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A brief look at Iran's Olypmic team

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    A brief look at Iran's Olypmic team

    - What a fluctuation in line up from just a few months ago in Asian Games!

    If they can't get Ansarifard and Hajsafi back, the Asian Games would be a total waste of time and opportunity for Iran's Olympic team. From 11 regular starters in Asian Games, six of them were absent against Kyrgyzstan in Azadi!?

    Once again looks like we are wasting the Olympic qualifications for the sake of Asian Games .....

    - Afazeli has to make some adjustments if they wanna see the later stages of the qualifications. Generally, coaches' options are limited to a few talents in youth level and Afazeli has to find a way to utilize them.

    - If 4-2-3-1, he has to forget about what happened with Ansarifard (used injury excuse to skip the camp but played the same week for his club). He has to get Karim back as he seems to be the only solution for lone striker and there is no worthy back up for him.

    Afshin did not show to be the solution for that position and others were basically second rated strikers.

    - Afshin needs more space to use his gifted technique, and inside the box is too crowded for him. He has to move back to midfield, and Afazeli has to find a way to create space for him, perhaps with a dangerous striker, and better right winger and play makers.

    - I am not sure why Aliasgari is not being tested in right wing but some how I see him eventually to settle there as his natural position. He can help the offense with his speed and technique, and that can also opens up more space for Afshin from the left.

    There is no other right winger that can match Aliasgari's speed and technique in this Olympic team. With a better coaching Aliasgari can actually become one of Iran's super stars in near future.

    - Central midfield is where Afazeli has a choice and has to make a decision. Rahmani and Moslaman are the two offensive midfielders for this team, but Rahmani showed to be the better choice against Kyrgyzstan.

    I wonder if one of them has enough defensive skills, to move back one step and pair up with Kamyabi Nia.
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
    Go IRAN!

    Mansoor jan, do you think Hajsafi, Ansarifard and Afshin should play in the Omid team?

    In Europe, each player is selected for the national team only at one age level. I liked Afazeli's decision to exclude Hajsafi from the Omid team and that he said he was worried Hajsafi would end up injured like Navidkia. I think the same about Ansarifard and Afshin too, but at least they don't play in the ACL, so they play a few games less than Hajsafi.

    Hajsafi, if not injured, plays 34 games a year in the IPL, 4-5 games in Hazfi, at least 6 in the ACL, maybe around 15 with TM (he has played in most of the recent TM games, even against UAE where most fixed players were on the bench, he was a starter). He has been part of the Omid team and played in the Asian games just a few months ago where Iran played 7 games. If we add all these games the number will be more than 65! Now suppose if he has to play in the Olympics qualification games the number will rise to 70-75 games.

    Talents like Hajsafi, Ansarifard and Afshin are the players who should play in our football at least for the next 10 years. We should use their service in a way to maximize their performance in the long-term. I don't think forcing them to play 70-75 games a year is a step in the right direction.
    2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


      Mokhlesim Jamshid jan. That is a great point and I don't know what the solution is.

      I am not educated about players fitness and training and it is hard to answer but I am sure they have a better fitness programs in more professional environments such as European clubs than the one our players face.

      Maybe it is better for a player like Hajsafi that played in almost all of NT matches as a starter to stay out of Olympic team.

      And maybe it was a good idea by Carlos to maintain a same coaching team for both NT and Olympic team to synchronize. This way players can be divided and used more efficiently.

      Out of NT players in youth level, as you said perhaps Hajsafi should be excluded for the reason you mentioned at this stage. Afshin did not play much in NT and I am sure won't be effected by this. Ansarifard was also used much less than Hajsafi and will face lesss competition in upcoming months.

      I think Ansarifard and Afshin are much needed for Olympic team at this stage than Hajsafi any how, simply because of the position they play. If we qualify to Olympic games (big if at this point), perhaps Hajsafi can be used then.
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
      Go IRAN!


