is the no 1 enemy of Team Melli !!!!) and basically explained to him that this corps of Iranian Journalist in Doha is the most behaved and most supportive of Team Melli that I have ever personally experienced for the last 3 previous tournaments. I said that I personally did not believe that there is any ill intent and the general atmosphere in the Iranian media is quite refreshing and positive.
    We exchanged a few complimentary remarks and we were on our way.

    The Iranian media is an intriguing subject by itself. I was very glad to see that some of the Mob heads were not here in Doha. The absence of one of them in particular ( a newspaper publisher and editor) who ripped Ghalenoei into pieces in Malaysia during the last tournament was breathe of fresh air. I enquired about him and was told he was held in prison in Evin for a month or so accused of corruption ...(surprise ..surprise ) but he has since been released and has vowed to never engage in football activities in any shape for the rest of his life.

    More than one media personnel has told me that there is still a group of very powerful men in the media who could easily change a coach of a club or Team Melli in Iran...these are influential and prominent people. Our friend of Evin was apparently one of them !!!

    Bahram was asking about different Iranians in different parts of the world...How different are they ? I say quite a lot. Basically, we Persians are all alike in many things yet different in others. I think the society and the environment we live in in different countries has a lot of effect. For example, the Iranians of Iran would easily and happily break a rule if they can get away with it , thinking it is cool and clever. While American and European Iranian are much more respectful of the law. Iranians seem to have this self-proclaimed knowledge about everything including supreme knowledge about coaching a football team and picking players for a match , while the people from the west respect the coach's opinion.
    Iranians journalists were generally undisciplined and noisy. In press conferences, several times they had to warn for one reason or another.

    Where all Iranians, Persians to be precise, have a common attribute is their creativity, skills and characters. Regardless to the society or countries they live in, they simply share these qualities. But like playing football, it takes more than Skill and creativity to succeed. To capitalize on the skills, you need the discipline, systems, the procedures, planning and skilled management.

    These are my observations in small scale, but from my experience , it is quite common in all walks of life


    The facilities in Qatar are amazing for a small country. But given the riches of this country , it is not surprising at all. TV broadcast and production is just one simple example of such excellence. They recruit the best that the money can buy. Matches are all broadcast in HD using the most advanced cameras. While waiting for Team Melli at the practice ground, I saw the Al Jazira Sport OB Van. The three technicians were fiddling around the sophisticated audio visual devices and adjusting the Satellite dish for live broadcast. I talked to the guys and they were all Italians. The anchorman or reporter was Tunisian , the director was of another nationality.


    One of the old acquaintances I met in Doha was good old Javad Khiabani. I have not seen him for years. We exchanged greetings with good old fashioned Iranian kiss on the cheeks , but as soon as he spoke I discovered he has the flu. Ghotbi also had flu like quite a few players as well. NOW...I caught the damn flu.

    Flew home after the Korea match to finish some urgent business and I was down with the dreaded cold. I can't travel so I have to set the UAE match and watch TV at home.....and it is pissing with rain in this neck of the wood. Quite unusual weather. Cold and wonder people drop sick .


    Wow maij, glad Neda wasn't with you or he'd attempt kidnapping Ghotbi.
    By the way I thought people can get flu vaccines very easily these days.
    Here in the USA all colleges offer it to the students subsidized and it helps.


      Another great report Majid.

      Also, the influence of football mafia in the past few years is well known, to the point that a TV series recently shown in Iran was about a super-agent who knew nothing about football but had enough money to get his clients, mega deals and spots on the national team.
      It happened soon after World Cup 1998. In 2001 I remember particular newspapers (especially Khabar Varzeshi) going after TM even after good games such as the wins against Saudi and Iraq. They had moles in TM, apparently...
      As for your observation about Iranians from North America and Europe following rules, I can assure you most of them will still try to get away with little tricks here and there, but there is a big difference between those in academic and technical fields compared to those in business (modern bazaaris).

      Anyways, did you have a chance to talk to any of the players? How has the experience been in comparison to previous Asia Cup visits.

      Get better and I hope to read more from you soon.


        Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
        Wow maij, glad Neda wasn't with you ...
        This part of the story is more interesting. Tell me since when Agha Majid?


          Enjoy the beautiful side of Iranian football

          Attached Files



            I just got a message that Yashar Agha is in Doha......

            Keep that Chelo Kebab hot , Yashar Jan...I will be there in no time



              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
              Another great report Majid.

              Also, the influence of football mafia in the past few years is well known, to the point that a TV series recently shown in Iran was about a super-agent who knew nothing about football but had enough money to get his clients, mega deals and spots on the national team.
              It happened soon after World Cup 1998. In 2001 I remember particular newspapers (especially Khabar Varzeshi) going after TM even after good games such as the wins against Saudi and Iraq. They had moles in TM, apparently...
              Thanks Nokhodi Jan.

