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Positives in Ghotbi's Team!

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    Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
    Agha Majid, I told ya.
    These young gentlemen have no idea what stat is.
    One of them even comes up and say "how come Daei's stat is better? bcz I don't like him." How ironic this can be?
    The other one comes up with a formula to make sure the life is more miserable for us than what it is now. I am sure if the results don't satisfy him, he is going to apply the number of times Park touched the ball once we lost to them...
    aghayoon, get over it. The presented table is a "TM results" no body made any manipulation into it. If it doesn't satisfy you, well, you better get a day job that has nothing to do with the numbers.
    As I said, the only question one can ask is "whether the difference between the numbers is meaningful (significant) or the numbers are too small to give you a meaningful conclusion. For example, Mansourian now has 100% winning record. Is it meaningful?
    Agha majid "shoma beh bozorgavaritoon bebakhshid". These young gentlemen have too much testosterone (and probably Viagra) in their blood.

    So by that logic, if I become TM's coach tomorrow and play the "blind and handicapped women's club of Taiwan" (assuming that we will win that game ) and resign on the following game I will be the best Coach in the history of the Iranian (maybe even world) football.

    I'll have a 100% winning ratio, with largest goal scored and lowest goals conceived ratio any coach will every achieve.

    Like I said in a previous post that kind of pissed off Maij, which wasn't my intentions, Statistics don't mean anything!! They are just there to manipulate just enough to support your claims! (believe me, we do it every day in one of the top universities of the world)

    ps: I don't know what your fixation is with the age thing, this is why I'm wondering how old you are and whether you heard the "age is nothing but a number" (statistics as you will with no value ). And I assume that you are aware of the fact that the intelligence of a person is negatively correlated with the age factor. So maybe we young people should start commenting about the age of some of elderly members here

    pss: just to make sure: the ps comments above were meant as a joke so I hope that nobody, especially the elderly and statisticians among us will not take any offense by what I said.


      In The NFL, American Football....while, they use The statstics more than any part of the world, ...when it comes to hiring a new coach, they all go out of the window.........
      We see a coaches who have losing record, get bomborded with offers, we see some coaches with winning record are called : " He just can n't win an Important game ", or " The other did not have the right staff ", or " He was unlucky with inguries ", or " he had to do with a bad management ",....etc,etc......
      In all, it is very Dynamic, .......and they take lots of things in to account......such as , " How innovative " the coach has been......." What type of circumstances he had to work under "......" what is the effort level ",....or " If he had the right talents at his despossal ".........
      The better unavoidable the circumstances, the less credit to the coach, ..the worse unavoidable the circumstances, the more credit to the coach.......
      More than anything, the coach is judged by " Innovation ",.." Level of compatability against The top opponants , in tough match ups ".....and " thier level of adjustements against adversities " .
      Last edited by zzgloo; 02-16-2011, 10:59 AM.


        Originally posted by Babak agha View Post
        So by that logic, if I become TM's coach tomorrow and play the "blind and handicapped women's club of Taiwan" (assuming that we will win that game ) and resign on the following game I will be the best Coach in the history of the Iranian (maybe even world) football.

        I'll have a 100% winning ratio, with largest goal scored and lowest goals conceived ratio any coach will every achieve.

        Like I said in a previous post that kind of pissed off Maij, which wasn't my intentions, Statistics don't mean anything!! They are just there to manipulate just enough to support your claims! (believe me, we do it every day in one of the top universities of the world)

        ps: I don't know what your fixation is with the age thing, this is why I'm wondering how old you are and whether you heard the "age is nothing but a number" (statistics as you will with no value ). And I assume that you are aware of the fact that the intelligence of a person is negatively correlated with the age factor. So maybe we young people should start commenting about the age of some of elderly members here

        pss: just to make sure: the ps comments above were meant as a joke so I hope that nobody, especially the elderly and statisticians among us will not take any offense by what I said.
        You see jigar, you don't read. You just write.

        First, good luck with your play with whatever team you like.

        Second, the assumption is that the TM games "in a good number of sample size" are normalized between strong, medium and weak teams. If you prove that the samples are not randomized, the distribution won’t be normal. From here, you can google it and learn some thing about statistic.

        Third, Your logic regarding stat reminds me Khomini's famous phrase saying "eghtesad mal-e khar ast". I encourage you to change your university and go some where they teach you some thing. They fooled you saying they are one of the top universities in the world.

        Forth, we are older, means we have more experience, otherwise we already knew we are more intelligent from the day one. j/k



          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
          In The NFL, American Football....while, they use The statstics more than any part of the world, ...when it comes to hiring a new coach, they all go out of the window......... .
          They must be stupid doing the stat then, don't you think so?

          I think stat is one of the major indications of a coach/team performance. There are other factors as you rightfully mentioned them.



            Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
            They must be stupid doing the stat then, don't you think so?
            I think stat is one of the major indications of a coach/team performance. There are other factors as you rightfully mentioned them.
            The statistics can only be meaningful, in long term....and it is only a tool , among many to judge.....
            There are also coaches whose style reguire Time .........some coaches have gambling techniques...and may do good only in short time...some, are more fundemental, and give result only in the long run........
            With Today's world and mentality of " WIN NOW ".........,national team coaches can never be helpful to the level of the football in the country...whish that would be left to the league coaches...,and federation plannings.....
            Coaches such " Advicat " or " Guss Heddick " etc, are just hired guns, and have only temporary plans ....they most likely will be wrong for a long term plannings.


              Ah don't worry about my statistics knowledge or my university's ranking (5th in the world )

              But if you thinks that the sample size, the number of games Iran played under this three coaches, is large enough to have any worthy and reliable results then I some people (not me in anyway) might put some question marks next to your claims.