        Afazeli made a mistake by excluding Ansarifard, then inviting him again.
        Given his contribution to Saipa , that exception was a reward rather than punishment.
        Hajsafi hardly ever had played full heartedly for Omid or U19. He rather play only for national team.
        As you said, if 4231 is the game plan then Karim is only best choice and Afshin as a CD was a bad decision.
        Daghagheleh, Musavi have been around for few years but unfortunately without much improvement and coach should look for alternatives.
        Best is to keep , Mehedad, Bakhtiar, Afshin intact in the left and improve right arm of the team. But if he decide to play Ehsan as a LMF , then Bakhtiar most likely will move to RW or MM playmaker and Askar may play RB.
        I think Afazeli will play again with two DM given away game but that can change in case of snow or rain. Askari is better choice than Ebrahimi , should Afazeli play him upfront , both are experienced and versatile with powerfull long shots.
        Askari and Ebrahimi as RW are just quick solution but down the road players like Omidalishah and Emani may have a good chance , they have yet to play single IPL games .

        IPL apearances Min ( approx) for few Omid players and prospects just this season:
        Bakhtiar 2000 min
        Ansarifard 1750 Min
        Askari 1500 Min
        Milad Fakhredini 1500 Min
        Ebrahimzadeh 1400 Min
        Kamyabinia 1350Min
        Jamaati 1300 Min
        Koroushi 1100 Min
        Arash Afshin 1200 Min
        Ebrahimi 1050 Min
        Mosalman 1100 Min
        Milad Gharibi 700 Min
        Shoja Khalilzad 700 Min
        Hajmohhamd 550 Min
        Pouraliganji 450 Min
        Aghazamani 300 Min
        Zinal Kheyiry130 Min
        Kaveh Rezaei 120 Min
        Rasoul Kar 50 Min

        ( Last season, Ansarifard, Ebrahimi and Bakhtiar played abut and over 2000 Min too)


          ^ Interesting stats. Thanks Hejaz jan.

          I also think Afshin and Rahmani should pair with a better right winger, and there is no better choice than Aliasgari in this team in my opinion. He is a key player for this team to balance the left and right with his speed, and to generate more offense for Karim in the box as well as more space for Afshin and Rahmani in left and middle.

          I think the Afshin-Rahmani-Aliasgari trio behind Ansarifard will be a powerfull combination. It will arguably be the most productive offense Afazeli can put together.

          As for Hajsafi, I have a feeling Afazeli would use Hajsafi in left back to keep Afshin in left midfield, especially now that Ansarifard is back.

          Any how, I think with Karim's inclusion in new list, we should see a better performance from the offense. I just hope he decides to put Aliasgari in right midfield rather than right back.
          We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
          Go IRAN!


            I dont want to put too much in store of this game or the total fixture, mainly becoz not only houman is not the permanent coach of the team, but also he hasnt had enough time with the WHOLE roster to work with.

            so whatever my observations, comments and opinion, it will have to be shelved as soon as we get a coach for the team. jalali or otherwise.

            but I agree with mansour, especially on the generalities of the case.
            with no particular reference to this game, I believe our omid team shd be able to display better football and especially a more attacking line up and strategy, at home, hosting a 5th rate asian minnow.


              Esteghlal- Mes game was very interesting from Omid team point of view.

              Right defender Fakhrodini had an outstanding game. He is the new Kaabi but with even better offensive qualities and better touch.

              Also, Shoja Khalilzadeh had a "man of the match" performance in the centre of the defence. A key position in Omid since neither Kor or Talabeh are any good.

              Khalilzadeh was at times outstanding aginst Majidi, Salehi and Borhani.
              He was used as a rightback against Tajik but will hopefully move in the centre.

              Fakhrodini is a "strange" one and has turned down the offer to play for Omid.

              With Jaamati already looking good on the left, Omid can have an outstanding defensive line if Khalilazad is moved to centre and Fakhrodini decides to show up.