              I heard about that TV serial and saw some clips of it. Apparently it has made some waves. It was only a couple of years back that I realized that there is quite a lot of money exchanging hands in Iran's football , but some of the deals that I heard of and some of the money the players make seem to be astronomical...I just wonder how accurate these figures are.

              The guy who was in Evin owned "Khabar Varzeshi" sometime ago

              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
              As for your observation about Iranians from North America and Europe following rules, I can assure you most of them will still try to get away with little tricks here and there, but there is a big difference between those in academic and technical fields compared to those in business (modern bazaaris).
              I will take your word for it. I guess those who try cheat the system in the west , do it for nostalgia or for good old time sake

              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
              Anyways, did you have a chance to talk to any of the players? How has the experience been in comparison to previous Asia Cup visits..
              Mamad Nosrati only. BTW: Mamad Agha spoke in English in the press conference...But I wish he did not because the guys made fun of him later on.

              Although it is a long time now , I thought Asian Cup 1996 had the best atmosphere , specially in Dubai. But then , I was a spectator and mingled with the crowd needless to say the results of TM at the time were fantastic. I remember walking all the way to the hotel (approx. 2 hours) after the 3-0 win against Saudi Arabia as it seemed that he whole of Dubai was celebrating the victory in the streets as the roads were packed by TM fans.
              As with media side , China was fantastic. Lots of fans in the stadiums.
              2007 was a bit of a disappointment. There was no atmosphere at the stadia , Team Melli was under immense pressure by the media ,. GN did not have the support he should have had and that penalty kick elimination was very hard to digest .

              So far , Doha is threatening to become numro uno , but will reserve judgment to the end.

              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
              Get better and I hope to read more from you soon.

              Thanks,,,at least this flu is giving me time to surf the net.



                Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                Wow maij, glad Neda wasn't with you or he'd attempt kidnapping Ghotbi.
                By the way I thought people can get flu vaccines very easily these days.
                Here in the USA all colleges offer it to the students subsidized and it helps.
                Flu vaccine is available here as well....never thought I really needed it...UNTIL YOU mentioned it.



                  Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                  This part of the story is more interesting. Tell me since when Agha Majid?

                  BTW: I relayed your regards to Sean and when he asked about your whereabouts , I said you are in Canada making millions of Dollars as a businessman.... I could not figure out from his facial expression whether he believed me or not



                    Majid Jaan...
                    .................................................. ...............
                    1- Drink lots of water.
                    2- Orange Juice/soup/Vitamin/Tylenol .
                    3- Lots of rest,Sweat it out/let it take its course.
                    .................................................. .................
                    Even We in USA, have different types of Iranians let alone in the whole world.....
                    While is not good to generalize, yet,..Iranians of california, for example, are well known to be more materialistic, North east are more academic.....and the southerners are mostly business people..........
                    I can immagin, we Iranians are very different depending where we come from.

                    Karl Marx once said : " Man, is total sum of relations " !

                    Last edited by zzgloo; 01-18-2011, 02:11 PM.


                      Damet garm Majid jan. Great report and very well written as usual. I wish I was there.


                        Originally posted by maij View Post
                        BTW: I relayed your regards to Sean and when he asked about your whereabouts , I said you are in Canada making millions of Dollars as a businessman.... I could not figure out from his facial expression whether he believed me or not
                        Thanks, a little bit of exaggeration never hurt.

                        Does he check the site? Does any one know?



                          I am back in Doha and free from that bad cold (well kind of) and rearing to go.
                          At the moment I am in Al sadd stadium watching Iraq play the Aussie, it is all square. Not a pretty match. As I said that Harry Kewell misses a good chance!
                          Will leave to Qater FC stadium shortly for the most important game.

                          I will visit the site before the end of the Iran Korea match. You have a chance to post one question to Ghotbi . So post it down here and i will see if i can ask him.

                          Good luck.



                            Originally posted by maij View Post
                            I am back in Doha and free from that bad cold (well kind of) and rearing to go.
                            At the moment I am in Al sadd stadium watching Iraq play the Aussie, it is all square. Not a pretty match. As I said that Harry Kewell misses a good chance!
                            Will leave to Qater FC stadium shortly for the most important game.

                            I will visit the site before the end of the Iran Korea match. You have a chance to post one question to Ghotbi . So post it down here and i will see if i can ask him.

                            Good luck.
                            Thanks,for all your hard workks Majid jaan.....

                            Here are some questions,that might interest you or him !

                            1- Is he willing,and contractualy able,to stay with TM,if asked by IFF ?

                            2- Who is his top 3 faivorit young prospects , of TM ?

                            3- IRAN is playing the best football among ,the Asian teams who are not Strong Economicaly /poleticaly Stable countries....can they ever pass this stage,without poletical economic improvements ?

                            Last edited by zzgloo; 01-22-2011, 08:43 AM.


                              line up vs Korea Rep

                              P. Nouri


