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Iran - Russia

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    let me cut my replies short:

    - first, I would have said the exact same things had we drawn the game or even lost the game.
    so it is NOT the late goal that I base my opinion on. screw the goal. it was the 180 degree change of attitude and tactics from 2 weeks back.
    believe me as I say I was writing all that as the game was going on and as you know I wasnt even aware of how the score would turn out.

    - secondly, russia is TOPPING their group ( B? ) as the reports convey.
    so I wouldnt call that "mediocre"
    besides, if topping one's our group is mediocre, then why all the hoopla about ..... anyway, lets leave that.

    - third, whether kishmish or nut or bademjoon, it proved a very important thing:
    the very same collection of 23 players WERE CAPABLE OF PERFORMING FAR BETTER if the coach had his line up, formation and game plan correctly.
    all 3 factors that ghtbi got wrong.
    (coz some friends are too quick to knock our players down and degrade them just to save the face of an incompetent coach!!)

    - fourth is haji and some others often come with snide remarks of how negative my posts are and how they never read anything positive and ... etc etc. now, I'm accused of being an optimist.
    and ironically neither view is correct.
    I dont gush over superficial stuff and usually talk about what I see that needs attention and improvement. and I also have confidence and belief in our players that they can surprise many of us and surmount many obstacles and shortcomings with their inherent talent.

    - fifth, I feel some of you hardly read my posts coz I see parts that I have already addressed. maybe becoz my posts are too long.
    true (that's why I use bold, italics, colors, ... to avoid the already long posts into monotonous ones. but even that gets some snide comments !!! oh, well .... ). but I cant help it and some of what's said in this page has been addressed already (like khalatbari, nori, line up, the seoul game, ... etc).

    bottomline is I feel the more some of us try to show we ARE capable of more (even with the same roster), the more ghtbi supporters resist what's staring at them in the face.

    so be it.
    the idiot is gone.
    some want to paint him as a savior, all the power to them
    some want to paint him as incompetent. so be it.
    I guess we shall see his capable tactical mind in the best league with the best infrastructure in asia. certainly nothing shd hold him back from claiming the J-league title given how masterful he is in crucial and stressful circumstances.

    what only remains is fairness and a hope that next time before putting zamin o zaman down just to support ONE individual, we'd think twice and have a wider view.

    and to demonstrate how different it would be without those silly bol/italics/color... (as if I like wasting my time going over the text and changing this to that and that to color and ... (lets see how many of you will read this ) :