                Originally posted by xoraster View Post
                Esteghlal- Mes game was very interesting from Omid team point of view.
                Right defender Fakhrodini had an outstanding game. He is the new Kaabi but with even better offensive qualities and better touch.
                Also, Shoja Khalilzadeh had a "man of the match" performance in the centre of the defence. A key position in Omid since neither Kor or Talabeh are any good.
                Khalilzadeh was at times outstanding aginst Majidi, Salehi and Borhani.
                He was used as a rightback against Tajik but will hopefully move in the centre.
                Fakhrodini is a "strange" one and has turned down the offer to play for Omid.
                With Jaamati already looking good on the left, Omid can have an outstanding defensive line if Khalilazad is moved to centre and Fakhrodini decides to show up.

                Fakhredini was Luka discovery , he started him during ACL game while there was issues with Rajabzadeh, Samere... others . He was very young then.

                Problem with Milad is his attitude , he get so many colored cards.
                Shoja used to be his backup ( Mes Raf), they both are good .

                Today Afazeli started Askari at RB so he can play Daghaghele . During U19 games in KSA Shoja played RB while Askari as DM.
                During those game Shoja was backup for Ebrahimi as RB !!.

                For Zeinal Kheiri who replaced Daghaghele it was his first .

                Some of these young players move into different position as they grow up
                Saman Aghazamani who played DM for U19 then moved to RB , he is physically stronger while slower than Askari , they both fight for RB spot in Perspolis. Against Foulad Saman played well against Afshin.


                  خواسته*های جلالی از فدراسیون فوتبال برای هدایت تیم امید منتشر شد
                  مجید جلالی برای روشن شدن افکار عمومی، شرایطی که برای هدایت تیم فوتبال امید ایران با فدراسیون فوتبال مطرح کرده است را منتشر کرد.
                  به گزارش خبرگزاری مهر، مجید جلالی، سرمربی تیم فوتبال فولاد خوزستان و کاندیدای سرمربیگری تیم فوتبال امید ایران، هدف از این کار را آگاهی مردم فوتبال دوست ایران از زوایای مختلف مذاکره وی با فدراسیون فوتبال اعلام کرده است.

                  در متن نامه مجید جلالی برای رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال ایران که بر روی سایت شخصی او قرار گرفته آمده است: ضمن تشکر و قدردانی از حسن نیت حضرتعالی و پیرو مذاکرات حضوری مورخه 9/12/89 در محل فدراسیون فوتبال پیرامون مسئولیت تیم فوتبال امید ایران، به استحضار می*رسانم از آنجایی که می*دانیم فوتبال ما بیش از 34 سال از حضور در المپیک محروم بوده است و در تمام این سال*ها مشکلات و موانع بر سر راه این تیم اغلب مشابه بوده و برنامه*های معمول جهت رفع مشکلات و برداشتن موانع کافی نبوده است، لذا به نظر می رسد در صورتی که اراده*ای قوی جهت راهیابی تیم ایران به المپیک وجود داشته باشد، باید برنامه*ای ویژه و متفاوت با آنچه که در این چند سال بوده طراحی شود.

                  وی در ادامه با اشاره به اینکه نقطه نظرات و درخواست*هایش صرفا جهت بالا بردن ضریب موفقیت تیم امید بوده، در هفت بند این درخواست*ها را مطرح کرده است.

                  1 - اتمام مسابقات لیگ و جام حذفی تا پایان اردیبهشت 90
                  همانطور که مشخص است، تیم امید ایران می بایست در تاریخ 29/3/90 در یک بازی پلی*آف شرکت کند که حریف ایران هنوز مشخص نیست. از آنجایی که مسابقات لیگ برتر روز 30 اردیبهشت و جام حذفی روز 11 خرداد 90 به اتمام می*رسد، بنابراین باید طوری برنامه*ریزی شود که جام حذفی هم در پایان اردیبهشت به اتمام برسد تا بازیکنان بتوانند بدون مشکل خاصی در خردادماه در اختیار تیم امید باشند.