              And regarding the intelligent comments: hope to see you soon at one of the MENSA gatherings, we could have some fun.


                ^You see, you don't read. It shows your age.

                I was not the one wanted to become the world best coach by just one game, were I?

                Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                As I said, the only question one can ask is "whether the difference between the numbers is meaningful (significant) or the numbers are too small to give you a meaningful conclusion. For example, Mansourian now has 100% winning record. Is it meaningful?


                  ^ no that's true and I agree with you

                  Cause what I tried to say is that the stats of Iranian coaches are meaningless as they aren't at helm long enough and don't play enough meaningful friendlies and qualification games. The only meaningful game Iran plays is the 1/4 finals of AC and group stages of WQ. So not only the number of games played is important to get your results but the importance and the impact of game should be considered as well ( and I know that in normal statistics this would lead to biases, but this is football and that's why I said that in my opinion stats aren't important)

                  1. Why do you whant to take away my record? (cause my win will be more impressing than Mansoorian.....I hope...)

                  And 2. Why aren't you watching Arsenal Vs Barca?




                    Finaly, some conclusion.

                    I am watching it.



                      The question of statistics and data NOT being important in Iranian football reminds of this story.

                      An Akhond was caught red handed urinating while facing Qibla ( Quite a taboo and offense to the believers). When the man who saw him asked why is he committing such a sin? the clever Akhond said : " it is not what you think , I was facing Qibla , but I held my dickhead and turned it away to the other side ....Saresh Kaj bood !"

                      It is on the same line of "eghtesad mal-e khar ast !!"


                      BTW: What a superb match that Arsenal - Barca was.

                      The spoiler was that ignorant match commentator who kept mentioning stats about the players and the teams every few minutes not to mention the more ignorant director who kept flashing stats on the screen !!

                      I guess they need some refreshers by going back to the Uni , probably the 5th best in the World , to learn one or two things



                        Originally posted by maij View Post
                        How on earth can one possibly argue or discuss an issue with someone who is biased by his own admission ???

                        Ali Agha , Nooshi joonat , enjoy your anti Ali Daei sentiments...why should I or anyone else spoil your pleasure.

                        As you wish. I am biased but I am aware of it and admit it. You are biased too, one way or another, the difference is you don't admit it.

                        I gave you specific example about UAE and N. Korea game. Anyway, as you wish. What I remember from TM under Daie was really boring, without any direction hope for the best (same way PP plays today).
                        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                          To Haji;

                          I never claimed I don't like stats because I don't like the person Just to be clear. I pointed out two specific games under Daie UAE and North Korea. TM under Daie was the same as PP is today, a puzzled team with no clear game plan. Hoping for an event or a player to change the game with his improvisation.
                          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                            Originally posted by maij View Post
                            The question of statistics and data NOT being important in Iranian football reminds of this story.

                            An Akhond was caught red handed urinating while facing Qibla ( Quite a taboo and offense to the believers). When the man who saw him asked why is he committing such a sin? the clever Akhond said : " it is not what you think , I was facing Qibla , but I held my dickhead and turned it away to the other side ....Saresh Kaj bood !"

                            It is on the same line of "eghtesad mal-e khar ast !!"


                            BTW: What a superb match that Arsenal - Barca was.

                            The spoiler was that ignorant match commentator who kept mentioning stats about the players and the teams every few minutes not to mention the more ignorant director who kept flashing stats on the screen !!

                            I guess they need some refreshers by going back to the Uni , probably the 5th best in the World , to learn one or two things
                            In that school (RSM look it up) we learn it's not important in which direction you urinate, most important is if you urinate in the toilet bowl or not.

                            The stats clearly show that Arsenal scored more goals than Barca and conceived less, therefore Arsenal is more attacking-minded with a better defence.
                            Also the stats show that Arsenal had more goal attempts, so that further confirms the point that Arsenal is more attacking-minded.
                            But wait a minute, if one team is attacking minded and the other is defending minded, it means that the attacking-minded team should have more possession of the ball. The stats show that Barca had more possession of the ball, also barca had more possession of the ball in Arsenal's half than Arsenal had in barca's half, so obviously Barca is more attacking minded.

                            AAAAAAAAHHHHHH, now i'm confused..

                            Maybe the clever akhoond could point me out what the relevance of these stats are..
                            Because one stat contradicts the other (goal attempts, possession), and what I saw contradicts the scoreline.

                            Let this akhoond also please explain to me this; why is it that PSV has scored the most goals this season (by far) and conceived the fewest (by far) and their coach is still criticized for his defending-minded game plan (plus their defense isn't considered the best, plus their strikers are one of the worst in the top teams), by the whole dutch nation, including the PSV fans and even some players? And all of this, not after one or two games, but after 23 games...!

                            And while we at it, this akhoon could maybe also explain why last week AZ had MORE goal attempts, MORE possession of the ball, MORE possession of the ball in the opponents half, and STILL lost 4-0 to the very same PSV.

                            If this akhoon could explain me all that, then I would say he is very clever indeed.




                                Just somebody explain me the above facts.

                                Some people claimed stats are very important in football and always tell the truth. However how can stats tell you the truth when they can't talk. Stats just give you numbers and you have to make conclusions on your own, based on those stats. However just looking at one kind of stat and jumping in to conclusions just based on only that, could be very deceiving. Like I showed you with the beloved Arsenal-Barca game stats. Also a whole lot of games doesn't have to cancel out the errors in the distribution, just like I showed you with the PSV stats. This is football were talking about and not some production machine.
                                I'm waiting for you to explain to me why the same stats that seems to work for Daei, doesn't work for PSV?

