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Doha Memoir

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    I dare to say in Iran politics plays a heavy role. Khiabani is an IRI supporter he was in the front and fought against Iraq and got injured even. Due to that fact the intellegenica which newspapers and reporters are part of them dont' like him. I am not saying it is right or wrong, but if you live in Iran, either you are pro government or not. Khiabani is Islamist, that in itself creates tension.

    Khiabani probably got his job due to the connections as well like anything else (especially in Iran) and rest of the world. So probably there are negative sentiments due to that as well.

    Khiabani's performance during the reporting of the game isn't spectacular which further fuel the fact that he didnt' got the job based on competence. His dressing style and beared and all is much more Maktabi compared to Mirzai, Ferdoosipoor, even Alifar.

    Finally, professional competition and Jealosuy play a role here as well.
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


      Asian Cup

      In general,this cup was boring and did not surprize any body !
      nothing came out of this Cup !, and internationaly speaking, it was a Boring Cup !...........and unlike some results in Cocacaf ,or African,or European championships....This Cup offered nothing new !

      1- No surprizing result.
      2- No surprizing team.
      3-Top 4 fifa rank teams,were the top 4 teams.
      4-No new talents were discovered.
      5-most teams had old players.
      6-many retiring players on most teams.
      7-No surprizing style,or coach.
      8- There were not even any " Juciy " , " Hashieh " to make the cup intersting.
      9-The fifa, is not going to change any rating,or ranks.....( may be with a exception of saudis,who dispite thier early exit are still the best arab team ).



        Two interesting thoughts by Bahram and Ali.

        Al Jan , I can assure you that the man is not an Islamic extremist or lunatic. It is not wise to go into more details , but take my word for it. I never knew that he actually was in the war front let alone he got injured ....Good to know , though.

        Bahram Jan , I kind of agree on your statement that Khiabani is quite careful in what he says , but then again "who blames him?". In a society or a system where the slightest slip of the tongue can ruin your career ( as you rightly mentioned it in your case of being careful) , i cannot see why a person should not protect himself.

        When it comes to match commentary , I doubt that anyone in Iran has the knowledge and the statistics of Javad Khaiabani. He is a walking talking football encyclopedia with a photographic memory. Generally speaking , I am not really thrilled by Persian TV football commentary . I think it is soul-less and mundane, If I have a choice , I switch channels , but with league matches , I don't have much choice.

        When it comes to TV programs , not match commentary , there is absolutely no one better than Adel Ferdowsipour. He is the undisputed king of football journalism and champion of the people.

        Also as Ali said , there might be some element of jealousy and competition behind Khiabani's unpopularity.



          ^^speaking of javad khyabani, is he really hezbollahi or he just acts like that during games?
          IRI = FAILED


            Originally posted by persian-eagle-13 View Post
            ^^speaking of javad khyabani, is he really hezbollahi or he just acts like that during games?
            Perhaps the latter, definitely not the former.



              Khiabani was videotaped in the green protests in 2009.
              Look it up on youtube. He was there.


                ^ that was a PRO-govt rally, not a green one


                  Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                  ^ that was a PRO-govt rally, not a green one
                  Thats what they said later to protect his arse.


                    Nekounam comments

                    I see that the floodgates of attacks on Ghotbi has opened by the players !

                    Javad Nekounam , has unceremoniously accused Ghotbi of all sort of things and reading between the line , it seems that he had no desire to play for the man but somehow it seems that he had to or else !

                    I am not sure of what has happened behind the closed doors in Doha and NOT really interested at all of who said what to who and who got upset and called his wife weeping !!! What I care about , and many millions like me , is the standard of football on the field and the results. Nekounam , is the last person in the team to because his performance was dismal to say the least.

                    Blaming his poor performance on Ghotbi "Not giving him the freedom" is quite feeble in my opinion. The coach's duty is towards the whole team not the individual players preference to style of play.

                    I am afraid that Nekounam is yet another example of what the journalist were saying about the Iranian players. They receive professional salaries and wages but they lack the professional attitudes.

                    How true.



                      Originally posted by maij View Post
                      I see that the floodgates of attacks on Ghotbi has opened by the players !

                      Javad Nekounam , has unceremoniously accused Ghotbi of all sort of things and reading between the line , it seems that he had no desire to play for the man but somehow it seems that he had to or else !

                      I am not sure of what has happened behind the closed doors in Doha and NOT really interested at all of who said what to who and who got upset and called his wife weeping !!! What I care about , and many millions like me , is the standard of football on the field and the results. Nekounam , is the last person in the team to because his performance was dismal to say the least.

                      Blaming his poor performance on Ghotbi "Not giving him the freedom" is quite feeble in my opinion. The coach's duty is towards the whole team not the individual players preference to style of play.

                      I am afraid that Nekounam is yet another example of what the journalist were saying about the Iranian players. They receive professional salaries and wages but they lack the professional attitudes.