                  2 - وضعیت بازیکنان مورد درخواست تیم امید
                  تمامی بازیکنان مورد درخواست تیم امید در طول سال 1390 به هر میزان که مورد نظر تیم امید است می بایست در اختیار فدراسیون قرار گیرند.
                  (برای مثال: در دوره هایی که در زیر آمده است)
                  * 3 خرداد تا 3 تیر 1390
                  * 9 تا 30 شهریور 1390
                  * 10 آبان تا 7 آذر 1390
                  * 1 بهمن تا 17 بهمن 1390
                  * 23 بهمن تا 25 اسفند 1390

                  لازم به ذکر است که طول زمانی هر اردو به ندرت از پنج روز بیشتر می*شود (توام با استراحت*های دو روزه)، همچنین به علاوه موارد بالا، اردوهای کوتاه مدت در سال 90 و در روزهای فیفا برنامه*ریزی خواهد شد.

                  دلایل درخواست بند 2 :
                  الف - فضای ذهنی بین المللی و حساسیت خاص تیم ملی مهمترین موضوع ذهنی است که باید به بازیکنان غالب شود تا خود را تنها در اختیار تیم ملی و متعهد به موفقیت آن بدانند.

                  ب - بسیار ضروری است که بازیکنان از نظر جسمانی در اختیار یک گروه مربیگری قرار گیرند به طوری که در روزهایی که تیم فوتبال امید استراحت می*کند این بازیکنان هم به استراحت بپردازند و این برای سطح آمادگی و حفظ سلامتی و شادابی آنها بسیار مهم است.

                  ج - از نظر سطح هماهنگی تاکتیکی و ساخت یک تیم خوب و هماهنگ بسیار مؤثر است.

                  3 - عقد قرارداد با بازیکنان تیم امید
                  الف - بازیکنان تیم امید در تمام مدتی که در اختیار فدراسیون هستند، تحت قرارداد با فدراسیون و کاملا متعهد و وابسته به این قرارداد باشند.

                  ب - برای باشگاه*های این بازیکنان، مشوق*هایی داشته باشیم. برای مثال، به ازای هر بازیکن که در اختیار تیم امید است، باشگاه این بازیکن بتواند یک بازیکن آزاد، خارجی و یا لیگ برتری اضافه بر سهمیه معمول همه تیم*ها در دوره نقل و انتقالات جذب کند.

                  4 - اولویت اول فوتبال ملی در سال 90 تیم امید باشد
                  الف - بازیکنی که متعلق به تیم امید است به تیم ملی بزرگسالان دعوت نشود، حتی اگر از تیم امید خط خورده باشد.

                  ب - از نظر تدارکات، اردوها، هتل، مسافرت، لباس، تغذیه، پروازهای اختصاصی برای مسابقات به دیگر کشورها و ... در بهترین وضعیت باشد.

                  5 - موضوع تیم فوتبال امید ایران، یک مسئولیت مشترک بین سازمان تربیت بدنی، کمیته ملی المپیک و فدراسیون فوتبال است.

                  بنابراین می بایستی در جلسه*ای مشترک، مسئولان این سه نهاد محترم در انتخاب سرمربی تیم به تفاهم رسیده و نسبت به شایستگی و حمایت از سرمربی و تیم امید از طریق رسانه*ها اقرار و تاکید کنند.

                  6 - موضوع اردوها و دیدارهای تدارکاتی بین المللی
                  با حساسیت ویژه و متناسب با شان تیم امید در دستور کار قرار گیرد.

                  7 - انتخاب سرپرست تیم امید
                  بسیار تاثیرگذار و حائز اهمیت است و ما می*دانیم کسانی هستند که حضور آنها می*تواند امتیازات بزرگی در زمینه*های مختلف را برای تیم فراهم کند. این انتخاب با هماهنگی سرمربی تیم باشد.

                  بدیهی است مسائل دیگری مانند کادر فنی، پزشکی، آنالیز، قراردادها و ... نیز وجود دارد که در صورت توافق در موارد بالا، می*توان به صورت حضوری به بحث در مورد آنها نیز پرداخت. در پایان از بذل توجه و عنایت حضرتعالی کمال تشکر را می کنیم.

