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Excellent comments by Majid Jalai ...

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    Excellent comments by Majid Jalai ...

    majid jalali is one of those coaches who really cares about BUILDING & STRUCTURE OF FOOTBALL in our country.
    so his views are always with respect to laying down the correct foundations & infrastructure and with great emphasis on youth development.
    he has always shown to be very astute in his ideas of restructuring and reconstructing our football and it is a shame our IFF does not use him and ppl like him!

    so his comments shd be taken with this background, as his view is more of a overall, general view rather than the specifics of a particular game. and yes, generally speaking, south korea is at least 10 years ahead of us and by any logic they shd come on top.

    but to use his words as a defense of series of grave mistakes and screw ups done by ghotbi in this particular game is very wrong and incorrect



      Thank you very much for posting it
      agree with every word he said.

      Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


        Much respect to Mr. Jalali, in Iran often the coaches appear to be opportunist and hypocrite, waiting for the right moment to back stab or tarnish the image of the person in charge of the most prestigious coaching title "Team Melli Coach" , all former TM coaches have been victims of this malicious character assassination by these opportunist individuals!

        Kudos to Mr. Jalali!


          His comments can be divided into several sections:

          - Government should not interfere in our football afairs instead they should only supervise: Totally agree, probably the best part of the interview

          - About our football being behind the likes of Korea and Japan and we need to correct our football infrastructure: Again he is totally right. However, the important point here is that although we are behind a team like South Korea in terms of football infrastructure, it does not mean that we should evaluate the performance of the federation/coach/players after a loss to them. It is absolutely wrong to hide the performance of our team behind the fact that our football infrastructure is weaker than Koreapresident of the country about an unimportant subject??
          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


            also interesting to watch (posted by Shayan_91 in other forum)

            Ali Parvin touched base on some interesting observations

            this interview was before S Korea game, but same message as Jalali.


            Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


              the level of mast mali is reaching new heights!

              if everytime we lose to a bigger team (irrespective of how pathetically we play or how weak the opponents perform) we come and bring up a laundry list of our shortcomings in generalities & infrastructure of football to COVER THE MISTAKES MADE IN THE GAME, then I ask you WHY TAKE PART IN A TOURNAMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE?

              no, really. according to this method of reasoning we shdnt bother participating in any tournament.

              if we get grouped with lower ranked teams or ones with worse infrstctr, then by YOUR RULE, we shd be the winner, so why bother step on the pitch.
              lets just hand ourselves the 3 points. shall we?

              and if we get grouped with a bigger team with more facilities and infrstctr, then by YOUR RULE we shd lose.
              lets hand ourselves 0 points and the opponents 3. ok?

              now, lets calculate the points "handed out" to various teams in the group stage. if we qualify for the next round, then follow the same rule.

              but as per this rule, most probably we will meet a big team with better facilities and football foundation. so we must write a letter to the organizers and respectfully AND DUTIFULLY (according to YOUR RULE), bow out.

              and by the same token, why bother with hiring of a coach? really.
              we know in each and every tournament, be it asia cup or WCQ's we're going to meet with at least 2 teams that have better facilities and general organiz'n in football than us and that's when we must dutifully step aside and hand them the points.
              so why spend millions on hiring a coach?

              hell, why even play football in the first place?
              we know we must be handed the points against lower teams and must surrender them to the higher teams. so we know where we are even before we play the games. why bother, then?


              some of us really need to go back to our dictionaries and look up simple words like "competition"


                Originally posted by Keano View Post
                Much respect to Mr. Jalali, in Iran often the coaches appear to be opportunist and hypocrite, waiting for the right moment to back stab or tarnish the image of the person in charge of the most prestigious coaching title "Team Melli Coach" , all former TM coaches have been victims of this malicious character assassination by these opportunist individuals!
                Kudos to Mr. Jalali!

                indeed Keano jan, indeed.

                Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!