                      How true.
                      One thing is very unique about Ghotbi's situation,that no one seem to notice.......
                      And that is the fact because he is not from IRAN,and does not live there.....he is treated as " Goosht e Ghorbani " !!,..." Tanhhaa Geer Aavardand "
                      every body take a shot at him !!,and because he has no roots or back ground there, it is widely accepted one feels any reservation,and say everything they want against him..just because he is alone and has no support base...and because he leaves the country.....
                      I personaly , after this Phenamyna, starting to hate this part of my own culture......., parviz mazloomi, go as far as saying " he would stop coaching if Ghotbi succeeds in japan ".....the level of hate,the level of " Eddaa ", " The level of jelousy " what extend ? for what reason ?......we even have some people like Mazloomi right here on PFDC...... and useage of Ghotbi as scape goat...just to advance thier own name ! is unheard of........
                      every one wants to make a noise,just to be heard with expense of Ghotbi......" Zaeef Kushi " to ultimate extreem.......
                      Absolutly no honor,no civility,no humility,no fareness......
                      Very low class desplayed by my own culture......., ...
                      Although, One decent voice came, and that was from only Christian member of the team, taimoorian, saying we only lost 3 times under Ghotbi....Kuwait that was accident, Brazil that was expected, and this South Korea....

                      This part of The Iranian culture, is sick !..and that is a major shame !....
                      I know it, because I have had it myself........Brining down others,with Eddeaa,and unheard " tavagho "...just to get and recieve some attention , to put feet on other's shoulders......
                      I see them here on PFDC every day......Those who keep critisizing,and non stop give advices,and are broken record.......God help them.
                      Last edited by zzgloo; 01-30-2011, 05:36 PM.


                        Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                        One thing is very unique about Ghotbi's situation,that no one seem to notice.......
                        And that is the fact because he is not from IRAN,and does not live there.....he is treated as " Goosht e Ghorbani " !!,..." Tanhhaa Geer Aavardand "
                        every body take a shot at him !!,and because he has no roots or back ground there, it is widely accepted one feels any reservation,and say everything they want against him..just because he is alone and has no support base...and because he leaves the country.....
                        I personaly , after this Phenamyna, starting to hate this part of my own culture......., parviz mazloomi, go as far as saying " he would stop coaching if Ghotbi succeeds in japan ".....the level of hate,the level of " Eddaa ", " The level of jelousy " what extend ? for what reason ?......we even have some people like Mazloomi right here on PFDC...... and useage of Ghotbi as scape goat...just to advance thier own name ! is unheard of........
                        every one wants to make a noise,just to be heard with expense of Ghotbi......" Zaeef Kushi " to ultimate extreem.......
                        Absolutly no honor,no civility,no humility,no fareness......
                        Very low class desplayed by my own culture......., ...

                        This part of The Iranian culture, is sick !..and that is a major shame !....
                        I know it, because I have had it myself........Brining down others,with Eddeaa,and unheard " tavagho "...just to get and recieve some attention , to put feet on other's shoulders......
                        I see them here on PFDC every day......Those who keep critisizing,and non stop give advices,and are broken record.......God help them.

                        This is the culture and it is not going to disappear anytime soon. As far as I am concerned , I have no problem with people being critical , even if they are unfair or inaccurate , my problem are with people who are critial And hypocritical at the same time! Criticism , specially constructive one , can enrich society , but hypocrisy kills it.

                        A player who bad-mouths his coach behind his back is a hypocrite. I never liked Ali Karimi's attitude as he seriously lacks discipline to an extend that it affects himself and his team , but at least he is not a hypocrite and does not act beyond his beliefs , regardless to whether he is right or wrong.

                        One more thing that I have a high regard for is FAIRNESS.

                        Yes , there is a lot of criticism being aimed at Ghotbi holding him responsible for that extra time defeat against Korea. That is NOT fair. However , I cannot help myself to draw parallels with Ali Daei's situation when his team lost against saudi Arabia and there was wave of critcism and condemnation leading to his dismissal!!

                        Hmmmmmm......... Is the current criticism of Ghotbi unfair while Daei's critics were fair ??

                        Foods for thought.

                        Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                        Although, One decent voice came, and that was from only Christian member of the team, taimoorian, saying we only lost 3 times under Ghotbi....Kuwait that was accident, Brazil that was expected, and this South Korea....

                        Kudos to Andranik for his remark , but I am afraid he is way wrong in saying that Team Melli lost 3 times only under Ghotbi !!!

                        These are the losses

                        The famous 4-2 drubbing by Bahrain.
                        Loss to Jordan 1-0
                        Loss to Qatar 3-2
                        Loss to Mali 2-1

                        Plus the three that already mentioned.



                          Originally posted by maij View Post
                          Hmmmmmm......... Is the current criticism of Ghotbi unfair while Daei's critics were fair ??

                          Foods for thought.

                          Kudos to Andranik for his remark , but I am afraid he is way wrong in saying that Team Melli lost 3 times only under Ghotbi !!!

                          These are the losses

                          The famous 4-2 drubbing by Bahrain.
                          Loss to Jordan 1-0
                          Loss to Qatar 3-2
                          Loss to Mali 2-1

                          Plus the three that already mentioned.
                          You are right about daei, as I myself critisized Daei Then,which I probably should not have.......But to be boldly fair, Ghotbi, with all his criticisms,had better qualification to be TM coach that daei....yet,Ghotbi is far more criticized for lack of qualification, and far more criticised.......
                          In fact, Ghotbi must have the record of being critisized the most, may be in the history of football, not just in IRAN, but in the whole world.........
                          for a TM,that spending its low level of talent/transitional, ( compare to its past ), and for a TM with IFF and islamic republic, and for a team, that has fallen behind Japan,South Korea,and talent, in Style, and in management,and in Fifa ranking........
                          The country,and the culture, is acting as if Losing to South Korea, is a surprize,and not what TM deserved, and not anticipated......
                          same culture, that in all polls, thought TM would not even qualify for the secound round...................This is that Hypocricy you were talking about.

                          And regarding Anderanik.........He actualy had said : In the last 20 mounths.