    I started to write and the first thing that I put down was to prescribe ‘vaseline’. But then decided aganst such things. I refuse to gloat over ppl who think too small as it is no achievement to prove small ppl wrong.
    Then I wanted to exclaim how our infrastructure and football facilities have improved by 1000% since the asia cup (2 weeks back)!!! …. but I thought maybe some ppl wont even understand that.
    Then tried to paint the game if ghodbi was in charge and how different it would have been. And decided it’s a waste of time.
    But I have a few comments to make;
    1- Thank God Mansourian had the balls and spine to field a balanced side (as compared to the frightened mouse-like one of 2 weeks back). I am sure there must have been other small people who must have told him to keep it tight and heavy at the back, don’t dare attack the world’s 12th ranked team with shitload of legionnaires, and basically park the bus in front of the goal because by their “small” calculations we could concede 4-5 goals or 8 goals (like ksa) even. Yes, there are small ppl everywhere.
    But thank God he didn’t lack the balls (bebin che bad bakht shodim ke if the coach fields a “balanced” side, we attribute it to balls!!!! It’s just sad  ) and put the right kind of players who could defend AS WELL AS ATTACK.
    And as is the nature of the game, those who dare are usually rewarded for their daring. That’s why I used to say “Unless we try, we’ll never know what could have happened”. The difference is ghtbi didn’t have the spine to even try, but Mansourian did. Irrespective of the scoreline.
    2- Let me say this showed the difference between using a person who has hardly played competitive football and using a person who was a proper player with years of experience in competitive football. (this is not a 100% law, but a large majority of cases prove it)
    The difference was underlined today also.
    3- I am happy to see the show of force by our team with the help of its offensive players (nouri, hadadifard, gholami, khalatbari, heidari, even ando) to go at the russians (despite the disparity in ranking and reputation) this way we didn’t allow too much time and space to the opponents defenders to freely and easily join their team’s attacks and compound the pressure on us (exactly what happened vs. korea by our Mr. “kaf-e dast”). This was a very good strategy to hold back at least 3 russians. And our defense’s work was done easier by 3 players less to deal with.
    4- The ONE thing I can attribute to ghtbi (I’m not as blind as some ppl) is the pressing game. The team pressed well, especially in midfield and I guess Russians didn’t expect to get such an irreverent (I say “fearless”) treatment from our lads. I’m happy to say our lads won quite a lot of balls in the middle of the park that “on paper” and by “fifa ranking numbers” had no business to even dream about. Good move by Mansourian again.
    5- Again our defense showed some frailties as they allowed some really dangerous chances to the Russians including a couple of 1 on 1’s (I missed the first 8 minutes of second half. So I don’t know what happened then). But by the same token, they had some positive moments where either hosseini or aghili , heidari came to save our arses. So given the strength of the opponent players I say they did acceptably. Although there were a couple of moments that any coach would pull his hair for: hajsafi dribbling in our 18? Aghili passing right next to 2 russians inside the 18? These are silly mistakes that must be remedied.
    6- By second half, the more the game wore on the better we played and at times, we had the Russians pinned in their half. Now, this is the difference when you play a couple of CREATIVE midfielders in the team, who can play the ball and pass around and apply pressure offensively.
    7- If you ask me I’d say if our lads were more experienced & exposed, we could have done even better. This proves we DO have the potential and resources and the talent. The problem is HOW we use these resources and talent. If we don’t have a capable person at the helm, we misuse and waste all this talent. Case in point is how khalatbari wasted his chance to score in the 1st half. Perhaps a chip over the keeper’s head would have done the job.
    8- Hadadifard was great for most parts of the game. He even tracked back along with his mark , deep into our 18 and with his timely tackle saved a 100% chance (prevented a 1-on-1 with rahmati). This is exactly what nekounam has been failing to do for years now. This was mentioned time and again in many game threads too. Thankfully hadadifard is more diligent and intelligent to know he SHOULD stick to his mark. His passing and feeds were also far better than the likes of players we usually used under that little man as coach.
    This game would have been a great showcase of his talents, however he did have a couple of moments where he hung on to the ball for a bit too long and was either dispossessed or was put under pressure unnecessarily. So something to work on.
    9- By minutes 70-75 our left wing was almost out of gas and maybe mahini could have come in for the tired legs of hajsafi to bring in some life to the left.
    10- Khalatbari’s second yellow was completely avoidable. The ref could have held back. Come on, it’s not everyday that these players score game winning goals against huge European teams. relax mate.
    But what a marvelous goal. and this by no means from the opponents’ mistake (another difference some ppl have to admit), but from our own CREATIVITY in the midfield. The creativity that was severely missing under that little man.
    This shd be proof enough that with a balanced team we could achieve a lot. If we don’t behave like little frightened mice and if we stop thinking small. May this be an eye opener to all those who think small that bigger things ARE indeed possible … as long as we TRY.
    Yes, sometimes we may fail. Sometimes we may not get it. But at least we can stand erect and proud. Not cowered like little midgets who are scared of everything in life. And sometimes we may be rewarded. And the rewards are what we shd be after.
    Stats near the end show the number of attempted shots for Russia as 30 and for Iran as 27. That’s what you’ll get from a balanced team.
    late edit: just to clarify (before some ppl misunderstanding) this does not mean I say we are better than russia or we can easily beat them or we have a great chance at beating them every time we meet or ... or anything along that line.
    this only shows we dont know what our potential is until we actually TEST it, until we try.
    by sitting in a corner of the room, cowering out of fear we'll never know what we are capable of. and shd we lose to the likes of russia ... well, lets at least lose like proud men ... not like scared little mice


      FYI here are a few other notable friendly results from the past 48 hours:

      Germany 1 - Italy 1
      France 1 - Brazil 0
      Argentina 2 - Portugal 1
      South Korea 0 - Turkey 0
      Holland 3 - Austria 1
      England 2 - Denmark 1
      Spain 1 - Colombia 0


        DD, was your name given by Tony two times?


          Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
          if ghotbi had afshin missing, mansourian had ansarifard missing.
          if mansourian wanted to follow ghotbi's footstep, he would have played ghotbis favorite - pejman nouri rather than hadadifar and mohd nouri.
          if mansourian wanted to copy ghotbi, he would have played nosrati as RB, only to realize after 45 minutes that his team cant move past the half line and introduce heydari and burn a subsistution and waste the first 45 minutes of the game doing nothing but sit in his own half.
          but then again, who knows, maybe mansourian learnt a lesson after ghotbi's failure with korea and went for an alternative plan. if it wasnt for ghotbi's failure, maybe mansourian would still be following ghotbi's footsteps..
          Mokhtasar va mofid, up to the point!
          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


            ^ seconded.

            good post yashar jan
            duly repped


              merci dustan
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                ^ you're welcome.

                irrespective of differences in our opinion, when you speak the truth, you deserve recognition


                here's what other TM players had to say about the difference between the two games :

                and finally from the young interim coach, ali mansour:


                  Nice article, doc, I agree too that Ghotbi bazi ba Koreye jonoobiro kharab kard, albateh fekr nemikardam intor besheh ke shod...





                      Agreed with Dr. Doom.
                      Team Melli needs to play positively. It's as simple as that.
                      Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                        Originally posted by RaginG Inferno View Post
                        Agreed with Dr. Doom.
                        Team Melli needs to play positively. It's as simple as that.
                        I also agree......
                        believe it or not, the game I liked during Ghalenoee regim with TM..was the one he lost 4-0 in San Loise Potosi.


                          I find it amazing that you use parts of Masoorian Interview to contradicts what he himself said several times. You take pieces here and there and try to prove your point. Mansoorian himself overall praised Ghotbi and even said, Ghotbi contributed to the victory against Russia in part. I realize you don't see it that way, but it is like using part of what Obama says to come to a conclusion that Obama himself is against. In this case Mansoorian has clearly stated his opinion about Ghotbi which is different from yours.
                          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

                          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                            Originally posted by RaginG Inferno View Post
                            Agreed with Dr. Doom.
                            Team Melli needs to play positively. It's as simple as that.
                            In football there are two team and a struggle between the two team determines the outcome. So it isn't about what one team wants. It is about the balance of power. In that specific day Korea was better than us. You can't claim TM under Ghotbi overall played a negative game. At least I didn't see it like that during the AFC Asian cup.
                            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                              Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                              I find it amazing that you use parts of Masoorian Interview to contradicts what he himself said several times. You take pieces here and there and try to prove your point. Mansoorian himself overall praised Ghotbi and even said, Ghotbi contributed to the victory against Russia in part. I realize you don't see it that way, but it is like using part of what Obama says to come to a conclusion that Obama himself is against. In this case Mansoorian has clearly stated his opinion about Ghotbi which is different from yours.

                              in case you had followed ALL those clippings, the parts that are related to the difference between TM's 2 games, ghtbi's tactics and players' opinions on the comparison of the 2 games are highlighted.

                              this, to me looks far more specific and reliable and note worthy than mere "taarof" that mansourian made (on saying ghtbi deserves credit or this was his team or ... ) which are at best half truths and he is basically being POLITICALLY CORRECT and doing the gracious thing to share the credit with his predecessor.
                              that IS, MORALLY, the right thing to do if we are gracious.
                              but "technically" ? .... not so much.

                              but when we look at the specific differences in the line up, formation and the game plan we will (shd, if we are fair minded) see a sea of difference.

                              so I'm going to stick with the more particular and to the point comments rather than the taarof. sorry, bro.
                              I just dont understand this urge to "buy respectability and credit" for that little man through whatever means possible (here and in the other threads)!!!

